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<div class="www_sectiontitle" id="top">2018 European LLVM Developers Meeting</div>
<div style="float:left; width:68%;">
<div style="width:100%;">
<li><a href="index.html">Conference main page</a></li>
<li><b>Conference Dates</b>: April 16-17, 2018</li>
<a href="">
Bristol Marriott Hotel City Centre</a>, Bristol UK</li>
<div class="www_sectiontitle" id="about">About</div>
<p>The meeting serves as a forum for LLVM, Clang, LLDB and other LLVM project
developers and users to get acquainted, learn how LLVM is used, and exchange
ideas about LLVM and its (potential) applications. <p>
<p>The conference includes:</p>
<li><a href="#Keynotes">Keynotes</a></li>
<li><a href="#Tutorials">Tutorials</a></li>
<li><a href="#Talks">Technical talks</a></li>
<li><a href="#Lightning_Talks">Lightning talks</a></li>
<li><a href="#BoFs">BoFs</a></li>
<li><a href="#Posters">Poster session</a></li>
<li>hacker’s lab</li>
<li>and a reception. </li>
<div class="www_sectiontitle" id="Keynotes">Keynotes</div>
<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td valign="top" id="Keynote_1">
<b>The Cerberus Memory Object Semantics for ISO and De Facto C</b><br>
<i>P. Sewell</i>
<p>The semantics of pointers and memory objects in C has been a vexed question
for many years. C values cannot be treated as simple abstract or concrete
entities: the language exposes their representations, but compiler
optimisations rely on analyses that reason about provenance and initialisation
status, not just runtime representations. The ISO standard leaves much of this
unclear, and in some aspects differs with de facto standard usage - which
itself is difficult to investigate.</p>
<p>This talk will describe our candidate source-language semantics for memory
objects and pointers in C, as it is used and implemented in practice.
Focussing on provenance and uninitialised values, we propose a coherent set of
choices for a host of design questions, based on discussion with the ISO WG14 C
standards committee and previous surveys of C experts. This should also inform
design of the LLVM internal language semantics, and it seems that our
source-language proposal and the LLVM proposal by Lopes, Hur, et al. can be
made compatible.</p>
<p>Our semantics is integrated with the Cerberus semantics for much of the rest
of C, with a clean translation of C into a Core intermediate language.
Together, the two make C undefined behaviours explicit. Cerberus has a
web-interface GUI in which one can explore all the allowed behaviours of small
test programs, and which also identifies the clauses of the C standard relevant
to typechecking and translating each test. Work-in-progress URL:
<a href=""></a></p>
<p>We also describe detailed proposals to WG14, showing how the semantics can
be incorporated into the ISO standard.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Keynote_2">
<b>LLVM x Blockchains = A new Ecosystem of Decentralized Applications</b><br>
<i>R. Zhong</i>
<p>Recently, blockchains are showing more and more power as application
platforms besides transaction-trading platforms. Running applications on
decentralized platforms totally differs from the way we did before. And we can
foresee, developers will redefine existing centralized applications and create
different decentralized applications. However, the foundations are not ready
yet. Both academia and industry are exploring how to enpower the decentralized
applications. We, Nebulas, call on the LLVM community to bring LLVM to the
blockchain community.</p>
<p>We propose several open problems needing to be addressed with the target of
leveraging LLVM in blockchains. Besides, we also share our work on using LLVM
to build a smart contract execution engine.</p>
<div class="www_sectiontitle" id="Tutorials">Tutorials</div>
<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td valign="top" id="Tutorial_1">
<b>Pointers, Alias & ModRef Analyses </b><br>
<i>A. Sbirlea, N. Lopes</i>
<p>Alias analysis is widely used in many LLVM transformations. In this
tutorial, we will give an overview of pointers, Alias and ModRef analyses. We
will first present the concepts around pointers and memory models, including
the representation of the different types of pointers in LLVM IR, then discuss
the semantics of ptrtoint, inttoptr and getelementptr and how they, along with
pointer comparison, are used to determine memory overlaps. We will then show
how to efficiently and correctly use LLVM’s alias analysis infrastructure,
introduce the new API changes, as well as the highlight common pitfalls in the
usage of these APIs.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Tutorial_2">
<b>Scalar Evolution - Demystified</b><br>
<i>J. Absar</i>
<p>This is a tutorial/technical-talk proposal for an illustrative and in-depth
exposition of Scalar Evolution in LLVM. Scalar Evolution is an LLVM analysis
that is used to analyse, categorize and simplify expressions in loops. Many
optimizations such as - generalized loop-strength-reduction, parallelisation by
induction variable (vectorization), and loop-invariant expression elimination -
rely on SCEV analysis.</p>
<p>However, SCEV is also a complex topic. This tutorial delves into how exactly
LLVM performs the SCEV magic and how it can be used effectively to implement
and analyse different optimisations.</p>
<p>This tutorial will cover the following topics:
<li>What is SCEV? How does it help improve performance? SCEV in action (using
simple clear examples).</li>
<li>hain of Recurrences - which forms the mathematical basis of SCEV.</li>
<li>Simplifying/rewriting rules in CR that SCEV uses to simplify expressions
evolving out of induction variables. Terminology and SCEV Expression Types
(e.g. AddRec) that is common currency that one should get familiar with when
trying to understand and use SCEV in any context.</li>
<li>LLVM SCEV implementation of CR - what's present and what's missing?</li>
<li>How to use SCEV analysis to write your own optimisation pass? Usage of
SCEV by LSR (Loop Strength Reduce) and others.</li>
<li>How to generate analysis info out of SCEV and how to interpret them.</li>
<p>The last talk on SCEV was in LLVM-Dev 2009. This tutorial will be
complementary to that and go further with examples, discussions and evolution
of scalar-evolution in llvm since then. The author has previously given a talk
on machine scheduler in llvm -
<a href=""></a></p>
<div class="www_sectiontitle" id="BoFs">BoFs (Birds of a Feather)</div>
<p style='text-align: right'>[<a href="#top">top</a>]</p>
<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td valign="top" id="BoF_1">
<b>Towards implementing #pragma STDC FENV_ACCESS </b><br>
<i>U. Weigand</i>
<p>When generating floating-point code, clang and LLVM will currently assume
that the program always operates under default floating-point control modes,
i.e. using the default rounding mode and with floating-point exceptions
disabled, and never checks the floating-point status flags. This means that
code that does attempt to make use of these IEEE features will not work
reliably. The C standard defines a pragma FENV_ACCESS that is intended to
instruct the compiler to switch to a method of generating code that will allow
these features to be used, but this pragma and the associated infrastructure is
not yet implemented in clang and LLVM.</p>
<p>The purpose of this BoF is to bring together all parties interested in this
