The first draft of ported AnnotatedCommand.
diff --git a/zorg/buildbot/commands/ b/zorg/buildbot/commands/
index 8ec5780..ec62bf0 100644
--- a/zorg/buildbot/commands/
+++ b/zorg/buildbot/commands/
@@ -1,45 +1,112 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE.chromium.TXT file.
+#NOTE: Updated to use with Buildbot 2.8.
+# pylint: disable=C0103
-import copy
+#TODO: Handle errors in op defers.
+#TODO: Redesign of waiting ops completition on the command complete event.
 import re
-import time
+from twisted.internet import defer
+from twisted.python import failure
+from twisted.python import log as logging
-from buildbot import util
+from buildbot.plugins import util
 from buildbot.process import buildstep
-from import WithProperties
 from buildbot.status import builder
 from buildbot.steps import shell
-from buildbot.steps import source
+# 1: Create step object.
+# 2: yield step.addStep()
+# ...
+# N+1: yield step.finishStep()
+class VirtBuildStep(buildstep.BuildStep):
+    def  __init__(self, parent_step, *args, **kwargs):
+        self.parent_step = parent_step
+        buildstep.BuildStep.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        logging.msg("VirtBuildStep:__init__: %s" %
+        # Step is really unpredictable
+        self.useProgress = False
+ =
+        self.master =
+        self.worker = self.parent_step.worker
+        self.setText = lambda text: self.realUpdateSummary()
+        self.setText2 = lambda text: self.realUpdateSummary()
+        self.finished_step = False
+        self.stdio_log = None
+        self.step_text = ""
+        self.step_summary_text = []
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def addStep(self):
+        logging.msg("VirtBuildStep: adding step with name '%s'" %
+        yield buildstep.BuildStep.addStep(self)
+        # Put ourselves into a list of processed steps of the build object.
+        # Init result to SUCCESS by default.
+        self.results = builder.SUCCESS
+        self.setText([])
+        self.stdio_log = yield self.addLog('stdio')
+        logging.msg("VirtBuildStep: added step '%s': stepid=%s, buildid=%s" % (
+          , self.stepid,
-class BuilderStatus(object):
-  # Order in asceding severity.
-      builder.SUCCESS,
-      builder.WARNINGS,
-      builder.FAILURE,
-      builder.EXCEPTION,
-  ]
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def finishStep(self, results):
+        if self.finished_step:
+            return
+        self.finished_step = True
+        if results is not None:
+            self.results = results
+        hidden = False
+        logging.msg("VirtBuildStep: finish step '%s': stepid=%s, buildid=%s, results=%s" % (
+          , self.stepid,, self.results))
+        yield, self.results,
+                                                  hidden)
+        # finish unfinished logs
+        all_finished = yield self.finishUnfinishedLogs()
+        logging.msg("VirtBuildStep: finish step '%s': stepid=%s, buildid=%s" % (
+          , self.stepid,
+        if not all_finished:
+            self.results = builder.EXCEPTION
-  @classmethod
-  def combine(cls, a, b):
-    """Combine two status, favoring the more severe."""
-    if a not in cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING:
-      return b
-    if b not in cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING:
-      return a
-    a_rank = cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING.index(a)
-    b_rank = cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING.index(b)
-    pick = max(a_rank, b_rank)
-    return cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING[pick]
+    #NOTE: we should not run this step in regular way.
+    def run(self):
+        self.results = builder.EXCEPTION
+        return self.results
+class BuilderStatus:
+    # Order in asceding severity.
+        builder.SUCCESS,
+        builder.WARNINGS,
+        builder.FAILURE,
+        builder.EXCEPTION,
+    ]
+    @classmethod
+    def combine(cls, a, b):
+        """Combine two status, favoring the more severe."""
+        if a not in cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING:
+            return b
+        if b not in cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING:
+            return a
+        a_rank = cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING.index(a)
+        b_rank = cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING.index(b)
+        pick = max(a_rank, b_rank)
+        return cls.BUILD_STATUS_ORDERING[pick]
 class ProcessLogShellStep(shell.ShellCommand):
-  """ Step that can process log files.
+    """ Step that can process log files.
     Delegates actual processing to log_processor, which is a subclass of
@@ -56,366 +123,867 @@
-  """
-  def  __init__(self, log_processor_class=None, *args, **kwargs):
-    Args:
-      log_processor_class: subclass of
-        process_log.PerformanceLogProcessor that will be initialized and
-        invoked once command was successfully completed.
-    """
-    self._result_text = []
-    self._log_processor = None
-    # If log_processor_class is not None, it should be a class.  Create an
-    # instance of it.
-    if log_processor_class:
-      self._log_processor = log_processor_class()
-    shell.ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+    def  __init__(self, log_processor_class=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Args:
+          log_processor_class: subclass of
+            process_log.PerformanceLogProcessor that will be initialized and
+            invoked once command was successfully completed.
+        """
+        self._result_text = []
+        self._log_processor = None
+        # If log_processor_class is not None, it should be a class.  Create an
+        # instance of it.
+        if log_processor_class:
+            self._log_processor = log_processor_class()
+        shell.ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-  def start(self):
-    """Overridden shell.ShellCommand.start method.
+    def start(self):
+        """Overridden shell.ShellCommand.start method.
-    Adds a link for the activity that points to report ULR.
+        Adds a link for the activity that points to report ULR.
+        """
+        # got_revision could be poisoned by checking out the script itself.
+        # So, let's assume that we will get the exactly the same revision
+        # this build has been triggered for, and let the script report
+        # the revision it checked out.
+        self.setProperty('got_revision', self.getProperty('revision'), 'Source')
+        self._CreateReportLinkIfNeccessary()
+        shell.ShellCommand.start(self)
+    def _GetRevision(self):
+        """Returns the revision number for the build.
