blob: 70aad9fd6e1146aa5bf99f8249cca155feab29ea [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef _SparseMatrix_functions_hpp_
#define _SparseMatrix_functions_hpp_
// ************************************************************************
// MiniFE: Simple Finite Element Assembly and Solve
// Copyright (2006-2013) Sandia Corporation
// Under terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive
// license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government.
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
// USA
// ************************************************************************
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <Vector.hpp>
#include <Vector_functions.hpp>
#include <ElemData.hpp>
#include <MatrixInitOp.hpp>
#include <MatrixCopyOp.hpp>
#include <exchange_externals.hpp>
#include <mytimer.hpp>
#include <LockingMatrix.hpp>
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
#include <mpi.h>
namespace miniFE {
template<typename MatrixType>
void init_matrix(MatrixType& M,
const std::vector<typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType>& rows,
const std::vector<typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType>& row_offsets,
const std::vector<int>& row_coords,
int global_nodes_x,
int global_nodes_y,
int global_nodes_z,
typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType global_nrows,
const simple_mesh_description<typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType>& mesh)
MatrixInitOp<MatrixType> mat_init(rows, row_offsets, row_coords,
global_nodes_x, global_nodes_y, global_nodes_z,
global_nrows, mesh, M);
for(int i=0; i<mat_init.n; ++i) {
template<typename T,
typename U>
void sort_with_companions(ptrdiff_t len, T* array, U* companions)
ptrdiff_t i, j, index;
U companion;
for (i=1; i < len; i++) {
index = array[i];
companion = companions[i];
j = i;
while ((j > 0) && (array[j-1] > index))
array[j] = array[j-1];
companions[j] = companions[j-1];
j = j - 1;
array[j] = index;
companions[j] = companion;
template<typename MatrixType>
void write_matrix(const std::string& filename,
MatrixType& mat)
typedef typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType LocalOrdinalType;
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinalType;
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType ScalarType;
int numprocs = 1, myproc = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myproc);
std::ostringstream osstr;
osstr << filename << "." << numprocs << "." << myproc;
std::string full_name = osstr.str();
std::ofstream ofs(full_name.c_str());
size_t nrows = mat.rows.size();
size_t nnz = mat.num_nonzeros();
for(int p=0; p<numprocs; ++p) {
if (p == myproc) {
if (p == 0) {
ofs << nrows << " " << nnz << std::endl;
for(size_t i=0; i<nrows; ++i) {
size_t row_len = 0;
GlobalOrdinalType* cols = NULL;
ScalarType* coefs = NULL;
mat.get_row_pointers(mat.rows[i], row_len, cols, coefs);
for(size_t j=0; j<row_len; ++j) {
ofs << mat.rows[i] << " " << cols[j] << " " << coefs[j] << std::endl;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
template<typename GlobalOrdinal,typename Scalar>
sum_into_row(int row_len,
GlobalOrdinal* row_indices,
Scalar* row_coefs,
int num_inputs,
const GlobalOrdinal* input_indices,
const Scalar* input_coefs)
for(size_t i=0; i<num_inputs; ++i) {
GlobalOrdinal* loc = std::lower_bound(row_indices, row_indices+row_len,
if (loc-row_indices < row_len && *loc == input_indices[i]) {
//if(flag && *loc==6)
//std::cout<<" ("<<*loc<<":"<<row_coefs[loc-row_indices]<<" += "<<input_coefs[i]<<")"<<std::endl;
row_coefs[loc-row_indices] += input_coefs[i];
template<typename MatrixType>
sum_into_row(typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType row,
size_t num_indices,
const typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType* col_inds,
const typename MatrixType::ScalarType* coefs,
MatrixType& mat)
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinal;
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType Scalar;
size_t row_len = 0;
GlobalOrdinal* mat_row_cols = NULL;
Scalar* mat_row_coefs = NULL;
mat.get_row_pointers(row, row_len, mat_row_cols, mat_row_coefs);
if (row_len == 0) return;
