blob: 10b29d8ddbf65c55f3281ddac1db5fce940e1efb [file] [log] [blame]
##=== - Report description for llc tests ---*- perl -*-===##
# This file defines a report to be generated for the fourway-time test.
# Sort by name
$SortCol = 1;
$TrimRepeatedPrefix = 1;
sub Percentage {
my ($Cols, $Col) = @_;
my $GCC = $Cols->[$Col-5];
my $LLVMGCC = $Cols->[$Col-4];
return "n/a" if ($GCC eq "*" or $LLVMGCC eq "*");
return sprintf("%5.1f%%", $LLVMGCC / $GCC * 100)
if ($GCC >= 0.01 and $LLVMGCC >= 0.01);
return " -";
# These are the columns for the report. The first entry is the header for the
# column, the second is the regex to use to match the value. Empty list create
# seperators, and closures may be put in for custom processing.
# Name
["Name:" , '\'([^\']+)\' Program'],
# Times
["Time GND", 'real ([0-9.]+)gcc\.nodebug'],
["Time GD", 'real ([0-9.]+)gcc\.debug'],
["Time LND", 'real ([0-9.]+)llvmgcc\.nodebug'],
["Time LD", 'real ([0-9.]+)llvmgcc\.debug'],
# Time Ratios
["No Debug", \&Percentage],
["Debug", \&Percentage],