+        Result is the revision number of the latest change that went in
+        while doing gclient sync. Tries 'got_revision' (from log parsing)
+        then tries 'revision' (usually from forced build). If neither are
+        found, will return -1 instead.
+        """
+        revision = None
+        try:
+            revision ='got_revision')
+        except KeyError:
+            pass  # 'got_revision' doesn't exist (yet)
+        if not revision:
+            try:
+                revision ='revision')
+            except KeyError:
+                pass  # neither exist
+        if not revision:
+            revision = -1
+        return revision
+    def commandComplete(self, cmd):
+        """Callback implementation that will use log process to parse 'stdio' data.
+        """
+        if self._log_processor:
+            self._result_text = self._log_processor.Process(
+                self._GetRevision(), self.getLog('stdio').getText())
+    def getText(self, cmd, results):
+        text_list = self.describe(True)
+        if self._result_text:
+            self._result_text.insert(0, '<div class="BuildResultInfo">')
+            self._result_text.append('</div>')
+            text_list = text_list + self._result_text
+        return text_list
+    def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
+        shell_result = shell.ShellCommand.evaluateCommand(self, cmd)
+        log_result = None
+        if self._log_processor and 'evaluateCommand' in dir(self._log_processor):
+            log_result = self._log_processor.evaluateCommand(cmd)
+        return BuilderStatus.combine(shell_result, log_result)
+    def _CreateReportLinkIfNeccessary(self):
+        if self._log_processor and self._log_processor.ReportLink():
+            self.addURL('results', "%s" % self._log_processor.ReportLink())
+class AnnotationObserver_(buildstep.LogLineObserver):
+    """This class knows how to understand annotations.
+    Here are a list of the currently supported annotations:
+    @@@BUILD_STEP <stepname>@@@
+    Add a new step <stepname>. End the current step, marking with last available
+    status.
+    @@@STEP_LINK@<label>@<url>@@@
+    Add a link with label <label> linking to <url> to the current stage.
+    @@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@
+    Mark the current step as having warnings (oragnge).
+    @@@STEP_FAILURE@@@
+    Mark the current step as having failed (red).
+    Mark the current step as having exceptions (magenta).
+    @@@STEP_CLEAR@@@
+    Reset the text description of the current step.
+    Reset the text summary of the current step.
+    @@@STEP_TEXT@<msg>@@@
+    Append <msg> to the current step text.
+    @@@STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT@<msg>@@@
+    Append <msg> to the step summary (appears on top of the waterfall).
+    @@@HALT_ON_FAILURE@@@
+    Halt if exception or failure steps are encountered (default is not).
+    Honor the return code being zero (success), even if steps have other results.
+    Deprecated annotations:
+    TODO(bradnelson): drop these when all users have been tracked down.
+    Equivalent to @@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@
+    @@@BUILD_FAILED@@@
+    Equivalent to @@@STEP_FAILURE@@@
+    Equivalent to @@@STEP_EXCEPTION@@@
+    @@@link@<label>@<url>@@@
+    Equivalent to @@@STEP_LINK@<label>@<url>@@@
-    # got_revision could be poisoned by checking out the script itself.
-    # So, let's assume that we will get the exactly the same revision
-    # this build has been triggered for, and let the script report
-    # the revision it checked out.
-    self.setProperty('got_revision', self.getProperty('revision'), 'Source')
+    _re_step_link           = re.compile(r'^@@@(STEP_LINK|link)@(?P<link_label>.*)@(?P<link_url>.*)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_warnings       = re.compile(r'^@@@(STEP_WARNINGS|BUILD_WARNINGS)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_failure        = re.compile(r'^@@@(STEP_FAILURE|BUILD_FAILED)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_exception      = re.compile(r'^@@@(STEP_EXCEPTION|BUILD_EXCEPTION)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_halt_on_failure     = re.compile(r'^@@@HALT_ON_FAILURE@@@', re.M)
+    _re_honor_zero_rc       = re.compile(r'^@@@HONOR_ZERO_RETURN_CODE@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_clear          = re.compile(r'^@@@STEP_CLEAR@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_summary_clear  = re.compile(r'^@@@STEP_SUMMARY_CLEAR@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_text           = re.compile(r'^@@@STEP_TEXT@(?P<text>.*)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_summary_step   = re.compile(r'^@@@STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT@(?P<text>.*)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_build_step          = re.compile(r'^@@@BUILD_STEP (?P<name>.*)@@@', re.M)
-    self._CreateReportLinkIfNeccessary()
-    shell.ShellCommand.start(self)
+    def __init__(self, command=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        buildstep.LogLineObserver.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.command = command
+        self.annotate_status = builder.SUCCESS
+        self.halt_on_failure = False
+        self.honor_zero_return_code = False
-  def _GetRevision(self):
-    """Returns the revision number for the build.
+        # A sequence of synchronius operations.
+        self._delayed_op_queue = []
+        self._proc_op_in_queue = None
+        # Current active virtual step, generated by annotation.
+        # We cannot process more than one step at the time, so
+        # having a single object for that should be enough.
+        self._active_vstep = None
-    Result is the revision number of the latest change that went in
-    while doing gclient sync. Tries 'got_revision' (from log parsing)
-    then tries 'revision' (usually from forced build). If neither are
-    found, will return -1 instead.
-    """
-    revision = None
-    try:
-      revision ='got_revision')
-    except KeyError:
-      pass  # 'got_revision' doesn't exist (yet)
-    if not revision:
-      try:
-        revision ='revision')
-      except KeyError:
-        pass  # neither exist
-    if not revision:
-      revision = -1
-    return revision
+        self._dlock = defer.DeferredLock()
-  def commandComplete(self, cmd):
-    """Callback implementation that will use log process to parse 'stdio' data.
