blob: 00dd6f03a31ed18ed1070819d0199bc351a24085 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2011-2013, Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
* All rights Reserved.
* Copyright 2011-2012. Los Alamos National Security, LLC. This software was produced
* under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for Los Alamos National
* Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC
* for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights to use,
* reproduce, and distribute this software. NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR LOS
* to produce derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked,
* so as not to confuse it with the version available from LANL.
* Additionally, redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of the Los Alamos National Security, LLC, Los Alamos
* National Laboratory, LANL, the U.S. Government, nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
* this software without specific prior written permission.
* CLAMR -- LA-CC-11-094
* This research code is being developed as part of the
* 2011 X Division Summer Workshop for the express purpose
* of a collaborative code for development of ideas in
* the implementation of AMR codes for Exascale platforms
* AMR implementation of the Wave code previously developed
* as a demonstration code for regular grids on Exascale platforms
* as part of the Supercomputing Challenge and Los Alamos
* National Laboratory
* Authors: Bob Robey XCP-2
* Neal Davis,
* David Nicholaeff,
* Dennis Trujillo,
#include "mesh.h"
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#include "state.h"
#include "timer.h"
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
#include <mpi.h>
#undef DEBUG
//#define DEBUG 0
#define TIMING_LEVEL 2
#define ZERO 0.0f
#define ONE 1.0f
#define HALF 0.5f
#define EPSILON 1.0f-30
#define STATE_EPS 15.0
// calc refine is done in single precision
#define REFINE_GRADIENT 0.10f
#define COARSEN_GRADIENT 0.05f
#define REFINE_HALF 0.5f
#define REFINE_NEG_THOUSAND -1000.0f
#elif defined(MIXED_PRECISION) // intermediate values calculated high precision and stored as floats
#define ZERO 0.0
#define ONE 1.0
#define HALF 0.5
#define EPSILON 1.0e-30
#define STATE_EPS .02
// calc refine is done in single precision
#define REFINE_GRADIENT 0.10f
#define COARSEN_GRADIENT 0.05f
#define REFINE_HALF 0.5f
#define REFINE_NEG_THOUSAND -1000.0f
#elif defined(FULL_PRECISION)
#define ZERO 0.0
#define ONE 1.0
#define HALF 0.5
#define EPSILON 1.0e-30
#define STATE_EPS .02
// calc refine is done in single precision
#define REFINE_GRADIENT 0.10
#define REFINE_HALF 0.5
#define REFINE_NEG_THOUSAND -1000.0
#ifdef _OPENMP
static bool iversion_flag = false;
typedef unsigned int uint;
static const char *state_timer_descriptor[STATE_TIMER_SIZE] = {
#include ""
struct esum_type{
double sum;
double correction;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
int commutative = 1;
void knuth_sum(struct esum_type *in, struct esum_type *inout, int *len, MPI_Datatype *MPI_TWO_DOUBLES);
int save_ncells;
#define SQR(x) ( x*x )
#define MIN3(x,y,z) ( min( min(x,y), z) )
cl_kernel kernel_set_timestep;
cl_kernel kernel_reduction_min;
cl_kernel kernel_copy_state_data;
cl_kernel kernel_copy_state_ghost_data;
cl_kernel kernel_apply_boundary_conditions;
cl_kernel kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local;
cl_kernel kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost;
cl_kernel kernel_calc_finite_difference;
cl_kernel kernel_refine_potential;
cl_kernel kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2;
cl_kernel kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage2of2;
cl_kernel kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2;
cl_kernel kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage2of2;
inline real_t U_halfstep(// XXX Fix the subindices to be more intuitive XXX
real_t deltaT, // Timestep
real_t U_i, // Initial cell's (downwind's) state variable
real_t U_n, // Next cell's (upwind's) state variable
real_t F_i, // Initial cell's (downwind's) state variable flux
real_t F_n, // Next cell's (upwind's) state variable flux
real_t r_i, // Initial cell's (downwind's) center to face distance
real_t r_n, // Next cell's (upwind's) center to face distance
real_t A_i, // Cell's face surface area
real_t A_n, // Cell's neighbor's face surface area
real_t V_i, // Cell's volume
real_t V_n) { // Cell's neighbor's volume
return (( r_i*U_n + r_n*U_i ) / ( r_i + r_n ))
- HALF*deltaT*(( F_n*A_n*min(ONE, A_i/A_n) - F_i*A_i*min(ONE, A_n/A_i) )
/ ( V_n*min(HALF, V_i/V_n) + V_i*min(HALF, V_n/V_i) ));
inline real_t U_fullstep(
real_t deltaT,
real_t dr,
real_t U,
real_t F_plus,
real_t F_minus,
real_t G_plus,
real_t G_minus) {
return (U - (deltaT / dr)*(F_plus - F_minus + G_plus - G_minus));
inline real_t w_corrector(
real_t deltaT, // Timestep
real_t dr, // Cell's center to face distance
real_t U_eigen, // State variable's eigenvalue (speed)
real_t grad_half, // Centered gradient
real_t grad_minus, // Downwind gradient
real_t grad_plus) { // Upwind gradient
real_t nu = HALF * U_eigen * deltaT / dr;
nu = nu * (ONE - nu);
real_t rdenom = ONE / max(SQR(grad_half), EPSILON);
real_t rplus = (grad_plus * grad_half) * rdenom;
real_t rminus = (grad_minus * grad_half) * rdenom;
return HALF*nu*(ONE- max(MIN3(ONE, rplus, rminus), ZERO));
State::State(Mesh *mesh_in)
for (int i = 0; i < STATE_TIMER_SIZE; i++){
cpu_timers[i] = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < STATE_TIMER_SIZE; i++){
gpu_timers[i] = 0L;
mesh = mesh_in;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
int mpi_init;
if (mpi_init){
MPI_Type_contiguous(2, MPI_DOUBLE, &MPI_TWO_DOUBLES);
MPI_Op_create((MPI_User_function *)knuth_sum, commutative, &KNUTH_SUM);
// FIXME add fini and set size
if (mesh->parallel) state_memory.pinit(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 2L * 1024 * 1024 * 1024);
void State::init(int do_gpu_calc)
if (do_gpu_calc) {
cl_context context = ezcl_get_context();
if (mesh->mype == 0) printf("Starting compile of kernels in state\n");
const char *defines = NULL;
cl_program program = ezcl_create_program_wsource(context, defines, state_kern_source);
kernel_set_timestep = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "set_timestep_cl");
kernel_reduction_min = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "finish_reduction_min_cl");
kernel_copy_state_data = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "copy_state_data_cl");
kernel_copy_state_ghost_data = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "copy_state_ghost_data_cl");
kernel_apply_boundary_conditions = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "apply_boundary_conditions_cl");
kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "apply_boundary_conditions_local_cl");
kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "apply_boundary_conditions_ghost_cl");
kernel_calc_finite_difference = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "calc_finite_difference_cl");
kernel_refine_potential = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "refine_potential_cl");
kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2 = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2_cl");
kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage2of2 = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "reduce_sum_mass_stage2of2_cl");
kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2 = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2_cl");
kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage2of2 = ezcl_create_kernel_wprogram(program, "reduce_epsum_mass_stage2of2_cl");
if (mesh->mype == 0) printf("Finishing compile of kernels in state\n");
//printf("\nDEBUG -- Calling state memory memory malloc at line %d\n",__LINE__);
//printf("DEBUG -- Finished state memory memory malloc at line %d\n\n",__LINE__);
void State::allocate(size_t ncells)
int flags = 0;
#ifdef HAVE_J7
if (mesh->parallel) flags = LOAD_BALANCE_MEMORY;
H = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells, sizeof(state_t), "H", flags);
U = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells, sizeof(state_t), "U", flags);
V = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells, sizeof(state_t), "V", flags);
void State::resize(size_t new_ncells){
size_t current_size = state_memory.get_memory_size(H);
if (new_ncells > current_size) state_memory.memory_realloc_all(new_ncells);
//printf("\nDEBUG -- Calling state memory resize at line %d\n",__LINE__);
//printf("DEBUG -- Finished state memory resize at line %d\n\n",__LINE__);
void State::memory_reset_ptrs(void){
H = (state_t *)state_memory.get_memory_ptr("H");
U = (state_t *)state_memory.get_memory_ptr("U");
V = (state_t *)state_memory.get_memory_ptr("V");
//printf("\nDEBUG -- Calling state memory reset_ptrs at line %d\n",__LINE__);
//printf("DEBUG -- Finished state memory reset_ptrs at line %d\n\n",__LINE__);
void State::terminate(void)
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
if (mesh->parallel) state_memory.pfini();
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
void knuth_sum(struct esum_type *in, struct esum_type *inout, int *len, MPI_Datatype *MPI_TWO_DOUBLES)
double u, v, upt, up, vpp;
u = inout->sum;
v = in->sum + (in->correction+inout->correction);
upt = u + v;
up = upt - v;
vpp = upt - up;
inout->sum = upt;
inout->correction = (u - up) + (v - vpp);
// Just to block compiler warnings
if (1==2) printf("DEBUG len %d datatype %lld\n",*len,(long long)(*MPI_TWO_DOUBLES) );
void State::add_boundary_cells(void)
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
// This is for a mesh with no boundary cells -- they are added and
// the mesh sizes increased
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
vector<int> &index = mesh->index;
vector<spatial_t> &x = mesh->x;
vector<spatial_t> &dx = mesh->dx;
vector<spatial_t> &y = mesh->y;
vector<spatial_t> &dy = mesh->dy;
int *i = mesh->i;
int *j = mesh->j;
int *level = mesh->level;
int *celltype = mesh->celltype;
int *nlft = mesh->nlft;
int *nrht = mesh->nrht;
int *nbot = mesh->nbot;
int *ntop = mesh->ntop;
vector<int> &lev_ibegin = mesh->lev_ibegin;
vector<int> &lev_iend = mesh->lev_iend;
vector<int> &lev_jbegin = mesh->lev_jbegin;
vector<int> &lev_jend = mesh->lev_jend;
// Pre-count number of cells to add
int icount = 0;
for (uint ic=0; ic<ncells; ic++) {
if (i[ic] == lev_ibegin[level[ic]]) icount++; // Left boundary
if (i[ic] == lev_iend[level[ic]]) icount++; // Right boundary
if (j[ic] == lev_jbegin[level[ic]]) icount++; // Bottom boundary
if (j[ic] == lev_jend[level[ic]]) icount++; // Top boundary
int new_ncells = ncells + icount;
// Increase the arrays for the new boundary cells
H=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, H);
U=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, U);
V=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, V);
//printf("\nDEBUG add_boundary cells\n");
//printf("DEBUG end add_boundary cells\n\n");
mesh->i =(int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, i);
mesh->j =(int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, j);
mesh->level =(int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, level);
mesh->celltype =(int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, celltype);
mesh->nlft =(int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, nlft);
mesh->nrht =(int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, nrht);
mesh->nbot =(int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, nbot);
mesh->ntop =(int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(new_ncells, ntop);
i = mesh->i;
j = mesh->j;
level = mesh->level;
celltype = mesh->celltype;
nlft = mesh->nlft;
nrht = mesh->nrht;
nbot = mesh->nbot;
ntop = mesh->ntop;
for (int nc=ncells; nc<new_ncells; nc++) {
nlft[nc] = -1;
nrht[nc] = -1;
nbot[nc] = -1;
ntop[nc] = -1;
// In the first pass, set two of the neighbor indices and all
// the other data to be brought across. Set the inverse of the
// the velocity to enforce the reflective boundary condition
uint nc=ncells;
for (uint ic=0; ic<ncells; ic++) {
if (i[ic] == lev_ibegin[level[ic]]) {
nlft[ic] = nc;
nlft[nc] = nc;
nrht[nc] = ic;
i[nc] = lev_ibegin[level[ic]]-1;
