blob: c938312694a2e6ae329b13c6eec3c584efd58b8e [file] [log] [blame]
Board Meeting Minutes
Date: September 9, 2016
Time: 9AM pacific time
Location: Video conferencing, multiple locations
- Present: Hal Finkel, John Regehr, Chris Lattner, David Kipping, Arnaud de Grandmaison, Tanya Lattner, Chandler Carruth, Anton Korobeynikov.
- VOTE: Unanimously approved the August 5, 2016 board meeting minutes.
Elect Board Officers
- Positions:
President: Tanya Lattner
Secretary: John Regehr
Treasurer: David Kipping
- VOTE: Unanimously approved these officer appointments.
- Plan to send out email for round #2 of discussion early next week.
Travel Grant Program Approval
- First round of applications have come in, approximately 20 of them.
- Several board members will review this proposals together to select those that fit into our budget.
LLVM Trademark
- We need a trademark policy.
- Will look at what Apache and Mozilla have done here, possibly borrow some ideas.
- We want to keep this as simple as possible.
Code of Conduct
- Plan to build an advisory committee comprised of members of the community, not primarily members of the board.
LLVM Dev Meeting in November
- Nearly all of the 400 tickets have been sold.
- We can accommodate up to 500 people.
- Decision taken to sell 50 additional tickets