blob: db4c0bf9d75173ebb3112e9a92769c1e34b4331f [file] [log] [blame]
import re
from os.path import basename
from buildbot.process.results import SUCCESS
from buildbot.process.results import FAILURE
from import Test
from buildbot.process.logobserver import LogLineObserver
class LitLogObserver(LogLineObserver):
# Regular expressions for a regular test line.
kTestLineRE = re.compile(r'(\w+): (.*) \(.*\)')
# Regular expressions for verbose log start and stop markers. Verbose log
# output always immediately follow a test.
kTestVerboseLogStartRE = re.compile(r"""\*{4,80} TEST '(.*)' .*""")
kTestVerboseLogStopRE = re.compile(r"""\*{10,80}""")
# These are the codes for which we will include the log output in the buildbot
# step results.
failingCodes = set(['FAIL', 'XPASS', 'KPASS', 'UNRESOLVED', 'TIMEOUT', 'ERROR'])
# Regular expressions for start of summary marker.
kStartSummaryRE = re.compile(r'^Failing Tests \(\d*\)$')
def __init__(self, maxLogs=None, parseSummaryOnly=False):
self.resultCounts = {}
self.maxLogs = maxLogs
self.numLogs = 0
# If non-null, a tuple of the last test code and name.
self.lastTestResult = None
# If non-null, a list of lines in the current log.
self.activeVerboseLog = None
# Current line will be parsed as result steps only if parserStarted is True
self.parserStarted = not parseSummaryOnly
self.simplifiedLog = False
def hadFailure(self):
for code in self.failingCodes:
if self.resultCounts.get(code):
return True
def handleVerboseLogLine(self, line):
# Append to the log.
# If this is a stop marker, process the test info.
if self.kTestVerboseLogStopRE.match(line.strip()):
def testInfoFinished(self):
# We have finished getting information for one test, handle it.
if self.lastTestResult:
code, name = self.lastTestResult
# If the test failed, add a log entry for it (unless we have reached the
# max).
if code in self.failingCodes and (self.maxLogs is None or
self.numLogs < self.maxLogs):
# If a verbose log was not provided, just add a one line description.
if self.activeVerboseLog is None:
self.activeVerboseLog = ['%s: %s' % (code, name)]
# Add the log to the build status.
# Make the test name short, the qualified test name is in the log anyway.
# Otherwise, we run out of the allowed name length on some hosts.
name_part = name.rpartition('::')
code + ': ' + name_part[0].strip() + name_part[1] + basename(name_part[2]),
self.numLogs += 1
if self.activeVerboseLog:
"error: missing test status line, skipping log")
# Reset the current state.
self.lastTestResult = None
self.activeVerboseLog = None
def handleSimplifiedLogLine(self, line):
# Check for test status line
m = self.kTestLineRE.match(line.strip())
if m:
# Remember the last test result and update the result counts.
self.lastTestResult = (code, name) = m.groups()
self.resultCounts[code] = self.resultCounts.get(code, 0) + 1
def outLineReceived(self, line):
# Assert - Lines after "Failing Test (\d)" will be summary line and will not contain verbose message
if self.simplifiedLog is True:
# If we are inside a verbose log, just accumulate lines until we reach the
# stop marker.
if self.activeVerboseLog is not None:
# Check for the test verbose log start marker.
m = self.kTestVerboseLogStartRE.match(line.strip())
if m:
self.activeVerboseLog = [line]
if self.lastTestResult is None:
if self.activeVerboseLog:
"error: missing test line before verbose log start.")
elif != self.lastTestResult[1]:
# This is bogus, the verbose log test name doesn't match what we
# expect. Just note it in the log but otherwise accumulate as normal.
"error: verbose log output name didn't match expected test name")
# Otherwise, if we had any previous test consider it finished.
# FIXME: This assumes that we will always have at least one line following
# the last test result to properly record each test; we could fix this if
# buildbot provided us a hook for when the log is done.
if self.lastTestResult:
if self.kStartSummaryRE.match(line):
self.parserStarted = True;
self.simplifiedLog = True;
#Assign result line only if summary marker has been matched
#Or if all lines should be parsed
if self.parserStarted is True:
# Check for a new test status line.
m = self.kTestLineRE.match(line.strip())
if m:
# Remember the last test result and update the result counts.
self.lastTestResult = (code, name) = m.groups()
self.resultCounts[code] = self.resultCounts.get(code, 0) + 1
class LitTestCommand(Test):
resultNames = {'FAIL':'unexpected failures',
'PASS':'expected passes',
'XFAIL':'expected failures',
'XPASS':'unexpected passes',
'KFAIL':'known failures',
'KPASS':'unknown passes',
'UNRESOLVED':'unresolved testcases',
'UNTESTED':'untested testcases',
'REGRESSED':'runtime performance regression',
'IMPROVED':'runtime performance improvement',
'UNSUPPORTED':'unsupported tests',
'TIMEOUT':'timeout waiting for results'}
def __init__(self, ignore=[], flaky=[], max_logs=20, parseSummaryOnly=False,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.maxLogs = int(max_logs)
self.logObserver = LitLogObserver(self.maxLogs, parseSummaryOnly)
self.addLogObserver('stdio', self.logObserver)
def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
# Always report failure if the command itself failed.
if cmd.rc != 0:
return FAILURE
# Otherwise, report failure if there were failures in the log.
if self.logObserver.hadFailure():
return FAILURE
return SUCCESS
def describe(self, done=False):
description = Test.describe(self, done) or list()
for name, count in self.logObserver.resultCounts.items():
if name in self.resultNames:
description.append('{0} {1}'.format(count, self.resultNames[name]))
description.append('Unexpected test result output ' + name)
return description