j[nc] = j[ic];
level[nc] = level[ic];
dx[nc] = dx[ic];
dy[nc] = dy[ic];
x[nc] = x[ic]-dx[ic];
y[nc] = y[ic];
H[nc] = H[ic];
U[nc] = -U[ic];
V[nc] = V[ic];
if (i[ic] == lev_iend[level[ic]]) {
nrht[ic] = nc;
nrht[nc] = nc;
nlft[nc] = ic;
i[nc] = lev_iend[level[ic]]+1;
j[nc] = j[ic];
level[nc] = level[ic];
dx[nc] = dx[ic];
dy[nc] = dy[ic];
x[nc] = x[ic]+dx[ic];
y[nc] = y[ic];
H[nc] = H[ic];
U[nc] = -U[ic];
V[nc] = V[ic];
if (j[ic] == lev_jbegin[level[ic]]) {
nbot[ic] = nc;
nbot[nc] = nc;
ntop[nc] = ic;
i[nc] = i[ic];
j[nc] = lev_jbegin[level[ic]]-1;
level[nc] = level[ic];
dx[nc] = dx[ic];
dy[nc] = dy[ic];
x[nc] = x[ic];
y[nc] = y[ic]-dy[ic];
H[nc] = H[ic];
U[nc] = U[ic];
V[nc] = -V[ic];
if (j[ic] == lev_jend[level[ic]]) {
ntop[ic] = nc;
ntop[nc] = nc;
nbot[nc] = ic;
i[nc] = i[ic];
j[nc] = lev_jend[level[ic]]+1;
level[nc] = level[ic];
dx[nc] = dx[ic];
dy[nc] = dy[ic];
x[nc] = x[ic];
y[nc] = y[ic]+dy[ic];
H[nc] = H[ic];
U[nc] = U[ic];
V[nc] = -V[ic];
// Now set the other two neighbor indices
for (int nc=ncells; nc<new_ncells; nc++) {
if (i[nc] == lev_ibegin[level[nc]]-1) {
// Need to check if also a bottom boundary cell
if (j[nc] == lev_jbegin[level[nc]]){
nbot[nc] = nc;
} else {
nbot[nc] = nlft[nbot[nrht[nc]]];
if (j[nc] == lev_jend[level[nc]]){
ntop[nc] = nc;
} else {
ntop[nc] = nlft[ntop[nrht[nc]]];
if (i[nc] == lev_iend[level[nc]]+1) {
if (level[nc] <= level[nbot[nlft[nc]]]){
if (j[nc] == lev_jbegin[level[nc]]){
nbot[nc] = nc;
} else {
nbot[nc] = nrht[nbot[nlft[nc]]];
if (j[nc] == lev_jend[level[nc]]){
ntop[nc] = nc;
} else {
ntop[nc] = nrht[ntop[nlft[nc]]];
// calculation is a little different if going through a
// finer zoned region
} else {
nbot[nc] = nrht[nrht[nbot[nlft[nc]]]];
ntop[nc] = nrht[nrht[ntop[nlft[nc]]]];
if (j[nc] == lev_jbegin[level[nc]]-1) {
if (i[nc] == lev_ibegin[level[nc]]){
nlft[nc] = nc;
} else {
nlft[nc] = nbot[nlft[ntop[nc]]];
if (i[nc] == lev_iend[level[nc]]){
nrht[nc] = nc;
} else {
nrht[nc] = nbot[nrht[ntop[nc]]];
if (j[nc] == lev_jend[level[nc]]+1) {
if (level[nc] <= level[nlft[nbot[nc]]]){
if (i[nc] == lev_ibegin[level[nc]]){
nlft[nc] = nc;
} else {
nlft[nc] = ntop[nlft[nbot[nc]]];
if (i[nc] == lev_iend[level[nc]]){
nrht[nc] = nc;
} else {
nrht[nc] = ntop[nrht[nbot[nc]]];
} else {
nlft[nc] = ntop[ntop[nlft[nbot[nc]]]];
nrht[nc] = ntop[ntop[nrht[nbot[nc]]]];
save_ncells = ncells;
ncells = new_ncells;
cpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_APPLY_BCS] += cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu);
void State::apply_boundary_conditions_local(void)
static int *nlft, *nrht, *nbot, *ntop;
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
nlft = mesh->nlft;
nrht = mesh->nrht;
nbot = mesh->nbot;
ntop = mesh->ntop;
// This is for a mesh with boundary cells
int lowerBound, upperBound;
mesh->get_bounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
for (uint ic=lowerBound; ic<upperBound; ic++) {
if (mesh->is_left_boundary(ic)) {
int nr = nrht[ic];
if (nr < (int)ncells) {
H[ic] = H[nr];
U[ic] = -U[nr];
V[ic] = V[nr];
if (mesh->is_right_boundary(ic)) {
int nl = nlft[ic];
if (nl < (int)ncells) {
H[ic] = H[nl];
U[ic] = -U[nl];
V[ic] = V[nl];
if (mesh->is_bottom_boundary(ic)) {
int nt = ntop[ic];
if (nt < (int)ncells) {
H[ic] = H[nt];
U[ic] = U[nt];
V[ic] = -V[nt];
if (mesh->is_top_boundary(ic)) {
int nb = nbot[ic];
if (nb < (int)ncells) {
H[ic] = H[nb];
U[ic] = U[nb];
V[ic] = -V[nb];
void State::apply_boundary_conditions_ghost(void)
static int *nlft, *nrht, *nbot, *ntop;
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
nlft = mesh->nlft;
nrht = mesh->nrht;
nbot = mesh->nbot;
ntop = mesh->ntop;
// This is for a mesh with boundary cells
int lowerBound, upperBound;
mesh->get_bounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
for (uint ic=lowerBound; ic<upperBound; ic++) {
if (mesh->is_left_boundary(ic)) {
int nr = nrht[ic];
if (nr >= (int)ncells) {
H[ic] = H[nr];
U[ic] = -U[nr];
V[ic] = V[nr];
if (mesh->is_right_boundary(ic)) {
int nl = nlft[ic];
if (nl >= (int)ncells) {
H[ic] = H[nl];
U[ic] = -U[nl];
V[ic] = V[nl];
if (mesh->is_bottom_boundary(ic)) {
int nt = ntop[ic];
if (nt >= (int)ncells) {
H[ic] = H[nt];
U[ic] = U[nt];
V[ic] = -V[nt];
if (mesh->is_top_boundary(ic)) {
int nb = nbot[ic];
if (nb >= (int)ncells) {
H[ic] = H[nb];
U[ic] = U[nb];
V[ic] = -V[nb];
void State::apply_boundary_conditions(void)
int *nlft, *nrht, *nbot, *ntop;
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
nlft = mesh->nlft;
nrht = mesh->nrht;
nbot = mesh->nbot;
ntop = mesh->ntop;
// This is for a mesh with boundary cells
int lowerBound, upperBound;
mesh->get_bounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
for (uint ic=lowerBound; ic<upperBound; ic++) {
if (mesh->is_left_boundary(ic)) {
int nr = nrht[ic];
H[ic] = H[nr];
U[ic] = -U[nr];
V[ic] = V[nr];
if (mesh->is_right_boundary(ic)) {
int nl = nlft[ic];
H[ic] = H[nl];
U[ic] = -U[nl];
V[ic] = V[nl];
if (mesh->is_bottom_boundary(ic)) {
int nt = ntop[ic];
H[ic] = H[nt];
U[ic] = U[nt];
V[ic] = -V[nt];
if (mesh->is_top_boundary(ic)) {
int nb = nbot[ic];
H[ic] = H[nb];
U[ic] = U[nb];
V[ic] = -V[nb];
void State::remove_boundary_cells(void)
if(! mesh->have_boundary) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
// Resize to drop all the boundary cells
ncells = save_ncells;
H=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, H);
U=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, U);
V=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, V);
//printf("\nDEBUG remove_boundary cells\n");
//printf("DEBUG end remove_boundary cells\n\n");
mesh->i = (int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, mesh->i);
mesh->j = (int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, mesh->j);
mesh->level = (int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, mesh->level);
mesh->celltype = (int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, mesh->celltype);
mesh->nlft = (int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, mesh->nlft);
mesh->nrht = (int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, mesh->nrht);
mesh->nbot = (int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, mesh->nbot);
mesh->ntop = (int *)mesh->mesh_memory.memory_realloc(save_ncells, mesh->ntop);
// Reset the neighbors due to the dropped boundary cells
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
int lowerBound, upperBound;
mesh->get_bounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
for (uint ic=lowerBound; ic<upperBound; ic++) {
if (mesh->i[ic] == mesh->lev_ibegin[mesh->level[ic]]) mesh->nlft[ic] = ic;
if (mesh->i[ic] == mesh->lev_iend[mesh->level[ic]]) mesh->nrht[ic] = ic;
if (mesh->j[ic] == mesh->lev_jbegin[mesh->level[ic]]) mesh->nbot[ic] = ic;
if (mesh->j[ic] == mesh->lev_jend[mesh->level[ic]]) mesh->ntop[ic] = ic;
} // if have_boundary
double State::set_timestep(double g, double sigma)
double globalmindeltaT;
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
static double mindeltaT;
int lowerBounds, upperBounds;
mesh->get_bounds(lowerBounds, upperBounds);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
mindeltaT = 1000;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
double mymindeltaT = 1000.0; // private for each thread
for (int ic=lowerBounds; ic<upperBounds; ic++) {
if (mesh->celltype[ic] == REAL_CELL) {
int lev = mesh->level[ic];
double wavespeed = sqrt(g*H[ic]);
double xspeed = (fabs(U[ic])+wavespeed)/mesh->lev_deltax[lev];
double yspeed = (fabs(V[ic])+wavespeed)/mesh->lev_deltay[lev];
double deltaT=sigma/(xspeed+yspeed);
if (deltaT < mymindeltaT) mymindeltaT = deltaT;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp critical
if (mymindeltaT < mindeltaT) mindeltaT = mymindeltaT;
#ifdef _OPENMP
} // End critical region
#pragma omp barrier
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
globalmindeltaT = mindeltaT;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
if (mesh->parallel) MPI_Allreduce(&mindeltaT, &globalmindeltaT, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
cpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_SET_TIMESTEP] += cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu);
#ifdef _OPENMP
} // End master region
#pragma omp barrier
double State::gpu_set_timestep(double sigma)
double deltaT, globalmindeltaT;
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
cl_command_queue command_queue = ezcl_get_command_queue();
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
int &parallel = mesh->parallel;
cl_mem &dev_level = mesh->dev_level;
cl_mem &dev_celltype = mesh->dev_celltype;
cl_mem &dev_levdx = mesh->dev_levdx;
cl_mem &dev_levdy = mesh->dev_levdy;
size_t local_work_size = 128;
size_t global_work_size = ((ncells+local_work_size - 1) /local_work_size) * local_work_size;
size_t block_size = global_work_size/local_work_size;
cl_mem dev_redscratch = ezcl_malloc(NULL, const_cast<char *>("dev_redscratch"), &block_size, sizeof(cl_real_t), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0);
__kernel void set_timestep_cl(
const int ncells, // 0 Total number of cells.
const real_t sigma, // 1
__global const state_t *H, // 2
__global const state_t *U, // 3
__global const state_t *V, // 4
__global const int *level, // 5 Array of level information.
__global const int *celltype, // 6
__global const real_t *lev_dx, // 7
__global const real_t *lev_dy, // 8
__global real_t *redscratch, // 9
__global real_t *deltaT, // 10
__local real_t *tile) // 11
real_t sigma_local = sigma;
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 0, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 1, sizeof(cl_real_t), (void *)&sigma_local);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_V);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_level);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdx);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdy);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 9, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_redscratch);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 10, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_deltaT);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_set_timestep, 11, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_real_t), NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_set_timestep, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
if (block_size > 1){
__kernel void finish_reduction_min_cl(
const int isize,
__global real_t *redscratch,
__global real_t *deltaT,
__local real_t *tile)
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduction_min, 0, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&block_size);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduction_min, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_redscratch);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduction_min, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_deltaT);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduction_min, 3, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_real_t), NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_reduction_min, 1, NULL, &local_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
real_t deltaT_local;
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_deltaT, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_real_t), &deltaT_local, NULL);
deltaT = deltaT_local;
globalmindeltaT = deltaT;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
if (parallel) MPI_Allreduce(&deltaT, &globalmindeltaT, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
gpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_SET_TIMESTEP] += (long)(cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu)*1.0e9);
void State::fill_circle(double circ_radius,// Radius of circle in grid units.
double fill_value, // Circle height for shallow water.
double background) // Background height for shallow water.
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
vector<spatial_t> &x = mesh->x;
vector<spatial_t> &dx = mesh->dx;
vector<spatial_t> &y = mesh->y;
vector<spatial_t> &dy = mesh->dy;
for (uint ic = 0; ic < ncells; ic++)
{ H[ic] = background;
U[ic] = V[ic] = 0.0; }
// Clear the old k-D tree and generate new data (slow but necessary here).
