blob: f3efcc705b2b5838d0d4287658ca6c87ed5ba15a [file] [log] [blame]
* PathFinder: finding a series of labeled nodes within a
* two-layer directed, cyclic graph.
* Copyright (2013) Sandia Corporation
* Copyright (2013) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
* DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government
* retains certain rights in this software.
* This file is part of PathFinder.
* PathFinder is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PathFinder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with PathFinder. If not, see <>.
* Questions? Contact J. Brian Rigdon (
* graph.c
* Created on: Jan 9, 2013
* Author: Brian "Rig" Rigdon, Marcus Smith, Samuel Mulder
#include "parsing.h"
#include "graph.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "systemCallMap.h"
#include "yaml.h"
#include <ctype.h>
/* buildEntranceList takes an array of integers, and builds a
* non-resolved edge list from the array. This is a special
* edge list, used only be outer nodes to identify entrance
* points into their subgraph. Only the edge data is passed in,
* this begins with the second entry (index 1) in the parsed
* data array. Likewise the size only counts edges.
* Initially, entrance transitions were handled as a separate
* list of edges. After further analysis, however, there is
* no operational difference between outer edges and entrance
* edges. Ergo, we are modifying this code to put the entrance
* edges into the edge list and deprecating the entrance list.
* The code is being left in for the time being as comments,
* since there are some contextual significances to interior
* nodes and entrance edges that may later be required. Otherwise
* we could go to a simple flat graph.
void buildEntranceList( Node *outerNode, IntVector *nodeData )
int i;
int entranceCount;
/* some basic error checking */
if ( !outerNode || !nodeData ) return;
entranceCount = nodeData->vector[1]; /* count is the first entry, (second of original data); */
if ( entranceCount == 0 )
return; /* Nothing to see here, folks */
if ( entranceCount != nodeData->size-2 )
fprintf ( stderr, "Specified entrance edge length does not match data size for node: %d\n",
outerNode->id );
/* Deprecated: outerNode->entranceNodes = EdgeList_new(); */
/* Deprecated: if ( outerNode->entranceNodes ) */
if ( !outerNode->edges )
outerNode->edges = EdgeList_new();
if ( outerNode->edges )
for ( i = 2; i < nodeData->size; ++i )
/* Deprecated EdgeList_insertBack( outerNode->entranceNodes, edgeData[i] ); */
EdgeList_insertNodeId( outerNode->edges, nodeData->vector[i] );
/* buildNodeFromData takes the integer array built by the above
* method, and creates a node from it. If that node has
* edge data, that is also built. The data is in an array,
* the size of which is also passed in.
Node *buildNodeFromData( IntVector *nodeData )
int i;
int edgeCount;
/* some basic error checking */
if ( nodeData == NULL || nodeData->size == 0 )
return( NULL );
Node *node = Node_new( nodeData->vector[0], -1 ); /* Calling method must set index. */
if ( !node )
return( NULL );
/* Currently, the second element in is the edge count */
edgeCount = nodeData->vector[1];
if ( edgeCount != nodeData->size-2 )
fprintf ( stderr, "Specified edge length does not match data size for node: %d\n",
nodeData->vector[0] );
if ( edgeCount > 0 )
node->edges = EdgeList_new();
if ( node->edges )
for ( i = 2; i < nodeData->size; ++i )
EdgeList_insertNodeId ( node->edges, nodeData->vector[i] );
return( node );
/* resolveNodeEdges is the second pass through the graph data
* structures. The first pass defines the nodes, and puts the edge
* ids in place. The second pass finds the nodes corresponding to
* the edge id, and sets the edge pointer to that node. Edges for
* outer nodes will only reference other outer nodes. Interior
* nodes may have edges to outer nodes or other interior nodes of
* their containing node. If an edge references an undefined node
* or if an edge goes into the interior of another outer node,
* the user will be notified.
* Note: The section that resolves entrance edges has been commented
* out because entrance edges are now processed as part of the edge
* list.
void resolveNodeEdges( Graph *graph, Node* sourceNode, bool outerNode )
EdgeList *edges;
Node *node;
bool okSoFar;
for ( edges = sourceNode->edges; edges != NULL; edges = edges->nextEdge )
if ( outerNode )
/* We only check for edges to other outer nodes*/
node = Graph_findNode( graph, edges->targetNodeId, true ); /* true-> check outer and interior nodes */
if ( node )
okSoFar = true;
/* Since entrance edges are now part of our edge list, we have to make sure
* the link here is appropriate.