-    """
-    if self._log_processor:
-      self._result_text = self._log_processor.Process(
-          self._GetRevision(), self.getLog('stdio').getText())
+        self._re_set = [
+            # Support: @@@STEP_LINK@<name>@<url>@@@ (emit link)
+            # Also support depreceated @@@link@<name>@<url>@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_step_link,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: STEP_LINK"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_addStepLink(args['link_label'],
+                                                                 args['link_url']),
+                                  name="op_addStepLink")
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@ (warn on a stage)
+            # Also support deprecated @@@BUILD_WARNINGS@@@
+             {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_step_warnings,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: STEP_WARNINGS"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_updateStepStatus(builder.WARNINGS),
+                                  name="op_updateStepStatus")
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_FAILURE@@@ (fail a stage)
+            # Also support deprecated @@@BUILD_FAILED@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_step_failure,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: STEP_FAILURE"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_updateStepStatus(builder.FAILURE),
+                                  name="op_updateStepStatus")
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_EXCEPTION@@@ (exception on a stage)
+            # Also support deprecated @@@BUILD_FAILED@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_step_exception,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: STEP_EXCEPTION"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_updateStepStatus(builder.EXCEPTION),
+                                  name="op_updateStepStatus")
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@HALT_ON_FAILURE@@@ (halt if a step fails immediately)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_halt_on_failure,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: HALT_ON_FAILURE"),
+                    self.setHaltOnFailure(True)
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@HONOR_ZERO_RETURN_CODE@@@ (succeed on 0 return, even if some
+            #     steps have failed)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_honor_zero_rc,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: HONOR_ZERO_RC"),
+                    self.setHonorZeroReturnCode(True)
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_CLEAR@@@ (reset step description)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_step_clear,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: STEP_CLEAR"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_updateStepText(text=None),
+                                  name="op_updateStepText")
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_SUMMARY_CLEAR@@@ (reset step summary)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_step_summary_clear,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: STEP_SUMMARY_CLEAR"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_updateStepSummaryInfo(text=None),
+                                  name="op_updateStepSummaryInfo")
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_TEXT@<msg>@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_step_text,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: STEP_TEXT"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_updateStepText(text=args['text']),
+                                  name="op_updateStepText")
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT@<msg>@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_step_summary_step,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_updateStepSummaryInfo(text=args['text']),
+                                  name="op_updateStepSummaryInfo")
+                )
+            },
+            # Support: @@@BUILD_STEP <step_name>@@@ (start a new section)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver_._re_build_step,
+                'op'    : lambda args: (
+                    logging.msg("+++ op: BUILD_STEP"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_fixupActiveStep(),
+                                  name="op_fixupActiveStep"),
+                    self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_startNewStep(name=args['name'].strip(),
+                                                                  logline=args['logline']),
+                                  name="op_startNewStep")
+                )
+            },
+        ]
-  def getText(self, cmd, results):
-    text_list = self.describe(True)
-    if self._result_text:
-      self._result_text.insert(0, '<div class="BuildResultInfo">')
-      self._result_text.append('</div>')
-      text_list = text_list + self._result_text
-    return text_list
+    def queue_op(self, op, name="unspecified"):
+        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
+        #logging.msg(">>> queue_op: buildid={0}, opname='{1}', op={2}".format(
+        #  , name, op))
-  def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
-    shell_result = shell.ShellCommand.evaluateCommand(self, cmd)
-    log_result = None
-    if self._log_processor and 'evaluateCommand' in dir(self._log_processor):
-      log_result = self._log_processor.evaluateCommand(cmd)
-    return BuilderStatus.combine(shell_result, log_result)
+        if op is not None:
+            self._delayed_op_queue.append(op)
+        if self._proc_op_in_queue is None and len(self._delayed_op_queue) > 0:
+            #self._queue_catchup_all()
+            self._queue_catchup_locked()
-  def _CreateReportLinkIfNeccessary(self):
-    if self._log_processor and self._log_processor.ReportLink():
-      self.addURL('results', "%s" % self._log_processor.ReportLink())
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _queue_catchup_locked(self):
+        yield
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def _queue_catchup_all(self):
+        #logging.msg(">>> _queue_catchup_all: buildid={0}".format(
+        #  
+        while self._delayed_op_queue:
+            op = self._delayed_op_queue.pop(0)
+            if op is not None:
+                try:
+                    d = defer.maybeDeferred(op)
+                except Exception:
+                    d =
+                # Currently processing deferred operation.
+                self._proc_op_in_queue = d
+                #TODO: Do we really need this callback here?
+                def processed(status):
+                    return status
+                d.addCallback(processed)
+                #TODO: ???:d.addErrback
+                yield d
+        self._proc_op_in_queue = None
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def queue_wait(self):
+        logging.msg(">>> queue_wait: buildid={0}".format(
+        yield self._queue_catchup_locked()
+        """
+        if self._proc_op_in_queue:
+            logging.msg(">>> queue_wait: buildid={0}, processing defer".format(
+        if len(self._delayed_op_queue) == 0:
+            logging.msg(">>> queue_wait: buildid={0}, empty op queue".format(
+        if self._proc_op_in_queue is None and len(self._delayed_op_queue) > 0:
+            yield self._queue_catchup_all()
+        """
+    def queue_clean(self):
+        self._delayed_op_queue = []
+    # Synchronius Operations.
+    #
+    # Adding stdout log for the currently active step.
+    def op_addStepStdout(self, text):
+        step = self._active_vstep
+        # Adding to preamble log in case we still didn't get any vsteps.
+        if step is None:
+            if self.command.preamble_log is not None:
+                self.command.preamble_log.addStdout(text)
+            return
+        if step.stdio_log is not None:
+            step.stdio_log.addStdout(text)
+    # Updating a status for the currently active step.
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def op_updateStepStatus(self, status):
+        """Update current step status and annotation status based on a new event."""