int nez;
vector<int> ind(ncells);
vector<double> weight(ncells);
KDTree_QueryCircleInterior_Double(&mesh->tree, &nez, &(ind[0]), circ_radius, ncells,
&x[0], &dx[0],
&y[0], &dy[0]);
KDTree_QueryCircleInterior_Float(&mesh->tree, &nez, &(ind[0]), circ_radius, ncells,
&x[0], &dx[0],
&y[0], &dy[0]);
for (int ic = 0; ic < nez; ++ic)
{ H[ind[ic]] = fill_value; }
KDTree_QueryCircleIntersectWeighted_Double(&mesh->tree, &nez, &(ind[0]), &(weight[0]),
circ_radius, ncells,
&x[0], &dx[0],
&y[0], &dy[0]);
KDTree_QueryCircleIntersectWeighted_Float(&mesh->tree, &nez, &(ind[0]), &(weight[0]),
circ_radius, ncells,
&x[0], &dx[0],
&y[0], &dy[0]);
for (int ic = 0; ic < nez; ++ic)
{ H[ind[ic]] = background + (fill_value - background) * weight[ic]; }
void State::state_reorder(vector<int> iorder)
H = state_memory.memory_reorder(H, &iorder[0]);
U = state_memory.memory_reorder(U, &iorder[0]);
V = state_memory.memory_reorder(V, &iorder[0]);
//printf("\nDEBUG reorder cells\n");
//printf("DEBUG end reorder cells\n\n");
void State::rezone_all(int icount, int jcount, vector<int> mpot)
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
mesh->rezone_all(icount, jcount, mpot, 1, state_memory);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
cpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_REZONE_ALL] += cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu);
#ifdef _OPENMP
} // end master region
void State::gpu_rezone_all(int icount, int jcount, bool localStencil)
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
// Just to get rid of compiler warnings
if (1 == 2) printf("DEBUG -- localStencil is %d\n",localStencil);
mesh->gpu_rezone_all(icount, jcount, dev_mpot, gpu_state_memory);
dev_H = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.get_memory_ptr("dev_H");
dev_U = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.get_memory_ptr("dev_U");
dev_V = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.get_memory_ptr("dev_V");
gpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_REZONE_ALL] += (long)(cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu)*1.0e9);
//define macro for squaring a number
#define SQ(x) ((x)*(x))
//define macro to find minimum of 3 values
//#define MIN3(a,b,c) (min(min((a),(b)),(c)))
#define HXFLUX(ic) ( U[ic] )
#define UXFLUX(ic) ( SQ(U[ic])/H[ic] + ghalf*SQ(H[ic]) )
#define UVFLUX(ic) ( U[ic]*V[ic]/H[ic] )
#define HXFLUXIC ( Uic )
#define HXFLUXNL ( Ul )
#define HXFLUXNR ( Ur )
#define HXFLUXNB ( Ub )
#define HXFLUXNT ( Ut )
#define UXFLUXIC ( SQ(Uic)/Hic + ghalf*SQ(Hic) )
#define UXFLUXNL ( SQ(Ul)/Hl + ghalf*SQ(Hl) )
#define UXFLUXNR ( SQ(Ur)/Hr + ghalf*SQ(Hr) )
#define UXFLUXNB ( SQ(Ub)/Hb + ghalf*SQ(Hb) )
#define UXFLUXNT ( SQ(Ut)/Ht + ghalf*SQ(Ht) )
#define UVFLUXIC ( Uic*Vic/Hic )
#define UVFLUXNL ( Ul*Vl/Hl )
#define UVFLUXNR ( Ur*Vr/Hr )
#define UVFLUXNB ( Ub*Vb/Hb )
#define UVFLUXNT ( Ut*Vt/Ht )
#define HYFLUX(ic) ( V[ic] )
#define VUFLUX(ic) ( V[ic]*U[ic]/H[ic] )
#define VYFLUX(ic) ( SQ(V[ic])/H[ic] + ghalf*SQ(H[ic]) )
#define HYFLUXIC ( Vic )
#define HYFLUXNL ( Vl )
#define HYFLUXNR ( Vr )
#define HYFLUXNB ( Vb )
#define HYFLUXNT ( Vt )
#define VUFLUXIC ( Vic*Uic/Hic )
#define VUFLUXNL ( Vl*Ul/Hl )
#define VUFLUXNR ( Vr*Ur/Hr )
#define VUFLUXNB ( Vb*Ub/Hb )
#define VUFLUXNT ( Vt*Ut/Ht )
#define VYFLUXIC ( SQ(Vic)/Hic + ghalf*SQ(Hic) )
#define VYFLUXNL ( SQ(Vl)/Hl + ghalf*SQ(Hl) )
#define VYFLUXNR ( SQ(Vr)/Hr + ghalf*SQ(Hr) )
#define VYFLUXNB ( SQ(Vb)/Hb + ghalf*SQ(Hb) )
#define VYFLUXNT ( SQ(Vt)/Ht + ghalf*SQ(Ht) )
#define HNEWXFLUXMINUS ( Uxminus )
#define HNEWXFLUXPLUS ( Uxplus )
#define UNEWXFLUXMINUS ( SQ(Uxminus)/Hxminus + ghalf*SQ(Hxminus) )
#define UNEWXFLUXPLUS ( SQ(Uxplus) /Hxplus + ghalf*SQ(Hxplus) )
#define UVNEWFLUXMINUS ( Uxminus*Vxminus/Hxminus )
#define UVNEWFLUXPLUS ( Uxplus *Vxplus /Hxplus )
#define HNEWYFLUXMINUS ( Vyminus )
#define HNEWYFLUXPLUS ( Vyplus )
#define VNEWYFLUXMINUS ( SQ(Vyminus)/Hyminus + ghalf*SQ(Hyminus) )
#define VNEWYFLUXPLUS ( SQ(Vyplus) /Hyplus + ghalf*SQ(Hyplus) )
#define VUNEWFLUXMINUS ( Vyminus*Uyminus/Hyminus )
#define VUNEWFLUXPLUS ( Vyplus *Uyplus /Hyplus )
#define HXFLUXNLT ( Ult )
#define HXFLUXNRT ( Urt )
#define UXFLUXNLT ( SQR(Ult)/Hlt + ghalf*SQR(Hlt) )
#define UXFLUXNRT ( SQR(Urt)/Hrt + ghalf*SQR(Hrt) )
#define UVFLUXNLT ( Ult*Vlt/Hlt )
#define UVFLUXNRT ( Urt*Vrt/Hrt )
#define HYFLUXNBR ( Vbr )
#define HYFLUXNTR ( Vtr )
#define VUFLUXNBR ( Vbr*Ubr/Hbr )
#define VUFLUXNTR ( Vtr*Utr/Htr )
#define VYFLUXNBR ( SQR(Vbr)/Hbr + ghalf*SQR(Hbr) )
#define VYFLUXNTR ( SQR(Vtr)/Htr + ghalf*SQR(Htr) )
#define HNEWXFLUXMINUS2 ( Uxminus2 )
#define HNEWXFLUXPLUS2 ( Uxplus2 )
#define UNEWXFLUXMINUS2 ( SQR(Uxminus2)/Hxminus2 + ghalf*SQR(Hxminus2) )
#define UNEWXFLUXPLUS2 ( SQR(Uxplus2) /Hxplus2 + ghalf*SQR(Hxplus2) )
#define UVNEWFLUXMINUS2 ( Uxminus2*Vxminus2/Hxminus2 )
#define UVNEWFLUXPLUS2 ( Uxplus2 *Vxplus2 /Hxplus2 )
#define HNEWYFLUXMINUS2 ( Vyminus2 )
#define HNEWYFLUXPLUS2 ( Vyplus2 )
#define VNEWYFLUXMINUS2 ( SQR(Vyminus2)/Hyminus2 + ghalf*SQR(Hyminus2) )
#define VNEWYFLUXPLUS2 ( SQR(Vyplus2) /Hyplus2 + ghalf*SQR(Hyplus2) )
#define VUNEWFLUXMINUS2 ( Vyminus2*Uyminus2/Hyminus2 )
#define VUNEWFLUXPLUS2 ( Vyplus2 *Uyplus2 /Hyplus2 )
void State::calc_finite_difference(double deltaT){
real_t g = 9.80; // gravitational constant
real_t ghalf = 0.5*g;
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
size_t ncells = mesh->ncells;
size_t &ncells_ghost = mesh->ncells_ghost;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
if (ncells_ghost < ncells) ncells_ghost = ncells;
//printf("\nDEBUG finite diff\n");
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
// We need to populate the ghost regions since the calc neighbors has just been
// established for the mesh shortly before
if (mesh->numpe > 1) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
H=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(ncells_ghost, H);
U=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(ncells_ghost, U);
V=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(ncells_ghost, V);
L7_Update(&H[0], L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Update(&U[0], L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Update(&V[0], L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
} else {
static state_t *H_new, *U_new, *V_new;
int *nlft, *nrht, *nbot, *ntop, *level;
nlft = mesh->nlft;
nrht = mesh->nrht;
nbot = mesh->nbot;
ntop = mesh->ntop;
level = mesh->level;
vector<real_t> &lev_deltax = mesh->lev_deltax;
vector<real_t> &lev_deltay = mesh->lev_deltay;
int flags = 0;
#if defined (HAVE_J7)
if (mesh->parallel) flags = LOAD_BALANCE_MEMORY;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
H_new = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells_ghost,
"H_new", flags);
U_new = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells_ghost,
"U_new", flags);
V_new = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells_ghost,
"V_new", flags);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
int lowerBound, upperBound;
mesh->get_bounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
for(int gix = lowerBound; gix < upperBound; gix++) {
#if DEBUG >= 3
printf("%d: DEBUG gix is %d at line %d in file %s\n",mesh->mype,gix,__LINE__,__FILE__);
int lvl = level[gix];
int nl = nlft[gix];
int nr = nrht[gix];
int nt = ntop[gix];
int nb = nbot[gix];
real_t Hic = H[gix];
real_t Uic = U[gix];
real_t Vic = V[gix];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nl < 0 || nl >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nl %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nl);
int nll = nlft[nl];
real_t Hl = H[nl];
real_t Ul = U[nl];
real_t Vl = V[nl];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nr < 0 || nr >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nr %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nr);
int nrr = nrht[nr];
real_t Hr = H[nr];
real_t Ur = U[nr];
real_t Vr = V[nr];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nt < 0 || nt >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nt %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nt);
int ntt = ntop[nt];
real_t Ht = H[nt];
real_t Ut = U[nt];
real_t Vt = V[nt];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nb < 0 || nb >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nb %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nb);
int nbb = nbot[nb];
real_t Hb = H[nb];
real_t Ub = U[nb];
real_t Vb = V[nb];
int nlt = ntop[nl];
int nrt = ntop[nr];
int ntr = nrht[nt];
int nbr = nrht[nb];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nll < 0 || nll >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nll %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nll);
real_t Hll = H[nll];
real_t Ull = U[nll];
//real_t Vll = V[nll];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nrr < 0 || nrr >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nrr %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nrr);
real_t Hrr = H[nrr];
real_t Urr = U[nrr];
//real_t Vrr = V[nrr];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (ntt < 0 || ntt >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with ntt %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,ntt);
real_t Htt = H[ntt];
//real_t Utt = U[ntt];
real_t Vtt = V[ntt];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nbb < 0 || nbb >= ncells_ghost ) {printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d ic %d %d with nbb %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,gix,gix+mesh->noffset,nbb); sleep(15); }
real_t Hbb = H[nbb];
//real_t Ubb = U[nbb];
real_t Vbb = V[nbb];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (lvl < 0 || lvl >= (int)lev_deltax.size() ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with lvl %d\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,lvl);
real_t dxic = lev_deltax[lvl];
real_t dyic = lev_deltay[lvl];
real_t dxl = lev_deltax[level[nl]];
real_t dxr = lev_deltax[level[nr]];
real_t dyt = lev_deltay[level[nt]];
real_t dyb = lev_deltay[level[nb]];
real_t drl = dxl;
real_t drr = dxr;
real_t drt = dyt;
real_t drb = dyb;
real_t dric = dxic;
int nltl = 0;
real_t Hlt = 0.0, Ult = 0.0, Vlt = 0.0;
real_t Hll2 = 0.0;
real_t Ull2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nlt < 0 || nlt > ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nlt %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nlt);
Hlt = H[ ntop[nl] ];
Ult = U[ ntop[nl] ];
Vlt = V[ ntop[nl] ];
nltl = nlft[nlt];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nltl < 0 || nltl > ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nltl %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nltl);
Hll2 = H[nltl];
Ull2 = U[nltl];
int nrtr = 0;
real_t Hrt = 0.0, Urt = 0.0, Vrt = 0.0;
real_t Hrr2 = 0.0;
real_t Urr2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nrt < 0 || nrt > ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nrt %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nrt);
Hrt = H[ ntop[nr] ];
Urt = U[ ntop[nr] ];
Vrt = V[ ntop[nr] ];
nrtr = nrht[nrt];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nrtr < 0 || nrtr > ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nrtr %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nrtr);
Hrr2 = H[nrtr];
Urr2 = U[nrtr];
int nbrb = 0;
real_t Hbr = 0.0, Ubr = 0.0, Vbr = 0.0;
real_t Hbb2 = 0.0;
real_t Vbb2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nbr < 0 || nbr > ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nbr %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nbr);
Hbr = H[ nrht[nb] ];
Ubr = U[ nrht[nb] ];
Vbr = V[ nrht[nb] ];
nbrb = nbot[nbr];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (nbrb < 0 || nbrb > ncells_ghost ) {printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d ic %d %d with nbrb %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,gix,gix+mesh->noffset,nbrb); sleep(20);}
Hbb2 = H[nbrb];
Vbb2 = V[nbrb];
int ntrt = 0;
real_t Htr = 0.0, Utr = 0.0, Vtr = 0.0;
real_t Htt2 = 0.0;
real_t Vtt2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (ntr < 0 || ntr > ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with ntr %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,ntr);
Htr = H[ nrht[nt] ];
Utr = U[ nrht[nt] ];
Vtr = V[ nrht[nt] ];
ntrt = ntop[ntr];
