[EuroLLVM'20] Add information about the DICT workshop.
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     interested in networking and meeting other new LLVM Developers, then you
     should attend this session. Attending the newcomers session is free but
     requires registration (for organizational purpose).</li>
-<p>Coming soon:
-  <li>Diversity and Inclusion in Compilers &amp; Tools Workshop.</li>
+  <li><a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/94343837959">Diversity and Inclusion in Compilers &amp; Tools Workshop.</a>
+    This event features speakers and discussion aiming to increase diversity
+    and inclusion within the LLVM community, attendee's workplace or
+    university, and within the field of compilers and tools. It is open to
+    anyone who is interested in these efforts. Our featured speaker this year
+    is Adelina Chalmers; she will be giving a talk entitled <b>"Don’t Let Fear of
+    Feedback Stop your Contributions: How to Respond to Negative Feedback"</b>. You
+    can find more about Adelina and her talk on the registration web page.
+  </li>