blob: e0a2f3fa3075db0ac481e24cc24e2e10235c86f1 [file] [log] [blame]
Utilities for building the llvmlab multi-tool.
import os
import sys
class Tool(object):
This object defines a generic command line tool instance, which dynamically
builds its commands from a module dictionary.
Example usage::
import scripts
def action_foo(name, args):
"the foo command"
tool = scripts.Tool(locals())
if __name__ == '__main__':
Any function beginning with "action_" is considered a tool command. It's
name is defined by the function name suffix. Underscores in the function
name are converted to '-' in the command line syntax. Actions ending ith
"-debug" are not listed in the help.
def __init__(self, locals):
# Create the list of commands.
self.commands = dict((name[7:].replace('_', '-'), f)
for name, f in locals.items()
if name.startswith('action_'))
def usage(self, name):
print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: %s command [options]" % (
print >>sys.stderr
print >>sys.stderr, "Available commands:"
cmds_width = max(map(len, self.commands))
for name, func in sorted(self.commands.items()):
if name.endswith("-debug"):
print >>sys.stderr, " %-*s - %s" % (cmds_width, name,
def main(self, args):
if len(args) < 2 or args[1] not in self.commands:
if len(args) >= 2:
print >>sys.stderr, "error: invalid command %r\n" % args[1]
cmd = args[1]
return self.commands[cmd]('%s %s' % (args[0], cmd), args[2:])