feature, whether as potential users, or as experts in any of the parts of the
compiler that will need to be modified to implement it, from the clang front
end, through the optimizers, to the various back ends that need to emit
appropriate code for their platform. We will discuss the current status of the
partial infrastructure that is already present, identify the pieces that are
still missing, and hopefully agree on next steps to move towards a full
implementation of pragma FENV_ACCESS in clang and LLVM.</p>
<tr><td valign="top" id="BoF_2">
<b>Build system integration for interactive tools </b><br>
<i>I. Biryukov, H. Wu, E. Liu, S. McCall</i>
<p>The current approach for integrating clang tools with build systems
(CompilationDatabase, compile_commands.json) was designed for running command
line tools and it lacks some important features that would be nice to have for
interactive tools like clangd, e.g. tracking updates to the compilation
commands for existing files or propagating information like file renames back
to the build system. The current approach also requires interference from the
users of the tools to generate compile_commands.json even for the build systems
that support it. On the other hand, there are existing tools like CLion and
Visual Studio that integrate seamlessly with their supported build systems and
“just work” for the users without extra configuration. Arguably, this approach
provides a better user experience. It would be interesting to explore existing
build systems and approaches for integrating them with interactive clang-based
tools and improving user experience in that area. </p>
<tr><td valign="top" id="BoF_3">
<b>Clang Static Analyzer BoF</b><br>
<i>Devin Coughlin</i>
<p>BoF for the users and implementors of the Clang Static Analyzer. Suggested
agenda: 1. Quick presentation of the ongoing development activities in the
Static Analyzer community 2. Discussion of the main annoyances using the Static
Analyzer (e.g. sources of false positives) 3. Discussion of the most wanted
checks for the Static Analyzer 4. Discussion of missing capabilities of the
Analyzer (statistical checks, pointer analysis, ...) 5. Discussion of the
constraint solver limitations and proposed solutions 6. Discussion of future
<tr><td valign="top" id="BoF_4">
<b>LLVM Foundation BoF</b><br>
<i>LLVM Foundation Board of Directors</i>
<div class="www_sectiontitle" id="Talks">Technical Talks</div>
<p style='text-align: right'>[<a href="#top">top</a>]</p>
<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_1">
<b>A Parallel IR in Real Life: Optimizing OpenMP</b><br>
<i>H. Finkel, J. Doerfert, X. Tian, G. Stelle </i>
<p>Exploiting parallelism is a key challenge in programming modern systems
across a wide range of application domains and platforms. From the world's
largest supercomputers, to embedded DSPs, OpenMP provides a programming model
for parallel programming that a compiler can understand and optimize. While
LLVM's optimizer has not traditionally been involved in OpenMP's
implementation, with all of the outlining logic and translation into
runtime-library calls residing in Clang, several groups have been experimenting
with implementation techniques that push some of this translation process into
LLVM itself. This allows the optimizer to simplify these parallel constructs
before they're transformed into runtime calls and outlined functions.</p>
<p>We've experimented with several techniques for implementing a parallel IR in
LLVM, including adding intrinsics to represent OpenMP constructs (as proposed
by Intel and others) and using Tapir (an experimental extension to LLVM
originally developed at MIT), and have used these to lower both parallel loops
and tasks. Nearly all parallel IR techniques allow for analysis information to
flow into the parallel code from the surrounding serial code, thus enabling
further optimization, and on top of that, we've implemented optimizations such
as fusion of parallel regions and the removal of redundant barriers. In this
talk, we'll report on these results and other aspects of our experiences
working with parallel extensions to LLVM's IR.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_2">
<b>An Introduction to AMD Optimizing C/C++ Compiler </b><br>
<i>A. Team</i>
<p>In this paper we introduce some of the optimizations that are a part of AMD
C/C++ Optimizing Compiler 1.0 (AOCC 1.0) which was released in May 2017 and is
based on LLVM Compiler release 4.0.0. AOCC is AMD’s CPU performance compiler
which is aimed at optimizing the performance of programs running on AMD
processors. In particular, AOCC 1.0 is tuned to deliver high performance on
AMD’s EPYC(TM) server processors. The performance results for
SPECrate®2017_int_base, SPECrate®2017_int_peak [1], SPECrate®2017_fp_base and
SPECrate®2017_fp_peak [2] that we include in the paper show that AOCC delivers
excellent performance thereby enhancing the power of the AMD EPYC(TM)
processor. The optimizations fall into the categories of loop vectorization,
SLP vectorization, data layout optimizations and loop optimizations. We shall
introduce and provide some details of each optimization.</p>
[1] <a href=""></a><br>
[2] <a href=""></a>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_3">
<b>Analysis of Executable Size Reduction by LLVM passes </b><br>
<i>V. Sinha, P. Kumar, S. Jain, U. Bora, S. Purini, R. Upadrasta </i>
<p>Increase in the number of embedded devices and the demand to run resource
intensive programs on these limited memory systems has necessitated the
reduction of executable size of programs. LLVM offers an out-of-box -Oz
optimization that is specifically targeted for the reduction of generated
executable size. However, the formidable increase in the interest of making
smaller and smarter devices has compelled programmers to develop more
complicated programs for embedded systems.</p>
<p>In this work, we aim to cater to the specific need of compiler driven
reduction of executable size for such memory critical devices. We go beyond the
traditional series of passes executed by -Oz; we try to break this series into
logical groups and study their effect, as well as the effect of their
combinations, on size of the executable.</p>
<p>Our preliminary study over SPEC 2017 benchmarks gives an insight into the
comparative effect of the groups of passes on executable size. Our work has
potential to enable the developer to tailor a custom series of passes so as to
obtain the desired executable size. To further aid such a customization, we
create a prediction model (based on simple linear regression) that is correctly
able to predict the executable size obtained by a combination of groups when
given only the sizes obtained by the individual groups.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_4">
<b>Developing Kotlin/Native infrastructure with LLVM/Clang, travel notes. </b><br>
<i>N. Igotti </i>
<p>In September of 2016 JetBrains started development of LLVM-based Kotlin
compiler and runtime. Since then, we have reached version 0.5, which compiles
to most LLVM targets (Linux, Windows and macOS as OS; x86, ARM and MIPS as CPU
architectures, along with more exotic WebAssembly) and supports smooth interop
with arbitrary C and Objective-C libraries. This talk will give some highlights
on challenges we faced during development of this backend, with emphasis on
LLVM-related topics.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_5">