#if DEBUG >= 3
if (ntrt < 0 || ntrt > ncells_ghost ) {printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d ic %d %d with ntrt %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,gix,gix+mesh->noffset,ntrt); sleep(20); }
Htt2 = H[ntrt];
Vtt2 = V[ntrt];
real_t Hxminus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Hl, Hic, HXFLUXNL, HXFLUXIC,
dxl, dxic, dxl, dxic, SQR(dxl), SQR(dxic));
real_t Uxminus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Ul, Uic, UXFLUXNL, UXFLUXIC,
dxl, dxic, dxl, dxic, SQR(dxl), SQR(dxic));
real_t Vxminus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Vl, Vic, UVFLUXNL, UVFLUXIC,
dxl, dxic, dxl, dxic, SQR(dxl), SQR(dxic));
real_t Hxplus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Hic, Hr, HXFLUXIC, HXFLUXNR,
dxic, dxr, dxic, dxr, SQR(dxic), SQR(dxr));
real_t Uxplus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Uic, Ur, UXFLUXIC, UXFLUXNR,
dxic, dxr, dxic, dxr, SQR(dxic), SQR(dxr));
real_t Vxplus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Vic, Vr, UVFLUXIC, UVFLUXNR,
dxic, dxr, dxic, dxr, SQR(dxic), SQR(dxr));
real_t Hyminus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Hb, Hic, HYFLUXNB, HYFLUXIC,
dyb, dyic, dyb, dyic, SQR(dyb), SQR(dyic));
real_t Uyminus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Ub, Uic, VUFLUXNB, VUFLUXIC,
dyb, dyic, dyb, dyic, SQR(dyb), SQR(dyic));
real_t Vyminus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Vb, Vic, VYFLUXNB, VYFLUXIC,
dyb, dyic, dyb, dyic, SQR(dyb), SQR(dyic));
real_t Hyplus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Hic, Ht, HYFLUXIC, HYFLUXNT,
dyic, dyt, dyic, dyt, SQR(dyic), SQR(dyt));
real_t Uyplus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Uic, Ut, VUFLUXIC, VUFLUXNT,
dyic, dyt, dyic, dyt, SQR(dyic), SQR(dyt));
real_t Vyplus = U_halfstep(deltaT, Vic, Vt, VYFLUXIC, VYFLUXNT,
dyic, dyt, dyic, dyt, SQR(dyic), SQR(dyt));
real_t Hxfluxminus = HNEWXFLUXMINUS;
real_t Uxfluxminus = UNEWXFLUXMINUS;
real_t Vxfluxminus = UVNEWFLUXMINUS;
real_t Hxfluxplus = HNEWXFLUXPLUS;
real_t Uxfluxplus = UNEWXFLUXPLUS;
real_t Vxfluxplus = UVNEWFLUXPLUS;
real_t Hyfluxminus = HNEWYFLUXMINUS;
real_t Uyfluxminus = VUNEWFLUXMINUS;
real_t Vyfluxminus = VNEWYFLUXMINUS;
real_t Hyfluxplus = HNEWYFLUXPLUS;
real_t Uyfluxplus = VUNEWFLUXPLUS;
real_t Vyfluxplus = VNEWYFLUXPLUS;
real_t Hxminus2 = 0.0;
real_t Uxminus2 = 0.0;
real_t Vxminus2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
Hxminus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Hlt, Hic, HXFLUXNLT, HXFLUXIC,
drl, dric, drl, dric, SQR(drl), SQR(dric));
Uxminus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Ult, Uic, UXFLUXNLT, UXFLUXIC,
drl, dric, drl, dric, SQR(drl), SQR(dric));
Vxminus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Vlt, Vic, UVFLUXNLT, UVFLUXIC,
drl, dric, drl, dric, SQR(drl), SQR(dric));
Hxfluxminus = (Hxfluxminus + HNEWXFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
Uxfluxminus = (Uxfluxminus + UNEWXFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
Vxfluxminus = (Vxfluxminus + UVNEWFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
real_t Hxplus2 = 0.0;
real_t Uxplus2 = 0.0;
real_t Vxplus2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
Hxplus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Hic, Hrt, HXFLUXIC, HXFLUXNRT,
dric, drr, dric, drr, SQR(dric), SQR(drr));
Uxplus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Uic, Urt, UXFLUXIC, UXFLUXNRT,
dric, drr, dric, drr, SQR(dric), SQR(drr));
Vxplus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Vic, Vrt, UVFLUXIC, UVFLUXNRT,
dric, drr, dric, drr, SQR(dric), SQR(drr));
Hxfluxplus = (Hxfluxplus + HNEWXFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
Uxfluxplus = (Uxfluxplus + UNEWXFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
Vxfluxplus = (Vxfluxplus + UVNEWFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
real_t Hyminus2 = 0.0;
real_t Uyminus2 = 0.0;
real_t Vyminus2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
Hyminus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Hbr, Hic, HYFLUXNBR, HYFLUXIC,
drb, dric, drb, dric, SQR(drb), SQR(dric));
Uyminus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Ubr, Uic, VUFLUXNBR, VUFLUXIC,
drb, dric, drb, dric, SQR(drb), SQR(dric));
Vyminus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Vbr, Vic, VYFLUXNBR, VYFLUXIC,
drb, dric, drb, dric, SQR(drb), SQR(dric));
Hyfluxminus = (Hyfluxminus + HNEWYFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
Uyfluxminus = (Uyfluxminus + VUNEWFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
Vyfluxminus = (Vyfluxminus + VNEWYFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
real_t Hyplus2 = 0.0;
real_t Uyplus2 = 0.0;
real_t Vyplus2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
Hyplus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Hic, Htr, HYFLUXIC, HYFLUXNTR,
dric, drt, dric, drt, SQR(dric), SQR(drt));
Uyplus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Uic, Utr, VUFLUXIC, VUFLUXNTR,
dric, drt, dric, drt, SQR(dric), SQR(drt));
Vyplus2 = U_halfstep(deltaT, Vic, Vtr, VYFLUXIC, VYFLUXNTR,
dric, drt, dric, drt, SQR(dric), SQR(drt));
Hyfluxplus = (Hyfluxplus + HNEWYFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
Uyfluxplus = (Uyfluxplus + VUNEWFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
Vyfluxplus = (Vyfluxplus + VNEWYFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
//if (DEBUG >= 2) {
// printf("1st pass x direction nz %d nzlower %d nzupper %d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",
// gix, nl, nr,
// Hxplus,Hxplus2,Uxplus,Uxplus2,Vxplus,Vxplus2);
// //H[cell_upper],H[cell_lower],U[cell_upper],U[cell_lower],V[cell_upper],V[cell_lower]);
/// Artificial Viscosity corrections ///
if(level[nl] < level[nll]) {
#if DEBUG >= 3
size_t nllt = ntop[nll];
if (nllt < 0 || nllt >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nllt %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nllt);
Hll = (Hll + H[ ntop[nll] ]) * HALF;
Ull = (Ull + U[ ntop[nll] ]) * HALF;
real_t Hr2 = Hr;
real_t Ur2 = Ur;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
Hr2 = (Hr2 + Hrt) * HALF;
Ur2 = (Ur2 + Urt) * HALF;
real_t wminusx_H = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxl)*HALF, fabs(Uxminus/Hxminus) + sqrt(g*Hxminus),
Hic-Hl, Hl-Hll, Hr2-Hic);
wminusx_H *= Hic - Hl;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
if(level[nlt] < level[nltl])
Hll2 = (Hll2 + H[ ntop[nltl] ]) * HALF;
wminusx_H = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxl)*HALF, fabs(Uxminus2/Hxminus2) +
sqrt(g*Hxminus2), Hic-Hlt, Hlt-Hll2, Hr2-Hic) *
(Hic - Hlt)) + wminusx_H)*HALF*HALF;
if(level[nr] < level[nrr]) {
#if DEBUG >= 3
size_t nrrt = ntop[nrr];
if (nrrt < 0 || nrrt >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nrrt %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nrrt);
Hrr = (Hrr + H[ ntop[nrr] ]) * HALF;
Urr = (Urr + U[ ntop[nrr] ]) * HALF;
real_t Hl2 = Hl;
real_t Ul2 = Ul;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
Hl2 = (Hl2 + Hlt) * HALF;
Ul2 = (Ul2 + Ult) * HALF;
real_t wplusx_H = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxr)*HALF, fabs(Uxplus/Hxplus) + sqrt(g*Hxplus),
Hr-Hic, Hic-Hl2, Hrr-Hr);
wplusx_H *= Hr - Hic;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
if(level[nrt] < level[nrtr])
Hrr2 = (Hrr2 + H[ ntop[nrtr] ]) * HALF;
wplusx_H = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxr)*HALF, fabs(Uxplus2/Hxplus2) +
sqrt(g*Hxplus2), Hrt-Hic, Hic-Hl2, Hrr2-Hrt) *
(Hrt - Hic))+wplusx_H)*HALF*HALF;
real_t wminusx_U = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxl)*HALF, fabs(Uxminus/Hxminus) + sqrt(g*Hxminus),
Uic-Ul, Ul-Ull, Ur2-Uic);
wminusx_U *= Uic - Ul;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
if(level[nlt] < level[nltl])
Ull2 = (Ull2 + U[ ntop[nltl] ]) * HALF;
wminusx_U = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxl)*HALF, fabs(Uxminus2/Hxminus2) +
sqrt(g*Hxminus2), Uic-Ult, Ult-Ull2, Ur2-Uic) *
(Uic - Ult))+wminusx_U)*HALF*HALF;
real_t wplusx_U = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxr)*HALF, fabs(Uxplus/Hxplus) + sqrt(g*Hxplus),
Ur-Uic, Uic-Ul2, Urr-Ur);
wplusx_U *= Ur - Uic;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
if(level[nrt] < level[nrtr])
Urr2 = (Urr2 + U[ ntop[nrtr] ]) * HALF;
wplusx_U = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxr)*HALF, fabs(Uxplus2/Hxplus2) +
sqrt(g*Hxplus2), Urt-Uic, Uic-Ul2, Urr2-Urt) *
(Urt - Uic))+wplusx_U)*HALF*HALF;
if(level[nb] < level[nbb]) {
#if DEBUG >= 3
size_t nbbr = nrht[nbb];
if (nbbr < 0 || nbbr >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d gix %d %d with nbbr %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,gix,gix+mesh->noffset,nbbr);
Hbb = (Hbb + H[ nrht[nbb] ]) * HALF;
Vbb = (Vbb + V[ nrht[nbb] ]) * HALF;
real_t Ht2 = Ht;
real_t Vt2 = Vt;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
Ht2 = (Ht2 + Htr) * HALF;
Vt2 = (Vt2 + Vtr) * HALF;
real_t wminusy_H = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyb)*HALF, fabs(Vyminus/Hyminus) + sqrt(g*Hyminus),
Hic-Hb, Hb-Hbb, Ht2-Hic);
wminusy_H *= Hic - Hb;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
if(level[nbr] < level[nbrb])
Hbb2 = (Hbb2 + H[ nrht[nbrb] ]) * HALF;
wminusy_H = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyb)*HALF, fabs(Vyminus2/Hyminus2) +
sqrt(g*Hyminus2), Hic-Hbr, Hbr-Hbb2, Ht2-Hic) *
(Hic - Hbr))+wminusy_H)*HALF*HALF;
if(level[nt] < level[ntt]) {
#if DEBUG >= 3
size_t nttr = nrht[ntt];
if (nttr < 0 || nttr >= ncells_ghost ) printf("%d: Problem at file %s line %d with nttr %ld\n",mesh->mype,__FILE__,__LINE__,nttr);
Htt = (Htt + H[ nrht[ntt] ]) * HALF;
Vtt = (Vtt + V[ nrht[ntt] ]) * HALF;
real_t Hb2 = Hb;
real_t Vb2 = Vb;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
Hb2 = (Hb2 + Hbr) * HALF;
Vb2 = (Vb2 + Vbr) * HALF;
real_t wplusy_H = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyt)*HALF, fabs(Vyplus/Hyplus) + sqrt(g*Hyplus),
Ht-Hic, Hic-Hb2, Htt-Ht);
wplusy_H *= Ht - Hic;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
if(level[ntr] < level[ntrt])
Htt2 = (Htt2 + H[ nrht[ntrt] ]) * HALF;
wplusy_H = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyt)*HALF, fabs(Vyplus2/Hyplus2) +
sqrt(g*Hyplus2), Htr-Hic, Hic-Hb2, Htt2-Htr) *
(Htr - Hic))+wplusy_H)*HALF*HALF;
real_t wminusy_V = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyb)*HALF, fabs(Vyminus/Hyminus) + sqrt(g*Hyminus),
Vic-Vb, Vb-Vbb, Vt2-Vic);
wminusy_V *= Vic - Vb;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
if(level[nbr] < level[nbrb])
Vbb2 = (Vbb2 + V[ nrht[nbrb] ]) * HALF;
wminusy_V = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyb)*HALF, fabs(Vyminus2/Hyminus2) +
sqrt(g*Hyminus2), Vic-Vbr, Vbr-Vbb2, Vt2-Vic) *
(Vic - Vbr))+wminusy_V)*HALF*HALF;
real_t wplusy_V = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyt)*HALF, fabs(Vyplus/Hyplus) + sqrt(g*Hyplus),
Vt-Vic, Vic-Vb2, Vtt-Vt);
wplusy_V *= Vt - Vic;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
if(level[ntr] < level[ntrt])
Vtt2 = (Vtt2 + V[ nrht[ntrt] ]) * HALF;
wplusy_V = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyt)*HALF, fabs(Vyplus2/Hyplus2) +
sqrt(g*Hyplus2), Vtr-Vic, Vic-Vb2, Vtt2-Vtr) *
(Vtr - Vic))+wplusy_V)*HALF*HALF;
H_new[gix] = U_fullstep(deltaT, dxic, Hic,
Hxfluxplus, Hxfluxminus, Hyfluxplus, Hyfluxminus)
- wminusx_H + wplusx_H - wminusy_H + wplusy_H;
U_new[gix] = U_fullstep(deltaT, dxic, Uic,
Uxfluxplus, Uxfluxminus, Uyfluxplus, Uyfluxminus)
- wminusx_U + wplusx_U;
V_new[gix] = U_fullstep(deltaT, dxic, Vic,
Vxfluxplus, Vxfluxminus, Vyfluxplus, Vyfluxminus)
- wminusy_V + wplusy_V;
#if DEBUG >= 1
if (DEBUG >= 1) {
real_t U_tmp = U_new[gix];
real_t V_tmp = V_new[gix];
if (U_tmp == 0.0) U_tmp = 0.0;
if (V_tmp == 0.0) V_tmp = 0.0;
printf("DEBUG ic %d H_new %lf U_new %lf V_new %lf\n",gix,H_new[gix],U_tmp,V_tmp);
printf("DEBUG ic %d deltaT, %lf dxic, %lf Hic, %lf Hxfluxplus, %lf Hxfluxminus, %lf Hyfluxplus, %lf Hyfluxminus %lf\n",
gix, deltaT, dxic, Hic, Hxfluxplus, Hxfluxminus, Hyfluxplus, Hyfluxminus);
printf("DEBUG ic %d wminusx_H %lf wplusx_H %lf wminusy_H %lf wplusy_H %lf\n",gix, wminusx_H, wplusx_H, wminusy_H, wplusy_H);
printf("DEBUG ic %d deltaT, %lf dxic, %lf Vic, %lf Vxfluxplus, %lf Vxfluxminus, %lf Vyfluxplus, %lf Vyfluxminus %lf\n",