+        logging.msg(">>> op_updateStepStatus: buildid=%s, status=%s" % (
+          , status))
+        self.annotate_status = BuilderStatus.combine(self.annotate_status, status)
+        step = self._active_vstep
+        if step is None:
+            logging.msg("FATAL ERROR: op_updateStepStatus: no active vstep.")
+            #TODO: return
+            return
+        step.results = BuilderStatus.combine(step.results, status)
+        if self.halt_on_failure and step.results in [builder.FAILURE, builder.EXCEPTION]:
+            # We got fatal error, which breaks the build. Clean up all scheduled operations
+            # and finalize the build.
+            self.queue_clean()
+            yield self.op_fixupActiveStep()
+            self.command.finished(step.results)
+    # Updating a step text. None to clean up.
+    def op_updateStepText(self, text = None):
+        logging.msg(">>> op_updateStepText: buildid=%s, text='%s'" % (
+          , text))
+        step = self._active_vstep
+        if step is None:
+            logging.msg("FATAL ERROR: op_updateStepText: no active vstep.")
+            return
+        step.step_text = text if text else ""
+        step.setText([] + [step.step_text])
+    # Updating a step summary info. None to clean up.
+    def op_updateStepSummaryInfo(self, text = None):
+        logging.msg(">>> op_updateStepSummaryInfo: buildid=%s, text='%s'" % (
+          , text))
+        step = self._active_vstep
+        if step is None:
+            logging.msg("FATAL ERROR: op_updateStepSummaryInfo: no active vstep.")
+            return
+        if text is not None:
+            step.step_summary_text.append(text)
+        else:
+            step.step_summary_text = []
+        # Reflect step status in text2.
+        if step.results == builder.EXCEPTION:
+            result = ['exception',]
+        elif step.results == builder.FAILURE:
+            result = ['failed',]
+        else:
+            result = []
+        step.setText2(result + step.step_summary_text)
+    def op_addStepLink(self, link_label, link_url):
+        logging.msg(">>> op_addStepLink: buildid=%s, link_label='%s', link_url='%s'" % (
+          , link_label, link_url))
+        step = self._active_vstep
+        if step is None:
+            logging.msg("FATAL ERROR: op_addStepLink: no active vstep.")
+            return
+        step.addURL(link_label, link_url)
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def op_startNewStep(self, name, logline = None):
+        logging.msg(">>> op_startNewStep: buildid=%s, name='%s'" % (
+          , name))
+        if self._active_vstep is not None:
+            logging.msg("FATAL ERROR: op_startNewStep: previous vstep is not finished: "
+                        "stepid=%s, buildid=%s, name='%s'" % (
+                        self._active_vstep.stepid,,
+            #TODO: return
+            return
+        step = VirtBuildStep(parent_step=self.command, name=name)
+        yield step.addStep()
+        # Doing this last so that @@@BUILD_STEP... occurs in the log of the new
+        # step.
+        if logline is not None:
+            step.stdio_log.addStdout(logline)
+        self._active_vstep = step
+        logging.msg("<<< op_startNewStep: stepid=%s, buildid=%s, name='%s'" % (
+                    step.stepid,,
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def op_fixupActiveStep(self, status = None):
+        logging.msg(">>> op_fixupActiveStep: buildid=%s, status='%s'" % (
+          , status))
+        step = self._active_vstep
+        if step is None:
+            #TODO: return
+            return
+        self._active_vstep = None
+        yield step.finishStep(status)
+        logging.msg("<<< op_fixupActiveStep: stepid=%s, buildid=%s, name='%s'" % (
+                    step.stepid,,
+    ##
+    def errLineReceived(self, line):
+        self.outLineReceived(line)
+    def setHaltOnFailure(self, enable = True):
+        self.halt_on_failure = enable
+    def setHonorZeroReturnCode(self, enable = True):
+        self.honor_zero_return_code = enable
+    def outLineReceived(self, line):
+        """This is called once with each line of the test log."""
+        # returns: opname, op, args
+        def parse_annotate_cmd(ln):
+            for k in self._re_set:
+                ro = k['re'].search(ln)
+                if ro is not None:
+                    # Get the regex named group values.
+                    # We can get the empty set, but it is ok.
+                    args = ro.groupdict()
+                    # No need actually, but just in case.
+                    if args is None:
+                        args = {}
+                    # Store the current log line within the arguments.
+                    # We will need to save it in some cases.
+                    args['logline'] = ln
+                    return k['op'], args
+            return None, None
+        # Add \n if not there, which seems to be the case for log lines from
+        # windows agents, but not others.
+        if not line.endswith('\n'):
+            line += '\n'
+        op, args = parse_annotate_cmd(line)
+        if op is not None:
+            try:
+                op(args)
+            except Exception:
+                logging.msg("Exception occurs while processing annotated command: "
+                            "op=%r, args=%s." % (op, args))
+                logging.err()
+        else:
+            # Add to the current secondary log.
+            self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_addStepStdout(line), name="op_addStepStdout")
+    def handleReturnCode(self, return_code):
+        # Treat all non-zero return codes as failure.
+        # We could have a special return code for warnings/exceptions, however,
+        # this might conflict with some existing use of a return code.
+        # Besides, applications can always intercept return codes and emit
+        # STEP_* tags.
+        if return_code == 0:
+            self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_fixupActiveStep(),
+                          name="handleReturnCode.fixupActiveStep")
+            if self.honor_zero_return_code:
+                self.annotate_status = builder.SUCCESS
+        else:
+            self.annotate_status = builder.FAILURE
+            self.queue_op(op=lambda: self.op_fixupActiveStep(status=builder.FAILURE),
+                          name="handleReturnCode.fixupActiveStep(FAILURE)")
+class AnnotatedCommand_(ProcessLogShellStep):
+    """Buildbot command that knows how to display annotations."""
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # Inject standard tags into the environment.