<b>Extending LoopVectorize to Support Outer Loop Vectorization Using VPlan </b><br>
<i>D. Caballero, S. Guggilla </i>
<p>The introduction of the VPlan model in Loop Vectorizer (LV) started as a
refactoring effort to overcome LV’s existing limitations and extend its
vectorization capabilities to outer loops. So far, progress has been made on
the refactoring part by introducing the VPlan model to record the vectorization
and unrolling decisions for candidate loops and generate code out of them. This
talk focuses on the strategy to bring outer loop vectorization capabilities to
Loop Vectorizer by introducing an alternative vectorization path in LV that
builds VPlan upfront in the Loop Vectorizer pipeline. We discuss how this
approach, in the short term, will add support for vectorizing a subset of
simple outer loops annotated with vectorization directives (#pragma omp simd
and #pragma clang loop vectorize). We also talk about the plan to extend the
support towards generic outer and inner loop auto-vectorization through the
convergence of both vectorization paths, the new alternative vectorization path
and the existing inner loop vectorizer path, into a single one with advanced
VPlan-based vectorization capabilities.</p>
<p>We conclude the talk by describing potential opportunities for the LLVM
community to collaborate in the development of this effort.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_6">
<b>Finding Iterator-related Errors with Clang Static Analyzer </b><br>
<i>Á. Balogh </i>
<p>The Clang Static Analyzer is a sub-project of Clang that performs source
code analysis on C, C++, and Objective-C programs. It is able to find deep bugs
by symbolically executing the code. However, this far finding C++ iterator
related bugs was a white spot in the analysis. In this work we present a set of
checkers that detects three different bugs of this kind: out-of-range iterator
dereference, mismatch between iterator and container or two iterators and
access of invalidated iterators. Our combined checker solution is capable
finding all these errors even in in less straightforward cases. It is generic
so it do not only work on STL containers, but also on iterators of custom
container types. During the development of the checker we also had to overcome
some infrastructure limitations from which also other (existing and future)
checkers can benefit. The checker is already deployed inside Ericsson and is
under review by the community.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_7">
<b>Finding Missed Optimizations in LLVM (and other compilers) </b><br>
<i>G. Barany</i>
<p>Randomized differential testing of compilers has had great success in
finding compiler crashes and silent miscompilations. In this talk I explain how
I used the same approach to find missed optimizations in LLVM and other open
source compilers (GCC and CompCert).</p>
<p>I compile C code generated by standard random program generators and use a
custom binary analysis tool to compare the output programs. Depending on the
optimization of interest, the tool can be configured to compare features such
as the number of total instructions, multiply or divide instructions, function
calls, stack accesses, and more. A standard test case reduction tool produces
minimal examples once an interesting difference has been found.</p>
<p>I have used these tools to compare the code generated by GCC, Clang, and
CompCert. I found previously unreported missing arithmetic optimizations in all
three compilers, as well as individual cases of unnecessary register spilling,
missed opportunities for register coalescing, dead stores, redundant
computations, and missing instruction selection patterns. In this talk I will
show examples of optimizations missed by LLVM in particular, both
target-independent mid-end issues and ones in the ARM back-end.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_8">
<b>Global code completion and architecture of clangd </b><br>
<i>E. Liu, H. Wu, I. Biryukov, S. McCall </i>
<p>Clangd is an implementation of the Language Server Protocol (LSP) server
based on clang’s frontend and developed as part of LLVM in the
clang-tools-extra repository. LSP is the relatively new initiative to
standardize the protocol for providing intelligent semantic code editing
features independent of a particular text editor. Clangd aims to support very
large codebases and provide intelligent IDE features like code completion on a
project-wide scale. In this talk, we’ll cover the architecture of clangd and
talk in-depth about the feature we’ve been working on in the last few months:
the global code completion.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_9">
<b>Hardening the Standard Library</b><br>
<i>M. Clow</i>
<p>Every C++ program depends on a standard library implementation. For LLVM
users, this means that libc++ is at the bottom of their dependency graph. It is
vital that this library be correct and performant.</p>
<p>In this talk, I will discuss some of the principles and tools that we use to
make libc++ as "solid" as possible. I'll talk about preconditions,
postconditions, reading specifications, finding problems, ensuring that bugs
stay fixed, as well as several tools that we use to achieve our goal of making
libc++ as robust as possible.</p>
<p>Some of the topics I'll discuss are: </p>
<li> Precondition checking - when practical.</li>
<li> Warning eradication </li>
<li> The importance of a comprehensive test suite for both correctness and
ensuring that bugs don't reappear.</li>
<li> Static analysis</li>
<li> Dynamic analysis </li>
<li> Fuzzing</li>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_10">
<b>Implementing an LLVM based Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framework </b><br>
<i>C. Hubain, C. Tessier</i>
<p>This talk will go over our efforts to implement a new open-source DBI
framework based on LLVM.</p>
<p>We have been using DBI frameworks in our work for a few years now: to gather
coverage information for fuzzing, to break whitebox cryptography
implementations used in DRM or to simply assist reverse engineering.</p>
<p>However we were dissatisfied with the state of existing DBI frameworks: they
were either not supporting mobile architectures, too focused on a very specific
use cases or very hard to use. This prompted the idea of developing QBDI
(<a href=""></a>),
a new framework which has been in development for two years and a half.</p>
<p>With QBDI we wanted to try a modern take on DBI framework design and build a
tool crafted to support mobile architectures from the start, adopting a modular
design enabling its integration with other tools and that was easy to use by
abstracting all the low-level details from the users.</p>
<p>During the talk, we will review the motivation behind the usage of a DBI. We
will explain its core principle and the main implementation challenges we
faced. We will share some lessons learned in the process and how it changed the
way we think about dynamic instrumentation tools.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_11">
<b>LLVM Greedy Register Allocator – Improving Region Split Decisions</b><br>
<i>M. Yatsina</i>
<p>LLVM Code Generation provides several alternative passes for performing
register allocation. Most of the LLVM in-tree targets use the Greedy Register
Allocator, which was introduced in 2011. An overview of this allocator was
presented by Jakob Olesen at the LLVM Developers' Meeting of that year (*).
