blob: dac7c449cf73c64e82c971f58929ef93c308a6e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* \file image.c
* \brief
* Decode a Slice
* \author
* Main contributors (see contributors.h for copyright, address and affiliation details)
* - Inge Lille-Langoy <>
* - Rickard Sjoberg <>
* - Jani Lainema <>
* - Sebastian Purreiter <>
* - Byeong-Moon Jeon <>
* - Thomas Wedi <>
* - Gabi Blaettermann <>
* - Ye-Kui Wang <>
* - Antti Hallapuro <>
* - Alexis Tourapis <>
* - Jill Boyce <>
* - Saurav K Bandyopadhyay <>
* - Zhenyu Wu <
* - Purvin Pandit <>
#include "contributors.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef WIN32
#include <io.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "global.h"
#include "errorconcealment.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "mbuffer.h"
#include "fmo.h"
#include "nalu.h"
#include "parsetcommon.h"
#include "parset.h"
#include "header.h"
#include "rtp.h"
#include "sei.h"
#include "output.h"
#include "biaridecod.h"
#include "mb_access.h"
#include "memalloc.h"
#include "annexb.h"
#include "context_ini.h"
#include "cabac.h"
#include "loopfilter.h"
#include "vlc.h"
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(__NetBSD__) || defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__APPLE__)
#include <sys/time.h>
int ftime(struct timeb *tp)
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
tp->time = tv.tv_sec;
tp->millitm = tv.tv_usec / 1000;
tp->timezone = tz.tz_minuteswest;
tp->dstflag = tz.tz_dsttime;
#include "erc_api.h"
extern objectBuffer_t *erc_object_list;
extern ercVariables_t *erc_errorVar;
extern frame erc_recfr;
extern int erc_mvperMB;
extern struct img_par *erc_img;
//extern FILE *p_out2;
extern StorablePicture **listX[6];
extern ColocatedParams *Co_located;
extern StorablePicture *no_reference_picture;
int non_conforming_stream;
StorablePicture *dec_picture;
OldSliceParams old_slice;
void MbAffPostProc()
imgpel temp[16][32];
imgpel ** imgY = dec_picture->imgY;
imgpel ***imgUV = dec_picture->imgUV;
int i, x, y, x0, y0, uv;
for (i=0; i<(int)dec_picture->PicSizeInMbs; i+=2)
if (dec_picture->mb_field[i])
get_mb_pos(i, &x0, &y0, IS_LUMA);
for (y=0; y<(2*MB_BLOCK_SIZE);y++)
for (x=0; x<MB_BLOCK_SIZE; x++)
temp[x][y] = imgY[y0+y][x0+x];
for (y=0; y<MB_BLOCK_SIZE;y++)
for (x=0; x<MB_BLOCK_SIZE; x++)
imgY[y0+(2*y)][x0+x] = temp[x][y];
imgY[y0+(2*y+1)][x0+x] = temp[x][y+MB_BLOCK_SIZE];
if (dec_picture->chroma_format_idc != YUV400)
x0 = x0 / (16/img->mb_cr_size_x);
y0 = y0 / (16/img->mb_cr_size_y);
for (uv=0; uv<2; uv++)
for (y=0; y<(2*img->mb_cr_size_y);y++)
for (x=0; x<img->mb_cr_size_x; x++)
temp[x][y] = imgUV[uv][y0+y][x0+x];
for (y=0; y<img->mb_cr_size_y;y++)
for (x=0; x<img->mb_cr_size_x; x++)
imgUV[uv][y0+(2*y)][x0+x] = temp[x][y];
imgUV[uv][y0+(2*y+1)][x0+x] = temp[x][y+img->mb_cr_size_y];
* \brief
* decodes one I- or P-frame
int decode_one_frame(struct img_par *img,struct inp_par *inp, struct snr_par *snr)
int current_header;
Slice *currSlice = img->currentSlice;
int i;
img->current_slice_nr = 0;
img->current_mb_nr = -4711; // initialized to an impossible value for debugging -- correct value is taken from slice header
currSlice->next_header = -8888; // initialized to an impossible value for debugging -- correct value is taken from slice header
img->num_dec_mb = 0;
img->newframe = 1;
while ((currSlice->next_header != EOS && currSlice->next_header != SOP))
current_header = read_new_slice();
// error tracking of primary and redundant slices.
// If primary and redundant are received and primary is correct, discard the redundant
// else, primary slice will be replaced with redundant slice.
if(img->frame_num == previous_frame_num && img->redundant_pic_cnt !=0
&& Is_primary_correct !=0 && current_header != EOS)
// update reference flags and set current ref_flag
if(!(img->redundant_pic_cnt != 0 && previous_frame_num == img->frame_num))
ref_flag[i] = ref_flag[i-1];
ref_flag[0] = img->redundant_pic_cnt==0 ? Is_primary_correct : Is_redundant_correct;
previous_frame_num = img->frame_num;
if (current_header == EOS)
return EOS;
decode_slice(img, inp, current_header);
img->newframe = 0;
return (SOP);
* \brief
* Convert file read buffer to source picture structure
* \param imgX
* Pointer to image plane
* \param buf
* Buffer for file output
* \param size_x
* horizontal image size in pixel
* \param size_y
* vertical image size in pixel
* \param symbol_size_in_bytes
* number of bytes used per pel
void buf2img (imgpel** imgX, unsigned char* buf, int size_x, int size_y, int symbol_size_in_bytes)
int i,j;
unsigned short tmp16, ui16;
unsigned long tmp32, ui32;
if (symbol_size_in_bytes> sizeof(imgpel))
error ("Source picture has higher bit depth than imgpel data type. Please recompile with larger data type for imgpel.", 500);
if (( sizeof(char) == sizeof (imgpel)) && ( sizeof(char) == symbol_size_in_bytes))
// imgpel == pixel_in_file == 1 byte -> simple copy
memcpy(&imgX[j][0], buf+j*size_x, size_x);
// sizeof (imgpel) > sizeof(char)
if (testEndian())
// big endian
switch (symbol_size_in_bytes)
case 1:
imgX[j][i]= buf[i+j*size_x];
case 2:
memcpy(&tmp16, buf+((i+j*size_x)*2), 2);
ui16 = (tmp16 >> 8) | ((tmp16&0xFF)<<8);
imgX[j][i] = (imgpel) ui16;
case 4:
memcpy(&tmp32, buf+((i+j*size_x)*4), 4);
ui32 = ((tmp32&0xFF00)<<8) | ((tmp32&0xFF)<<24) | ((tmp32&0xFF0000)>>8) | ((tmp32&0xFF000000)>>24);
imgX[j][i] = (imgpel) ui32;
error ("reading only from formats of 8, 16 or 32 bit allowed on big endian architecture", 500);
// little endian
if (symbol_size_in_bytes == 1)
for (j=0; j < size_y; j++)
for (i=0; i < size_x; i++)
for (j=0; j < size_y; j++)
int jpos = j*size_x;
for (i=0; i < size_x; i++)
memcpy(&(imgX[j][i]), buf +((i+jpos)*symbol_size_in_bytes), symbol_size_in_bytes);
* \brief
* Find PSNR for all three components.Compare decoded frame with
* the original sequence. Read inp->jumpd frames to reflect frame skipping.