if ( node->type == entranceNode || node->type == interiorNode )
if ( node->container != sourceNode )
fprintf( stderr,
"resolveNodeEdges: Outer node %d edge to non-contained node: %d\n",
sourceNode->id, edges->targetNodeId );
fprintf(stderr, "\t%d is type: %s (%d)\n", node->id, node->type == interiorNode ? "interior" : "entrance", (int)node->type);
okSoFar = false;
if ( okSoFar )
edges->targetNode = node;
fprintf( stderr,
"resolveNodeEdges: Outer node %d has edge reference to undefined node: %d\n",
sourceNode->id, edges->targetNodeId );
/* Interior node - the edge can be to an outer node... */
node = Graph_findNode( graph, edges->targetNodeId, false ); /* false-> only check outer nodes */
if ( node )
edges->targetNode = node;
/* ... or nodes interior to the container of this node */
node = Graph_findContainedNode( sourceNode->container, edges->targetNodeId );
if ( node )
edges->targetNode = node;
/* we have an undefined node */
fprintf( stderr,
"resolveNodeEdges: Interior node %d has edge reference to undefined node: %d\n",
sourceNode->id, edges->targetNodeId );
/* pruneLine takes the \r\n off the end of the label. This is an artifact of
* the windows file system, not something that was intended to be a part
* of the actual label string.
static void pruneLine( char *label )
int i = 0;
for ( ; label[i] != '\0'; ++i )
if ( label[i] == '\r' )
label[i] = '\0';
if ( label[i] == '\n' )
label[i] = '\0';
/* parseFile goes through the specified file to build the graph. It
* returns a pointer to the graph instance created by the data. Otherwise
* it returns NULL if the file is not parsable.
Graph *parseFile( char *fileName )
FILE *inFile;
IntVector *fileData = NULL;
CharVector *fileString = NULL;
Node *newNode = NULL;
Node *outerNode = NULL;
Node *findNode = NULL;
int temp, count;
NodeList *outerNodeList = NULL;
NodeList *innerNodeList = NULL;
Graph *newGraph = NULL;
int funcCount = 50; /* used as a default initial size for the system call table */
int blockCount = 0;
bool systemCallSection = false;
int i;
/* A little error checking */
if ( !fileName )
return( NULL );
printf ( "Parsing file %s...\n", fileName );
inFile = fopen( fileName, "r" );
if ( !inFile )
printf( "Could not open data file: %s (parsing.c:parseFile)\n", fileName );
return( NULL );
/* else
printf( "Opened %s\n\n", fileName ); */
newGraph = Graph_new();
if ( !newGraph )
return( NULL );
newGraph->fileName = strdup( fileName );
fileString = CharVector_new( 1024 ); /* allocate our data parsing storage - 1024 is a semi-arbitrary power of 2 */
i = 0;
/* The first two lines define the number of Functions and basic blocks. */
CharVector_getLineFromFile( fileString, inFile );
if ( !feof( inFile ) && ( strncmp ( "Functions:", fileString->string, 10 ) == 0 ) )
funcCount = atoi ( fileString->string+10 );
printf ( "\t%d functions specified\n", funcCount );
YAMLWriteInt("Functions", funcCount);
fprintf ( stderr, "Malformed file, Function count not specified in first line\n" );
return( NULL );
CharVector_getLineFromFile( fileString, inFile );
if ( !feof( inFile ) && ( strncmp ( "Basic blocks:", fileString->string, 13 ) == 0 ) )
blockCount = atoi ( fileString->string+13 );
printf ( "\t%d basic blocks specified\n", blockCount );
YAMLWriteInt("Basic Blocks", blockCount);
fprintf ( stderr, "Malformed file, Function count not specified in first line\n" );
return( NULL );
// printf ("Done with header\n");
fileData = IntVector_new( 8 ); /* allocate our data parsing storage - 8 is a semi-arbitrary power of 2 */
* The first section defines the outer nodes. Scan through it to identify the
* nodes and to do the first pass of edge definition.