This allocator relies on splitting live ranges of variables in order to cope
with excessive co-existing registers. In this technique a live range is split
into two or more smaller subranges, where each subrange can be assigned a
different register or be spilled.</p>
<p>This talk revisits the Greedy Register Allocator available in current LLVM,
focusing on its live range region splitting mechanism. We show how this
mechanism chooses to split live ranges, examine a couple of cases exposing
suboptimal split decisions, and present recent contributions along with their
performance impact.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_12">
<b>MIR-Canon: Improving Code Diff Through Canonical Transformation. </b><br>
<i>P. Lotfi</i>
<p>Comparing IR and assembly through diff-tools is common but can involve
tediously reasoning through differences that are semantically equivalent. The
development of GlobalISel presented problems of correctness verification
between two programs compiled from identical IR using two different instruction
selectors (SelectionDAG versus GlobalISel) where outcomes of each selector
should ideally be reducible to identical programs. It is in this context that
transforming the post-ISel Machine IR (MIR) to a more canonical form shows
<p>To address said verification challenges we have developed a MIR
Canonicalization pass in the LLVM open source tree to perform a host of
transformations that help to reduce non-semantic differences in MIR. These
techniques include canonical virtual register renaming (based on the order
operands are walked in the def-use graph), canonical code motion of defs in
relation to their uses, and hoisting of idempotent instructions.</p>
<p>In this talk we will discuss these algorithms and demonstrate the benefits
of using the tool to canonicalize code prior to diffing MIR. The tool is
available for the whole LLVM community to try.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_13">
<b>New PM: taming a custom pipeline of Falcon JIT </b><br>
<i>F. Sergeev</i>
<p>Over the few last months we at Azul were teaching Falcon, our LLVM based
optimizing JIT compiler, to leverage the new pass manager framework. This talk
will focus on our motivation as well as practical experience in getting an
extensive custom LLVM pipeline to production under the new pass manager.</p>
<p>I will cover the current state of LLVM pass manager as viewed from our
"downstream" side, issues we met while converting, as well as our expectations
and how well they were met at the end.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_14">
<b>Organising benchmarking LLVM-based compiler: Arm experience </b><br>
<i>E. Astigeevich</i>
<p>The ARM Compiler 6 is a product based on Clang/LLVM projects. Basing your
product on Clang/LLVM sources brings challenges in organizing the product
development lifecycle. You need to decide how to synchronize downstream and
upstream repositories. The decision impacts ways of testing and benchmarking.
The Arm compiler team does development of the compiler on the upstream trunk
keeping a downstream repository synchronized with the upstream trunk. Upstream
public build bots guard us from commits which can break our builds. We also
have infrastructure to do additional testing. There are a few public
performance tracking bots which run the LLVM test-suite benchmarks. Although
the LLVM test-suite covers many use cases, products often have to care about a
wider variety of use cases. So you will have to track quality of code
generation on other programs too. In this presentation we will explain how we
protect the Arm compiler product from code generation quality issues that the
public bots don’t catch. We will cover topics like continuous regression
tracking, process of fixing regressions, a benchmarking infrastructure. We will
show that the most important part of protecting the quality of a LLVM-based
product is to be closely involved into development of the upstream LLVM which
means detect issues in the upstream LLVM as early as possible and report them
as soon as possible. We hope our experience will enable both better
LLVM-derived products to be made and for product teams of other companies to
contribute to LLVM itself more effectively.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_15">
<b>Performance Analysis of Clang on DOE Proxy Apps</b><br>
<i>H. Finkel, B. Homerding</i>
<p>The US Department of Energy has released nearly 50 proxy applications (<a
These are simplified applications that represent key characteristics of a wide
class of scientific computing workloads. We've conducted in-depth performance
analysis of Clang-generated code for these proxy applications, comparing to
GCC-compiled code and, in some cases, code generated by vendor compilers, and
have found some interesting places where Clang could do better. In this talk,
we'll walk through several interesting examples and present some data on
overall trends which, in some cases, are surprising.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_16">
<b>Point-Free Templates </b><br>
<i>A. Gozillon, P. Keir</i>
<p>Template metaprogramming is similar to many functional languages; it's pure
with immutable variables. This encourages a similar programming style; which
begs the question: what functional features can be leveraged to make template
metaprogramming more powerful? Currying is just such a technique, with
increasing use cases. For example the ability to make concise point-free
metafunctions using partially applied combinators and higher-order functions.
