blob: 50e42826663d73ca0d83cd3ba0ffad7cf0f4e521 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file is part of txgithub. txgithub is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Copyright Buildbot Team Members
import re
import json
from twisted.python import log
from twisted.internet import defer, ssl
from twisted.web import client
class _GithubPageGetter(client.HTTPPageGetter):
def handleStatus_204(self):
# github returns 204 for e.g., DELETE operations
class _GithubHTTPClientFactory(client.HTTPClientFactory):
protocol = _GithubPageGetter
# dont' log about starting and stopping
noisy = False
class GithubApi(object):
# Interface to the github API, using
# - API v3
# - optional user/pass auth (token is not available with v3)
# - async API
def __init__(self, oauth2_token, baseURL=None, reactor=None):
self._baseURL = baseURL or ''
self.oauth2_token = oauth2_token
self.rateLimitWarningIssued = False
self.contextFactory = ssl.ClientContextFactory()
if reactor is None:
from twisted.internet import reactor
self.reactor = reactor
def _makeHeaders(self):
assert self.oauth2_token, "no token specified"
return { 'Authorization' : 'token ' + self.oauth2_token }
def makeRequest(self, url_args, post=None, method='GET', page=0):
headers = self._makeHeaders()
url = self._baseURL
url += '/'.join(url_args)
if page:
url += "?page=%d" % page
postdata = None
if post:
postdata = json.dumps(post)
log.msg("fetching '%s'" % (url,), system='github')
factory = _GithubHTTPClientFactory(url, headers=headers,
postdata=postdata, method=method,
agent='txgithub', followRedirect=0,
self.reactor.connectSSL(, factory.port, factory,
d = factory.deferred
def check_ratelimit(data):
self.last_response_headers = factory.response_headers
remaining = int(factory.response_headers.get(
'x-ratelimit-remaining', [0])[0])
if remaining < 100 and not self.rateLimitWarningIssued:
log.msg("warning: only %d Github API requests remaining "
"before rate-limiting" % remaining)
self.rateLimitWarningIssued = True
return data
def un_json(data):
if data:
return json.loads(data)
return d
link_re = re.compile('<([^>]*)>; rel="([^"]*)"')
def makeRequestAllPages(self, url_args):
page = 0
data = []
while True:
data.extend((yield self.makeRequest(url_args, page=page)))
if 'link' not in self.last_response_headers:
link_hdr = self.last_response_headers['link'][0]
for link in self.link_re.findall(link_hdr):
if link[1] == 'next':
# note that we don't *use* the page -- why bother?
break # no 'next' link, so we're done
page += 1
_repos = None
def repos(self):
if not self._repos:
self._repos = ReposEndpoint(self)
return self._repos
_gists = None
def gists(self):
if not self._gists:
self._gists = GistsEndpoint(self)
return self._gists
_pulls = None
def pulls(self):
if not self._pulls:
self._pulls = PullsEndpoint(self)
return self._pulls
_comments = None
def comments(self):
if not self._comments:
self._comments = IssueCommentsEndpoint(self)
return self._comments
_reviews = None
def reviews(self):
if not self._reviews:
self._reviews = ReviewCommentsEndpoint(self)
return self._reviews
class BaseEndpoint(object):
def __init__(self, api):
self.api = api
class ReposEndpoint(BaseEndpoint):
def getEvents(self, repo_user, repo_name, until_id=None):
"""Get all repository events, following paging, until the end
or until UNTIL_ID is seen. Returns a Deferred."""
done = False
page = 0
events = []
while not done:
new_events = yield self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'events'],
# terminate if we find a matching ID
if new_events:
for event in new_events:
if event['id'] == until_id:
done = True
done = True
page += 1
def getHooks(self, repo_user, repo_name):
"""Get all repository hooks. Returns a Deferred."""
return self.api.makeRequestAllPages(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'hooks'])
def getHook(self, repo_user, repo_name, hook_id):
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id
Returns the Hook.
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'hooks', str(hook_id)],
def createHook(self, repo_user, repo_name, name, config, events, active):
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'hooks'],
post=dict(name=name, config=config, events=events, active=active))
def editHook(self, repo_user, repo_name, hook_id, name, config,
events=None, add_events=None, remove_events=None, active=None):
PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id
:param hook_id: Id of the hook.
:param name: The name of the service that is being called.