void find_snr(
struct snr_par *snr, //!< pointer to snr parameters
StorablePicture *p, //!< picture to be compared
int p_ref) //!< open reference YUV file
static const int SubWidthC [4]= { 1, 2, 2, 1};
static const int SubHeightC [4]= { 1, 2, 1, 1};
int crop_left, crop_right, crop_top, crop_bottom;
int i,j;
int64 diff_y,diff_u,diff_v;
int uv;
int64 status;
int symbol_size_in_bytes = img->pic_unit_bitsize_on_disk/8;
int size_x, size_y;
int size_x_cr, size_y_cr;
int64 framesize_in_bytes;
unsigned int max_pix_value_sqd = img->max_imgpel_value * img->max_imgpel_value;
unsigned int max_pix_value_sqd_uv = img->max_imgpel_value_uv * img->max_imgpel_value_uv;
Boolean rgb_output = (Boolean) (active_sps->vui_seq_parameters.matrix_coefficients==0);
unsigned char *buf;
// picture error concealment
char yuv_types[4][6]= {"4:0:0","4:2:0","4:2:2","4:4:4"};
// calculate frame number
int psnrPOC = active_sps->mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag ? p->poc /(input->poc_scale) : p->poc/(input->poc_scale);
// cropping for luma
if (p->frame_cropping_flag)
crop_left = SubWidthC[p->chroma_format_idc] * p->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;
crop_right = SubWidthC[p->chroma_format_idc] * p->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;
crop_top = SubHeightC[p->chroma_format_idc]*( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;
crop_bottom = SubHeightC[p->chroma_format_idc]*( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;
crop_left = crop_right = crop_top = crop_bottom = 0;
size_x = p->size_x - crop_left - crop_right;
size_y = p->size_y - crop_top - crop_bottom;
// cropping for chroma
if (p->frame_cropping_flag)
crop_left = p->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;
crop_right = p->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;
crop_top = ( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;
crop_bottom = ( 2 - p->frame_mbs_only_flag ) * p->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;
crop_left = crop_right = crop_top = crop_bottom = 0;
if ((p->chroma_format_idc==YUV400) && input->write_uv)
size_x_cr = p->size_x/2;
size_y_cr = p->size_y/2;
size_x_cr = p->size_x_cr - crop_left - crop_right;
size_y_cr = p->size_y_cr - crop_top - crop_bottom;
framesize_in_bytes = (((int64)size_y*size_x) + ((int64)size_y_cr*size_x_cr)*2) * symbol_size_in_bytes;
if (psnrPOC==0 && img->psnr_number)
img->idr_psnr_number = img->number*img->ref_poc_gap/(input->poc_scale);
frame_no = img->idr_psnr_number+psnrPOC;
// KS: this buffer should actually be allocated only once, but this is still much faster than the previous version
buf = malloc ( size_y * size_x * symbol_size_in_bytes );
if (NULL == buf)
no_mem_exit("find_snr: buf");
status = lseek (p_ref, framesize_in_bytes * frame_no, SEEK_SET);
if (status == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "Error in seeking frame number: %d\n", frame_no);
free (buf);
lseek (p_ref, framesize_in_bytes/3, SEEK_CUR);
read(p_ref, buf, size_y * size_x * symbol_size_in_bytes);
buf2img(imgY_ref, buf, size_x, size_y, symbol_size_in_bytes);
if (p->chroma_format_idc != YUV400)
for (uv=0; uv < 2; uv++)
if(rgb_output && uv==1)
lseek (p_ref, -framesize_in_bytes, SEEK_CUR);
read(p_ref, buf, size_y_cr * size_x_cr*symbol_size_in_bytes);
buf2img(imgUV_ref[uv], buf, size_x_cr, size_y_cr, symbol_size_in_bytes);
lseek (p_ref, framesize_in_bytes*2/3, SEEK_CUR);
free (buf);
for (j=0; j < size_y; ++j)
for (i=0; i < size_x; ++i)
diff_y += img->quad[p->imgY[j][i]-imgY_ref[j][i]];
// Chroma
if (p->chroma_format_idc != YUV400)
for (j=0; j < size_y_cr; ++j)
for (i=0; i < size_x_cr; ++i)
diff_u += img->quad[imgUV_ref[0][j][i]-p->imgUV[0][j][i]];
diff_v += img->quad[imgUV_ref[1][j][i]-p->imgUV[1][j][i]];
if (diff_y == 0)
diff_y = 1;
if (diff_u == 0)
diff_u = 1;
if (diff_v == 0)
diff_v = 1;
// Collecting SNR statistics
if (diff_y != 0)
snr->snr_y=(float)(10*log10(max_pix_value_sqd*(double)((double)(size_x)*(size_y) / diff_y))); // luma snr for current frame
if (diff_u != 0)
snr->snr_u=(float)(10*log10(max_pix_value_sqd_uv*(double)((double)(size_x_cr)*(size_y_cr) / (diff_u)))); // chroma snr for current frame
if (diff_v != 0)
snr->snr_v=(float)(10*log10(max_pix_value_sqd_uv*(double)((double)(size_x_cr)*(size_y_cr) / (diff_v)))); // chroma snr for current frame
if (img->number == 0) // first
snr->snr_ya=snr->snr_y1=snr->snr_y; // keep luma snr for first frame
snr->snr_ua=snr->snr_u1=snr->snr_u; // keep chroma snr for first frame
snr->snr_va=snr->snr_v1=snr->snr_v; // keep chroma snr for first frame
snr->snr_ya=(float)(snr->snr_ya*(snr->frame_ctr)+snr->snr_y)/(snr->frame_ctr+1); // average snr chroma for all frames
snr->snr_ua=(float)(snr->snr_ua*(snr->frame_ctr)+snr->snr_u)/(snr->frame_ctr+1); // average snr luma for all frames
snr->snr_va=(float)(snr->snr_va*(snr->frame_ctr)+snr->snr_v)/(snr->frame_ctr+1); // average snr luma for all frames
// picture error concealment
fprintf(stdout,"%04d(P) %8d %5d %5d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %s %5d\n",
frame_no, p->frame_poc, p->pic_num, p->qp,
snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, yuv_types[p->chroma_format_idc], 0);
* \brief
* Interpolation of 1/4 subpixel
void get_block(int ref_frame, StorablePicture **list, int x_pos, int y_pos, struct img_par *img, int block[BLOCK_SIZE][BLOCK_SIZE])
int dx, dy;
int i, j;
int maxold_x,maxold_y;
int result;
int pres_x, pres_y;
int tmp_res[9][9];
static const int COEF[6] = { 1, -5, 20, 20, -5, 1 };
StorablePicture *curr_ref = list[ref_frame];
static imgpel **cur_imgY, *cur_lineY;
static int jpos_m2, jpos_m1, jpos, jpos_p1, jpos_p2, jpos_p3;
static int ipos_m2, ipos_m1, ipos, ipos_p1, ipos_p2, ipos_p3;
if (curr_ref == no_reference_picture && img->framepoc < img->recovery_poc)
printf("list[ref_frame] is equal to 'no reference picture' before RAP\n");
/* fill the block with sample value 128 */
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
block[j][i] = 128;
cur_imgY = curr_ref->imgY;
dx = x_pos&3;
dy = y_pos&3;
x_pos = (x_pos-dx)>>2;
y_pos = (y_pos-dy)>>2;
maxold_x = dec_picture->size_x_m1;
maxold_y = dec_picture->size_y_m1;
if (dec_picture->mb_field[img->current_mb_nr])
maxold_y = (dec_picture->size_y >> 1) - 1;
if (dx == 0 && dy == 0)
{ /* fullpel position */
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y_pos+j)];
block[j][0] = cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos )];
block[j][1] = cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+1)];
block[j][2] = cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+2)];
block[j][3] = cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+3)];
{ /* other positions */
if (dy == 0)
{ /* No vertical interpolation */
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
ipos_m2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i - 2);
ipos_m1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i - 1);
ipos = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i );
ipos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + 1);
ipos_p2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + 2);