sum_into_row(row_len, mat_row_cols, mat_row_coefs, num_indices, col_inds, coefs);
template<typename MatrixType>
sum_in_symm_elem_matrix(size_t num,
const typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType* indices,
const typename MatrixType::ScalarType* coefs,
MatrixType& mat)
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType Scalar;
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinal;
//indices is length num (which should be nodes-per-elem)
//coefs is the upper triangle of the element diffusion matrix
//which should be length num*(num+1)/2
int row_offset = 0;
bool flag = false;
for(size_t i=0; i<num; ++i) {
GlobalOrdinal row = indices[i];
const Scalar* row_coefs = &coefs[row_offset];
const GlobalOrdinal* row_col_inds = &indices[i];
size_t row_len = num - i;
row_offset += row_len;
size_t mat_row_len = 0;
GlobalOrdinal* mat_row_cols = NULL;
Scalar* mat_row_coefs = NULL;
mat.get_row_pointers(row, mat_row_len, mat_row_cols, mat_row_coefs);
if (mat_row_len == 0) continue;
sum_into_row(mat_row_len, mat_row_cols, mat_row_coefs,
row_len, row_col_inds, row_coefs);
int offset = i;
for(size_t j=0; j<i; ++j) {
Scalar coef = coefs[offset];
//std::cout<<"i: "<<i<<", j: "<<j<<", offset: "<<offset<<std::endl;
sum_into_row(mat_row_len, mat_row_cols, mat_row_coefs,
1, &indices[j], &coef);
offset += num - (j+1);
template<typename MatrixType>
sum_in_elem_matrix(size_t num,
const typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType* indices,
const typename MatrixType::ScalarType* coefs,
MatrixType& mat)
size_t offset = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<num; ++i) {
sum_into_row(indices[i], num,
&indices[0], &coefs[offset], mat);
offset += num;
template<typename GlobalOrdinal, typename Scalar,
typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
sum_into_global_linear_system(ElemData<GlobalOrdinal,Scalar>& elem_data,
MatrixType& A, VectorType& b)
sum_in_symm_elem_matrix(elem_data.nodes_per_elem, elem_data.elem_node_ids,
elem_data.elem_diffusion_matrix, A);
sum_into_vector(elem_data.nodes_per_elem, elem_data.elem_node_ids,
elem_data.elem_source_vector, b);
template<typename MatrixType>
sum_in_elem_matrix(size_t num,
const typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType* indices,
const typename MatrixType::ScalarType* coefs,
LockingMatrix<MatrixType>& mat)
size_t offset = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<num; ++i) {
mat.sum_in(indices[i], num, &indices[0], &coefs[offset]);
offset += num;
template<typename GlobalOrdinal, typename Scalar,
typename MatrixType, typename VectorType>
sum_into_global_linear_system(ElemData<GlobalOrdinal,Scalar>& elem_data,
LockingMatrix<MatrixType>& A, LockingVector<VectorType>& b)
sum_in_elem_matrix(elem_data.nodes_per_elem, elem_data.elem_node_ids,
elem_data.elem_diffusion_matrix, A);
sum_into_vector(elem_data.nodes_per_elem, elem_data.elem_node_ids,
elem_data.elem_source_vector, b);
template<typename MatrixType>
add_to_diagonal(typename MatrixType::ScalarType value, MatrixType& mat)
for(size_t i=0; i<mat.rows.size(); ++i) {
sum_into_row(mat.rows[i], 1, &mat.rows[i], &value, mat);
template<typename MatrixType>
parallel_memory_overhead_MB(const MatrixType& A)
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinal;
typedef typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType LocalOrdinal;
double mem_MB = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
double invMB = 1.0/(1024*1024);
mem_MB = invMB*A.external_index.size()*sizeof(GlobalOrdinal);
mem_MB += invMB*A.external_local_index.size()*sizeof(GlobalOrdinal);
mem_MB += invMB*A.elements_to_send.size()*sizeof(GlobalOrdinal);
mem_MB += invMB*A.neighbors.size()*sizeof(int);
mem_MB += invMB*A.recv_length.size()*sizeof(LocalOrdinal);
mem_MB += invMB*A.send_length.size()*sizeof(LocalOrdinal);
double tmp = mem_MB;
MPI_Allreduce(&tmp, &mem_MB, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
return mem_MB;
template<typename MatrixType>
void rearrange_matrix_local_external(MatrixType& A)
//This function will rearrange A so that local entries are contiguous at the front
//of A's memory, and external entries are contiguous at the back of A's memory.