Such point-free template metafunctions can be leveraged as a stand-in for the
lack of type-level lambda abstractions in C++. Currently there exist tools for
converting pointful functions to point-free functions in certain functional
languages. These can be used for quickly creating point-free variations of a
metafunction or finding reusable patterns. As part of our research we have made
a point-free template conversion tool using Clang LibTooling that takes
pointful metafunctions and converts them to point-free metafunctions that can
be used in lieu of type-level lambdas.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Talk_17">
<b>Protecting the code: Control Flow Enforcement Technology </b><br>
<i>O. Simhon</i>
<p>Return-Oriented Programming (ROP), and similarly Call/Jump-Oriented
Programming (COP/JOP), have been the prevalent attack methodology for stealth
exploit writers targeting vulnerabilities in programs. Intel introduces
Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET) [1] which is a HW-based solution for
protecting from gadget-based ROP/COP/JOP attacks. The new architecture deals
with such attacks using Indirect Branch Tracking and Shadow Stack. The required
support is implemented in LLVM and includes optimized lightweight
instrumentation. This talk targets LLVM developers who are interested in new
security architecture and methodology implemented in LLVM. Attendees will get
familiar with basic control flow attacks, CET architecture and its LLVM
compiler aspects. <br>
[1] <a href=""></a></p>
<div class="www_sectiontitle" id="Lightning_Talks">Lightning talks</div>
<p style='text-align: right'>[<a href="#top">top</a>]</p>
<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_1">
<b>C++ Parallel Standard Template LIbrary support in LLVM </b><br>
<i>M. Dvorskiy, J. Cownie, A. Kukanov</i>
<p>The C++17 standard has introduced extensions to the Standard Template
Library (STL) to allow the expression of parallelism through the Parallel STL.
In this talk we describe the extensions, how to use them, and how we are
intending to support them in Clang/LLVM.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_2">
<b>Can reviews become less of a bottleneck?</b><br>
<i>K. Beyls</i>
<p>Many contributors to LLVM have experienced that sometimes the hardest part
of making a contribution is to get reviews for changes you propose. To put it
another way, one of the main limiting factors of the speed at which the LLVM
project improves is review bandwidth. In an attempt to gain some insights on
this and go beyond anecdotal evidence, I analysed the patterns of code review
interactions over the past 3 years, as they happened on</p>
<p>A few examples of statistics and insights I'll share are: - A small number
of people do the bulk of the code reviews. The distribution of reviews done per
reviewer seems to follow a power law. - On average, every patch for which you
request review needs 2.5 review comments from someone outside your direct team
before it can be committed. - One consequence of the above data is that for
every review you request, you should aim to do at least 2.5 useful review
comments for people outside your direct team, to pay your fair share in
<p>Many developers want to pay back their "review debt". However, with over 200
changes to open reviews every day, it is difficult and time consuming to find a
review that you can help with. I will share a few ideas and experiments on how
to make it easier to find the open reviews that you can help with.</p>
<p>Overall, I hope this lightning talk can help towards making review slightly
less of a bottleneck for the LLVM project.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_3">
<b>Clacc: OpenACC Support for Clang and LLVM </b><br>
<i>J. Denny, S. Lee, J. Vetter </i>
<p>We are working on a new project, clacc, to contribute production-quality
OpenACC compiler support to upstream clang and LLVM. A key feature of the clacc
design is to translate OpenACC to OpenMP in order to build on clang’s existing
OpenMP compiler and runtime support. The purpose of this talk is to describe
the clacc goals, design decisions, and challenges that we have encountered so
far in our prototyping efforts. We have begun preliminary design discussions on
the clang developers mailing list and plan to continue these discussions
throughout the development process to ensure the final clacc design is
acceptable by the community.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_4">
<b>DragonFFI: Foreign Function Interface and JIT using Clang/LLVM </b><br>
<i>A. Guinet</i>
<p>DragonFFI is a Clang/LLVM-based library that allows calling C functions and
using C structures from any languages. It will show how Clang and LLVM are used
to make this happen, and the pros/cons against similar libraries (like
<p>In 2014, Jordan Rose and John McCall from Apple presented a talk about using
Clang to call C functions from foreign languages. They showed issues they had
doing it, especially about dealing with various ABI.</p>
<p>DragonFFI provides a way to easily call C functions and manipulate C
structures from any language. Its purpose is to parse C libraries headers
without any modifications and transparently use them in a foreign language,
like Python or Ruby. In order to deal with ABI issues previously demonstrated,
it uses Clang to generate scalar-only wrappers of C functions. It also uses
generated debug metadata to have introspection on structures.</p>
<p>This talk will present the tool, how Clang and LLVM are used to provide
these functionalities, and the pros and cons against what other similar
libraries like (c)ffi [0] [1] are doing. It will show the actual limitations of
Clang we had to circumvent, and the overall internal working of DragonFFI.</p>
<p>In an effort to try and get help from the community, we will also present a
list of tasks of various difficulties that can be done to participle in the
<p>This library is in active development and is still in an alpha/beta
<p>Source code of the whole project is available here: <a
Python packages can be installed using pip under Linux 32/64 bits and OSX 32/64
bits (pip install pydffi).</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_5">
<b>Easy::Jit: Compiler-assisted library to enable Just-In-Time compilation for C++ codes </b><br>
<i>J. Fernandez, S. Guelton</i>
<p>Compiled languages like C++ generally don't have access to Just-in-Time
facilities, which limits the range of possible optimizations. We introduce a
framework to enable dynamic recompilation of some functions, using runtime
information to improve the compiled code. This framework gives the user a clean
abstraction and does not need to rely on specific compiler knowledge.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_7">
<b>Flang -- Project Update</b><br>
<i>S. Scalpone</i>
<p>Lightning talk with current status of Flang, a Fortran front-end for LLVM.