while ( !feof( inFile ) ) /* clumsy use of feof */
CharVector_getLineFromFile( fileString, inFile );
if ( feof( inFile ) ) /* that read line was the last line */
if ( strncmp( "----------", fileString->string, 10 ) == 0 ) /* we have a section break */
count = IntVector_createFromString ( fileData, fileString->string );
if ( count > 0 )
// printf("processing node %d\n", fileData->vector[0] );
newNode = buildNodeFromData( fileData );
if ( newNode )
Graph_addOuterNode( newGraph, newNode );
newNode->nodeCount = newGraph->totalNodes;
newGraph->totalNodes += 1;
IntVector_clear( fileData );
//printf ("Done with outer nodes\n");
/* Parse the subsequent sections to get the inner nodes */
while ( !feof( inFile ) )
/* The first line will identify the outer node for which the inner nodes are defined. */
CharVector_getLineFromFile( fileString, inFile );
if ( feof( inFile ) ) /* that fgets was the last line */
systemCallSection = strncmp( "SYSTEM CALLS", fileString->string, 12) == 0;
if ( systemCallSection )
if ( isdigit( (int)fileString->string[0] ) )
temp = atoi( fileString->string ); /* Note: No format error check here... */
temp = -1; /* Man, I hope -1 is never a node id value... */
outerNode = Graph_findNode( newGraph, temp, false ); /* false -> only check outer nodes */
if ( outerNode == NULL )
fprintf (stderr, "Error in parseFile: Node %d undefined as an outer node\n", temp );
break; /* No error recovery - but continue with the program */
/* Now, subsequent lines (up to the section break) identify interior nodes; */
while ( !feof( inFile ) )
CharVector_getLineFromFile( fileString, inFile );
if ( strncmp( "----------", fileString->string, 10 ) == 0 ) /* we have a section break */
count = IntVector_createFromString( fileData, fileString->string );
if ( count > 0 )
* special case: If the node specified is the outerNode, the edge nodes specified
* here are the entrance nodes
if ( fileData->vector[0] == outerNode->id )
buildEntranceList( outerNode, fileData );
newNode = buildNodeFromData( fileData );
if ( newNode )
Node_addInteriorNode( outerNode, newNode );
newNode->nodeCount = newGraph->totalNodes;
newGraph->totalNodes += 1;
IntVector_clear( fileData );
//printf ( "Done with interior nodes. On to System Calls\n" );
/* All the node mappings have been done, now we build a map of system calls to the
* node keys.
newGraph->systemCallMap = SystemCallMap_new( funcCount );
if ( newGraph->systemCallMap == NULL )
IntVector_delete( fileData );
return( NULL ); /* if we can't build the system call map, we're done. */
if ( systemCallSection )
while ( !feof( inFile ) )
CharVector_getLineFromFile( fileString, inFile );
if ( feof( inFile ) ) /* that fgets was the last line */
if ( isdigit( (int)fileString->string[0] ) )
temp = atoi ( fileString->string ); /* get the key */
temp = -1;
if ( temp >= 0 ) /* valid key */
/* get the system call name. First, get past the ' ' */
for ( i = 0; fileString->string[i] != '\0' && fileString->string[i] != ' '; ++i ) {}
if ( fileString->string[i] == ' ' )
findNode = Graph_findNode( newGraph, temp, true );
pruneLine( fileString->string+i );
SystemCallMap_insert( newGraph->systemCallMap, fileString->string+i, findNode );
} /* ....aaaand we're done parsing the input file. */
//printf ( "Done parsing, resolve edges\n" );
/* Now that we have all the nodes, resolve all edge definitions */
for ( outerNodeList = newGraph->outerNodes;
outerNodeList != NULL;
outerNodeList = outerNodeList->nextNode )
resolveNodeEdges( newGraph, outerNodeList->node, true ); /* true -> outer node */
for ( innerNodeList = outerNodeList->node->interiorNodes;
innerNodeList != NULL;
innerNodeList = innerNodeList->nextNode )
resolveNodeEdges( newGraph, innerNodeList->node, false ); /* false -> interior node */
/* How many nodes did we count (outer + interior)?
printf ( "\tTotal nodes parsed: %d\n", newGraph->totalNodes ); */
/* Debug --* /
graphPrettyPrint( newGraph );
systemCallMapPrettyPrint( newGraph->systemCallMap );
/ *-- End Debug */
printf( "\t%d total System Call Map elements\n", newGraph->systemCallMap->contentSize );
YAMLWriteInt( "System Calls", newGraph->systemCallMap->contentSize );
/* Build the search diagram */
newGraph->searchDiagram = SearchDiagram_build( newGraph->outerNodes, newGraph->totalNodes );
printf ( "\t...parsing complete.\n" );
return( newGraph );
/* parseSignature takes a space delimited string and turns it
* into a "signature" - a packed array of c-string pointers with
* a NULL pointer to signify completion.
char **parseSignature( char *data )
int i = 0;
int labelCount = 0; // Used to be 1. The algorithm depends on a terminating space, so it counts based on the END of the label.