ipos_p3 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + 3);
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y_pos+j)];
result = (cur_lineY[ipos_m2] + cur_lineY[ipos_p3]) * COEF[0];
result += (cur_lineY[ipos_m1] + cur_lineY[ipos_p2]) * COEF[1];
result += (cur_lineY[ipos ] + cur_lineY[ipos_p1]) * COEF[2];
block[j][i] = iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((result+16)>>5));
if ((dx&1) == 1)
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y_pos+j)];
block[j][0] = (block[j][0] + cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos +(dx>>1))] + 1 )>>1;
block[j][1] = (block[j][1] + cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+1+(dx>>1))] + 1 )>>1;
block[j][2] = (block[j][2] + cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+2+(dx>>1))] + 1 )>>1;
block[j][3] = (block[j][3] + cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+3+(dx>>1))] + 1 )>>1;
else if (dx == 0)
{ /* No horizontal interpolation */
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
jpos_m2 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j - 2);
jpos_m1 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j - 1);
jpos = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j );
jpos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 1);
jpos_p2 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 2);
jpos_p3 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 3);
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+i);
result = (cur_imgY[jpos_m2][pres_x] + cur_imgY[jpos_p3][pres_x]) * COEF[0];
result += (cur_imgY[jpos_m1][pres_x] + cur_imgY[jpos_p2][pres_x]) * COEF[1];
result += (cur_imgY[jpos ][pres_x] + cur_imgY[jpos_p1][pres_x]) * COEF[2];
block[j][i] = iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((result+16)>>5));
if ((dy&1) == 1)
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y_pos+j+(dy>>1))];
block[j][0] = (block[j][0] + cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos )] + 1 )>>1;
block[j][1] = (block[j][1] + cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+1)] + 1 )>>1;
block[j][2] = (block[j][2] + cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+2)] + 1 )>>1;
block[j][3] = (block[j][3] + cur_lineY[iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+3)] + 1 )>>1;
else if (dx == 2)
{ /* Vertical & horizontal interpolation */
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
ipos_m2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i - 2);
ipos_m1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i - 1);
ipos = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i );
ipos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + 1);
ipos_p2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + 2);
ipos_p3 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + 3);
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE + 5; j++)
cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,y_pos + j - 2)];
tmp_res[j][i] = (cur_lineY[ipos_m2] + cur_lineY[ipos_p3]) * COEF[0];
tmp_res[j][i] += (cur_lineY[ipos_m1] + cur_lineY[ipos_p2]) * COEF[1];
tmp_res[j][i] += (cur_lineY[ipos ] + cur_lineY[ipos_p1]) * COEF[2];
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
jpos_m2 = j ;
jpos_m1 = j + 1;
jpos = j + 2;
jpos_p1 = j + 3;
jpos_p2 = j + 4;
jpos_p3 = j + 5;
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
result = (tmp_res[jpos_m2][i] + tmp_res[jpos_p3][i]) * COEF[0];
result += (tmp_res[jpos_m1][i] + tmp_res[jpos_p2][i]) * COEF[1];
result += (tmp_res[jpos ][i] + tmp_res[jpos_p1][i]) * COEF[2];
block[j][i] = iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((result+512)>>10));
if ((dy&1) == 1)
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
pres_y = j+2+(dy>>1);
block[j][0] = (block[j][0] + iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((tmp_res[pres_y][0]+16)>>5)) +1 )>>1;
block[j][1] = (block[j][1] + iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((tmp_res[pres_y][1]+16)>>5)) +1 )>>1;
block[j][2] = (block[j][2] + iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((tmp_res[pres_y][2]+16)>>5)) +1 )>>1;
block[j][3] = (block[j][3] + iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((tmp_res[pres_y][3]+16)>>5)) +1 )>>1;
else if (dy == 2)
{ /* Horizontal & vertical interpolation */
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
jpos_m2 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j - 2);
jpos_m1 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j - 1);
jpos = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j );
jpos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 1);
jpos_p2 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 2);
jpos_p3 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 3);
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE+5; i++)
pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x,x_pos+i - 2);
tmp_res[j][i] = (cur_imgY[jpos_m2][pres_x] + cur_imgY[jpos_p3][pres_x])*COEF[0];
tmp_res[j][i] += (cur_imgY[jpos_m1][pres_x] + cur_imgY[jpos_p2][pres_x])*COEF[1];
tmp_res[j][i] += (cur_imgY[jpos ][pres_x] + cur_imgY[jpos_p1][pres_x])*COEF[2];
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
result = (tmp_res[j][i ] + tmp_res[j][i + 5]) * COEF[0];
result += (tmp_res[j][i + 1] + tmp_res[j][i + 4]) * COEF[1];
result += (tmp_res[j][i + 2] + tmp_res[j][i + 3]) * COEF[2];
block[j][i] = iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((result+512)>>10));
if ((dx&1) == 1)
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
block[j][0] = (block[j][0] + iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((tmp_res[j][2+(dx>>1)]+16)>>5))+1)>>1;
block[j][1] = (block[j][1] + iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((tmp_res[j][3+(dx>>1)]+16)>>5))+1)>>1;
block[j][2] = (block[j][2] + iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((tmp_res[j][4+(dx>>1)]+16)>>5))+1)>>1;
block[j][3] = (block[j][3] + iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((tmp_res[j][5+(dx>>1)]+16)>>5))+1)>>1;
{ /* Diagonal interpolation */
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
ipos_m2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i - 2);
ipos_m1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i - 1);
ipos = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i );
ipos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + 1);
ipos_p2 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + 2);
ipos_p3 = iClip3(0, maxold_x, x_pos + i + 3);
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
cur_lineY = cur_imgY[iClip3(0,maxold_y,(dy == 1 ? y_pos+j : y_pos+j+1))];
result = (cur_lineY[ipos_m2] + cur_lineY[ipos_p3]) * COEF[0];
result += (cur_lineY[ipos_m1] + cur_lineY[ipos_p2]) * COEF[1];
result += (cur_lineY[ipos ] + cur_lineY[ipos_p1]) * COEF[2];
block[j][i] = iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((result+16)>>5));
for (j = 0; j < BLOCK_SIZE; j++)
jpos_m2 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j - 2);
jpos_m1 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j - 1);
jpos = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j );