Cover current status of community, software, and short-term roadmap.</p>
<b>Look-Ahead SLP: Auto-vectorization in the Presence of Commutative Operations </b><br>
<i>V. Porpodas, R. Rocha, L. Góes</i>
<p>Auto-vectorizing compilers automatically generate vector (SIMD) instructions
out of scalar code. The state-of-the-art algorithm for straight-line code
vectorization is Superword-Level Parallelism (SLP). In this work, we identify a
major limitation at the core of the SLP algorithm, in the performance-critical
step of collecting the vectorization candidate instructions that form the
SLP-graph data structure. SLP lacks global knowledge when building its
vectorization graph, which negatively affects its local decisions when it
encounters commutative instructions. We propose LSLP, an improved algorithm
that can plug-in to existing SLP implementations, and can effectively vectorize
code with arbitrarily long chains of commutative operations. LSLP relies on
short-depth look-ahead for better-informed local decisions. Our evaluation on a
real machine shows that LSLP can significantly improve the performance of
real-world code with little compilation-time overhead.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_10">
<b>Low Cost Commercial Deployment of LLVM</b><br>
<i>J. Bennett</i></i>
<p>Deployment of a full new port of LLVM for general commercial use typically
requires several engineer years of effort. With a large and diverse community
of users, there are demanding requirements for features, reliability and
performance if the compiler is to be successful.</p>
<p>This cost is perfectly reasonable in supporting a major processor design,
whose development will have been an order of magnitude more expensive. However
there are many other processors which do not fall into this category,
particularly custom DSPs and other specialist processors. Such devices are
often only used by the company which designed them and are typically programmed
in assembly language by an in-house team.</p>
<p>Assembly programmers are rare and expensive to hire. Using assembly language
is inherently less productive than high level coding. Being able to program in
C would boost productivity and reduce costs, but with such a small user base,
spending years on developing a full LLVM compiler tool chain cannot be
<p>But a full C/C++ compiler tool chain is not needed. C is sufficient, and the
well defined user base means only a limited feature set is required. In this
talk I will describe the development of a LLVM tool chain for C for a 16-bit
word-addressed Harvard architecture DSP. The work required 120 days of
engineering effort in 2016/17, and also included the implementation of a
CGEN-based assembler/disassembler, GDB and newlib C library. The LLVM work
included adding support for 16-bit integers and the whole tool chain was
regression tested using both the LLVM lit tests and GCC C regression test
suite. The tool chain has been in production use for the past 12 months.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_11">
<b>Measuring the User Debugging Experience</b><br>
<i>G. Bedwell</i>
<p>As compiler engineers, we (hopefully) think a lot about the the quality of
the debug data that our compiler produces whether that be DWARF, Codeview or
something else entirely. In general, we'd expect that producing more accurate
debug data will lead to a better quality of debugging experience for the user,
but how can we measure that quality of debugging experience beyond more general
strategies such as dogfooding the tools ourselves?</p>
<p>We'll present the Debugging Experience Tester tool (DExTer) and how we can
use it in conjunction with various heuristics to assign a score to the overall
quality of debugging. Using this, we can start answering some interesting
questions. How does clang at -O0 -g compare to clang at -O2 -g? How does
clang-cl compare against MSVC when debugging optimized code in Visual Studio?
How has the clang debugging experience changed over the years? We'll suggest
how can we use this information to improve the quality of the debugging
experience we provide and how this could be used to inform the implementation
of the long talked about -Og optimization level.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_12">
<b>Measuring x86 instruction latencies with LLVM </b><br>
<i>G. Chatelet, C. Courbet, B. De Backer, O. Sykora</i>
<p>Instruction latencies are at the core of the instruction scheduling process
of the LLVM backend. This information is usually provided by CPU vendors in the
form of reference manuals or as direct contributions to the LLVM code base.
Validating and correcting this information is hard. Dr. Agner Fog has been
maintaining a database of latencies and decompositions for several years; his
approach is to carefully craft pieces of assembly and use PMUs (Performance
Monitoring Units).</p>
<p>We present a tool based on LLVM and inspired by Fog that automates the
process of measuring instruction latencies and infers the assignment of
micro-operations to ports. Our goal is to feed this information back into LLVM
configuration files.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_13">
<b>OpenMP Accelerator Offloading with OpenCL using SPIR-V </b><br>
<i>D. Schürmann, J. Lucas, B. Juurlink</i>
<p>For many applications modern GPUs could potentially offer a high efficieny
and performance. However, due to the requirement to use specialized languages
like CUDA or OpenCL, it is complex and error- prone to convert existing
applications to target GPUs. OpenMP is a well known API to ease parallel
programming in C, C++ and Fortran, mainly by using compiler directives. In this
work, we design and implement an extension for the Clang compiler and a runtime
to offload OpenMP programs onto GPUs using a SPIR-V enabled OpenCL driver.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_14">
<b>Parallware, LLVM and supercomputing </b><br>
<i>M. Arenaz</i>
<p>The HPC market is racing to build the next breakthrough exascale
technologies by 2024. The high potential of HPC is being hindered by software
issues, and porting software to new parallel hardware is one of the most
significant costs in the adoption of breakthrough hardware technologies.
Parallware technology innovation hinges on its different approach to dependence
and data-flow analyses. LLVM uses the classical mathematical approach to
dependence analysis, applying dependence tests and the polyhedral model mainly
to vectorization of inner loops. In contrast Parallware uses a semantic
analysis engine powered by a fast, extensible, hierarchical classification
scheme to find parallel patterns in the LLVM-IR. The technical talk proposed
for EuroLLVM will present the key challenges being addressed at Appentra: (1)
Pros and cons of developing Parallware’s classification scheme on top of the
LLVM-IR; (2) Parallware use of Clang and Flang to map the semantic information
collected in the LLVM-IR back to the source code; (3) Parallware mechanisms to
annotate and refactor the source code in order to produce
OpenMP/OpenACC-enabled parallel code.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_15">
<b>Returning data-flow to asynchronous programming through static analysis </b><br>
<i>M. Gilbert</i>
<p>Asynchronous event driven simulation is an efficient mechanism to model
hardware devices. However, this programming style leads to a callback nightmare
which impairs understanding of a program’s (hw model’s) data-flow. I will
present a combination of runtime library and libtooling based static analysis
tool which returns a data-flow view to a decoupled call graph. This
significantly aids in program understanding and is a crucial tool for
understanding behavior of a large, complicated system.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_16">
<b>RFC: A new divergence analysis for LLVM </b><br>
<i>S. Moll, T. Klössner, S. Hack</i>
<p>This RFC is a joint effort by Intel and Saarland University to bring the
divergence analysis of the Region Vectorizer (RV) to LLVM. This is part of the
VPlan+RV proposal that we presented at the US LLVM Developers’ Meeting 2017.
