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<li>Undef and Poison: Present and Future - <em>Juneyoung Lee</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Lee-UndefPoison.pdf"> PDF Slides</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Lee-UndefPoison.pptx">PPT Slides</a> ]</li>
<p><strong>Technical Talks:</strong></p>
<li>Clang &amp; Linux: Asm Goto with Outputs - <em>Bill Wendling, Nick Desaulniers</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Wendling_Desaulniers_asm_goto_w_outputs.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>LLVM Libc: Current Status, Challenges and Future Plans - <em>Siva Chandra Reddy, Guillaume Chatelet, Paula Asker, David Finkelstein</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../Reddy-Libc_Status_Challenges_Future_Plans.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Branch Coverage: Squeezing more out of LLVM Source-based Code Coverage - <em>Alan Phipps</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/PhippsAlan_BranchCoverage_LLVM_Conf_Talk_final.pdf">PDF Slides</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/PhippsAlan_BranchCoverage_LLVM_Conf_Talk_final.pptx">PPT Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Memory tagging in LLVM and Android - <em>Evgenii Stepanov, Kostya Serebryany, Peter Collingbourne, Mitch Phillips</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Stepanov-Memory_tagging_in_LLVM_and_Android.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Towards a representation of arbitrary alias graph in LLVM IR for Fortran code - <em>Kelvin Li; Tarique Islam</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Islam-Li-Fortran_alias_representation.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Control-flow sensitive escape analysis in Falcon JIT - <em>Artur Pilipenko</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Pilipenko-Falcon-EA-LLVM-Dev-Mtg.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Extending Clang for checking compliance with automotive coding standards - <em>Milena Vujosevic Janicic</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Janicic-Extending_Clang_Compliance_Automotive_Standards.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>An Update on Optimizing Multiple Exit Loops - <em>Philip Reames</em> [ <a href="">Video</a>] [ <a href="../slides/Reames-Update_on_Optimizing_Multiple_Exit_Loops.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Code Size Compiler Optimizations and Techniques - <em>Aditya Kumar</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Kumar-LLVMDevCodeSizePdf.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Accelerate Matrix Multiplication Using the New POWER Outer Product Instructions - <em>Baptiste Saleil, João Carvalho</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ Slides ]</li>
<li>CIL : Common MLIR Dialect for C/C++ and Fortran - <em>Prashantha NR, Vinay Madhusudan, Ranjith Kumar, Srihari</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/CIL_Common_MLIR_Abstraction.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Building compiler extension for LLVM 10.0.1 - <em>Serge Guelton</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>LLVM-based mutation testing for C and C++ - <em>Alex Denisov; Stanislav Pankevich</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Denisov-LLVM-based_mutation_testing_for_C_and_CPlusPlus.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Matrix Support in Clang and LLVM- <em>Florian Hahn</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Hahn-Matrix_Support_in_LLVM_and_Clang.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Adding CUDA® Support to Cling: JIT Compile to GPUs - <em>Simeon Ehrig</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Ehrig-Adding_CUDA_support_to_Cling.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>The Present and Future of Interprocedural Optimization in LLVM - <em>Johannes Doerfert, Brian Homerding, Stefanos Baziotis, Stefan Stipanovic, Hideto Ueno, Kuter Dinel, Shinji Okumura, Luofan Chen</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/The_Present_and_Future_of_Interprocedural_Optimization_in_LLVM.pdf">PDF Slides</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/The_Present_and_Future_of_Interprocedural_Optimization_in_LLVM.pptx">PPT Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Pushing Back Lit&rsquo;s Boundaries to Test Libc++ - <em>L. Dionne</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Dionne-Pushing_Lits_Boundaries_to_testLibCPlusPlus.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Evolving “convergent”: Lessons from Control Flow in AMDGPU - <em>N. Hähnle</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ [Slides]../slides/Hahnle-Evolving_convergent_Lessons_from_Control_Flow_in_AMDGPU.pdf) ]</li>