gix, deltaT, dxic, Vic, Vxfluxplus, Vxfluxminus, Vyfluxplus, Vyfluxminus);
printf("DEBUG ic %d wminusy_V %lf wplusy_V %lf\n",gix, wminusy_V, wplusy_V);
} // cell loop
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
// Replace H with H_new and deallocate H. New memory will have the characteristics
// of the new memory and the name of the old. Both return and arg1 will be reset to new memory
H = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_replace(H, H_new);
U = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_replace(U, U_new);
V = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_replace(V, V_new);
//printf("DEBUG end finite diff\n\n");
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
cpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_FINITE_DIFFERENCE] += cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu);
void State::calc_finite_difference_via_faces(double deltaT){
real_t g = 9.80; // gravitational constant
real_t ghalf = HALF*g;
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
size_t ncells = mesh->ncells;
size_t &ncells_ghost = mesh->ncells_ghost;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
if (ncells_ghost < ncells) ncells_ghost = ncells;
//printf("\nDEBUG finite diff\n");
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
// We need to populate the ghost regions since the calc neighbors has just been
// established for the mesh shortly before
if (mesh->numpe > 1) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
H=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(ncells_ghost, H);
U=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(ncells_ghost, U);
V=(state_t *)state_memory.memory_realloc(ncells_ghost, V);
L7_Update(&H[0], L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Update(&U[0], L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Update(&V[0], L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
} else {
int *nlft, *nrht, *nbot, *ntop, *level;
nlft = mesh->nlft;
nrht = mesh->nrht;
nbot = mesh->nbot;
ntop = mesh->ntop;
level = mesh->level;
vector<real_t> &lev_deltax = mesh->lev_deltax;
vector<real_t> &lev_deltay = mesh->lev_deltay;
int flags = 0;
#if defined (HAVE_J7)
if (mesh->parallel) flags = LOAD_BALANCE_MEMORY;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
#ifdef _OPENMP
static vector<state_t> Hx, Ux, Vx;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp for
for (int iface = 0; iface < mesh->nxface; iface++){
int cell_lower = mesh->map_xface2cell_lower[iface];
int cell_upper = mesh->map_xface2cell_upper[iface];
int level_lower = level[cell_lower];
int level_upper = level[cell_upper];
if (level_lower == level_upper) {
int lev = level_upper;
real_t Cxhalf = 0.5*deltaT/mesh->lev_deltax[lev];
Hx[iface]=HALF*(H[cell_upper]+H[cell_lower]) - Cxhalf*( HXFLUX(cell_upper)-HXFLUX(cell_lower) );
Ux[iface]=HALF*(U[cell_upper]+U[cell_lower]) - Cxhalf*( UXFLUX(cell_upper)-UXFLUX(cell_lower) );
Vx[iface]=HALF*(V[cell_upper]+V[cell_lower]) - Cxhalf*( UVFLUX(cell_upper)-UVFLUX(cell_lower) );
} else {
real_t dx_lower = mesh->lev_deltax[level[cell_lower]];
real_t dx_upper = mesh->lev_deltax[level[cell_upper]];
real_t FA_lower = dx_lower;
real_t FA_upper = dx_upper;
real_t FA_lolim = FA_lower*min(ONE, FA_upper/FA_lower);
real_t FA_uplim = FA_upper*min(ONE, FA_lower/FA_upper);
real_t CV_lower = SQ(dx_lower);
real_t CV_upper = SQ(dx_upper);
real_t CV_lolim = CV_lower*min(HALF, CV_upper/CV_lower);
real_t CV_uplim = CV_upper*min(HALF, CV_lower/CV_upper);
// Weighted half-step calculation
// (dx_lower*H[cell_upper]+dx_upper*H[cell_lower])
// ----------------------------------------------- -
// (dx_lower+dx_upper)
// ( (FA_uplim*HXFLUX(cell_upper))-(FA_lolim*HXFLUX(cell_lower)) )
// 0.5*deltaT * ----------------------------------------------------------------
// (CV_uplim+CV_lolim)
Hx[iface]=(dx_lower*H[cell_upper]+dx_upper*H[cell_lower])/(dx_lower+dx_upper) -
HALF*deltaT*( (FA_uplim*HXFLUX(cell_upper))-(FA_lolim*HXFLUX(cell_lower)) )/
Ux[iface]=(dx_lower*U[cell_upper]+dx_upper*U[cell_lower])/(dx_lower+dx_upper) -
HALF*deltaT*( (FA_uplim*UXFLUX(cell_upper))-(FA_lolim*UXFLUX(cell_lower)) )/
Vx[iface]=(dx_lower*V[cell_upper]+dx_upper*V[cell_lower])/(dx_lower+dx_upper) -
HALF*deltaT*( (FA_uplim*UVFLUX(cell_upper))-(FA_lolim*UVFLUX(cell_lower)) )/
#if DEBUG >= 2
if (DEBUG >= 2) {
printf("1st pass x direction iface %d i %d j %d lev %d nzlower %d nzupper %d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",
iface, mesh->xface_i[iface], mesh->xface_j[iface], mesh->xface_level[iface],
mesh->map_xface2cell_lower[iface], mesh->map_xface2cell_upper[iface],
#if DEBUG >= 2
if (DEBUG >= 2) {
static vector<state_t> Hy, Uy, Vy;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp for
for (int iface = 0; iface < mesh->nyface; iface++){
int cell_lower = mesh->map_yface2cell_lower[iface];
int cell_upper = mesh->map_yface2cell_upper[iface];
int level_lower = level[cell_lower];
int level_upper = level[cell_upper];
if (level_lower == level_upper) {
int lev = level_upper;
real_t Cyhalf = 0.5*deltaT/mesh->lev_deltay[lev];
Hy[iface]=HALF*(H[cell_upper]+H[cell_lower]) - Cyhalf*( HYFLUX(cell_upper)-HYFLUX(cell_lower) );
Uy[iface]=HALF*(U[cell_upper]+U[cell_lower]) - Cyhalf*( UVFLUX(cell_upper)-UVFLUX(cell_lower) );
Vy[iface]=HALF*(V[cell_upper]+V[cell_lower]) - Cyhalf*( VYFLUX(cell_upper)-VYFLUX(cell_lower) );
} else {
real_t dy_lower = mesh->lev_deltay[level[cell_lower]];
real_t dy_upper = mesh->lev_deltay[level[cell_upper]];
real_t FA_lower = dy_lower;
real_t FA_upper = dy_upper;
real_t FA_lolim = FA_lower*min(ONE, FA_upper/FA_lower);
real_t FA_uplim = FA_upper*min(ONE, FA_lower/FA_upper);
real_t CV_lower = SQ(dy_lower);
real_t CV_upper = SQ(dy_upper);
real_t CV_lolim = CV_lower*min(HALF, CV_upper/CV_lower);
real_t CV_uplim = CV_upper*min(HALF, CV_lower/CV_upper);
// Weighted half-step calculation
// (dy_lower*H[cell_upper]+dy_upper*H[cell_lower])
// ----------------------------------------------- -
// (dy_lower+dy_upper)
// ( (FA_uplim*HYFLUX(cell_upper))-(FA_lolim*HYFLUX(cell_lower)) )
// 0.5*deltaT * ----------------------------------------------------------------
// (CV_uplim+CV_lolim)
Hy[iface]=(dy_lower*H[cell_upper]+dy_upper*H[cell_lower])/(dy_lower+dy_upper) -
HALF*deltaT*( (FA_uplim*HYFLUX(cell_upper))-(FA_lolim*HYFLUX(cell_lower)) )/
Uy[iface]=(dy_lower*U[cell_upper]+dy_upper*U[cell_lower])/(dy_lower+dy_upper) -
HALF*deltaT*( (FA_uplim*UVFLUX(cell_upper))-(FA_lolim*UVFLUX(cell_lower)) )/
Vy[iface]=(dy_lower*V[cell_upper]+dy_upper*V[cell_lower])/(dy_lower+dy_upper) -
HALF*deltaT*( (FA_uplim*VYFLUX(cell_upper))-(FA_lolim*VYFLUX(cell_lower)) )/
#if DEBUG >= 2
if (DEBUG >= 2) {
printf("1st pass y direction iface %d i %d j %d lev %d nzlower %d nzupper %d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",
iface, mesh->yface_i[iface], mesh->yface_j[iface], mesh->yface_level[iface],
mesh->map_yface2cell_lower[iface], mesh->map_yface2cell_upper[iface],
#if DEBUG >= 2
if (DEBUG >= 2) {
static state_t *H_new, *U_new, *V_new;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
H_new = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_malloc(mesh->ncells_ghost, sizeof(state_t), "H_new", flags);
U_new = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_malloc(mesh->ncells_ghost, sizeof(state_t), "U_new", flags);
V_new = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_malloc(mesh->ncells_ghost, sizeof(state_t), "V_new", flags);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
int lowerBound, upperBound;
mesh->get_bounds(lowerBound, upperBound);
for (int ic = lowerBound; ic < upperBound; ic++){
int lvl = level[ic];
int nl = nlft[ic];
int nr = nrht[ic];
int nt = ntop[ic];
int nb = nbot[ic];
real_t Hic = H[ic];
real_t Uic = U[ic];
real_t Vic = V[ic];
int nll = nlft[nl];
real_t Hl = H[nl];
real_t Ul = U[nl];
//real_t Vl = V[nl];
int nrr = nrht[nr];
real_t Hr = H[nr];
real_t Ur = U[nr];
//real_t Vr = V[nr];
int ntt = ntop[nt];
real_t Ht = H[nt];
//real_t Ut = U[nt];
real_t Vt = V[nt];
int nbb = nbot[nb];
real_t Hb = H[nb];
//real_t Ub = U[nb];
real_t Vb = V[nb];
int nlt = ntop[nl];
int nrt = ntop[nr];
int ntr = nrht[nt];
int nbr = nrht[nb];
real_t Hll = H[nll];
real_t Ull = U[nll];
//real_t Vll = V[nll];
real_t Hrr = H[nrr];
real_t Urr = U[nrr];
//real_t Vrr = V[nrr];
real_t Htt = H[ntt];
//real_t Utt = U[ntt];
real_t Vtt = V[ntt];
real_t Hbb = H[nbb];
//real_t Ubb = U[nbb];
real_t Vbb = V[nbb];
real_t dxic = lev_deltax[lvl];
//real_t dyic = lev_deltay[lvl];
real_t dxl = lev_deltax[level[nl]];
real_t dxr = lev_deltax[level[nr]];
real_t dyt = lev_deltay[level[nt]];
real_t dyb = lev_deltay[level[nb]];
//real_t drl = dxl;
//real_t drr = dxr;
//real_t drt = dyt;
//real_t drb = dyb;
real_t dric = dxic;
int nltl = 0;
real_t Hlt = 0.0, Ult = 0.0; // Vlt = 0.0;
real_t Hll2 = 0.0;
real_t Ull2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
Hlt = H[ ntop[nl] ];
Ult = U[ ntop[nl] ];
//Vlt = V[ ntop[nl] ];
nltl = nlft[nlt];
Hll2 = H[nltl];
Ull2 = U[nltl];
int nrtr = 0;
real_t Hrt = 0.0, Urt = 0.0; // Vrt = 0.0;
real_t Hrr2 = 0.0;
real_t Urr2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
Hrt = H[ ntop[nr] ];
Urt = U[ ntop[nr] ];
//Vrt = V[ ntop[nr] ];
nrtr = nrht[nrt];
Hrr2 = H[nrtr];
Urr2 = U[nrtr];
int nbrb = 0;
real_t Hbr = 0.0, Vbr = 0.0; // Ubr = 0.0
real_t Hbb2 = 0.0;
real_t Vbb2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
Hbr = H[ nrht[nb] ];
//Ubr = U[ nrht[nb] ];
Vbr = V[ nrht[nb] ];
nbrb = nbot[nbr];
Hbb2 = H[nbrb];
Vbb2 = V[nbrb];
int ntrt = 0;
real_t Htr = 0.0, Vtr = 0.0; // Utr = 0.0
real_t Htt2 = 0.0;
real_t Vtt2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
Htr = H[ nrht[nt] ];
//Utr = U[ nrht[nt] ];
Vtr = V[ nrht[nt] ];
ntrt = ntop[ntr];
Htt2 = H[ntrt];
Vtt2 = V[ntrt];
/// Artificial Viscosity corrections ///
real_t Hxminus = H[ic];
real_t Uxminus = 0.0;
real_t Vxminus = 0.0;
if (mesh->map_xcell2face_left1[ic] >= 0){
Hxminus = Hx[mesh->map_xcell2face_left1[ic]];
Uxminus = Ux[mesh->map_xcell2face_left1[ic]];
Vxminus = Vx[mesh->map_xcell2face_left1[ic]];
real_t Hxminus2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nl]) Hxminus2 = H[ic];
real_t Uxminus2 = 0.0;
real_t Vxminus2 = 0.0;
if (mesh->map_xcell2face_left2[ic] >= 0) {
Hxminus2 = Hx[mesh->map_xcell2face_left2[ic]];
Uxminus2 = Ux[mesh->map_xcell2face_left2[ic]];
Vxminus2 = Vx[mesh->map_xcell2face_left2[ic]];
real_t Hxplus = H[ic];
real_t Uxplus = 0.0;
real_t Vxplus = 0.0;
if (mesh->map_xcell2face_right1[ic] >= 0){
Hxplus = Hx[mesh->map_xcell2face_right1[ic]];
Uxplus = Ux[mesh->map_xcell2face_right1[ic]];
Vxplus = Vx[mesh->map_xcell2face_right1[ic]];
real_t Hxplus2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nr]) Hxplus2 = H[ic];
real_t Uxplus2 = 0.0;
real_t Vxplus2 = 0.0;
if (mesh->map_xcell2face_right2[ic] >= 0){
Hxplus2 = Hx[mesh->map_xcell2face_right2[ic]];
Uxplus2 = Ux[mesh->map_xcell2face_right2[ic]];
Vxplus2 = Vx[mesh->map_xcell2face_right2[ic]];
if(level[nl] < level[nll]) {
Hll = (Hll + H[ ntop[nll] ]) * HALF;
Ull = (Ull + U[ ntop[nll] ]) * HALF;
real_t Hr2 = Hr;
real_t Ur2 = Ur;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
Hr2 = (Hr2 + Hrt) * HALF;
Ur2 = (Ur2 + Urt) * HALF;
real_t wminusx_H = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxl)*HALF, fabs(Uxminus/Hxminus) + sqrt(g*Hxminus),
Hic-Hl, Hl-Hll, Hr2-Hic);
wminusx_H *= Hic - Hl;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
if(level[nlt] < level[nltl])
Hll2 = (Hll2 + H[ ntop[nltl] ]) * HALF;
wminusx_H = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxl)*HALF, fabs(Uxminus2/Hxminus2) +
sqrt(g*Hxminus2), Hic-Hlt, Hlt-Hll2, Hr2-Hic) *
(Hic - Hlt)) + wminusx_H)*HALF*HALF;
if(level[nr] < level[nrr]) {
Hrr = (Hrr + H[ ntop[nrr] ]) * HALF;
Urr = (Urr + U[ ntop[nrr] ]) * HALF;
real_t Hl2 = Hl;
real_t Ul2 = Ul;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
Hl2 = (Hl2 + Hlt) * HALF;
Ul2 = (Ul2 + Ult) * HALF;
real_t wplusx_H = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxr)*HALF, fabs(Uxplus/Hxplus) + sqrt(g*Hxplus),
Hr-Hic, Hic-Hl2, Hrr-Hr);
wplusx_H *= Hr - Hic;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
if(level[nrt] < level[nrtr])
Hrr2 = (Hrr2 + H[ ntop[nrtr] ]) * HALF;
wplusx_H = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxr)*HALF, fabs(Uxplus2/Hxplus2) +