+        env = {
+            'BUILDBOT_BLAMELIST':       util.Interpolate('%(prop:blamelist:-[])s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_BRANCH':          util.Interpolate('%(prop:branch:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME':     util.Interpolate('%(prop:buildername:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_BUILDNUMBER':     util.Interpolate('%(prop:buildnumber:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_CLOBBER':         util.Interpolate('%(prop:clobber:+1)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION':    util.Interpolate('%(prop:got_revision:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_REVISION':        util.Interpolate('%(prop:revision:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_SCHEDULER':       util.Interpolate('%(prop:scheduler:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_SLAVENAME':       util.Interpolate('%(prop:slavename:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_MSAN_ORIGINS':    util.Interpolate('%(prop:msan_origins:-)s'),
+        }
+        # Apply the passed in environment on top.
+        old_env = kwargs.get('env')
+        if not old_env:
+            old_env = {}
+        env.update(old_env)
+        # Change passed in args (ok as a copy is made internally).
+        kwargs['env'] = env
+        ProcessLogShellStep.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.script_observer = AnnotationObserver_(self)
+        self.addLogObserver('stdio', self.script_observer)
+        self.preamble_log = None
+    @defer.inlineCallbacks
+    def start(self):
+        # Create a preamble log for primary annotate step.
+        self.preamble_log = yield self.addLog('preamble')
+        r = ProcessLogShellStep.start(self)
+        #TODO:VV:
+        yield self.script_observer.queue_wait()
+        return r
+    def interrupt(self, reason):
+        logging.msg(">>> AnnotatedCommand::interrupt: buildid=%s" %
+        self.script_observer.op_fixupActiveStep(status=builder.EXCEPTION)
+        #TODO:VV:self.script_observer.queue_wait()
+        return ProcessLogShellStep.interrupt(self, reason)
+    def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
+        logging.msg(">>> AnnotatedCommand::evaluateCommand: buildid=%s" %
+        observer_result = self.script_observer.annotate_status
+        # Check if ProcessLogShellStep detected a failure or warning also.
+        log_processor_result = ProcessLogShellStep.evaluateCommand(self, cmd)
+        return BuilderStatus.combine(observer_result, log_processor_result)
+    def commandComplete(self, cmd):
+        logging.msg(">>> AnnotatedCommand::commandComplete: buildid=%s" %
+        self.script_observer.handleReturnCode(cmd.rc)
+        #TODO:VV:self.script_observer.queue_wait()
+        return ProcessLogShellStep.commandComplete(self, cmd)
 class AnnotationObserver(buildstep.LogLineObserver):
-  """This class knows how to understand annotations.
+    """This class knows how to understand annotations.
-  Here are a list of the currently supported annotations:
+    Here are a list of the currently supported annotations:
-  @@@BUILD_STEP <stepname>@@@
-  Add a new step <stepname>. End the current step, marking with last available
-  status.
+    @@@BUILD_STEP <stepname>@@@
+    Add a new step <stepname>. End the current step, marking with last available
+    status.
-  @@@STEP_LINK@<label>@<url>@@@
-  Add a link with label <label> linking to <url> to the current stage.
+    @@@STEP_LINK@<label>@<url>@@@
+    Add a link with label <label> linking to <url> to the current stage.
-  Mark the current step as having warnings (oragnge).
+    @@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@
+    Mark the current step as having warnings (oragnge).
-  Mark the current step as having failed (red).
+    @@@STEP_FAILURE@@@
+    Mark the current step as having failed (red).
-  Mark the current step as having exceptions (magenta).
+    Mark the current step as having exceptions (magenta).
-  @@@STEP_CLEAR@@@
-  Reset the text description of the current step.
+    @@@STEP_CLEAR@@@
+    Reset the text description of the current step.
-  Reset the text summary of the current step.
+    Reset the text summary of the current step.
-  @@@STEP_TEXT@<msg>@@@
-  Append <msg> to the current step text.
+    @@@STEP_TEXT@<msg>@@@
+    Append <msg> to the current step text.
-  @@@STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT@<msg>@@@
-  Append <msg> to the step summary (appears on top of the waterfall).
+    @@@STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT@<msg>@@@
+    Append <msg> to the step summary (appears on top of the waterfall).
-  Halt if exception or failure steps are encountered (default is not).
+    @@@HALT_ON_FAILURE@@@
+    Halt if exception or failure steps are encountered (default is not).
-  Honor the return code being zero (success), even if steps have other results.
+    Honor the return code being zero (success), even if steps have other results.
-  Deprecated annotations:
-  TODO(bradnelson): drop these when all users have been tracked down.
+    Deprecated annotations:
+    TODO(bradnelson): drop these when all users have been tracked down.
-  Equivalent to @@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@
+    Equivalent to @@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@
-  Equivalent to @@@STEP_FAILURE@@@
+    @@@BUILD_FAILED@@@
+    Equivalent to @@@STEP_FAILURE@@@
-  Equivalent to @@@STEP_EXCEPTION@@@
+    Equivalent to @@@STEP_EXCEPTION@@@
-  @@@link@<label>@<url>@@@
-  Equivalent to @@@STEP_LINK@<label>@<url>@@@
-  """
+    @@@link@<label>@<url>@@@
+    Equivalent to @@@STEP_LINK@<label>@<url>@@@
+    """
-  def __init__(self, command=None, *args, **kwargs):
-    buildstep.LogLineObserver.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-    self.command = command
-    self.sections = []
-    self.annotate_status = builder.SUCCESS
-    self.halt_on_failure = False
-    self.honor_zero_return_code = False
+    _re_step_link           = re.compile(r'^@@@(STEP_LINK|link)@(?P<link_label>.*)@(?P<link_url>.*)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_warnings       = re.compile(r'^@@@(STEP_WARNINGS|BUILD_WARNINGS)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_failure        = re.compile(r'^@@@(STEP_FAILURE|BUILD_FAILED)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_exception      = re.compile(r'^@@@(STEP_EXCEPTION|BUILD_EXCEPTION)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_halt_on_failure     = re.compile(r'^@@@HALT_ON_FAILURE@@@', re.M)
+    _re_honor_zero_rc       = re.compile(r'^@@@HONOR_ZERO_RETURN_CODE@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_clear          = re.compile(r'^@@@STEP_CLEAR@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_summary_clear  = re.compile(r'^@@@STEP_SUMMARY_CLEAR@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_text           = re.compile(r'^@@@STEP_TEXT@(?P<text>.*)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_step_summary_step   = re.compile(r'^@@@STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT@(?P<text>.*)@@@', re.M)
+    _re_build_step          = re.compile(r'^@@@BUILD_STEP (?P<name>.*)@@@', re.M)
-  def initialSection(self):
-    if self.sections:
-      return
-    # Add a log section for output before the first section heading.
