Fix broken link to Whova site on main page.
diff --git a/devmtg/2020-09/index.html b/devmtg/2020-09/index.html
index b289906..2d5905d 100755
--- a/devmtg/2020-09/index.html
+++ b/devmtg/2020-09/index.html
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
     <div class="title">
       <h2>About the LLVM Developers&#39; Meeting</h2>
-    <p><p>The LLVM Developers' Meeting is a bi-annual gathering of the entire LLVM Project community. This year we will be having our first virtual event!</p><p>The conference is organized by the LLVM Foundation and many volunteers within the LLVM community. Developers and users of LLVM, Clang, and related subprojects will enjoy attending interesting talks, impromptu discussions, and networking with the many members of our community. Whether you are a new to the LLVM project or a long time member, there is something for each attendee.</p><p>What types of people attend?<ul><li>Active developers of projects in the LLVM Umbrella(LLVM core, Clang, LLDB, libc++, compiler_rt, klee, lld, etc).</li><li>Anyone interested in using these as part of another project.</li><li>Students and Researchers</li><li>Compiler, programming language, and runtime enthusiasts.</li><li>Those interested in using compiler and toolchain technology in novel and interesting ways.</li></ul><p>For future announcements or questions: Please sign up for the <a href=""> LLVM Developers' Meeting list</a>.</p><h2><a href="http://localhost:1313/devmtg/2020-09/">Visit the 2020 Virtual LLVM Developers' Meeting on Whova</a></h2></p>
+    <p><p>The LLVM Developers' Meeting is a bi-annual gathering of the entire LLVM Project community. This year we will be having our first virtual event!</p><p>The conference is organized by the LLVM Foundation and many volunteers within the LLVM community. Developers and users of LLVM, Clang, and related subprojects will enjoy attending interesting talks, impromptu discussions, and networking with the many members of our community. Whether you are a new to the LLVM project or a long time member, there is something for each attendee.</p><p>What types of people attend?<ul><li>Active developers of projects in the LLVM Umbrella(LLVM core, Clang, LLDB, libc++, compiler_rt, klee, lld, etc).</li><li>Anyone interested in using these as part of another project.</li><li>Students and Researchers</li><li>Compiler, programming language, and runtime enthusiasts.</li><li>Those interested in using compiler and toolchain technology in novel and interesting ways.</li></ul><p>For future announcements or questions: Please sign up for the <a href=""> LLVM Developers' Meeting list</a>.</p><h2><a href="">Visit the 2020 Virtual LLVM Developers' Meeting on Whova</a></h2></p>