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<div class="www_sectiontitle">2019 Bay Area LLVM Developers' Meeting</div>
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<a href="index.html">Back to 2019 LLVM Developers' Meeting Home Page</a>.</p>
<div class="www_sectiontitle">Writing a Proposal Guide</div>
<p>Detailed guidance on writing a proposal for the LLVM Developers’ Meeting
<p><b>Writing a proposal for the LLVM Developers’ Meeting</b></p>
This document is a guide to help you submit the best proposal and increase your chances of your proposal being accepted. The LLVM Developers’ Meeting program committee receives more proposals than can be accepted, so please read this guide careful.
If you have never presented at an LLVM Developers’ Meeting, then do not fear this process. We are actively looking for new speakers who are excited about LLVM and helping grow the community through these educational talks! You do not need to be a long time developer to submit a proposal.
<p><b>General Guidelines:</b></p>
It should be clear from your abstract what your topic is, who your targeted audience is, and what are the takeaways for attendees. The program committee gets a lot of proposals and does not have time to read 10 page papers for each submission (excluding SRC submissions).
Talks about a use of LLVM (etc) should include details about how LLVM is used and not only be about the resulting application.
Tutorials on “how to use X” in LLVM (or other subproject) are greatly desired and beneficial to many developers. Entry level topics are encouraged as well.
Talks that have been presented at other technical conferences tend to not get accepted. If you have presented this topic before, make it clear what is new and different in your talk.
<p><b>Technical Talk and SRC Talk Proposal Template:</b></p>
<p>** Include in the extended abstract PDF attachment **
This will be displayed on the website, schedule, and signs. Keep it short and catchy to attract attendees to your talks. A couple of examples are “WebAssembly: Here Be Dragons” or “Beyond Sanitizers: guided fuzzing and security hardening”. There is also a field in the submission form for this same title.</p>
<li>1-2 paragraphs.1-2 paragraphs. You can also use this for the Website Abstract field in the submission form.
</li><li>We suggest you proof read and pay attention to grammar.
<br>Here you can include more details about your talk. An outline, demo description, background of the speaker, etc. 1-2 paragraphs is sufficient usually.
This section will not be published and is intended for the PC to better understand how interesting your talk will be to the audience. For example, if you would prefer not to reveal some conclusions in the published abstract, explaining them here ensures that the PC can take them into account when evaluating your proposal.
<p>SRC Paper:
<br>If this is an SRC talk, please attached your paper.
<p><b>Panel Proposal Template:</b></p>
<p>** Include in the extended abstract PDF attachment **
<br>This will be displayed on the website, schedule, and signs. These tend to be very straight forward about the area being discussed. An example is “Future directions and features for LLDB”. There is also a field in the submission form for this same title.
<li>1-2 paragraphs. May also be used for the website abstract field in the submission form.</li>
<li>Provide some talking points or potential subtopics.</li>
<li>We suggest you proof read and pay attention to grammar.</li>
<br>Provide additional details: goals of the panel, and example questions. Panels are to brainstorm and discuss ideas on a specific topic between the experts on the panel and the audience. You should also include detailed 2-3 sentence bios for each speaker on the panel. You may or may not include speaker names as the submissions are blind.
<p><b>Tutorial Proposal Template:</b>
<br>** Include in the extended abstract PDF attachment **
<br>This will be displayed on the website, schedule, and signs. Keep it short and catchy to attract attendees to your talks. There is also a field in the submission form for this same title.
<li>1-2 paragraphs. May also be used for the website abstract field in the submission form.</li>
<li>We suggest you proof read and pay attention to grammar.</li>
<br>Include additional details such as tutorial outline, what materials you will provide attendees, etc.
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