sqrt(g*Hxplus2), Hrt-Hic, Hic-Hl2, Hrr2-Hrt) *
(Hrt - Hic))+wplusx_H)*HALF*HALF;
real_t wminusx_U = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxl)*HALF, fabs(Uxminus/Hxminus) + sqrt(g*Hxminus),
Uic-Ul, Ul-Ull, Ur2-Uic);
wminusx_U *= Uic - Ul;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
if(level[nlt] < level[nltl])
Ull2 = (Ull2 + U[ ntop[nltl] ]) * HALF;
wminusx_U = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxl)*HALF, fabs(Uxminus2/Hxminus2) +
sqrt(g*Hxminus2), Uic-Ult, Ult-Ull2, Ur2-Uic) *
(Uic - Ult))+wminusx_U)*HALF*HALF;
real_t wplusx_U = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxr)*HALF, fabs(Uxplus/Hxplus) + sqrt(g*Hxplus),
Ur-Uic, Uic-Ul2, Urr-Ur);
wplusx_U *= Ur - Uic;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
if(level[nrt] < level[nrtr])
Urr2 = (Urr2 + U[ ntop[nrtr] ]) * HALF;
wplusx_U = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dxr)*HALF, fabs(Uxplus2/Hxplus2) +
sqrt(g*Hxplus2), Urt-Uic, Uic-Ul2, Urr2-Urt) *
(Urt - Uic))+wplusx_U)*HALF*HALF;
if(level[nb] < level[nbb]) {
Hbb = (Hbb + H[ nrht[nbb] ]) * HALF;
Vbb = (Vbb + V[ nrht[nbb] ]) * HALF;
real_t Ht2 = Ht;
real_t Vt2 = Vt;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
Ht2 = (Ht2 + Htr) * HALF;
Vt2 = (Vt2 + Vtr) * HALF;
real_t Hyminus = H[ic];
real_t Uyminus = 0.0;
real_t Vyminus = 0.0;
if (mesh->map_ycell2face_bot1[ic] >= 0){
Hyminus = Hy[mesh->map_ycell2face_bot1[ic]];
Uyminus = Uy[mesh->map_ycell2face_bot1[ic]];
Vyminus = Vy[mesh->map_ycell2face_bot1[ic]];
real_t Hyminus2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nb]) Hyminus2 = H[ic];
real_t Uyminus2 = 0.0;
real_t Vyminus2 = 0.0;
if (mesh->map_ycell2face_bot2[ic] >= 0){
Hyminus2 = Hy[mesh->map_ycell2face_bot2[ic]];
Uyminus2 = Uy[mesh->map_ycell2face_bot2[ic]];
Vyminus2 = Vy[mesh->map_ycell2face_bot2[ic]];
real_t Hyplus = H[ic];
real_t Uyplus = 0.0;
real_t Vyplus = 0.0;
if (mesh->map_ycell2face_top1[ic] >= 0){
Hyplus = Hy[mesh->map_ycell2face_top1[ic]];
Uyplus = Uy[mesh->map_ycell2face_top1[ic]];
Vyplus = Vy[mesh->map_ycell2face_top1[ic]];
real_t Hyplus2 = 0.0;
if(lvl < level[nt]) Hyplus2 = H[ic];
real_t Uyplus2 = 0.0;
real_t Vyplus2 = 0.0;
if (mesh->map_ycell2face_top2[ic] >= 0){
Hyplus2 = Hy[mesh->map_ycell2face_top2[ic]];
Uyplus2 = Uy[mesh->map_ycell2face_top2[ic]];
Vyplus2 = Vy[mesh->map_ycell2face_top2[ic]];
real_t wminusy_H = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyb)*HALF, fabs(Vyminus/Hyminus) + sqrt(g*Hyminus),
Hic-Hb, Hb-Hbb, Ht2-Hic);
wminusy_H *= Hic - Hb;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
if(level[nbr] < level[nbrb])
Hbb2 = (Hbb2 + H[ nrht[nbrb] ]) * HALF;
wminusy_H = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyb)*HALF, fabs(Vyminus2/Hyminus2) +
sqrt(g*Hyminus2), Hic-Hbr, Hbr-Hbb2, Ht2-Hic) *
(Hic - Hbr))+wminusy_H)*HALF*HALF;
if(level[nt] < level[ntt]) {
Htt = (Htt + H[ nrht[ntt] ]) * HALF;
Vtt = (Vtt + V[ nrht[ntt] ]) * HALF;
real_t Hb2 = Hb;
real_t Vb2 = Vb;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
Hb2 = (Hb2 + Hbr) * HALF;
Vb2 = (Vb2 + Vbr) * HALF;
real_t wplusy_H = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyt)*HALF, fabs(Vyplus/Hyplus) + sqrt(g*Hyplus),
Ht-Hic, Hic-Hb2, Htt-Ht);
wplusy_H *= Ht - Hic;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
if(level[ntr] < level[ntrt])
Htt2 = (Htt2 + H[ nrht[ntrt] ]) * HALF;
wplusy_H = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyt)*HALF, fabs(Vyplus2/Hyplus2) +
sqrt(g*Hyplus2), Htr-Hic, Hic-Hb2, Htt2-Htr) *
(Htr - Hic))+wplusy_H)*HALF*HALF;
real_t wminusy_V = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyb)*HALF, fabs(Vyminus/Hyminus) + sqrt(g*Hyminus),
Vic-Vb, Vb-Vbb, Vt2-Vic);
wminusy_V *= Vic - Vb;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
if(level[nbr] < level[nbrb])
Vbb2 = (Vbb2 + V[ nrht[nbrb] ]) * HALF;
wminusy_V = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyb)*HALF, fabs(Vyminus2/Hyminus2) +
sqrt(g*Hyminus2), Vic-Vbr, Vbr-Vbb2, Vt2-Vic) *
(Vic - Vbr))+wminusy_V)*HALF*HALF;
real_t wplusy_V = w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyt)*HALF, fabs(Vyplus/Hyplus) + sqrt(g*Hyplus),
Vt-Vic, Vic-Vb2, Vtt-Vt);
wplusy_V *= Vt - Vic;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
if(level[ntr] < level[ntrt])
Vtt2 = (Vtt2 + V[ nrht[ntrt] ]) * HALF;
wplusy_V = ((w_corrector(deltaT, (dric+dyt)*HALF, fabs(Vyplus2/Hyplus2) +
sqrt(g*Hyplus2), Vtr-Vic, Vic-Vb2, Vtt2-Vtr) *
(Vtr - Vic))+wplusy_V)*HALF*HALF;
real_t Hxfluxminus = HNEWXFLUXMINUS;
real_t Uxfluxminus = UNEWXFLUXMINUS;
real_t Vxfluxminus = UVNEWFLUXMINUS;
real_t Hxfluxplus = HNEWXFLUXPLUS;
real_t Uxfluxplus = UNEWXFLUXPLUS;
real_t Vxfluxplus = UVNEWFLUXPLUS;
real_t Hyfluxminus = HNEWYFLUXMINUS;
real_t Uyfluxminus = VUNEWFLUXMINUS;
real_t Vyfluxminus = VNEWYFLUXMINUS;
real_t Hyfluxplus = HNEWYFLUXPLUS;
real_t Uyfluxplus = VUNEWFLUXPLUS;
real_t Vyfluxplus = VNEWYFLUXPLUS;
if(lvl < level[nl]) {
Hxfluxminus = (Hxfluxminus + HNEWXFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
Uxfluxminus = (Uxfluxminus + UNEWXFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
Vxfluxminus = (Vxfluxminus + UVNEWFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
if(lvl < level[nr]) {
Hxfluxplus = (Hxfluxplus + HNEWXFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
Uxfluxplus = (Uxfluxplus + UNEWXFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
Vxfluxplus = (Vxfluxplus + UVNEWFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
if(lvl < level[nb]) {
Hyfluxminus = (Hyfluxminus + HNEWYFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
Uyfluxminus = (Uyfluxminus + VUNEWFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
Vyfluxminus = (Vyfluxminus + VNEWYFLUXMINUS2) * HALF;
if(lvl < level[nt]) {
Hyfluxplus = (Hyfluxplus + HNEWYFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
Uyfluxplus = (Uyfluxplus + VUNEWFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
Vyfluxplus = (Vyfluxplus + VNEWYFLUXPLUS2) * HALF;
H_new[ic] = U_fullstep(deltaT, dxic, Hic,
Hxfluxplus, Hxfluxminus, Hyfluxplus, Hyfluxminus)
- wminusx_H + wplusx_H - wminusy_H + wplusy_H;
U_new[ic] = U_fullstep(deltaT, dxic, Uic,
Uxfluxplus, Uxfluxminus, Uyfluxplus, Uyfluxminus)
- wminusx_U + wplusx_U;
V_new[ic] = U_fullstep(deltaT, dxic, Vic,
Vxfluxplus, Vxfluxminus, Vyfluxplus, Vyfluxminus)
- wminusy_V + wplusy_V;
#if DEBUG >= 1
if (DEBUG >= 1) {
real_t U_tmp = U_new[ic];
real_t V_tmp = V_new[ic];
if (U_tmp == 0.0) U_tmp = 0.0;
if (V_tmp == 0.0) V_tmp = 0.0;
printf("DEBUG ic %d H_new %lf U_new %lf V_new %lf\n",ic,H_new[ic],U_tmp,V_tmp);
printf("DEBUG ic %d deltaT, %lf dxic, %lf Hic, %lf Hxfluxplus, %lf Hxfluxminus, %lf Hyfluxplus, %lf Hyfluxminus %lf\n",
ic, deltaT, dxic, Hic, Hxfluxplus, Hxfluxminus, Hyfluxplus, Hyfluxminus);
printf("DEBUG ic %d wminusx_H %lf wplusx_H %lf wminusy_H %lf wplusy_H %lf\n",ic, wminusx_H, wplusx_H, wminusy_H, wplusy_H);
printf("DEBUG ic %d deltaT, %lf dxic, %lf Vic, %lf Vxfluxplus, %lf Vxfluxminus, %lf Vyfluxplus, %lf Vyfluxminus %lf\n",
ic, deltaT, dxic, Vic, Vxfluxplus, Vxfluxminus, Vyfluxplus, Vyfluxminus);
printf("DEBUG ic %d wminusy_V %lf wplusy_V %lf\n",ic, wminusy_V, wplusy_V);
}//end forloop
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
// Replace H with H_new and deallocate H. New memory will have the characteristics
// of the new memory and the name of the old. Both return and arg1 will be reset to new memory
H = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_replace(H, H_new);
U = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_replace(U, U_new);
V = (state_t *)state_memory.memory_replace(V, V_new);
//printf("DEBUG end finite diff\n\n");
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
cpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_FINITE_DIFFERENCE] += cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu);
void State::gpu_calc_finite_difference(double deltaT)
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
cl_command_queue command_queue = ezcl_get_command_queue();
//cl_mem dev_ptr = NULL;
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
size_t &ncells_ghost = mesh->ncells_ghost;
if (ncells_ghost < ncells) ncells_ghost = ncells;
int &levmx = mesh->levmx;
cl_mem &dev_celltype = mesh->dev_celltype;
cl_mem &dev_nlft = mesh->dev_nlft;
cl_mem &dev_nrht = mesh->dev_nrht;
cl_mem &dev_nbot = mesh->dev_nbot;
cl_mem &dev_ntop = mesh->dev_ntop;
cl_mem &dev_level = mesh->dev_level;
cl_mem &dev_levdx = mesh->dev_levdx;
cl_mem &dev_levdy = mesh->dev_levdy;
cl_mem dev_H_new = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells_ghost, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_H_new"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
cl_mem dev_U_new = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells_ghost, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_U_new"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
cl_mem dev_V_new = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells_ghost, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_V_new"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
size_t local_work_size = 128;
size_t global_work_size = ((ncells+local_work_size - 1) /local_work_size) * local_work_size;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
if (mesh->numpe > 1) {
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 0, sizeof(cl_int), &ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_V);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
__kernel void copy_state_data_cl(
const int isize, // 0
__global state_t *H, // 1
__global state_t *U, // 2
__global state_t *V, // 3
__global state_t *H_new, // 4
__global state_t *U_new, // 5
__global state_t *V_new) // 6
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_copy_state_data, 0, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_copy_state_data, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_copy_state_data, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_copy_state_data, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_V);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_copy_state_data, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_H_new);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_copy_state_data, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_U_new);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_copy_state_data, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_V_new);
//ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_copy_state_data, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, &copy_state_data_event);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_copy_state_data, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
dev_H = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_replace(dev_H, dev_H_new);
dev_U = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_replace(dev_U, dev_U_new);
dev_V = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_replace(dev_V, dev_V_new);
L7_Dev_Update(dev_H, L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Dev_Update(dev_U, L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Dev_Update(dev_V, L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
dev_H_new = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells_ghost, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_H_new"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
dev_U_new = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells_ghost, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_U_new"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
dev_V_new = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells_ghost, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_V_new"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 0, sizeof(cl_int), &ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_V);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
} else {
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 0, sizeof(cl_int), &ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_V);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 0, sizeof(cl_int), &ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_V);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
__kernel void calc_finite_difference_cl(
const int ncells, // 0 Total number of cells.