int copiedLabels = 0;
char **labels = NULL;
char *debug = NULL;
/* A little error checking */
if ( !data )
return NULL;
/* First, scream through the array counting labels */
for( i = 0; data[i] != '\0'; ++i )
if ( data[i] == ' ' )
data[i] = '\0';
/* Now, allocate the array and make copies */
labels = (char **)malloc( (labelCount+1) * sizeof(char*) );
i = 0;
if ( labels )
for ( copiedLabels = 0; copiedLabels < labelCount; ++copiedLabels )
debug = &data[i];
labels[copiedLabels] = strdup( &data[i] );
while ( data[i] != '\0' )
/* advance to the end of this label */
++i; /* advance beyond the \0 to the start of the next label */
labels[labelCount] = NULL; /* terminate the array */
/* Debug print out * /
printf ( "\nSignature: ");
for ( i = 0; labels[i] != NULL; ++i )
printf ( "%s ", labels[i] );
/ * end Debug */
return labels;
/* parseConfigFile reads the data file names and desired search
* signatures from the config file. It returns a packed array
* of Graph pointers populated corresponding to the data files.
* Also, it returns a packed array of pointers to signatures.
* (Signatures are themselves packed arrays to C-Strings.) These
* packed arrays are terminated with a NULL pointer. They
* are returned in the "graphs" and "signatures" parameters
* which should be references to the desired pointers. See main.c.
bool parseConfigFile( char *configFileName, Configuration *config )
char data[1000];
FILE *configFile = NULL;
int fileNum = -1;
int sigNum = -1;
int i = 0;
configFile = fopen( configFileName, "r" );
if ( !configFile )
printf( "Could not open %s\n", configFileName );
return( NULL );
printf( "Opened %s\n\n", configFileName );
fgets ( data, 1000, configFile );
if ( feof( configFile ) || ( strncmp ( "Pathfinder Configuration", data, 24 ) != 0 ) )
printf( "Error in config file: doesn't start with \"Pathfinder Configuration\"\n" );
return false;
fgets ( data, 1000, configFile );
if ( feof( configFile ) || ( strncmp ( "files", data, 5 ) != 0 ) )
printf( "Error in config file: second line is not file count\n" );
return false;
fileNum = atoi( &data[6] );
if ( fileNum == 0 )
printf( "No files to parse, exiting.\n" );
return false;
fgets ( data, 1000, configFile );
if ( feof( configFile ) || ( strncmp ( "signatures", data, 10 ) != 0 ) )
printf( "Error in config file: third line is not signature count\n" );
return false;
sigNum = atoi( &data[11] );
if ( sigNum == 0 )
printf( "No signatures to search, exiting.\n" );
return false;
fgets ( data, 1000, configFile );
if ( feof( configFile ) || ( strncmp ( "search type", data, 11 ) != 0 ) )
printf( "Error in config file: third line is not signature count\n" );
return false;
if ( strncmp( &data[12], "tree", 4 ) == 0 )
config->searchOptions->searchType = treeSearch;
config->searchOptions->searchType = diagramSearch;
config->graphs = (Graph **)malloc( (fileNum+1) * sizeof( Graph* ) );
if ( !config->graphs )
printf ( "Could not allocate graph storage. Exiting\n" );
return false;
for ( i = 0; i < fileNum; ++i )
fgets ( data, 1000, configFile );
if ( feof( configFile ) || ( strncmp ( "file ", data, 5 ) != 0 ) ) /* note the ' ' */
printf( "Error in config file: mismatch of file count\n" );
return false;
/* strip the \n from the file name. */
pruneLine( &data[5] );
config->graphs[i] = parseFile( &data[5] );
if ( !config->graphs[i] )
/* the file did not parse */
printf( "Error parsing %s", &data[5] );
free( config->graphs );
return false;
config->graphs[fileNum] = NULL;
config->signatures = (Signature *)malloc( (sigNum+1) * sizeof( Signature ) );
if ( !config->signatures )
printf ( "Could not allocate signature storage. Exiting\n" );
return false;
for ( i = 0; i < sigNum; ++i )
fgets ( data, 1000, configFile );
if ( feof( configFile ) || ( strncmp ( "signature ", data, 10 ) != 0 ) ) /* note the ' ' */
printf( "Error in config file: mismatch of signature count\n" );
return false;
/* strip the \n from the file name. */
pruneLine( &data[10] );
config->signatures[i] = parseSignature( &data[10] );
if ( !config->signatures[i] )
/* the file did not parse */
printf( "Error parsing %s", &data[10] );
free( config->graphs ); /* Insufficient! Should call a destructor on each */
free( config->signatures );
return false;
config->signatures[sigNum] = NULL;
return true;