jpos_p1 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 1);
jpos_p2 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 2);
jpos_p3 = iClip3(0, maxold_y, y_pos + j + 3);
for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE; i++)
pres_x = dx == 1 ? x_pos+i : x_pos+i+1;
pres_x = iClip3(0,maxold_x,pres_x);
result = (cur_imgY[jpos_m2][pres_x] + cur_imgY[jpos_p3][pres_x]) * COEF[0];
result += (cur_imgY[jpos_m1][pres_x] + cur_imgY[jpos_p2][pres_x]) * COEF[1];
result += (cur_imgY[jpos ][pres_x] + cur_imgY[jpos_p1][pres_x]) * COEF[2];
block[j][i] = (block[j][i] + iClip1(img->max_imgpel_value, ((result+16)>>5)) +1 ) >>1;
void reorder_lists(int currSliceType, Slice * currSlice)
if ((currSliceType != I_SLICE)&&(currSliceType != SI_SLICE))
if (currSlice->ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l0)
reorder_ref_pic_list(listX[0], &listXsize[0],
img->num_ref_idx_l0_active - 1,
if (no_reference_picture == listX[0][img->num_ref_idx_l0_active-1])
if (non_conforming_stream)
printf("RefPicList0[ num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 ] is equal to 'no reference picture'\n");
error("RefPicList0[ num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1 ] is equal to 'no reference picture', invalid bitstream",500);
// that's a definition
listXsize[0] = img->num_ref_idx_l0_active;
if (currSliceType == B_SLICE)
if (currSlice->ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l1)
reorder_ref_pic_list(listX[1], &listXsize[1],
img->num_ref_idx_l1_active - 1,
if (no_reference_picture == listX[1][img->num_ref_idx_l1_active-1])
if (non_conforming_stream)
printf("RefPicList1[ num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 ] is equal to 'no reference picture'\n");
error("RefPicList1[ num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1 ] is equal to 'no reference picture', invalid bitstream",500);
// that's a definition
listXsize[1] = img->num_ref_idx_l1_active;
* \brief
* initialize ref_pic_num array
void set_ref_pic_num()
int i,j;
int slice_id=img->current_slice_nr;
for (i=0;i<listXsize[LIST_0];i++)
dec_picture->ref_pic_num [slice_id][LIST_0][i]=listX[LIST_0][i]->poc * 2 + ((listX[LIST_0][i]->structure==BOTTOM_FIELD)?1:0) ;
dec_picture->frm_ref_pic_num [slice_id][LIST_0][i]=listX[LIST_0][i]->frame_poc * 2;
dec_picture->top_ref_pic_num [slice_id][LIST_0][i]=listX[LIST_0][i]->top_poc * 2;
dec_picture->bottom_ref_pic_num [slice_id][LIST_0][i]=listX[LIST_0][i]->bottom_poc * 2 + 1;
//printf("POCS %d %d %d %d ",listX[LIST_0][i]->frame_poc,listX[LIST_0][i]->bottom_poc,listX[LIST_0][i]->top_poc,listX[LIST_0][i]->poc);
//printf("refid %d %d %d %d\n",(int) dec_picture->frm_ref_pic_num[LIST_0][i],(int) dec_picture->top_ref_pic_num[LIST_0][i],(int) dec_picture->bottom_ref_pic_num[LIST_0][i],(int) dec_picture->ref_pic_num[LIST_0][i]);
for (i=0;i<listXsize[LIST_1];i++)
dec_picture->ref_pic_num [slice_id][LIST_1][i]=listX[LIST_1][i]->poc *2 + ((listX[LIST_1][i]->structure==BOTTOM_FIELD)?1:0);
dec_picture->frm_ref_pic_num [slice_id][LIST_1][i]=listX[LIST_1][i]->frame_poc * 2;
dec_picture->top_ref_pic_num [slice_id][LIST_1][i]=listX[LIST_1][i]->top_poc * 2;
dec_picture->bottom_ref_pic_num [slice_id][LIST_1][i]=listX[LIST_1][i]->bottom_poc * 2 + 1;
if (!active_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag)
if (img->structure==FRAME)
for (j=2;j<6;j++)
for (i=0;i<listXsize[j];i++)
dec_picture->ref_pic_num [slice_id][j][i] = listX[j][i]->poc * 2 + ((listX[j][i]->structure==BOTTOM_FIELD)?1:0);
dec_picture->frm_ref_pic_num [slice_id][j][i] = listX[j][i]->frame_poc * 2 ;
dec_picture->top_ref_pic_num [slice_id][j][i] = listX[j][i]->top_poc * 2 ;
dec_picture->bottom_ref_pic_num [slice_id][j][i] = listX[j][i]->bottom_poc * 2 + 1;
* \brief
* Reads new slice from bit_stream
int read_new_slice()
int current_header = 0;
int ret;
int BitsUsedByHeader;
Slice *currSlice = img->currentSlice;
Bitstream *currStream;
int slice_id_a, slice_id_b, slice_id_c;
int redundant_pic_cnt_b, redundant_pic_cnt_c;
long ftell_position;
while (1)
ftell_position = ftell(bits);
if (input->FileFormat == PAR_OF_ANNEXB)
ret=GetAnnexbNALU (nalu);
ret=GetRTPNALU (nalu);
//In some cases, zero_byte shall be present. If current NALU is a VCL NALU, we can't tell
//whether it is the first VCL NALU at this point, so only non-VCL NAL unit is checked here.
CheckZeroByteNonVCL(nalu, &ret);
if (ret < 0)
printf ("Error while getting the NALU in file format %s, exit\n", input->FileFormat==PAR_OF_ANNEXB?"Annex B":"RTP");
if (ret == 0)
return EOS;
// Got a NALU
if (nalu->forbidden_bit)
printf ("Found NALU w/ forbidden_bit set, bit error? Let's try...\n");
switch (nalu->nal_unit_type)
if (img->recovery_point || nalu->nal_unit_type == NALU_TYPE_IDR)
if (img->recovery_point_found == 0)
if (nalu->nal_unit_type != NALU_TYPE_IDR)
printf("Warning: Decoding does not start with an IDR picture.\n");
non_conforming_stream = 1;
non_conforming_stream = 0;
img->recovery_point_found = 1;
if (img->recovery_point_found == 0)
img->idr_flag = (nalu->nal_unit_type == NALU_TYPE_IDR);
img->nal_reference_idc = nalu->nal_reference_idc;
currSlice->dp_mode = PAR_DP_1;
currSlice->max_part_nr = 1;
currSlice->ei_flag = 0;
currStream = currSlice->partArr[0].bitstream;
currStream->ei_flag = 0;
currStream->frame_bitoffset = currStream->read_len = 0;
memcpy (currStream->streamBuffer, &nalu->buf[1], nalu->len-1);
currStream->code_len = currStream->bitstream_length = RBSPtoSODB(currStream->streamBuffer, nalu->len-1);
// Some syntax of the Slice Header depends on the parameter set, which depends on
// the parameter set ID of the SLice header. Hence, read the pic_parameter_set_id
// of the slice header first, then setup the active parameter sets, and then read
// the rest of the slice header
BitsUsedByHeader = FirstPartOfSliceHeader();
UseParameterSet (currSlice->pic_parameter_set_id);
BitsUsedByHeader+= RestOfSliceHeader ();
FmoInit (active_pps, active_sps);
AssignQuantParam (active_pps, active_sps);
// if primary slice is replaced with redundant slice, set the correct image type
if(img->redundant_pic_cnt && Is_primary_correct==0 && Is_redundant_correct)
init_picture(img, input);
current_header = SOP;
//check zero_byte if it is also the first NAL unit in the access unit
CheckZeroByteVCL(nalu, &ret);
current_header = SOS;
init_lists(img->type, img->currentSlice->structure);
reorder_lists (img->type, img->currentSlice);
if (img->structure==FRAME)
/* if (img->frame_num==1) // write a reference list
count ++;
if (count==1)
for (i=0; i<listXsize[0]; i++)
write_picture(listX[0][i], p_out2);
// From here on, active_sps, active_pps and the slice header are valid
if (img->MbaffFrameFlag)
img->current_mb_nr = currSlice->start_mb_nr << 1;
img->current_mb_nr = currSlice->start_mb_nr;
if (active_pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag)
int ByteStartPosition = currStream->frame_bitoffset/8;
if (currStream->frame_bitoffset%8 != 0)
arideco_start_decoding (&currSlice->partArr[0].de_cabac, currStream->streamBuffer, ByteStartPosition, &currStream->read_len, img->type);