const int lvmax, // 1 Maximum level
__global state_t *H, // 2
__global state_t *U, // 3
__global state_t *V, // 4
__global state_t *H_new, // 5
__global state_t *U_new, // 6
__global state_t *V_new, // 7
__global const int *nlft, // 8 Array of left neighbors.
__global const int *nrht, // 9 Array of right neighbors.
__global const int *ntop, // 10 Array of bottom neighbors.
__global const int *nbot, // 11 Array of top neighbors.
__global const int *level, // 12 Array of level information.
const real_t deltaT, // 13 Size of time step.
__global const real_t *lev_dx, // 14
__global const real_t *lev_dy, // 15
__local state4_t *tile, // 16 Tile size in state4.
__local int8 *itile) // 17 Tile size in int8.
cl_event calc_finite_difference_event;
real_t deltaT_local = deltaT;
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 0, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 1, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&levmx);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_V);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_H_new);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_U_new);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_V_new);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference, 9, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference,10, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference,11, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference,12, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_level);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference,13, sizeof(cl_real_t), (void *)&deltaT_local);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference,14, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdx);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference,15, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdy);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference,16, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_state4_t), NULL);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_calc_finite_difference,17, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_int8), NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_calc_finite_difference, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, &calc_finite_difference_event);
ezcl_wait_for_events(1, &calc_finite_difference_event);
dev_H = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_replace(dev_H, dev_H_new);
dev_U = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_replace(dev_U, dev_U_new);
dev_V = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_replace(dev_V, dev_V_new);
gpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_FINITE_DIFFERENCE] += (long)(cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu)*1.0e9);
void State::symmetry_check(const char *string, vector<int> sym_index, double eps,
SIGN_RULE sign_rule, int &flag)
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
double xsign = 1.0, ysign = 1.0;
if (sign_rule == DIAG_RULE || sign_rule == X_RULE) {
xsign = -1.0;
if (sign_rule == DIAG_RULE || sign_rule == Y_RULE) {
ysign = -1.0;
for (uint ic=0; ic<ncells; ic++) {
/* Symmetrical check */
if (fabs(H[ic] - H[sym_index[ic]]) > eps) {
printf("%s ic %d sym %d H[ic] %lf Hsym %lf diff %lf\n",
if (fabs(U[ic] - xsign*U[sym_index[ic]]) > eps) {
printf("%s ic %d sym %d U[ic] %lf Usym %lf diff %lf\n",
if (fabs(V[ic] - ysign*V[sym_index[ic]]) > eps) {
printf("%s ic %d sym %d V[ic] %lf Vsym %lf diff %lf\n",
size_t State::calc_refine_potential(vector<int> &mpot,int &icount, int &jcount)
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel
struct timeval tstart_lev2;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
if (TIMING_LEVEL >= 2) cpu_timer_start(&tstart_lev2);
#ifdef _OPENMP
int *nlft, *nrht, *nbot, *ntop, *level;
size_t ncells = mesh->ncells;
nlft = mesh->nlft;
nrht = mesh->nrht;
nbot = mesh->nbot;
ntop = mesh->ntop;
level = mesh->level;
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
// We need to update the ghost regions and boundary regions for the state
// variables since they were changed in the finite difference routine. We
// want to use the updated values for refinement decisions
if (mesh->numpe > 1) {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
#pragma omp master
L7_Update(&H[0], L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Update(&U[0], L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Update(&V[0], L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
} else {
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
/*****HIGH LEVEL OMP******/
int lowerBound, upperBound;
for (int ic=lowerBound; ic<upperBound; ic++) {
if (mesh->celltype[ic] != REAL_CELL) continue;
state_t Hic = H[ic];
//state_t Uic = U[ic];
//state_t Vic = V[ic];
int nl = nlft[ic];
state_t Hl = H[nl];
//state_t Ul = U[nl];
//state_t Vl = V[nl];
if (level[nl] > level[ic]){
int nlt = ntop[nl];
Hl = REFINE_HALF * (Hl + H[nlt]);
int nr = nrht[ic];
state_t Hr = H[nr];
//state_t Ur = U[nr];
//state_t Vr = V[nr];
if (level[nr] > level[ic]){
int nrt = ntop[nr];
Hr = REFINE_HALF * (Hr + H[nrt]);
int nb = nbot[ic];
state_t Hb = H[nb];
//state_t Ub = U[nb];
//state_t Vb = V[nb];
if (level[nb] > level[ic]){
int nbr = nrht[nb];
Hb = REFINE_HALF * (Hb + H[nbr]);
int nt = ntop[ic];
state_t Ht = H[nt];
//state_t Ut = U[nt];
//state_t Vt = V[nt];
if (level[nt] > level[ic]){
int ntr = nrht[nt];
Ht = REFINE_HALF * (Ht + H[ntr]);
state_t duplus1; //, duplus2;
state_t duhalf1; //, duhalf2;
state_t duminus1; //, duminus2;
duplus1 = Hr-Hic;
//duplus2 = Ur-Uic;
duhalf1 = Hic-Hl;
//duhalf2 = Uic-Ul;
state_t qmax = REFINE_NEG_THOUSAND;
state_t qpot = max(fabs(duplus1/Hic), fabs(duhalf1/Hic));
if (qpot > qmax) qmax = qpot;
duminus1 = Hic-Hl;
//duminus2 = Uic-Ul;
duhalf1 = Hr-Hic;
//duhalf2 = Ur-Uic;
qpot = max(fabs(duminus1/Hic), fabs(duhalf1/Hic));
if (qpot > qmax) qmax = qpot;
duplus1 = Ht-Hic;
//duplus2 = Vt-Vic;
duhalf1 = Hic-Hb;
//duhalf2 = Vic-Vb;
qpot = max(fabs(duplus1/Hic), fabs(duhalf1/Hic));
if (qpot > qmax) qmax = qpot;
duminus1 = Hic-Hb;
//duminus2 = Vic-Vb;
duhalf1 = Ht-Hic;
//duhalf2 = Vt-Vic;
qpot = max(fabs(duminus1/Hic), fabs(duhalf1/Hic));
if (qpot > qmax) qmax = qpot;
if (qmax > REFINE_GRADIENT && level[ic] < mesh->levmx) {
} else if (qmax < COARSEN_GRADIENT && level[ic] > 0) {
mpot[ic] = -1;
//if (mpot[ic]) printf("DEBUG cpu cell is %d mpot %d\n",ic,mpot[ic]);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp master
if (TIMING_LEVEL >= 2) {
cpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_CALC_MPOT] += cpu_timer_stop(tstart_lev2);
#ifdef _OPENMP
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp barrier
int newcount = mesh->refine_smooth(mpot, icount, jcount);
//printf("DEBUG -- after refine smooth in file %s line %d icount %d jcount %d newcount %d\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,icount,jcount,newcount);
cpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_REFINE_POTENTIAL] += cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu);
size_t State::gpu_calc_refine_potential(int &icount, int &jcount)
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
struct timeval tstart_lev2;
if (TIMING_LEVEL >= 2) cpu_timer_start(&tstart_lev2);
cl_command_queue command_queue = ezcl_get_command_queue();
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
int &levmx = mesh->levmx;
cl_mem &dev_nlft = mesh->dev_nlft;
cl_mem &dev_nrht = mesh->dev_nrht;
cl_mem &dev_nbot = mesh->dev_nbot;
cl_mem &dev_ntop = mesh->dev_ntop;
//cl_mem &dev_mpot = mesh->dev_mpot;
cl_mem &dev_i = mesh->dev_i;
cl_mem &dev_j = mesh->dev_j;
cl_mem &dev_level = mesh->dev_level;
cl_mem &dev_celltype = mesh->dev_celltype;
cl_mem &dev_levdx = mesh->dev_levdx;
cl_mem &dev_levdy = mesh->dev_levdy;
icount = 0;
jcount = 0;
size_t local_work_size = 128;
size_t global_work_size = ((ncells+local_work_size - 1) /local_work_size) * local_work_size;
size_t block_size = global_work_size/local_work_size;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
//size_t nghost_local = mesh->ncells_ghost - ncells;
if (mesh->numpe > 1) {
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 0, sizeof(cl_int), &ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_V);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_local, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
L7_Dev_Update(dev_H, L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Dev_Update(dev_U, L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
L7_Dev_Update(dev_V, L7_STATE_T, mesh->cell_handle);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 0, sizeof(cl_int), &ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_V);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_apply_boundary_conditions_ghost, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
} else {
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 0, sizeof(cl_int), &ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_V);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 0, sizeof(cl_int), &ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), &dev_V);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_apply_boundary_conditions, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
vector<int> nlft_tmp(mesh->ncells_ghost);
vector<int> nrht_tmp(mesh->ncells_ghost);
vector<int> nbot_tmp(mesh->ncells_ghost);
vector<int> ntop_tmp(mesh->ncells_ghost);
vector<int> level_tmp(mesh->ncells_ghost);
vector<state_t> H_tmp(mesh->ncells_ghost);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_nlft, CL_FALSE, 0, mesh->ncells_ghost*sizeof(cl_int), &nlft_tmp[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_nrht, CL_FALSE, 0, mesh->ncells_ghost*sizeof(cl_int), &nrht_tmp[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_nbot, CL_FALSE, 0, mesh->ncells_ghost*sizeof(cl_int), &nbot_tmp[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_ntop, CL_TRUE, 0, mesh->ncells_ghost*sizeof(cl_int), &ntop_tmp[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_level, CL_TRUE, 0, mesh->ncells_ghost*sizeof(cl_int), &level_tmp[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_H, CL_TRUE, 0, mesh->ncells_ghost*sizeof(cl_int), &H_tmp[0], NULL);
for (uint ic=0; ic<ncells; ic++){
int nl = nlft_tmp[ic];
if (nl<0 || nl>= (int)mesh->ncells_ghost) printf("%d: Warning at line %d cell %d nlft %d\n",mesh->mype,__LINE__,ic,nl);
if (level_tmp[nl] > level_tmp[ic]){
int ntl = ntop_tmp[nl];
if (ntl<0 || ntl>= (int)mesh->ncells_ghost) printf("%d: Warning at line %d cell %d global %d nlft %d ntop of nlft %d\n",mesh->mype,__LINE__,ic,ic+mesh->noffset,nl,ntl);
int nr = nrht_tmp[ic];
if (nr<0 || nr>= (int)mesh->ncells_ghost) printf("%d: Warning at line %d cell %d nrht %d\n",mesh->mype,__LINE__,ic,nr);
if (level_tmp[nr] > level_tmp[ic]){
int ntr = ntop_tmp[nr];
if (ntr<0 || ntr>= (int)mesh->ncells_ghost) printf("%d: Warning at line %d cell %d ntop of nrht %d\n",mesh->mype,__LINE__,ic,ntr);
int nb = nbot_tmp[ic];
if (nb<0 || nb>= (int)mesh->ncells_ghost) printf("%d: Warning at line %d cell %d nbot %d\n",mesh->mype,__LINE__,ic,nb);
if (level_tmp[nb] > level_tmp[ic]){
int nrb = nrht_tmp[nb];
if (nrb<0 || nrb>= (int)mesh->ncells_ghost) printf("%d: Warning at line %d cell %d nrht of nbot %d\n",mesh->mype,__LINE__,ic,nrb);
int nt = ntop_tmp[ic];
if (nt<0 || nt>= (int)mesh->ncells_ghost) printf("%d: Warning at line %d cell %d ntop %d\n",mesh->mype,__LINE__,ic,nt);
if (level_tmp[nt] > level_tmp[ic]){
int nrt = nrht_tmp[nt];
if (nrt<0 || nrt>= (int)mesh->ncells_ghost) printf("%d: Warning at line %d cell %d nrht of ntop %d\n",mesh->mype,__LINE__,ic,nrt);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++){
if (H_tmp[ic] < 1.0) printf("%d: Warning at line %d cell %d H %lf\n",mesh->mype,__LINE__,ic,H_tmp[ic]);
size_t result_size = 1;
cl_mem dev_result = ezcl_malloc(NULL, const_cast<char *>("dev_result"), &result_size, sizeof(cl_int2), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0);
cl_mem dev_redscratch = ezcl_malloc(NULL, const_cast<char *>("dev_redscratch"), &block_size, sizeof(cl_int2), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0);
dev_mpot = ezcl_malloc(NULL, const_cast<char *>("dev_mpot"), &mesh->ncells_ghost, sizeof(cl_int), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0);
__kernel void refine_potential
const int ncells, // 0 Total number of cells.
