blob: 1fff3df887bf73e1e4b490d5149b37790df1697f [file] [log] [blame]
// Samuel Williams
// Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
#ifndef MG_H
#define MG_H
#ifdef __MPI
#include <mpi.h>
#include "box.h"
#define MaxLevels 10
#define __DEFAULT_BOTTOM_NORM 1e-3
#define numSmooths 4
typedef struct {
//double scale; // +1.0 for ghost zone exchanges
// // -1.0 for dirichlet boundary conditions in finite volume
// // 0.0 for dirichlet boundary conditions in finite difference
// // +1.0 for neumann boundary conditions in finite volume or difference
int isFace,isEdge,isCorner; // used to bypass certain computations
struct {int i, j, k;}dim; // dimensions of the buffer to copy
struct {int box, i, j, k, pencil, plane;double * __restrict__ ptr;}read,write; // coordinates in the read grid to extract the buffer,
// and coordinates in the write grid to insert the buffer
// if read/<0, then use write/read.ptr,
// otherwise domain->subdomains[.box].levels[level].grids[grid_id]
} bufferCopy_type;
typedef struct {
int rank; // MPI rank of remote process
int local_index; // index in subdomains[] on remote process
#ifdef __MPI
struct{int buf;struct{int faces,edges,corners;}offset;}send; // i.e. calculate offset as faceSize*faces + edgeSize*edges + cornerSize*corners
struct{int buf;struct{int faces,edges,corners;}offset;}recv; // i.e. calculate offset as faceSize*faces + edgeSize*edges + cornerSize*corners
} neighbor_type;
typedef struct {
struct {int i, j, k;}low; // global coordinates of the first (non-ghost) element of subdomain at the finest resolution
struct {int i, j, k;}dim; // subdomain dimensions at finest resolution
int numLevels; // number of levels in MG v-cycle. 1=no restrictions
int ghosts; // ghost zone depth
neighbor_type neighbors[27]; // MPI rank and local index (on remote process) of each subdomain neighboring this subdomain
box_type * levels; // pointer to an array of all coarsenings of this box
} subdomain_type;
typedef struct {
// timing information...
struct {
uint64_t smooth[MaxLevels];
uint64_t apply_op[MaxLevels];
uint64_t residual[MaxLevels];
uint64_t restriction[MaxLevels];
uint64_t interpolation[MaxLevels];
uint64_t communication[MaxLevels];
uint64_t pack[MaxLevels];
uint64_t grid2grid[MaxLevels];
uint64_t unpack[MaxLevels];
uint64_t recv[MaxLevels];
uint64_t send[MaxLevels];
uint64_t wait[MaxLevels];
uint64_t blas1[MaxLevels];
uint64_t blas3[MaxLevels];
uint64_t collectives[MaxLevels];
uint64_t Total[MaxLevels];
uint64_t MGBuild; // total time spent building the coefficients...
uint64_t vcycles; // total time spent in all vcycles (all CycleMG)
uint64_t MGSolve; // total time spent in MGSolve
int vcycles_performed, MGSolves_performed, Krylov_iterations, CAKrylov_formations_of_G;
int rank_of_neighbor[27]; // = MPI rank of the neighbors of this process's subdomains (presumes rectahedral packing)
#ifdef __MPI
double * __restrict__ send_buffer[27]; // = MPI send buffers (one per neighbor)
double * __restrict__ recv_buffer[27]; // = MPI recieve buffer (one per neighbor)
struct{int faces,edges,corners;} buffer_size[27]; // = MPI buffer size (one per neighbor) in the units of faces/edges/corners
//int buffer_size[MaxLevels][27]; // = MPI buffer size (one per neighbor) in doubles
bufferCopy_type * bufferCopies[MaxLevels]; // array of pointers to list of bufferCopy's that must be performed to realize a boundary exchange
int bufferCopy_Pack_Start, bufferCopy_Pack_End; // index into above list to pack the MPI buffers
int bufferCopy_Local_Start, bufferCopy_Local_End; // index into above list to perform a local exchange (hide within waitall)
int bufferCopy_Unpack_Start,bufferCopy_Unpack_End; // index into above list to unpack the MPI buffers
// n.b. i=unit stride
struct {int i, j, k;}dim; // global dimensions at finest resolution
struct {int i, j, k;}ranks_in; // number of MPI ranks in i,j,k
struct {int i, j, k;}subdomains_per_rank_in; // number of subdomains in i,j,k
struct {int i, j, k;}subdomains_in; // total number of subdomains in i,j,k across the entire domain
struct {int i, j, k;}boundary_condition; // domain boundary condition in i,j,k directions (e.g. __BOUNDARY_PERIODIC)
int rank; // MPI rank of this process
int subdomains_per_rank; // number of subdomains owned by this process
int numLevels; // number of levels in MG v-cycle. 1=no restrictions
int numGrids; // number of grids (variables)
int ghosts; // ghost zone depth
double h[MaxLevels]; // h at each level
double dominant_eigenvalue_of_DinvA[MaxLevels]; // (estimate) for the dominant(largest) eigenvalue at each level of the operator D^{-1}A = lambda*helmholtz
subdomain_type * subdomains; // pointer to a list of all subdomains owned by this process
} domain_type;
int create_subdomain(subdomain_type * box,
int subdomain_low_i, int subdomain_low_j, int subdomain_low_k,
int subdomain_dim_i, int subdomain_dim_j, int subdomain_dim_k,
int numGrids, int ghosts, int numLevels);
void destroy_domain(domain_type * domain);
int create_domain(domain_type * domain,
int subdomain_dim_i, int subdomain_dim_j, int subdomain_dim_k,
int subdomains_per_rank_in_i, int subdomains_per_rank_in_j, int subdomains_per_rank_in_k,
int ranks_in_i, int ranks_in_j, int ranks_in_k,
int rank,
int *boundary_conditions,
int numGrids, int ghosts, int numLevels);
void MGBuild(domain_type * domain, double a, double b, double h0);
void MGSolve(domain_type * domain, int u_id, int F_id, double a, double b, double desired_mg_norm);
void print_timing(domain_type *domain);
void DoBufferCopy(domain_type *domain, int level, int grid_id, int buffer);