// printf ("read_new_slice: returning %s\n", current_header == SOP?"SOP":"SOS");
img->recovery_point = 0;
return current_header;
// read DP_A
img->idr_flag = (nalu->nal_unit_type == NALU_TYPE_IDR);
if (img->idr_flag)
printf ("Data partiton A cannot have idr_flag set, trying anyway \n");
img->nal_reference_idc = nalu->nal_reference_idc;
currSlice->dp_mode = PAR_DP_3;
currSlice->max_part_nr = 3;
currSlice->ei_flag = 0;
currStream = currSlice->partArr[0].bitstream;
currStream->ei_flag = 0;
currStream->frame_bitoffset = currStream->read_len = 0;
memcpy (currStream->streamBuffer, &nalu->buf[1], nalu->len-1);
currStream->code_len = currStream->bitstream_length = RBSPtoSODB(currStream->streamBuffer, nalu->len-1);
BitsUsedByHeader = FirstPartOfSliceHeader();
UseParameterSet (currSlice->pic_parameter_set_id);
BitsUsedByHeader += RestOfSliceHeader ();
FmoInit (active_pps, active_sps);
init_picture(img, input);
current_header = SOP;
CheckZeroByteVCL(nalu, &ret);
current_header = SOS;
init_lists(img->type, img->currentSlice->structure);
reorder_lists (img->type, img->currentSlice);
if (img->structure==FRAME)
// From here on, active_sps, active_pps and the slice header are valid
if (img->MbaffFrameFlag)
img->current_mb_nr = currSlice->start_mb_nr << 1;
img->current_mb_nr = currSlice->start_mb_nr;
// Now I need to read the slice ID, which depends on the value of
// redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag
slice_id_a = ue_v("NALU: DP_A slice_id", currStream);
if (active_pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag)
error ("received data partition with CABAC, this is not allowed", 500);
// continue with reading next DP
ftell_position = ftell(bits);
if (input->FileFormat == PAR_OF_ANNEXB)
ret=GetAnnexbNALU (nalu);
ret=GetRTPNALU (nalu);
CheckZeroByteNonVCL(nalu, &ret);
if (ret < 0)
printf ("Error while getting the NALU in file format %s, exit\n", input->FileFormat==PAR_OF_ANNEXB?"Annex B":"RTP");
if (ret == 0)
return current_header;
if ( NALU_TYPE_DPB == nalu->nal_unit_type)
// we got a DPB
currStream = currSlice->partArr[1].bitstream;
currStream->ei_flag = 0;
currStream->frame_bitoffset = currStream->read_len = 0;
memcpy (currStream->streamBuffer, &nalu->buf[1], nalu->len-1);
currStream->code_len = currStream->bitstream_length = RBSPtoSODB(currStream->streamBuffer, nalu->len-1);
slice_id_b = ue_v("NALU: DP_B slice_id", currStream);
if (slice_id_b != slice_id_a)
printf ("got a data partition B which does not match DP_A\n");
// KS: needs error handling !!!
if (active_pps->redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag)
redundant_pic_cnt_b = ue_v("NALU: DP_B redudant_pic_cnt", currStream);
redundant_pic_cnt_b = 0;
// we're finished with DP_B, so let's continue with next DP
ftell_position = ftell(bits);
if (input->FileFormat == PAR_OF_ANNEXB)
ret=GetAnnexbNALU (nalu);
ret=GetRTPNALU (nalu);
CheckZeroByteNonVCL(nalu, &ret);
if (ret < 0)
printf ("Error while getting the NALU in file format %s, exit\n", input->FileFormat==PAR_OF_ANNEXB?"Annex B":"RTP");
if (ret == 0)
return current_header;
// check if we got DP_C
if ( NALU_TYPE_DPC == nalu->nal_unit_type)
currStream = currSlice->partArr[2].bitstream;
currStream->ei_flag = 0;
currStream->frame_bitoffset = currStream->read_len = 0;
memcpy (currStream->streamBuffer, &nalu->buf[1], nalu->len-1);
currStream->code_len = currStream->bitstream_length = RBSPtoSODB(currStream->streamBuffer, nalu->len-1);
slice_id_c = ue_v("NALU: DP_C slice_id", currStream);
if (slice_id_c != slice_id_a)
printf ("got a data partition C which does not match DP_A\n");
// KS: needs error handling !!!
if (active_pps->redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag)
redundant_pic_cnt_c = ue_v("NALU:SLICE_C redudand_pic_cnt", currStream);
redundant_pic_cnt_c = 0;
// check if we read anything else than the expected partitions
if ((nalu->nal_unit_type != NALU_TYPE_DPB) && (nalu->nal_unit_type != NALU_TYPE_DPC))
// reset bitstream position and read again in next call
fseek(bits, ftell_position, SEEK_SET);
return current_header;
printf ("found data partition B without matching DP A, discarding\n");
printf ("found data partition C without matching DP A, discarding\n");
printf ("read_new_slice: Found NALU_TYPE_SEI, len %d\n", nalu->len);
// printf ("read_new_slice: Found 'Access Unit Delimiter' NAL unit, len %d, ignored\n", nalu->len);
// printf ("read_new_slice: Found 'End of Sequence' NAL unit, len %d, ignored\n", nalu->len);
// printf ("read_new_slice: Found 'End of Stream' NAL unit, len %d, ignored\n", nalu->len);
printf ("read_new_slice: Found NALU_TYPE_FILL, len %d\n", nalu->len);
printf ("Skipping these filling bits, proceeding w/ next NALU\n");
printf ("Found NALU type %d, len %d undefined, ignore NALU, moving on\n", nalu->nal_unit_type, nalu->len);
return current_header;
* \brief
* Initializes the parameters for a new picture
void init_picture(struct img_par *img, struct inp_par *inp)
int i,k,l;
Slice *currSlice = img->currentSlice;
if (dec_picture)
// this may only happen on slice loss
if (img->recovery_point)
img->recovery_frame_num = (img->frame_num + img->recovery_frame_cnt) % img->MaxFrameNum;
if (img->idr_flag)
img->recovery_frame_num = img->frame_num;
if (img->recovery_point == 0 &&
img->frame_num != img->pre_frame_num &&
img->frame_num != (img->pre_frame_num + 1) % img->MaxFrameNum)
if (active_sps->gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag == 0)
// picture error concealment
if(inp->conceal_mode !=0)
if((img->frame_num) < ((img->pre_frame_num + 1) % img->MaxFrameNum))
/* Conceal lost IDR frames and any frames immediately
following the IDR. Use frame copy for these since
lists cannot be formed correctly for motion copy*/
img->conceal_mode = 1;
img->IDR_concealment_flag = 1;
//reset to original concealment mode for future drops
img->conceal_mode = inp->conceal_mode;
//reset to original concealment mode for future drops
img->conceal_mode = inp->conceal_mode;
img->IDR_concealment_flag = 0;
{ /* Advanced Error Concealment would be called here to combat unintentional loss of pictures. */
error("An unintentional loss of pictures occurs! Exit\n", 100);
if(img->conceal_mode == 0)
img->pre_frame_num = img->frame_num;
//img->num_dec_mb = 0;
//calculate POC
if (img->recovery_frame_num == img->frame_num &&
img->recovery_poc == 0x7fffffff)
img->recovery_poc = img->framepoc;
img->last_ref_pic_poc = img->framepoc;
// dumppoc (img);
if (img->structure==FRAME ||img->structure==TOP_FIELD)
#ifdef WIN32
_ftime (&(img->tstruct_start)); // start time ms
ftime (&(img->tstruct_start)); // start time ms
time( &(img->ltime_start)); // start time s
dec_picture = alloc_storable_picture ((PictureStructure) img->structure, img->width, img->height, img->width_cr, img->height_cr);
dec_picture->chroma_qp_offset[0] = active_pps->chroma_qp_index_offset;
dec_picture->chroma_qp_offset[1] = active_pps->second_chroma_qp_index_offset;
// reset all variables of the error concealment instance before decoding of every frame.
// here the third parameter should, if perfectly, be equal to the number of slices per frame.