//A.row_offsets will describe where the local entries occur, and
//A.row_offsets_external will describe where the external entries occur.
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinal;
typedef typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType LocalOrdinal;
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType Scalar;
size_t nrows = A.rows.size();
std::vector<LocalOrdinal> tmp_row_offsets(nrows*2);
std::vector<LocalOrdinal> tmp_row_offsets_external(nrows*2);
LocalOrdinal num_local_nz = 0;
LocalOrdinal num_extern_nz = 0;
//First sort within each row of A, so that local entries come
//before external entries within each row.
//tmp_row_offsets describe the locations of the local entries, and
//tmp_row_offsets_external describe the locations of the external entries.
for(size_t i=0; i<nrows; ++i) {
GlobalOrdinal* row_begin = &A.packed_cols[A.row_offsets[i]];
GlobalOrdinal* row_end = &A.packed_cols[A.row_offsets[i+1]];
Scalar* coef_row_begin = &A.packed_coefs[A.row_offsets[i]];
tmp_row_offsets[i*2] = A.row_offsets[i];
tmp_row_offsets[i*2+1] = A.row_offsets[i+1];
tmp_row_offsets_external[i*2] = A.row_offsets[i+1];
tmp_row_offsets_external[i*2+1] = A.row_offsets[i+1];
ptrdiff_t row_len = row_end - row_begin;
sort_with_companions(row_len, row_begin, coef_row_begin);
GlobalOrdinal* row_iter = std::lower_bound(row_begin, row_end, nrows);
LocalOrdinal offset = A.row_offsets[i] + row_iter-row_begin;
tmp_row_offsets[i*2+1] = offset;
tmp_row_offsets_external[i*2] = offset;
num_local_nz += tmp_row_offsets[i*2+1]-tmp_row_offsets[i*2];
num_extern_nz += tmp_row_offsets_external[i*2+1]-tmp_row_offsets_external[i*2];
//Next, copy the external entries into separate arrays.
std::vector<GlobalOrdinal> ext_cols(num_extern_nz);
std::vector<Scalar> ext_coefs(num_extern_nz);
std::vector<LocalOrdinal> ext_offsets(nrows+1);
LocalOrdinal offset = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<nrows; ++i) {
ext_offsets[i] = offset;
for(LocalOrdinal j=tmp_row_offsets_external[i*2];
j<tmp_row_offsets_external[i*2+1]; ++j) {
ext_cols[offset] = A.packed_cols[j];
ext_coefs[offset++] = A.packed_coefs[j];
ext_offsets[nrows] = offset;
//Now slide all local entries down to the beginning of A's packed arrays
offset = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<nrows; ++i) {
A.row_offsets[i] = offset;
for(LocalOrdinal j=tmp_row_offsets[i*2]; j<tmp_row_offsets[i*2+1]; ++j) {
A.packed_cols[offset] = A.packed_cols[j];
A.packed_coefs[offset++] = A.packed_coefs[j];
A.row_offsets[nrows] = offset;
//Finally, copy the external entries back into A.packed_cols and
//A.packed_coefs, starting at the end of the local entries.