<li>How to update debug info in compiler transformations - <em>A. Prantl; V. Kumar</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Prantl-Kumar-How_to_update_debug_info.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Proposal for A Framework for More Effective Loop Optimizations - <em>M. Kruse; H. Finkel</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/KruseFinkel-Proposal_for_A_Framework_for_More_Effective_Loop_Optimizations.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Changing Everything With Clang Plugins: A Story About Syntax Extensions, Clang&rsquo;s AST, and Quantum Computing = <em>H. Finkel; A. Mccaskey</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Finkel-Changing_Everything_With_Clang_Plugins.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>(OpenMP) Parallelism-Aware Optimizations - <em>J. Doerfert; S. Stipanovic; H. Mosquera; J. Chesterfield; G. Georgakoudis; J. Huber</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/OpenMP_Parallelism_Aware_Optimizations.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Checked C: Adding memory safety support to LLVM - <em>M. Grang; K. Kjeer</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ][ <a href="../slides/Checked_C_Adding_Memory_Safety_to_LLVM.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Everything I know about debugging LLVM - <em>N. Desaulniers</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>LLVM in a Bare Metal Environment - <em>H. Qadeer</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Qadeer-LLVM_in_a_Bare_Metal_Environment.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>LLVM PGO Instrumentation: Example of CallSite-Aware Profiling - <em>P. Kosov; S. Yakushkin</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/PGO_Instrumentation.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Understanding Changes made by a Pass in the Opt Pipeline. - <em>J. Schmeiser</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Schmeiser-Understanding_Changes_made_by_pass_in_the_opt_pipeline.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Using clang-tidy for customized checkers and large scale source tree refactoring - <em>V. Bridgers</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Clang-tidy_for_Customized_Checkers_and_Large_Scale.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Finding Your Way Around the LLVM Dependence Analysis Zoo - <em>S. Baziotis; S. Moll</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Finding_Your_Way_Around_the_LLVM_Dependence_Analysis_Zoo.pdf">Slides</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Clang-tidy_for_Customized_Checkers_and_Large_Scale.pptx">Slides PPT</a> ]</li>
<li>Using the clang static analyzer to find bugs - <em>V. Bridgers</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Using_the_clang_static_ananalyzer_to_find_bugs.pdf">Slides PDF</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Using_the_clang_static_analyzer_to_find_bugs.pptx">Slides PPT</a> ]</li>
<li>A Deep Dive into the Interprocedural Optimization Infrastructure - <em>J. Doerfert; B. Homerding; S. Baziotis; S. Stipanovic; H. Ueno; K. Dinel; S. Okumura; L. Chen</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/A_Deep_Dive_into_Interprocedural_Optimization.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>MLIR Tutorial - <em>M. Amini</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/MLIR_Tutorial.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<p><strong>Lightning Talks:</strong></p>
<li>Finding and Outlining Similarities in LLVM IR - <em>A. Litteken</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Finding-outlining-ir-level-Andrew-Litteken.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>A fast algorithm for global code motion of congruent instructions - <em>A. Kumar; S. Pop</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/A_fast_algorithm_for_global_code_motion_of_congruent_instructions.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>From Implicit Pass Dependencies to Effectiveness Prediction - <em>H. Ueno; J. Doerfert; E. Park; G. Georgakoudis; T. Jayatilaka; S. Badruswamy</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Ueno-From_Implicit_Pass_Dependencies_to_Effectiveness_Prediction.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Using Clang as An Alternative C/C++ Frontend of The ROSE Source-to-Source Compiler - <em>A. Wang; P. Lin; C. Liao; Y. Yan</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Wang-Using_Clang_as_An_Alternative_Frontend_of_the_ROSE.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>OpenACC support in Flang with a MLIR dialect - <em>V. Clement; J. Vetter</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Clement-OpenACC_support_in_Flang_with_a_MLIR_dialect.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Fragmenting the DWARF to Enable Dead Debug Data Elimination - <em>J. Henderson</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Henderson-DebugDebugDataElimination.pdf">Slides</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Henderson-Dead_Debug_Data_Elimination_Using_Fragemented_DWARF.pptx">PPT Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Source-based Code Coverage for Embedded Use Cases - <em>A. Phipps; C. Addison</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/PhippsAlan_EmbeddedCodeCoverage_LLVM_Conf_Talk_final.pdf">Slides</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/PhippsAlan_EmbeddedCodeCoverage_LLVM_Conf_Talk_final.pptx">PPT Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>pre-merge checks for LLVM - <em>M. Goncharov; C. Kühnel</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Goncharov-Pre-merge_checks.