blob: a6e57d8faa15e53ade3c654a1c1d97402c353e14 [file] [log] [blame]
set -eu
MYDIR="$(dirname $0)"
. "${MYDIR}/../config"
. "${MYDIR}/../auth"
if ! test -r "$NAME"; then
echo 1>&2 "Input file $NAME does not exist"
exit 1
# This is a bit ugly as it only works reliably on the toplevel jenkins URL.
# (i.e. we cannot say job/createItem?name=Bla or view/createItem?name=Blup,
# so instead just take the filename as name and create it at the toplevel)
BASENAME="$(basename ${NAME})"
curl -f -s -u "${JENKINS_USER}:${JENKINS_TOKEN}" -XPOST "${URL}/createItem?name=${BASENAME}" --data-binary "@${NAME}" -H "Content-Type:text/xml"