The divergence analysis is an essential building block in loop vectorization
and the optimization of SPMD kernels. This effort is complementary to the VPlan
proposal brought forward by Intel. The Region Vectorizer is an analysis and
transformation framework for outer-loop and whole-function vectorization. RV
vectorizes arbitrary reducible control flow including nested divergent loops.
RV is being used by the Impala [1] and the PACXX [6] high performance
programming frameworks.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_17">
<b>Static Performance Analysis with LLVM </b><br>
<i>C. Courbet, O. Sykora, G. Chatelet, B. De Backer</i>
<p>Static performance analysis tools are instrumental in helping developers
understand and tune the performance of their computation kernels. They are
typically used in addition to benchmarking. This includes, for example,
statically evaluating the throughput/latency of a basic block or identifying
the critical path or limiting resources. These tools are typically provided by
vendors in the form of closed-source, closed-data binaries (e.g. Intel®
Architecture Code Analyzer [1]).</p>
<p>Based on the data already present in LLVM for instruction scheduling (such
as uops, execution ports/units, and latencies), we automatically generate
subtarget performance simulators with a unified API. This allows building
generic static performance analysis tools in an open and maintainable way.</p>
<p>Beyond tools to analyze code, we’ll show applications to automatic
performance tuning.</p>
<p>[1] <a href=""></a></p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_18">
<b>Supporting the RISC-V Vector Extensions in LLVM </b><br>
<i>R. Kruppe, J. Oppermann, A. Koch</i>
<p>RISC-V is an open and free instruction set architecture (ISA) used in
numerous domains in industry and research. The (in-development) vector
extensions supplement the basic ISA with support for data parallel
computations. Software using them is vector length agnostic and therefore works
with a variable vector length determined by the hardware as opposed to
fixed-size SIMD registers, making software portable across a range of
implementations. The vector length can also vary during execution depending on
the requirements of the kernel being executed. The highly variable vector
length raises unique challenges for supporting this instruction set in
compilers. This talk gives an overview of the ongoing work to support it in
LLVM, covering the overall implementation strategy, proposed extensions to LLVM
IR, relation to the work for the similar Scalable Vector Extensions by Arm, and
the current implementation status.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Lightning_19">
<b>Using Clang Static Analyzer to detect Critical Control Flow</b><br>
<i>S. Cook</i>
<p>As part of the SECURE project
(<a href=""></a>),
we are implementing transformations and analyses in open-source compilers which
reduce programmer effort and error when implementing secure applications.</p>
<p>This talk will discuss our work on extending the clang static analyzer to
detect when "critical" variables are used to affect control flow. Critical
variables are sensitive pieces of information that a programmer wishes to keep
secret (such as cryptographic keys), and their use in the control flow graph
can cause them to leak through side channel attacks.</p>
<p>Our checker searches for branches that depend on critical variables and
values derived from such critical variables and generates reports informing a
user where the value became critical in their program. We discuss our
experience in extending the checker to detect cases where it is the type itself
that is of interest rather than a particular value, as we are interested in
whether a variable is critical, irrespective of the value it holds at any given
<div class="www_sectiontitle" id="Posters">Posters</div>
<p style='text-align: right'>[<a href="#top">top</a>]</p>
<table cellpadding="10"><tr><td valign="top" id="Poster_1">
<b>Automatic Profiling for Climate Modeling </b><br>
<i>A. Gerbes, N. Jumah, J. Kunkel</i>
<p>Some applications are time consuming like climate modeling, which include
lengthy simulations. Hence, the coding of such applications is sensitive in
terms of performance. Most of the execution time of such applications is spent
to execute specific parts of the code. Thus, giving more time to the
optimization of those code parts can improve the application's performance. To
identify the performance aspects of the code parts, profiling the application
is a well-known technique.</p>
<p>There are many tools and options for application developers to profile their
applications. However, generally the profiling process provides performance
information for an application or parts of it. To get such information for
different parts of an application, some tools -e.g. LIKWID- allow the developer
to tell the tool which parts are intended to be profiled. Developers mark the
parts that they need performance information about.</p>
<p>In this poster, we present an effort to profile climate modeling codes with
two alternative methods. In the first method, we use the GGDML translation tool
to mark the computational kernels of an application for profiling. In the
second, we use Clang to mark some code parts. The same application code is
written with the C language and the higher-level language extensions of GGDML.