-    log = self.command.addLog('preamble')
-    self.sections.append({
-        'name': 'preamble',
-        'step': self.command.step_status.getBuild().steps[-1],
-        'log': log,
-        'status': builder.SUCCESS,
-        'links': [],
-        'step_summary_text': [],
-        'step_text': [],
-    })
-  def fixupLast(self, status=None):
-    # Potentially start initial section here, as initial section might have
-    # no output at all.
-    self.initialSection()
-    last = self.sections[-1]
-    # Update status if set as an argument.
-    if status is not None:
-      last['status'] = status
-    # Final update of text.
-    self.updateText()
-    # Add timing info.
-    (start, end) = self.command.step_status.getTimes()
-    msg = '\n\n' + '-' * 80 + '\n'
-    if start is None:
-      msg += 'Not Started\n'
-    else:
-      if end is None:
-        end =
-      msg += '\n'.join([
-          'started: %s' % time.ctime(start),
-          'ended: %s' % time.ctime(end),
-          'duration: %s' % util.formatInterval(end - start),
-          '',  # So we get a final \n
-      ])
-    last['log'].addStdout(msg)
-    # Change status (unless handling the preamble).
-    if len(self.sections) != 1:
-      last['step'].stepFinished(last['status'])
-    # Finish log.
-    last['log'].finish()
-  def errLineReceived(self, line):
-    self.outLineReceived(line)
-  def updateStepStatus(self, status):
-    """Update current step status and annotation status based on a new event."""
-    self.annotate_status = BuilderStatus.combine(self.annotate_status, status)
-    last = self.sections[-1]
-    last['status'] = BuilderStatus.combine(last['status'], status)
-    if self.halt_on_failure and last['status'] in [
-        builder.FAILURE, builder.EXCEPTION]:
-      self.fixupLast()
-      self.command.finished(last['status'])
-  def updateText(self):
-    # Don't update the main phase's text.
-    if len(self.sections) == 1:
-      return
-    last = self.sections[-1]
-    # Reflect step status in text2.
-    if last['status'] == builder.EXCEPTION:
-      result = ['exception', last['name']]
-    elif last['status'] == builder.FAILURE:
-      result = ['failed', last['name']]
-    else:
-      result = []
-    last['step'].setText([last['name']] + last['step_text'])
-    last['step'].setText2(result + last['step_summary_text'])
-  def outLineReceived(self, line):
-    """This is called once with each line of the test log."""
-    # Add \n if not there, which seems to be the case for log lines from
-    # windows agents, but not others.
-    if not line.endswith('\n'):
-      line += '\n'
-    # Handle initial setup here, as step_status might not exist yet at init.
-    self.initialSection()
-    # Support: @@@STEP_LINK@<name>@<url>@@@ (emit link)
-    # Also support depreceated @@@link@<name>@<url>@@@
-    m = re.match('^@@@STEP_LINK@(.*)@(.*)@@@', line)
-    if not m:
-      m = re.match('^@@@link@(.*)@(.*)@@@', line)
-    if m:
-      link_label =
-      link_url =
-      self.sections[-1]['links'].append((link_label, link_url))
-      self.sections[-1]['step'].addURL(link_label, link_url)
-    # Support: @@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@ (warn on a stage)
-    # Also support deprecated @@@BUILD_WARNINGS@@@
-    if (line.startswith('@@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@') or
-        line.startswith('@@@BUILD_WARNINGS@@@')):
-      self.updateStepStatus(builder.WARNINGS)
-    # Support: @@@STEP_FAILURE@@@ (fail a stage)
-    # Also support deprecated @@@BUILD_FAILED@@@
-    if (line.startswith('@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@') or
-        line.startswith('@@@BUILD_FAILED@@@')):
-      self.updateStepStatus(builder.FAILURE)
-    # Support: @@@STEP_EXCEPTION@@@ (exception on a stage)
-    # Also support deprecated @@@BUILD_FAILED@@@
-    if (line.startswith('@@@STEP_EXCEPTION@@@') or
-        line.startswith('@@@BUILD_EXCEPTION@@@')):
-      self.updateStepStatus(builder.EXCEPTION)
-    # Support: @@@HALT_ON_FAILURE@@@ (halt if a step fails immediately)
-    if line.startswith('@@@HALT_ON_FAILURE@@@'):
-      self.halt_on_failure = True
-    # Support: @@@HONOR_ZERO_RETURN_CODE@@@ (succeed on 0 return, even if some
-    #     steps have failed)
-    if line.startswith('@@@HONOR_ZERO_RETURN_CODE@@@'):
-      self.honor_zero_return_code = True
-    # Support: @@@STEP_CLEAR@@@ (reset step description)
-    if line.startswith('@@@STEP_CLEAR@@@'):
-      self.sections[-1]['step_text'] = []
-      self.updateText()
-    # Support: @@@STEP_SUMMARY_CLEAR@@@ (reset step summary)
-    if line.startswith('@@@STEP_SUMMARY_CLEAR@@@'):
-      self.sections[-1]['step_summary_text'] = []
-      self.updateText()
-    # Support: @@@STEP_TEXT@<msg>@@@
-    m = re.match('^@@@STEP_TEXT@(.*)@@@', line)
-    if m:
-      self.sections[-1]['step_text'].append(
-      self.updateText()
-    # Support: @@@STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT@<msg>@@@
-    m = re.match('^@@@STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT@(.*)@@@', line)
-    if m:
-      self.sections[-1]['step_summary_text'].append(
-      self.updateText()
-    # Support: @@@BUILD_STEP <step_name>@@@ (start a new section)
-    m = re.match('^@@@BUILD_STEP (.*)@@@', line)
-    if m:
-      step_name =
-      # Ignore duplicate consecutive step labels (for robustness).