for(LocalOrdinal i=offset; i<offset+ext_cols.size(); ++i) {
A.packed_cols[i] = ext_cols[i-offset];
A.packed_coefs[i] = ext_coefs[i-offset];
for(size_t i=0; i<=nrows; ++i) A.row_offsets_external[i] = ext_offsets[i] + offset;
template<typename MatrixType>
zero_row_and_put_1_on_diagonal(MatrixType& A, typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType row)
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinal;
typedef typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType LocalOrdinal;
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType Scalar;
size_t row_len = 0;
GlobalOrdinal* cols = NULL;
Scalar* coefs = NULL;
A.get_row_pointers(row, row_len, cols, coefs);
for(size_t i=0; i<row_len; ++i) {
if (cols[i] == row) coefs[i] = 1;
else coefs[i] = 0;
template<typename MatrixType,
typename VectorType>
impose_dirichlet(typename MatrixType::ScalarType prescribed_value,
MatrixType& A,
VectorType& b,
int global_nx,
int global_ny,
int global_nz,
const std::set<typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType>& bc_rows)
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinal;
typedef typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType LocalOrdinal;
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType Scalar;
GlobalOrdinal first_local_row = A.rows.size()>0 ? A.rows[0] : 0;
GlobalOrdinal last_local_row = A.rows.size()>0 ? A.rows[A.rows.size()-1] : -1;
typename std::set<GlobalOrdinal>::const_iterator
bc_iter = bc_rows.begin(), bc_end = bc_rows.end();
for(; bc_iter!=bc_end; ++bc_iter) {
GlobalOrdinal row = *bc_iter;
if (row >= first_local_row && row <= last_local_row) {
size_t local_row = row - first_local_row;
b.coefs[local_row] = prescribed_value;
zero_row_and_put_1_on_diagonal(A, row);
for(size_t i=0; i<A.rows.size(); ++i) {
GlobalOrdinal row = A.rows[i];
if (bc_rows.find(row) != bc_rows.end()) continue;
size_t row_length = 0;
GlobalOrdinal* cols = NULL;
Scalar* coefs = NULL;
A.get_row_pointers(row, row_length, cols, coefs);
Scalar sum = 0;
for(size_t j=0; j<row_length; ++j) {
if (bc_rows.find(cols[j]) != bc_rows.end()) {
sum += coefs[j];
coefs[j] = 0;
b.coefs[i] -= sum*prescribed_value;
static timer_type exchtime = 0;
//Compute matrix vector product y = A*x and return dot(x,y), where:
// A - input matrix
// x - input vector
// y - result vector
template<typename MatrixType,
typename VectorType>
typename TypeTraits<typename VectorType::ScalarType>::magnitude_type
matvec_and_dot(MatrixType& A,
VectorType& x,
VectorType& y)
timer_type t0 = mytimer();
exchange_externals(A, x);
exchtime += mytimer()-t0;
typedef typename TypeTraits<typename VectorType::ScalarType>::magnitude_type magnitude;
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinalType;
typedef typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType LocalOrdinalType;
int n = A.rows.size();
const LocalOrdinalType* Arowoffsets = &A.row_offsets[0];
const GlobalOrdinalType* Acols = &A.packed_cols[0];
const ScalarType* Acoefs = &A.packed_coefs[0];
const ScalarType* xcoefs = &x.coefs[0];
ScalarType* ycoefs = &y.coefs[0];
ScalarType beta = 0;
magnitude result = 0;
for(int row=0; row<n; ++row) {
ScalarType sum = beta*ycoefs[row];
for(LocalOrdinalType i=Arowoffsets[row]; i<Arowoffsets[row+1]; ++i) {
sum += Acoefs[i]*xcoefs[Acols[i]];
ycoefs[row] = sum;
result += xcoefs[row]*sum;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