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Getting stack size just right on XCore - <em>J. McCrea</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/McCrea-Getting_Stack_Size_Just_Right_on_XCore.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Compile Faster with the Program Repository and ccache - <em>Y. Yi; P. Bowen-Huggett</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Yi-Compile_Faster_with_the_Program_Repository_and_ccache.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>GWP-TSan: Zero-Cost Detection of Data Races in Production - <em>M. Morehouse; K. Serebryany</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Morehouse-GWP-Tsan.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>CompilerInvocation to -cc1 command line - <em>D. Grumberg</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Grumberg-Frontend_Option_Parsing.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Outer-Loop Vectorization Legality Analysis for RV: One Step Closer to a Powerful Vectorizer for LLVM - <em>S. Baziotis</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Baziotis-Outer-Loop_Vectorization_Legality_Analysis_for_LLVM.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Flang Update - <em>S. Scalpone</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Scalpone-FlangUpdate.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Code Feature Analysis, Tracking, and Future Usage - <em>T. Jayatilaka; J. Doerfert; G. Georgakoudis; E. Park; H. Ueno; S. Badruswamy</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Jayatilaka-Code_Feature_Analysis_Tracking_and_Future_Usage.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Lowering XLA HLO using RISE - A Functional Pattern-based MLIR Dialect - <em>M. Lücke; A. Smith; M. Steuwer</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Lucke-Rise-A_Functional_Pattern-based_MLIR_Dialect.pdf">Slides</a>]</li>
<li>SYCL for CUDA: An overview of implementing PI for CUDA - <em>A. Johnston</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Johnston-SYCL_for_CUDA.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Extending LLDB to More Scripting Languages - <em>J. Devlieghere</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Devlieghere-LLDB_scripting.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<li>Adding a Subtarget Support to LLVM in Five Minutes - <em>E. Yakubova</em> [ <a href="">Video</a> ] [ <a href="../slides/Yakubova-Adding_a_Subtarget_Support_to_LLVM_in_Five_Min.pdf">Slides</a> ]</li>
<p><strong>Birds of a Feather:</strong></p>
<li>ClangBuiltLinux BoF - <em>N. Desaulniers</em></li>
<li>Loop Optimization BoF - <em>M. Kruse; K. Barton</em></li>
<li>LLVM Just-In-Time Compilers BoF - <em>L. Hames</em></li>
<li>Code Size Optimization - <em>S. Bartell; V. Adve</em></li>
<p><strong>Student Research Competition</strong></p>
<li>Enzyme: High-Performance Automatic Differentiation of LLVM - <em>W. Moses; V. Churavy</em></li>
<li>SPAM: Stateless Permutation of Application Memory with LLVM - <em>M. Ziad; M. Arroyo; S. Sethumadhavan</em></li>
<li>HPVM-FPGFA: Leveraging Compiler Optimizations for Hardware-Agnostic FPGA Programming - <em>A. Ejjeh; K. Kanwar; M. Kotsifakou; V. Adve; R. Rutenbar</em></li>
<li>Guided Linking: shrinking and speeding up dynamically linked code - <em>S. Bartell; V. Adve</em></li>
<li>ApproxTuner: A Compiler and Runtime System for Adaptive Approximations - <em>H. Sharif; M. Kotsifakou; Y. Zhao; A. Kothari; B. Schreiber; E. Wang; Y. Sarita; N. Zhao; K. Joshi; V. Adve; S. Misailovic; S. Adve</em></li>
<li>CIRCT: MLIR for Hardware Design - <em>A. Wilson; S. Neuendorffer; C. Lattner;</em></li>
<li>An Approach to Generate Correctly Rounded Math Libraries for New Floating Point Variants - <em>J. Lim; M. Aanjaneya; J. Gustafson; S. Nagarakatte</em></li>
<li>Compiling a Higher-Order Smart Contract Language to LLVM - <em>V. Nagaraj; J. Johannsen; A. Trunov; G. Pirlea; A. Kumar; I. Sergey</em></li>
<li>To -jInfinity &amp; Beyond - <em>W. Moses; K. Kwok; L. Sha</em></li>
<li>llvm-diva – Debug Information Visual Analyzer - <em>C. Enciso</em></li>
<li>Quickly Finding RISC-V Code Quality Issues with Differential Analysis - <em>L. Marques</em></li>
<li>Error estimates of floating-point numbers and Jacobian matrix computation in Clad - <em>V. Vassilev; A. Penev; R. Shakhov</em></li>
<li>Data Dependency using MSSA: Analysis and Contrast - <em>R. Sharma; W. Tsang</em></li>
<li>Connecting Clang to The ROSE Source-to-Source Compiler - <em>A. Wang; P. Lin; C. Liao; Y. Yan</em></li>
<li>Incremental Compilation Support in Clang - <em>V. Vassilevv; D. Lange</em></li>
<li>Enzyme: High-Performance Automatic Differentiation of LLVM - <em>W. Moses; V. Churavy</em></li>
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