This source code is translated into a code that is ready for profiling in the
first case. For the second method, the source code is translated into a C code
without profiling markers. The resulting code is marked with a Clang
instrumentation tool. Both of the code versions that are marked are then
<p>Both methods successfully generated the profiling markers. The GGDML
translation tool was able to generate the profiling markers for the
computational kernels according to the higher semantics of the language. The
Clang-generated markers were driven by the Clang node types. The tested Clang
annotations generated in the experiments give similar results for those
generated by the GGDML translation tool.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Poster_2">
<b>Cross Translation Unit Analysis in Clang Static Analyzer: Qualitative Evaluation on C/C++ projects </b><br>
<i>G. Horvath, P. Szecsi, Z. Gera, D. Krupp</i></i>
<p>The Clang Static Analyzer cannot reason about errors that span across
multiple translation units. We implemented Cross Translation Unit analysis and
presented the performance properties of our implementation in the last year's
EuroLLVM conference.</p>
<p>In the CTU analysis mode we usually find 1.5-2 times more potential bugs. It
is of paramount importance to study what are the quality (true/false positive
rate, path length, ...) of these reports. This year we present a poster about
the advancements since last year and a qualitative analysis of the reports on
popular open source projects using CTU.</p>
<hr></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Poster_3">
<b>Effortless Differential Analysis of Clang Static Analyzer Changes </b><br>
<i>G. Horváth, R. Kovács, P. Szécsi </i>
<p>The proposition of a new patch to the Clang Static Analyzer engine includes
information about the possible effects of the change. This normally consists of
analysis results on a few software projects before and after applying the
<p>This common practice has a few shortcomings. First, patch authors often have
a bias towards a set of projects they are familiar with. Indeed, finding a set
of test projects that truly show the effects of the patch can be a challenging
task. Not to mention that a reviewer's request to extend the number of test
projects might result in a significant amount of extra work for the patch
author. Ideally, the reproduction and the extension of an analysis should be
painless, and it should be possible to display results in an easily shareable
<p>We present a set of scripts for Clang-Tidy and the Clang Static Analyzer to
address the above described issues in the hope that they will be beneficial not
only to analyzer patch authors, but to a wide range of developers within the
<hr></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Poster_4">
<b>Offloading OpenMP Target Regions to FPGA Accelerators Using LLVM </b><br>
<i>L. Sommer, J. Oppermann, J. Korinth, A. Koch</i>
<p>In recent versions, the OpenMP standard has been extended to support
heterogeneous systems. Using the new OpenMP device constructs, regions of code
can be offloaded to specialized accelerators. Besides GPUs, FPGAs have received
increasing attention as dedicated accelerators in heterogeneous systems. The
goal of this work is to develop a compile-flow to map OpenMP target regions to
FPGA accelerators based on LLVM and the Clang frontend. We explain our custom
Clang-based compilation-flow as well as our extensions to the LLVM OpenMP
runtime implementation, responsible for data-transfer and device execution, and
describe their integration into the existing LLVM offloading
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="Poster_5">
<b>Using clang as a Frontend on a Formal Verification Tool </b><br>
<i>M. Gadelha, J. Morse, L. Cordeiro, D. Nicole</i>
<p>We will introduce ESBMC's new clang-based frontend; ESBMC is an SMT-based
context-bounded model checker that aims to provide bit-precise verification of
both C and C++ programs. Using clang as a frontend not only eases the burden of
supporting the ever evolving C/C++ standards (now being released every 3
years), but also brings a series of advantages, e.g., warning and compilation
messages as expected from a compiler, expression simplifications, etc.</p>
<p>The frontend was developed using libTooling and we will also present the
challenges faced during development, including bugs found in clang (and patches
submitted to fix them).</p>
<p>Finally, we will present a short summary of ESBMC's features, and our future
goal of fully supporting the C++ language, and the remaining work for attaining
that goal.</p>
<div class="www_sectiontitle" id="SRC">Student research competition</div>
<p style='text-align: right'>[<a href="#top">top</a>]</p>
<table cellpadding="10">
<tr><td valign="top" id="SRC_2">
<b>Compile-Time Function Call Interception to Mock Functions in C/C++ </b><br>
<i>G. Márton, Z. Porkoláb</i>
<p>In C/C++, test code is often interwoven with the production code we want to
test. During the test development process we often have to modify the public
interface of a class to replace existing dependencies; e.g. a supplementary
setter or constructor function is added for dependency injection. In many
cases, extra template parameters are used for the same purpose. These solutions
may have serious detrimental effects on code structure and sometimes on
run-time performance as well. We introduce a new technique that makes
dependency replacement possible without the modification of the production
code, thus it provides an alternative way to add unit tests. Our new
compile-time instrumentation technique modifies LLVM IR, thus enables us to
intercept function calls and replace them in runtime. Contrary to existing
function call interception (FCI) methods, we instrument the call expression
instead of the callee, thus we can avoid the modification and recompilation of
the function in order to intercept the call. This has a clear advantage in case
of system libraries and third party shared libraries, thus it provides an
alternative way to automatize tests for legacy software. We created a prototype
implementation based on the LLVM compiler infrastructure which is publicly
available for testing.</p>
<p style='text-align: right'>[<a href="#top">top</a>]</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="SRC_3">
<b>Improved Loop Execution Modeling in the Clang Static Analyzer </b><br>
<i>P. Szécsi </i>
<p>The LLVM Clang Static Analyzer is a source code analysis tool which aims to
find bugs in C, C++, and Objective-C programs using symbolic execution, i.e. it
simulates the possible execution paths of the code. Currently, the simulation
of the loops is somewhat naive (but efficient), unrolling the loops a
predefined constant number of times. However, this approach can result in a
loss of coverage in various cases. This study aims to introduce two alternative
approaches which can extend the current method and can be applied
simultaneously: (1) determining loops worth to fully unroll with applied
heuristics, and (2) using a widening mechanism to simulate an arbitrary number
of iteration steps. These methods were evaluated on numerous open source
projects and proved to increase coverage in most of the cases. This work also
laid the infrastructure for future loop modeling improvements.</p>
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" id="SRC_4">
<b>Using LLVM in a Model Checking Workflow </b><br>
<i>G. Sallai</i>
<p>Formal verification can be used to show the presence or absence of specific
type of errors in a computer program. Formal verification is usually done by
transforming the already implemented source code into a formal model, then
mathematically proving certain properties of that model (e.g. an erroneous
state in the model cannot be reached). The theta verification framework
provides a well-defined formal model suitable for checking imperative programs.
In this talk, we present an LLVM IR frontend for theta, which bridges the gap
between formal verification frameworks and the LLVM IR representation.
Leveraging the LLVM IR as the frontend language of the verification workflow
simplifies the transformation and allows us to easily add new supported
<p>However, these transformations often yield impractically large models, which
cannot be checked within a reasonable time. Therefore size reduction techniques
need to be used on the program, which can be done by utilizing LLVM's
optimization infrastructure (optimizing for size and simplicity rather than
execution time) and extending it with other reduction algorithms (such as
program slicing).</p>
<p style='text-align: right'>[<a href="#top">top</a>]</p>
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