// using little value is ok, the code will allocate more memory if the slice number is larger
ercReset(erc_errorVar, img->PicSizeInMbs, img->PicSizeInMbs, dec_picture->size_x);
erc_mvperMB = 0;
switch (img->structure )
img->number *= 2;
img->number = img->number * 2 + 1;
case FRAME:
error("img->structure not initialized", 235);
if (img->type > SI_SLICE)
img->type = P_SLICE; // concealed element
// CAVLC init
for (i=0;i < (int)img->PicSizeInMbs; i++)
for (k=0;k<4;k++)
for (l=0;l<(4 + img->num_blk8x8_uv);l++)
img->nz_coeff[i][k][l]=-1; // CAVLC
for (i=0; i<(int)img->PicSizeInMbs; i++)
img->intra_block[i] = 1;
// Set the slice_nr member of each MB to -1, to ensure correct when packet loss occurs
// TO set Macroblock Map (mark all MBs as 'have to be concealed')
for(i=0; i<(int)img->PicSizeInMbs; i++)
img->mb_data[i].slice_nr = -1;
img->mb_data[i].ei_flag = 1;
img->mb_y = img->mb_x = 0;
img->block_y = img->pix_y = img->pix_c_y = 0; // define vertical positions
img->block_x = img->pix_x = img->pix_c_x = 0; // define horizontal positions
dec_picture->slice_type = img->type;
dec_picture->used_for_reference = (img->nal_reference_idc != 0);
dec_picture->idr_flag = img->idr_flag;
dec_picture->no_output_of_prior_pics_flag = img->no_output_of_prior_pics_flag;
dec_picture->long_term_reference_flag = img->long_term_reference_flag;
dec_picture->adaptive_ref_pic_buffering_flag = img->adaptive_ref_pic_buffering_flag;
dec_picture->dec_ref_pic_marking_buffer = img->dec_ref_pic_marking_buffer;
img->dec_ref_pic_marking_buffer = NULL;
dec_picture->MbaffFrameFlag = img->MbaffFrameFlag;
dec_picture->PicWidthInMbs = img->PicWidthInMbs;
get_mb_block_pos = dec_picture->MbaffFrameFlag ? get_mb_block_pos_mbaff : get_mb_block_pos_normal;
getNeighbour = dec_picture->MbaffFrameFlag ? getAffNeighbour : getNonAffNeighbour;
dec_picture->pic_num = img->frame_num;
dec_picture->frame_num = img->frame_num;
dec_picture->recovery_frame = (img->frame_num == img->recovery_frame_num);
dec_picture->coded_frame = (img->structure==FRAME);
dec_picture->chroma_format_idc = active_sps->chroma_format_idc;
dec_picture->frame_mbs_only_flag = active_sps->frame_mbs_only_flag;
dec_picture->frame_cropping_flag = active_sps->frame_cropping_flag;
if (dec_picture->frame_cropping_flag)
dec_picture->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset = active_sps->frame_cropping_rect_left_offset;
dec_picture->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset = active_sps->frame_cropping_rect_right_offset;
dec_picture->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset = active_sps->frame_cropping_rect_top_offset;
dec_picture->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset = active_sps->frame_cropping_rect_bottom_offset;
* \brief
* finish decoding of a picture, conceal errors and store it
* into the DPB
void exit_picture()
char yuv_types[4][6]= {"4:0:0","4:2:0","4:2:2","4:4:4"};
int ercStartMB;
int ercSegment;
frame recfr;
unsigned int i;
int structure, frame_poc, slice_type, refpic, qp, pic_num, chroma_format_idc;
char yuvFormat[10];
// return if the last picture has already been finished
if (dec_picture==NULL)
//deblocking for frame or field
DeblockPicture( img, dec_picture );
if (dec_picture->MbaffFrameFlag)
recfr.yptr = &dec_picture->imgY[0][0];
if (dec_picture->chroma_format_idc != YUV400)
recfr.uptr = &dec_picture->imgUV[0][0][0];
recfr.vptr = &dec_picture->imgUV[1][0][0];
//! this is always true at the beginning of a picture
ercStartMB = 0;
ercSegment = 0;
//! mark the start of the first segment
if (!dec_picture->MbaffFrameFlag)
ercStartSegment(0, ercSegment, 0 , erc_errorVar);
//! generate the segments according to the macroblock map
for(i = 1; i<dec_picture->PicSizeInMbs; i++)
if(img->mb_data[i].ei_flag != img->mb_data[i-1].ei_flag)
ercStopSegment(i-1, ercSegment, 0, erc_errorVar); //! stop current segment
//! mark current segment as lost or OK
ercMarkCurrSegmentLost(dec_picture->size_x, erc_errorVar);
ercMarkCurrSegmentOK(dec_picture->size_x, erc_errorVar);
ercSegment++; //! next segment
ercStartSegment(i, ercSegment, 0 , erc_errorVar); //! start new segment
ercStartMB = i;//! save start MB for this segment
//! mark end of the last segment
ercStopSegment(dec_picture->PicSizeInMbs-1, ercSegment, 0, erc_errorVar);
ercMarkCurrSegmentLost(dec_picture->size_x, erc_errorVar);
ercMarkCurrSegmentOK(dec_picture->size_x, erc_errorVar);
//! call the right error concealment function depending on the frame type.
erc_mvperMB /= dec_picture->PicSizeInMbs;
erc_img = img;
if(dec_picture->slice_type == I_SLICE || dec_picture->slice_type == SI_SLICE) // I-frame
ercConcealIntraFrame(&recfr, dec_picture->size_x, dec_picture->size_y, erc_errorVar);
ercConcealInterFrame(&recfr, erc_object_list, dec_picture->size_x, dec_picture->size_y, erc_errorVar, dec_picture->chroma_format_idc);
if (img->structure == FRAME) // buffer mgt. for frame mode
frame_postprocessing(img, input);
field_postprocessing(img, input); // reset all interlaced variables
structure = dec_picture->structure;
slice_type = dec_picture->slice_type;
frame_poc = dec_picture->frame_poc;
refpic = dec_picture->used_for_reference;
qp = dec_picture->qp;
pic_num = dec_picture->pic_num;
chroma_format_idc= dec_picture->chroma_format_idc;
if (img->last_has_mmco_5)
img->pre_frame_num = 0;
if ((structure==FRAME)||structure==BOTTOM_FIELD)
#ifdef WIN32
_ftime (&(img->tstruct_end)); // start time ms
ftime (&(img->tstruct_end)); // start time ms
time( &(img->ltime_end)); // start time s
sprintf(yuvFormat,"%s", yuv_types[chroma_format_idc]);
if (input->silent == FALSE)
if(slice_type == I_SLICE) // I picture
fprintf(stdout,"%04d(I) %8d %5d %5d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %s %5d\n",
frame_no, frame_poc, pic_num, qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, yuvFormat, 0);
else if(slice_type == P_SLICE) // P pictures
fprintf(stdout,"%04d(P) %8d %5d %5d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %s %5d\n",
frame_no, frame_poc, pic_num, qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, yuvFormat, 0);
else if(slice_type == SP_SLICE) // SP pictures
fprintf(stdout,"%04d(SP) %8d %5d %5d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %s %5d\n",
frame_no, frame_poc, pic_num, qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, yuvFormat, 0);
else if (slice_type == SI_SLICE)
fprintf(stdout,"%04d(SI) %8d %5d %5d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %s %5d\n",
frame_no, frame_poc, pic_num, qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, yuvFormat, 0);
else if(refpic) // stored B pictures
fprintf(stdout,"%04d(RB) %8d %5d %5d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %s %5d\n",
frame_no, frame_poc, pic_num, qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, yuvFormat, 0);
else // B pictures
fprintf(stdout,"%04d(B) %8d %5d %5d %7.4f %7.4f %7.4f %s %5d\n",
frame_no, frame_poc, pic_num, qp, snr->snr_y, snr->snr_u, snr->snr_v, yuvFormat, 0);
fprintf(stdout,"Completed Decoding frame %05d.\r",snr->frame_ctr);
if(slice_type == I_SLICE || slice_type == SI_SLICE || slice_type == P_SLICE || refpic) // I or P pictures
Bframe_ctr++; // B pictures
img->current_mb_nr = -4712; // impossible value for debugging, StW
img->current_slice_nr = 0;
* \brief
* write the encoding mode and motion vectors of current
* MB to the buffer of the error concealment module.
