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LLVM Foundation Board Meeting Minutes
Date: 6/3/2016
Time: 10AM pacific time
Location: Video conferencing, multiple locations
Present: Vikram Adve, Chandler Carruth, Doug Gregor, Chris Lattner,
Tanya Lattner, and Alex Rosenberg
Not present: David Kipping and Anton Korobeynikov
- Unanimously approved the May 10, 2016 board meeting minutes.
Relicense discussion
- Had one meeting since last board meeting, three proposals are now in flight,
things are moving glacially.
Code of Conduct
- The draft has mostly settled, still haven't established who will be on the
advisory board.
- Concern that we need the CoC set up before the registration for the devmtg
opens, but that seems achievable.
Board Elections
- The term of the current board members are coming up, so the next board needs
to be selected by then.
- Due to the nonprofit's legal structure, the current board selects the next
- We want to have some turnover in the board to bring in new faces and get
better representation of people.
- We want the community to be able to participate, even though the board is
required to do the selection.
- Suggestion is to have an application process, and allow anyone to apply.
Chris and Tanya will produce a first draft and send it to the board in the
next few weeks.
- Target the middle of July for application due date. server / APT
- The current plan is to move the APT server to AWS as soon as possible.
- Tanya will purchase a new smaller instance than the big one we already have.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Lattner, Secretary