magnitude local_dot = result, global_dot = 0;
MPI_Datatype mpi_dtype = TypeTraits<magnitude>::mpi_type();
MPI_Allreduce(&local_dot, &global_dot, 1, mpi_dtype, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
return global_dot;
return result;
//Compute matrix vector product y = A*x where:
// A - input matrix
// x - input vector
// y - result vector
#if defined(MINIFE_CSR_MATRIX)
template<typename MatrixType,
typename VectorType>
struct matvec_std {
void operator()(MatrixType& A,
VectorType& x,
VectorType& y)
exchange_externals(A, x);
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinalType;
typedef typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType LocalOrdinalType;
int n = A.rows.size();
const LocalOrdinalType* Arowoffsets = &A.row_offsets[0];
const GlobalOrdinalType* Acols = &A.packed_cols[0];
const ScalarType* Acoefs = &A.packed_coefs[0];
const ScalarType* xcoefs = &x.coefs[0];
ScalarType* ycoefs = &y.coefs[0];
ScalarType beta = 0;
for(int row=0; row<n; ++row) {
ScalarType sum = beta*ycoefs[row];
for(LocalOrdinalType i=Arowoffsets[row]; i<Arowoffsets[row+1]; ++i) {
sum += Acoefs[i]*xcoefs[Acols[i]];
//std::cout << "row[" << row << "] = " << sum << std::endl;
ycoefs[row] = sum;
#elif defined(MINIFE_ELL_MATRIX)
template<typename MatrixType,
typename VectorType>
struct matvec_std {
void operator()(MatrixType& A,
VectorType& x,
VectorType& y)
exchange_externals(A, x);
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinalType;
typedef typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType LocalOrdinalType;
int row_len = A.num_cols_per_row;
int n = A.rows.size();
const GlobalOrdinalType* Acols = &A.cols[0];
const ScalarType* Acoefs = &A.coefs[0];
const ScalarType* xcoefs = &x.coefs[0];
ScalarType* ycoefs = &y.coefs[0];
ScalarType beta = 0;
for(int row=0; row<n; ++row) {
ScalarType sum = beta*ycoefs[row];
int row_start=row*row_len;
int row_end=row_start+row_len;
for(LocalOrdinalType i=row_start; i<row_end; ++i) {
sum += Acoefs[i]*xcoefs[Acols[i]];
ycoefs[row] = sum;
template<typename MatrixType,
typename VectorType>
void matvec(MatrixType& A, VectorType& x, VectorType& y)
matvec_std<MatrixType,VectorType> mv;
mv(A, x, y);
template<typename MatrixType,
typename VectorType>
struct matvec_overlap {
void operator()(MatrixType& A,
VectorType& x,
VectorType& y)
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
begin_exchange_externals(A, x);
typedef typename MatrixType::ScalarType ScalarType;
typedef typename MatrixType::GlobalOrdinalType GlobalOrdinalType;
typedef typename MatrixType::LocalOrdinalType LocalOrdinalType;
int n = A.rows.size();
const LocalOrdinalType* Arowoffsets = &A.row_offsets[0];
const GlobalOrdinalType* Acols = &A.packed_cols[0];
const ScalarType* Acoefs = &A.packed_coefs[0];
const ScalarType* xcoefs = &x.coefs[0];
ScalarType* ycoefs = &y.coefs[0];
ScalarType beta = 0;
for(int row=0; row<n; ++row) {
ScalarType sum = beta*ycoefs[row];
for(LocalOrdinalType i=Arowoffsets[row]; i<Arowoffsets[row+1]; ++i) {
sum += Acoefs[i]*xcoefs[Acols[i]];
ycoefs[row] = sum;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
Arowoffsets = &A.row_offsets_external[0];
beta = 1;
for(int row=0; row<n; ++row) {
ScalarType sum = beta*ycoefs[row];
for(LocalOrdinalType i=Arowoffsets[row]; i<Arowoffsets[row+1]; ++i) {
sum += Acoefs[i]*xcoefs[Acols[i]];
ycoefs[row] = sum;
}//namespace miniFE