:param config: A Hash containing key/value pairs to provide settings
for this hook.
post = dict(
if events is not None:
post['events'] = events
if add_events is not None:
post['add_events'] = add_events
if remove_events is not None:
post['remove_events'] = remove_events
if active is not None:
post['active'] = active
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'hooks', str(hook_id)],
def testHook(self, repo_user, repo_name, hook_id):
POST /repos/:owner/:repo/hooks/:id/tests
Response headers:
Status: 204 No Content
X-RateLimit-Limit: 5000
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 4999
Response content:
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'hooks', str(hook_id), 'tests'],
def deleteHook(self, repo_user, repo_name, id):
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'hooks', str(id)],
def getStatuses(self, repo_user, repo_name, sha):
:param sha: Full sha to list the statuses from.
:return: A defered with the result from GitHub.
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'statuses', sha],
def createStatus(self,
repo_user, repo_name, sha, state, target_url=None,
description=None, context=None):
:param sha: Full sha to create the status for.
:param state: one of the following 'pending', 'success', 'error'
or 'failure'.
:param target_url: Target url to associate with this status.
:param description: Short description of the status.
:return: A defered with the result from GitHub.
payload = {'state': state}
if description is not None:
payload['description'] = description
if target_url is not None:
payload['target_url'] = target_url
if context is not None:
payload['context'] = context
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'statuses', sha],
class GistsEndpoint(BaseEndpoint):
def create(self, files, description=None, public=True):
data = { 'files': files, 'public': bool(public) }
if description is not None:
data['description'] = description
return self.api.makeRequest(
class PullsEndpoint(BaseEndpoint):
def edit(self, repo_user, repo_name, pull_number,
title=None, body=None, state=None):
PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number
:param pull_number: The pull request's number
:param title: The new title for the pull request
:param body: The new top-level body for the pull request
:param state: The new top-level body for the pull request
if not any((title, body, state)):
raise ValueError("must provide at least one of:"
" title, body, state")
post = {}
if title is not None:
post['title'] = title
if body is not None:
post['body'] = body
if state is not None:
if state not in ('open', 'closed'):
raise ValueError("state must be either 'open' or 'closed'")
post['state'] = state
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'pulls', pull_number],
class IssueCommentsEndpoint(BaseEndpoint):
def create(self, repo_user, repo_name, issue_number, body):
PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments
:param issue_number: The issue's (or pull request's) number
:param body: The body of this comment
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name,
'issues', issue_number, 'comments'],
class ReviewCommentsEndpoint(BaseEndpoint):
def getRepoComments(self, repo_user, repo_name):
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments
return self.api.makeRequestAllPages(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name, 'pulls', 'comments'])
def getPullRequestComments(self, repo_user, repo_name, pull_number):
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/comments
:param pull_number: The pull request's number.
return self.api.makeRequestAllPages(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name,
'pulls', str(pull_number), 'comments'])
def getComment(self, repo_user, repo_name, comment_id):
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/pull/comments/:number
:param comment_id: The review comment's ID.
return self.api.makeRequest(
['repos', repo_user, repo_name,
'pulls', 'comments', str(comment_id)])
def createComment(self, repo_user, repo_name, pull_number,
body, commit_id, path, position):
POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/comments
:param pull_number: The pull request's ID.
:param body: The text of the comment.
:param commit_id: The SHA of the commit to comment on.
:param path: The relative path of the file to comment on.
:param position: The line index in the diff to comment on.
return self.api.makeRequest(
["repos", repo_user, repo_name,
"pulls", str(pull_number), "comments"],
def replyToComment(self, repo_user, repo_name, pull_number,
body, in_reply_to):
POST /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/:number/comments
Like create, but reply to an existing comment.
:param body: The text of the comment.
:param in_reply_to: The comment ID to reply to.
return self.api.makeRequest(
["repos", repo_user, repo_name,
"pulls", str(pull_number), "comments"],
def editComment(self, repo_user, repo_name, comment_id, body):
PATCH /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id
:param comment_id: The ID of the comment to edit
:param body: The new body of the comment.
return self.api.makeRequest(
["repos", repo_user, repo_name,
"pulls", "comments", str(comment_id)],
def deleteComment(self, repo_user, repo_name, comment_id):
DELETE /repos/:owner/:repo/pulls/comments/:id
:param comment_id: The ID of the comment to edit
:param body: The new body of the comment.
return self.api.makeRequest(
["repos", repo_user, repo_name,
"pulls", "comments", str(comment_id)],