-      if step_name != self.sections[-1]['name']:
-        # Finish up last section.
-        self.fixupLast()
-        # Add new one.
-        step = self.command.step_status.getBuild().addStepWithName(step_name)
-        step.stepStarted()
-        step.setText([step_name])
-        log = step.addLog('stdio')
-        self.sections.append({
-            'name': step_name,
-            'step': step,
-            'log': log,
-            'status': builder.SUCCESS,
-            'links': [],
-            'step_summary_text': [],
-            'step_text': [],
-        })
-    # Add to the current secondary log.
-    # Doing this last so that @@@BUILD_STEP... occurs in the log of the new
-    # step.
-    self.sections[-1]['log'].addStdout(line)
-  def handleReturnCode(self, return_code):
-    # Treat all non-zero return codes as failure.
-    # We could have a special return code for warnings/exceptions, however,
-    # this might conflict with some existing use of a return code.
-    # Besides, applications can always intercept return codes and emit
-    # STEP_* tags.
-    if return_code == 0:
-      self.fixupLast()
-      if self.honor_zero_return_code:
+    def __init__(self, command=None, *args, **kwargs):
+        buildstep.LogLineObserver.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.command = command
         self.annotate_status = builder.SUCCESS
-    else:
-      self.annotate_status = builder.FAILURE
-      self.fixupLast(builder.FAILURE)
+        self.halt_on_failure = False
+        self.honor_zero_return_code = False
+        self.active_log = None
+        self._re_set = [
+            # Support: @@@STEP_LINK@<name>@<url>@@@ (emit link)
+            # Also support depreceated @@@link@<name>@<url>@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_step_link,
+                'op'    : lambda args: self.command.addURL(args['link_label'], args['link_url'])
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_WARNINGS@@@ (warn on a stage)
+            # Also support deprecated @@@BUILD_WARNINGS@@@
+             {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_step_warnings,
+                'op'    : lambda args: self.update_status(builder.WARNINGS)
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_FAILURE@@@ (fail a stage)
+            # Also support deprecated @@@BUILD_FAILED@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_step_failure,
+                'op'    : lambda args: self.update_status(builder.FAILURE)
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_EXCEPTION@@@ (exception on a stage)
+            # Also support deprecated @@@BUILD_FAILED@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_step_exception,
+                'op'    : lambda args: self.update_status(builder.EXCEPTION)
+            },
+            # Support: @@@HALT_ON_FAILURE@@@ (halt if a step fails immediately)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_halt_on_failure,
+                'op'    : lambda args: self.set_halt_on_failure(True)
+            },
+            # Support: @@@HONOR_ZERO_RETURN_CODE@@@ (succeed on 0 return, even if some
+            #     steps have failed)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_honor_zero_rc,
+                'op'    : lambda args: self.set_honor_zero_return_code(True)
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_CLEAR@@@ (reset step description)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_step_clear,
+                'op'    : lambda args: args
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_SUMMARY_CLEAR@@@ (reset step summary)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_step_summary_clear,
+                'op'    : lambda args: args
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_TEXT@<msg>@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_step_text,
+                'op'    : lambda args: args # args['text']
+            },
+            # Support: @@@STEP_SUMMARY_TEXT@<msg>@@@
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_step_summary_step,
+                'op'    : lambda args: args # args['text']
+            },
+            # Support: @@@BUILD_STEP <step_name>@@@ (start a new section)
+            {
+                're'    : AnnotationObserver._re_build_step,
+                'op'    : lambda args: self.start_new_section(args['name'], args['logline'])
+            },
+        ]
-class AnnotatedCommand(ProcessLogShellStep):
-  """Buildbot command that knows how to display annotations."""
+    def errLineReceived(self, line):
+        self.outLineReceived(line)
-  def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-    # Inject standard tags into the environment.
-    env = {
-        'BUILDBOT_BLAMELIST': WithProperties('%(blamelist:-[])s'),
-        'BUILDBOT_BRANCH': WithProperties('%(branch:-None)s'),
-        'BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME': WithProperties('%(buildername:-None)s'),
-        'BUILDBOT_BUILDNUMBER': WithProperties('%(buildnumber:-None)s'),
-        'BUILDBOT_CLOBBER': WithProperties('%(clobber:+1)s'),
-        'BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION': WithProperties('%(got_revision:-None)s'),
-        'BUILDBOT_REVISION': WithProperties('%(revision:-None)s'),
-        'BUILDBOT_SCHEDULER': WithProperties('%(scheduler:-None)s'),
-        'BUILDBOT_SLAVENAME': WithProperties('%(slavename:-None)s'),
-        'BUILDBOT_MSAN_ORIGINS': WithProperties('%(msan_origins:-)s'),
-    }
-    # Apply the passed in environment on top.
-    old_env = kwargs.get('env')
-    if not old_env:
-      old_env = {}
-    env.update(old_env)
-    # Change passed in args (ok as a copy is made internally).
-    kwargs['env'] = env
+    def outLineReceived(self, line):
+        """This is called once with each line of the test log."""