void ercWriteMBMODEandMV(struct img_par *img,struct inp_par *inp)
extern objectBuffer_t *erc_object_list;
int i, ii, jj, currMBNum = img->current_mb_nr;
int mbx = xPosMB(currMBNum,dec_picture->size_x), mby = yPosMB(currMBNum,dec_picture->size_x);
objectBuffer_t *currRegion, *pRegion;
Macroblock *currMB = &img->mb_data[currMBNum];
short*** mv;
currRegion = erc_object_list + (currMBNum<<2);
if(img->type != B_SLICE) //non-B frame
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
pRegion = currRegion + i;
pRegion->regionMode = (currMB->mb_type ==I16MB ? REGMODE_INTRA :
currMB->b8mode[i]==IBLOCK ? REGMODE_INTRA_8x8 :
currMB->b8mode[i]==0 ? REGMODE_INTER_COPY :
currMB->b8mode[i]==1 ? REGMODE_INTER_PRED : REGMODE_INTER_PRED_8x8);
if (currMB->b8mode[i]==0 || currMB->b8mode[i]==IBLOCK) // INTRA OR COPY
pRegion->mv[0] = 0;
pRegion->mv[1] = 0;
pRegion->mv[2] = 0;
ii = 4*mbx + (i%2)*2;// + BLOCK_SIZE;
jj = 4*mby + (i/2)*2;
if (currMB->b8mode[i]>=5 && currMB->b8mode[i]<=7) // SMALL BLOCKS
pRegion->mv[0] = (dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj][ii][0] + dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj][ii+1][0] + dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj+1][ii][0] + dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj+1][ii+1][0] + 2)/4;
pRegion->mv[1] = (dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj][ii][1] + dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj][ii+1][1] + dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj+1][ii][1] + dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj+1][ii+1][1] + 2)/4;
else // 16x16, 16x8, 8x16, 8x8
pRegion->mv[0] = dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj][ii][0];
pRegion->mv[1] = dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][jj][ii][1];
// pRegion->mv[0] = dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][4*mby+(i/2)*2][4*mbx+(i%2)*2+BLOCK_SIZE][0];
// pRegion->mv[1] = dec_picture->mv[LIST_0][4*mby+(i/2)*2][4*mbx+(i%2)*2+BLOCK_SIZE][1];
erc_mvperMB += mabs(pRegion->mv[0]) + mabs(pRegion->mv[1]);
pRegion->mv[2] = dec_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][jj][ii];
else //B-frame
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
ii = 4*mbx + (i%2)*2;// + BLOCK_SIZE;
jj = 4*mby + (i/2)*2;
pRegion = currRegion + i;
pRegion->regionMode = (currMB->mb_type ==I16MB ? REGMODE_INTRA :
currMB->b8mode[i]==IBLOCK ? REGMODE_INTRA_8x8 : REGMODE_INTER_PRED_8x8);
if (currMB->mb_type==I16MB || currMB->b8mode[i]==IBLOCK) // INTRA
pRegion->mv[0] = 0;
pRegion->mv[1] = 0;
pRegion->mv[2] = 0;
int idx = (dec_picture->ref_idx[0][jj][ii]<0)?1:0;
// int idx = (currMB->b8mode[i]==0 && currMB->b8pdir[i]==2 ? LIST_0 : currMB->b8pdir[i]==1 ? LIST_1 : LIST_0);
// int idx = currMB->b8pdir[i]==0 ? LIST_0 : LIST_1;
mv = dec_picture->mv[idx];
pRegion->mv[0] = (mv[jj][ii][0] + mv[jj][ii+1][0] + mv[jj+1][ii][0] + mv[jj+1][ii+1][0] + 2)/4;
pRegion->mv[1] = (mv[jj][ii][1] + mv[jj][ii+1][1] + mv[jj+1][ii][1] + mv[jj+1][ii+1][1] + 2)/4;
erc_mvperMB += mabs(pRegion->mv[0]) + mabs(pRegion->mv[1]);
pRegion->mv[2] = (dec_picture->ref_idx[idx][jj][ii]);
if (currMB->b8pdir[i]==0 || (currMB->b8pdir[i]==2 && currMB->b8mode[i]!=0)) // forward or bidirect
pRegion->mv[2] = (dec_picture->ref_idx[LIST_0][jj][ii]);
///???? is it right, not only "img->fw_refFrArr[jj][ii-4]"
pRegion->mv[2] = (dec_picture->ref_idx[LIST_1][jj][ii]);
// pRegion->mv[2] = 0;
* \brief
* set defaults for old_slice
* NAL unit of a picture"
void init_old_slice()
old_slice.field_pic_flag = 0;
old_slice.pps_id = INT_MAX;
old_slice.frame_num = INT_MAX;
old_slice.nal_ref_idc = INT_MAX;
old_slice.idr_flag = 0;
old_slice.pic_oder_cnt_lsb = UINT_MAX;
old_slice.delta_pic_oder_cnt_bottom = INT_MAX;
old_slice.delta_pic_order_cnt[0] = INT_MAX;
old_slice.delta_pic_order_cnt[1] = INT_MAX;
* \brief
* save slice parameters that are needed for checking of "first VCL
* NAL unit of a picture"
void exit_slice()
old_slice.pps_id = img->currentSlice->pic_parameter_set_id;
old_slice.frame_num = img->frame_num;
old_slice.field_pic_flag = img->field_pic_flag;
old_slice.bottom_field_flag = img->bottom_field_flag;
old_slice.nal_ref_idc = img->nal_reference_idc;
old_slice.idr_flag = img->idr_flag;
if (img->idr_flag)
old_slice.idr_pic_id = img->idr_pic_id;
if (active_sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 0)
old_slice.pic_oder_cnt_lsb = img->pic_order_cnt_lsb;
old_slice.delta_pic_oder_cnt_bottom = img->delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom;
if (active_sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 1)
old_slice.delta_pic_order_cnt[0] = img->delta_pic_order_cnt[0];
old_slice.delta_pic_order_cnt[1] = img->delta_pic_order_cnt[1];
* \brief
* detect if current slice is "first VCL NAL unit of a picture"
int is_new_picture()
int result=0;
result |= (NULL==dec_picture);
result |= (old_slice.pps_id != img->currentSlice->pic_parameter_set_id);
result |= (old_slice.frame_num != img->frame_num);
result |= (old_slice.field_pic_flag != img->field_pic_flag);
if(img->field_pic_flag && old_slice.field_pic_flag)
result |= (old_slice.bottom_field_flag != img->bottom_field_flag);
result |= (old_slice.nal_ref_idc != img->nal_reference_idc) && ((old_slice.nal_ref_idc == 0) || (img->nal_reference_idc == 0));
result |= ( old_slice.idr_flag != img->idr_flag);
if (img->idr_flag && old_slice.idr_flag)
result |= (old_slice.idr_pic_id != img->idr_pic_id);
if (active_sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 0)
result |= (old_slice.pic_oder_cnt_lsb != img->pic_order_cnt_lsb);
result |= (old_slice.delta_pic_oder_cnt_bottom != img->delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom);
if (active_sps->pic_order_cnt_type == 1)
result |= (old_slice.delta_pic_order_cnt[0] != img->delta_pic_order_cnt[0]);
result |= (old_slice.delta_pic_order_cnt[1] != img->delta_pic_order_cnt[1]);
return result;
* \brief
* decodes one slice
void decode_one_slice(struct img_par *img,struct inp_par *inp)
Boolean end_of_slice = FALSE;
int read_flag;
if (img->type == B_SLICE)
