blob: 5cb585e83af506b9dae56df01210f2d0e5bf025f [file] [log] [blame]
#include "custom.h"
#define L 1
#define T 2
#define R 3
#define B 4
extern double *padspace ;
extern int *fixLRBT ;
void placepads(void)
int coreHeight , coreWidth , zxshift , zyshift , pad , count ;
int height , width , maxHeight , maxWidth , space , separation ;
int extraSpace , last , xshift ;
coreHeight = blockt ;
coreWidth = blockr ;
blockb = 0 ;
blockl = 0 ;
zxshift = 0 ;
zyshift = 0 ;
xshift = 0 ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == B ) {
count = 1 ;
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside != B ) {
break ;
count++ ;
if( cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom > height ) {
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top
- cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width += cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
maxHeight = height ;
if( fixLRBT[2] == 0 ) {
space = coreWidth - width ;
separation = space / (count + 1) ;
if( separation < 0 ) {
separation = 0 ;
} else {
space = ( coreWidth >= width ) ? coreWidth : width ;
if( width > coreWidth ) {
zxshift = (width - coreWidth) / 2 ;
coreWidth = width ;
extraSpace = 0.1 * (blockt - blockb) ;
blockb += maxHeight + extraSpace ;
blockt += maxHeight + extraSpace ;
for( pad = numcells + 1; pad <= numcells + numpads; pad++){
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == B ) {
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
if( fixLRBT[2] == 0 ) {
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = separation + width / 2 ;
} else {
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = padspace[pad - numcells]
* space ;
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = maxHeight - ( height -
height / 2 ) ;
last = separation + width ;
for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside != B ) {
break ;
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
if( fixLRBT[2] == 0 ) {
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = last + separation +
width / 2 ;
} else {
cellarray[pad]->xcenter =
padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = maxHeight - ( height -
height / 2 ) ;
last += separation + width ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == T ) {
count = 1 ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside != T ) {
break ;
count++ ;
width += cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
if( fixLRBT[3] == 0 ) {
space = coreWidth - width ;
separation = space / (count + 1) ;
if( separation < 0 ) {
separation = 0 ;
} else {
space = (coreWidth >= width ) ? coreWidth : width ;
if( width > coreWidth ) {
zxshift += (width - coreWidth) / 2 ;
for( pad = numcells + 1; pad <= numcells + numpads; pad++){
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == T ) {
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
if( fixLRBT[3] == 0 ) {
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = separation + width / 2 ;
} else {
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = padspace[pad - numcells]
* space ;
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = blockt + 0.1 *
(blockt - blockb) + height / 2 ;
last = separation + width ;
for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside != T ) {
break ;
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
if( fixLRBT[3] == 0 ) {
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = last + separation +
width / 2 ;
} else {
cellarray[pad]->xcenter =
padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = blockt + 0.1 *
(blockt - blockb) + height / 2 ;
last += separation + width ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == L ) {
count = 1 ;
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside != L ) {
break ;
count++ ;
if( cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left > width ) {
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
height += cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
maxWidth = width ;
if( fixLRBT[0] == 0 ) {
space = coreHeight - height ;
separation = space / (count + 1) ;
if( separation < 0 ) {
separation = 0 ;
} else {
space = (coreHeight >= height ) ? coreHeight : height ;
if( height > coreHeight ) {
zyshift = (height - coreHeight) / 2 ;
coreHeight = height ;
extraSpace = 0.1 * (blockr - blockl) ;
blockr += maxWidth + extraSpace ;
blockl += maxWidth + extraSpace ;
xshift = maxWidth + extraSpace ;
for( pad = numcells + 1; pad <= numcells + numpads; pad++){
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == L ) {
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
if( fixLRBT[0] == 0 ) {
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = blockb + separation +
height / 2 ;
} else {
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = blockb +
padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = maxWidth -
(width - width / 2) ;
last = blockb + separation + height ;
for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside != L ) {
break ;
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
if( fixLRBT[0] == 0 ) {
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = last + separation +
height / 2 ;
} else {
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = blockb +
padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = maxWidth - (width -
width / 2) ;
last += separation + height ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == R ) {
count = 1 ;
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside != R ) {
break ;
count++ ;
height += cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
if( fixLRBT[1] == 0 ) {
space = coreHeight - height ;
separation = space / (count + 1) ;
if( separation < 0 ) {
separation = 0 ;
} else {
space = (coreHeight >= height) ? coreHeight : height ;
if( height > coreHeight ) {
zyshift += (height - coreHeight) / 2 ;
for( pad = numcells + 1; pad <= numcells + numpads; pad++){
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == R ) {
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
if( fixLRBT[1] == 0 ) {
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = blockb + separation +
height / 2 ;
} else {
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = blockb +
padspace[ pad - numcells ] * space ;
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = blockr +
0.1 * (blockr - blockl) + width / 2 ;
last = blockb + separation + height ;
for( pad++ ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside != R ) {
break ;
height = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->top -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->bottom ;
width = cellarray[pad]->config[0]->right -
cellarray[pad]->config[0]->left ;
if( fixLRBT[1] == 0 ) {
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = last + separation +
height / 2 ;
} else {
cellarray[pad]->ycenter = blockb +
padspace[pad - numcells] * space ;
cellarray[pad]->xcenter = blockr +
0.1 * (blockr - blockl) + width / 2 ;
last += separation + height ;
* Center the Core
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == T || cellarray[pad]->padside == B ){
cellarray[pad]->xcenter += xshift ;
* Center the Core ( due to pad limitation )
blockl += zxshift ;
blockr += zxshift ;
blockb += zyshift ;
blockt += zyshift ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == R ) {
cellarray[pad]->xcenter += 2 * zxshift ;
for( pad = numcells + 1 ; pad <= numcells + numpads ; pad++ ) {
if( cellarray[pad]->padside == T ) {
cellarray[pad]->ycenter += 2 * zyshift ;
return ;