-    ProcessLogShellStep.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
-    self.script_observer = AnnotationObserver(self)
-    self.addLogObserver('stdio', self.script_observer)
+        # returns: opname, op, args
+        def parse_annotate_cmd(ln):
+            for k in self._re_set:
+                ro = k['re'].search(ln)
+                if ro is not None:
+                    # Get the regex named group values.
+                    # We can get the empty set, but it is ok.
+                    args = ro.groupdict()
+                    # No need actually, but just in case.
+                    if args is None:
+                        args = {}
+                    # Store the current log line within the arguments.
+                    # We will need to save it in some cases.
+                    args['logline'] = ln
+                    return k['op'], args
+            return None, None
-  def interrupt(self, reason):
-    self.script_observer.fixupLast(builder.EXCEPTION)
-    return ProcessLogShellStep.interrupt(self, reason)
+        # Add \n if not there, which seems to be the case for log lines from
+        # windows agents, but not others.
+        if not line.endswith('\n'):
+            line += '\n'
-  def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
-    observer_result = self.script_observer.annotate_status
-    # Check if ProcessLogShellStep detected a failure or warning also.
-    log_processor_result = ProcessLogShellStep.evaluateCommand(self, cmd)
-    return BuilderStatus.combine(observer_result, log_processor_result)
+        op, args = parse_annotate_cmd(line)
+        if op is not None:
+            try:
+                op(args)
+            except Exception:
+                logging.msg("Exception occurs while processing annotated command: "
+                            "op=%r, args=%s." % (op, args))
+                logging.err()
+        else:
+            # Add to the current log.
+            if self.active_log is not None:
+                self.active_log.addStdout(line)
+            elif self.command.preamble_log is not None:
+                self.command.preamble_log.addStdout(line)
-  def commandComplete(self, cmd):
-    self.script_observer.handleReturnCode(cmd.rc)
-    return ProcessLogShellStep.commandComplete(self, cmd)
+    def handleReturnCode(self, return_code):
+        # Treat all non-zero return codes as failure.
+        # We could have a special return code for warnings/exceptions, however,
+        # this might conflict with some existing use of a return code.
+        # Besides, applications can always intercept return codes and emit
+        # STEP_* tags.
+        if return_code == 0:
+            self.finalize_annotation()
+            if self.honor_zero_return_code:
+                self.annotate_status = builder.SUCCESS
+        else:
+            self.annotate_status = builder.FAILURE
+            self.finalize_annotation(status=builder.FAILURE)
+    def set_halt_on_failure(self, v):
+        self.halt_on_failure = v
+    def set_honor_zero_return_code(self, v):
+        self.honor_zero_return_code = v
+    def start_new_section(self, name, line):
+        if self.active_log is not None:
+            self.active_log.finish()
+        self.active_log = self.command.addLog(name.strip())
+        self.active_log.addStdout(line)
+    # Updating a status for the currently active step.
+    def update_status(self, status):
+        self.annotate_status = BuilderStatus.combine(self.annotate_status, status)
+        if self.halt_on_failure and status in [builder.FAILURE, builder.EXCEPTION]:
+            self.finalize_annotation(status)
+            self.command.finished(status)
+    def finalize_annotation(self, status=None):
+        if status is not None:
+            self.annotate_status = BuilderStatus.combine(self.annotate_status, status)
+        if self.active_log is not None:
+            self.active_log.finish()
+            self.active_log = None
+class AnnotatedCommand(shell.ShellCommand):
+    """Buildbot command that knows how to display annotations."""
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        # Inject standard tags into the environment.
+        env = {
+            'BUILDBOT_BLAMELIST':       util.Interpolate('%(prop:blamelist:-[])s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_BRANCH':          util.Interpolate('%(prop:branch:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_BUILDERNAME':     util.Interpolate('%(prop:buildername:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_BUILDNUMBER':     util.Interpolate('%(prop:buildnumber:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_CLOBBER':         util.Interpolate('%(prop:clobber:+1)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_GOT_REVISION':    util.Interpolate('%(prop:got_revision:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_REVISION':        util.Interpolate('%(prop:revision:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_SCHEDULER':       util.Interpolate('%(prop:scheduler:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_SLAVENAME':       util.Interpolate('%(prop:slavename:-None)s'),
+            'BUILDBOT_MSAN_ORIGINS':    util.Interpolate('%(prop:msan_origins:-)s'),
+        }
+        # Apply the passed in environment on top.
+        old_env = kwargs.get('env')
+        if not old_env:
+            old_env = {}
+        env.update(old_env)
+        # Change passed in args (ok as a copy is made internally).
+        kwargs['env'] = env
+        shell.ShellCommand.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+        self.script_observer = AnnotationObserver(self)
+        self.addLogObserver('stdio', self.script_observer)
+        self.preamble_log = None
+    def start(self):
+        # Create a preamble log for primary annotate step.
+        self.preamble_log = self.addLog('preamble')
+        shell.ShellCommand.start(self)
+    def interrupt(self, reason):
+        logging.msg(">>> AnnotatedCommand::interrupt: buildid=%s" %
+        self.script_observer.finalize_annotation(status=builder.EXCEPTION)
+        return shell.ShellCommand.interrupt(self, reason)
+    def evaluateCommand(self, cmd):
+        logging.msg(">>> AnnotatedCommand::evaluateCommand: buildid=%s" %
+        observer_result = self.script_observer.annotate_status
+        # Check if shell.ShellCommand detected a failure or warning also.
+        log_processor_result = shell.ShellCommand.evaluateCommand(self, cmd)
+        return BuilderStatus.combine(observer_result, log_processor_result)
+    def commandComplete(self, cmd):
+        logging.msg(">>> AnnotatedCommand::commandComplete: buildid=%s" %
+        self.script_observer.handleReturnCode(cmd.rc)
+        return shell.ShellCommand.commandComplete(self, cmd)