compute_colocated(Co_located, listX);
while (end_of_slice == FALSE) // loop over macroblocks
fprintf(p_trace,"\n*********** POC: %i (I/P) MB: %i Slice: %i Type %d **********\n", img->ThisPOC, img->current_mb_nr, img->current_slice_nr, img->type);
// Initializes the current macroblock
start_macroblock(img, img->current_mb_nr);
// Get the syntax elements from the NAL
read_flag = read_one_macroblock(img,inp);
if(img->MbaffFrameFlag && dec_picture->mb_field[img->current_mb_nr])
img->num_ref_idx_l0_active >>= 1;
img->num_ref_idx_l1_active >>= 1;
void decode_slice(struct img_par *img,struct inp_par *inp, int current_header)
Slice *currSlice = img->currentSlice;
if (active_pps->entropy_coding_mode_flag)
init_contexts (img);
if ( (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc > 0 && (img->type == B_SLICE)) || (active_pps->weighted_pred_flag && img->type !=I_SLICE))
//printf("frame picture %d %d %d\n",img->structure,img->ThisPOC,img->direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag);
// decode main slice information
if ((current_header == SOP || current_header == SOS) && currSlice->ei_flag == 0)
// setMB-Nr in case this slice was lost
// if(currSlice->ei_flag)
// img->current_mb_nr = currSlice->last_mb_nr + 1;
* \brief
* Prepare field and frame buffer after frame decoding
void frame_postprocessing(struct img_par *img, struct inp_par *inp)
* \brief
* Prepare field and frame buffer after field decoding
void field_postprocessing(struct img_par *img, struct inp_par *inp)
img->number /= 2;
void reset_wp_params(struct img_par *img)
int i,comp;
int log_weight_denom;
for (i=0; i<MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES; i++)
for (comp=0; comp<3; comp++)
log_weight_denom = (comp == 0) ? img->luma_log2_weight_denom : img->chroma_log2_weight_denom;
img->wp_weight[0][i][comp] = 1<<log_weight_denom;
img->wp_weight[1][i][comp] = 1<<log_weight_denom;
void fill_wp_params(struct img_par *img)
int i, j, k;
int comp;
int log_weight_denom;
int tb, td;
int bframe = (img->type==B_SLICE);
int max_bwd_ref, max_fwd_ref;
int tx,DistScaleFactor;
max_fwd_ref = img->num_ref_idx_l0_active;
max_bwd_ref = img->num_ref_idx_l1_active;
if (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 2 && bframe)
img->luma_log2_weight_denom = 5;
img->chroma_log2_weight_denom = 5;
img->wp_round_luma = 16;
img->wp_round_chroma = 16;
for (i=0; i<MAX_REFERENCE_PICTURES; i++)
for (comp=0; comp<3; comp++)
log_weight_denom = (comp == 0) ? img->luma_log2_weight_denom : img->chroma_log2_weight_denom;
img->wp_weight[0][i][comp] = 1<<log_weight_denom;
img->wp_weight[1][i][comp] = 1<<log_weight_denom;
img->wp_offset[0][i][comp] = 0;
img->wp_offset[1][i][comp] = 0;
if (bframe)
for (i=0; i<max_fwd_ref; i++)
for (j=0; j<max_bwd_ref; j++)
for (comp = 0; comp<3; comp++)
log_weight_denom = (comp == 0) ? img->luma_log2_weight_denom : img->chroma_log2_weight_denom;
if (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 1)
img->wbp_weight[0][i][j][comp] = img->wp_weight[0][i][comp];
img->wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] = img->wp_weight[1][j][comp];
else if (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 2)
td = iClip3(-128,127,listX[LIST_1][j]->poc - listX[LIST_0][i]->poc);
if (td == 0 || listX[LIST_1][j]->is_long_term || listX[LIST_0][i]->is_long_term)
img->wbp_weight[0][i][j][comp] = 32;
img->wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] = 32;
tb = iClip3(-128,127,img->ThisPOC - listX[LIST_0][i]->poc);
tx = (16384 + iabs(td/2))/td;
DistScaleFactor = iClip3(-1024, 1023, (tx*tb + 32 )>>6);
img->wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] = DistScaleFactor >> 2;
img->wbp_weight[0][i][j][comp] = 64 - img->wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp];
if (img->wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] < -64 || img->wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] > 128)
img->wbp_weight[0][i][j][comp] = 32;
img->wbp_weight[1][i][j][comp] = 32;
img->wp_offset[0][i][comp] = 0;
img->wp_offset[1][j][comp] = 0;
if (bframe && img->MbaffFrameFlag)
for (i=0; i<2*max_fwd_ref; i++)
for (j=0; j<2*max_bwd_ref; j++)
for (comp = 0; comp<3; comp++)
for (k=2; k<6; k+=2)
img->wp_offset[k+0][i][comp] = img->wp_offset[0][i/2][comp];
img->wp_offset[k+1][j][comp] = img->wp_offset[1][j/2][comp];
log_weight_denom = (comp == 0) ? img->luma_log2_weight_denom : img->chroma_log2_weight_denom;
if (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 1)
img->wbp_weight[k+0][i][j][comp] = img->wp_weight[0][i/2][comp];
img->wbp_weight[k+1][i][j][comp] = img->wp_weight[1][j/2][comp];
else if (active_pps->weighted_bipred_idc == 2)
td = iClip3(-128,127,listX[k+LIST_1][j]->poc - listX[k+LIST_0][i]->poc);
if (td == 0 || listX[k+LIST_1][j]->is_long_term || listX[k+LIST_0][i]->is_long_term)
img->wbp_weight[k+0][i][j][comp] = 32;
img->wbp_weight[k+1][i][j][comp] = 32;
tb = iClip3(-128,127,((k==2)?img->toppoc:img->bottompoc) - listX[k+LIST_0][i]->poc);
tx = (16384 + iabs(td/2))/td;
DistScaleFactor = iClip3(-1024, 1023, (tx*tb + 32 )>>6);
img->wbp_weight[k+1][i][j][comp] = DistScaleFactor >> 2;
img->wbp_weight[k+0][i][j][comp] = 64 - img->wbp_weight[k+1][i][j][comp];
if (img->wbp_weight[k+1][i][j][comp] < -64 || img->wbp_weight[k+1][i][j][comp] > 128)
img->wbp_weight[k+1][i][j][comp] = 32;
img->wbp_weight[k+0][i][j][comp] = 32;
img->wp_offset[k+0][i][comp] = 0;
img->wp_offset[k+1][j][comp] = 0;
* \brief
* Error tracking: if current frame is lost or any reference frame of
* current frame is lost, current frame is incorrect.
void Error_tracking()
int i;
if(img->redundant_pic_cnt == 0)
Is_primary_correct = Is_redundant_correct = 1;
if(img->redundant_pic_cnt == 0 && img->type != I_SLICE)
if(ref_flag[i] == 0) // any reference of primary slice is incorrect
Is_primary_correct = 0; // primary slice is incorrect
else if(img->redundant_pic_cnt != 0 && img->type != I_SLICE)
if(ref_flag[redundant_slice_ref_idx] == 0) // reference of redundant slice is incorrect
Is_redundant_correct = 0; // redundant slice is incorrect