const int levmx, // 1 Maximum level
__global state_t *H, // 2
__global state_t *U, // 3
__global state_t *V, // 4
__global const int *nlft, // 5 Array of left neighbors.
__global const int *nrht, // 6 Array of right neighbors.
__global const int *ntop, // 7 Array of bottom neighbors.
__global const int *nbot, // 8 Array of top neighbors.
__global const int *level, // 9 Array of level information.
__global const int *celltype, // 10 Array of celltype information.
__global int *mpot, // 11 Array of mesh potential information.
__global int2 *redscratch, // 12
__global const real_t *lev_dx, // 13
__global const real_t *lev_dy, // 14
__global int2 *result, // 15
__local state_t *tile, // 16 Tile size in real4.
__local int8 *itile) // 17 Tile size in int8.
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 0, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 1, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&levmx);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_U);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_V);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_nlft);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_nrht);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_ntop);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 8, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_nbot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential, 9, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_i);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,10, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_j);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,11, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_level);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,12, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,13, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdx);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,14, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdy);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,15, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_mpot);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,16, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_redscratch);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,17, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_result);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,18, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_state_t), NULL);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_refine_potential,19, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_int8), NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_refine_potential, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
mesh->gpu_rezone_count2(block_size, local_work_size, dev_redscratch, dev_result);
int count[2] = {0, 0};
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_result, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(cl_int2), count, NULL);
icount = count[0];
jcount = count[1];
//size_t result = ncells + icount - jcount;
//int mpot_check[ncells];
//ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_mpot, CL_TRUE, 0, ncells*sizeof(cl_int), mpot_check, NULL);
//for (int ic=0; ic<ncells; ic++){
// if (mpot_check[ic]) printf("DEBUG -- cell %d mpot %d\n",ic,mpot_check[ic]);
//printf("result = %lu after first refine potential icount %d jcount %d\n",result, icount, jcount);
// int which_smooth = 1;
if (TIMING_LEVEL >= 2) {
gpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_CALC_MPOT] += (long)(cpu_timer_stop(tstart_lev2)*1.0e9);
int my_result = mesh->gpu_refine_smooth(dev_mpot, icount, jcount);
//printf("DEBUG gpu calc refine potential %d icount %d jcount %d\n",my_result,icount,jcount);
gpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_REFINE_POTENTIAL] += (long)(cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu)*1.0e9);
double State::mass_sum(int enhanced_precision_sum)
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
int *celltype = mesh->celltype;
int *level = mesh->level;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
//int &mype = mesh->mype;
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
double summer = 0.0;
double total_sum = 0.0;
if (enhanced_precision_sum == SUM_KAHAN) {
//printf("DEBUG -- kahan_sum\n");
double corrected_next_term, new_sum;
struct esum_type local;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
struct esum_type global;
local.sum = 0.0;
local.correction = 0.0;
int ic;
for (ic = 0; ic < (int)ncells; ic++) {
if (celltype[ic] == REAL_CELL) {
// Exclude boundary cells.
corrected_next_term= H[ic]*mesh->lev_deltax[level[ic]]*mesh->lev_deltay[level[ic]] + local.correction;
new_sum = local.sum + local.correction;
local.correction = corrected_next_term - (new_sum - local.sum);
local.sum = new_sum;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
if (mesh->parallel) {
MPI_Allreduce(&local, &global, 1, MPI_TWO_DOUBLES, KNUTH_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
total_sum = global.sum + global.correction;
} else {
total_sum = local.sum + local.correction;
//if(mype == 0) printf("MYPE %d: Line %d Iteration %d \t local_sum = %12.6lg, global_sum = %12.6lg\n", mype, __LINE__, mesh->m_ncycle, local.sum, global.sum);
total_sum = local.sum + local.correction;
} else if (enhanced_precision_sum == SUM_REGULAR) {
//printf("DEBUG -- regular_sum\n");
for (uint ic=0; ic < ncells; ic++){
if (celltype[ic] == REAL_CELL) {
summer += H[ic]*mesh->lev_deltax[level[ic]]*mesh->lev_deltay[level[ic]];
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
if (mesh->parallel) {
MPI_Allreduce(&summer, &total_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
} else {
total_sum = summer;
total_sum = summer;
cpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_MASS_SUM] += cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu);
double State::gpu_mass_sum(int enhanced_precision_sum)
struct timeval tstart_cpu;
cl_command_queue command_queue = ezcl_get_command_queue();
size_t &ncells = mesh->ncells;
cl_mem &dev_levdx = mesh->dev_levdx;
cl_mem &dev_levdy = mesh->dev_levdy;
cl_mem &dev_celltype = mesh->dev_celltype;
cl_mem &dev_level = mesh->dev_level;
size_t one = 1;
cl_mem dev_mass_sum, dev_redscratch;
double gpu_mass_sum_total;
size_t local_work_size = 128;
size_t global_work_size = ((ncells+local_work_size - 1) /local_work_size) * local_work_size;
size_t block_size = global_work_size/local_work_size;
if (enhanced_precision_sum) {
dev_mass_sum = ezcl_malloc(NULL, const_cast<char *>("dev_mass_sum"), &one, sizeof(cl_real2_t), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0);
dev_redscratch = ezcl_malloc(NULL, const_cast<char *>("dev_redscratch"), &block_size, sizeof(cl_real2_t), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0);
__kernel void reduce_sum_cl(
const int isize, // 0
__global state_t *array, // 1 Array to be reduced.
__global int *level, // 2
__global int *levdx, // 3
__global int *levdy, // 4
__global int *celltype, // 5
__global real_t *redscratch, // 6 Final result of operation.
__local real_t *tile) // 7
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 0, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_level);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdx);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdy);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_mass_sum);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_redscratch);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 8, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_real2_t), NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage1of2, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
if (block_size > 1) {
__kernel void reduce_sum_cl(
const int isize, // 0
__global int *redscratch, // 1 Array to be reduced.
__local real_t *tile) // 2
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage2of2, 0, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&block_size);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage2of2, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_mass_sum);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage2of2, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_redscratch);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage2of2, 3, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_real2_t), NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_reduce_epsum_mass_stage2of2, 1, NULL, &local_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
struct esum_type local, global;
real2_t mass_sum;
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_mass_sum, CL_TRUE, 0, 1*sizeof(cl_real2_t), &mass_sum, NULL);
local.sum = mass_sum.s0;
local.correction = mass_sum.s1;
global.sum = local.sum;
global.correction = local.correction;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
MPI_Allreduce(&local, &global, 1, MPI_TWO_DOUBLES, KNUTH_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
gpu_mass_sum_total = global.sum + global.correction;
} else {
dev_mass_sum = ezcl_malloc(NULL, const_cast<char *>("dev_mass_sum"), &one, sizeof(cl_real_t), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0);
dev_redscratch = ezcl_malloc(NULL, const_cast<char *>("dev_redscratch"), &block_size, sizeof(cl_real_t), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, 0);
__kernel void reduce_sum_cl(
const int isize, // 0
__global state_t *array, // 1 Array to be reduced.
__global int *level, // 2
__global int *levdx, // 3
__global int *levdy, // 4
__global int *celltype, // 5
__global real_t *redscratch, // 6 Final result of operation.
__local real_t *tile) // 7
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 0, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&ncells);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_H);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_level);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdx);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_levdy);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 5, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_celltype);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 6, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_mass_sum);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 7, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_redscratch);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 8, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_real_t), NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage1of2, 1, NULL, &global_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
if (block_size > 1) {
__kernel void reduce_sum_cl(
const int isize, // 0
__global int *redscratch, // 1 Array to be reduced.
__local real_t *tile) // 2
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage2of2, 0, sizeof(cl_int), (void *)&block_size);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage2of2, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_mass_sum);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage2of2, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&dev_redscratch);
ezcl_set_kernel_arg(kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage2of2, 3, local_work_size*sizeof(cl_real_t), NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_ndrange_kernel(command_queue, kernel_reduce_sum_mass_stage2of2, 1, NULL, &local_work_size, &local_work_size, NULL);
double local_sum, global_sum;
real_t mass_sum;
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_mass_sum, CL_TRUE, 0, 1*sizeof(cl_real_t), &mass_sum, NULL);
local_sum = mass_sum;
global_sum = local_sum;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
MPI_Allreduce(&local_sum, &global_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
gpu_mass_sum_total = global_sum;
gpu_timers[STATE_TIMER_MASS_SUM] += (long)(cpu_timer_stop(tstart_cpu)*1.0e9);
void State::allocate_device_memory(size_t ncells)
dev_H = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_H"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
dev_U = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_U"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
dev_V = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_V"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
void State::resize_old_device_memory(size_t ncells)
dev_H = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_H"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
dev_U = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_U"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
dev_V = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.memory_malloc(ncells, sizeof(cl_state_t), const_cast<char *>("dev_V"), DEVICE_REGULAR_MEMORY);
// Just to block compiler warnings
if (1 == 2) printf("DEBUG -- ncells is %ld\n",ncells);
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
void State::do_load_balance_local(size_t &numcells){
mesh->do_load_balance_local(numcells, NULL, state_memory);
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
void State::gpu_do_load_balance_local(size_t &numcells){
if (mesh->gpu_do_load_balance_local(numcells, NULL, gpu_state_memory) ){
dev_H = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.get_memory_ptr("dev_H");
dev_U = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.get_memory_ptr("dev_U");
dev_V = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.get_memory_ptr("dev_V");
if (dev_H == NULL){
dev_H = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.get_memory_ptr("dev_H_new");
dev_U = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.get_memory_ptr("dev_U_new");
dev_V = (cl_mem)gpu_state_memory.get_memory_ptr("dev_V_new");
printf("DEBUG memory for proc %d dev_H is %p dev_U is %p dev_V is %p\n",mesh->mype,dev_H,dev_U,dev_V);
static double reference_time = 0.0;
void State::output_timing_info(int do_cpu_calc, int do_gpu_calc, double total_elapsed_time)
int parallel = mesh->parallel;
double cpu_time_compute = 0.0;
double gpu_time_compute = 0.0;
double cpu_elapsed_time = 0.0;
double gpu_elapsed_time = 0.0;
double cpu_mesh_time = 0.0;
double gpu_mesh_time = 0.0;
if (do_cpu_calc) {
cpu_time_compute = get_cpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_SET_TIMESTEP) +
get_cpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_REZONE_ALL) +
mesh->get_cpu_timer(MESH_TIMER_CALC_NEIGHBORS) +
mesh->get_cpu_timer(MESH_TIMER_LOAD_BALANCE) +
get_cpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_MASS_SUM) +
cpu_elapsed_time = cpu_time_compute;
cpu_mesh_time = mesh->get_cpu_timer(MESH_TIMER_CALC_NEIGHBORS) +
get_cpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_REZONE_ALL) +
mesh->get_cpu_timer(MESH_TIMER_REFINE_SMOOTH) +
if (do_gpu_calc) {
gpu_time_compute = get_gpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_APPLY_BCS) +
get_gpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_REZONE_ALL) +
mesh->get_gpu_timer(MESH_TIMER_CALC_NEIGHBORS) +
mesh->get_gpu_timer(MESH_TIMER_LOAD_BALANCE) +
get_gpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_MASS_SUM) +
gpu_elapsed_time = get_gpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_WRITE) + gpu_time_compute + get_gpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_READ);
gpu_mesh_time = mesh->get_gpu_timer(MESH_TIMER_CALC_NEIGHBORS) +
get_gpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_REZONE_ALL) +
mesh->get_gpu_timer(MESH_TIMER_REFINE_SMOOTH) +
if (! parallel && do_cpu_calc) reference_time = cpu_elapsed_time;
double speedup_ratio = 0.0;
if (reference_time > 0.0){
if (do_cpu_calc && parallel) speedup_ratio = reference_time/cpu_elapsed_time;
if (do_gpu_calc) speedup_ratio = reference_time/gpu_elapsed_time;
if (do_cpu_calc) {
output_timer_block(MESH_DEVICE_CPU, cpu_elapsed_time, cpu_mesh_time, cpu_time_compute, total_elapsed_time, speedup_ratio);
if (do_gpu_calc) {
output_timer_block(MESH_DEVICE_GPU, gpu_elapsed_time, gpu_mesh_time, gpu_time_compute, total_elapsed_time, speedup_ratio);
void State::output_timer_block(mesh_device_types device_type, double elapsed_time,
double mesh_time, double compute_time, double total_elapsed_time, double speedup_ratio)
int mype = mesh->mype;
int parallel = mesh->parallel;
int rank = mype;
if (! parallel) {
// We need to get rank info for check routines
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
if (! parallel && rank) return;
char device_string[10];
if (device_type == MESH_DEVICE_CPU) {
} else {
#ifdef TIMING
if (rank == 0) {
printf("~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Device timing information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n");
if (rank == 0 && parallel) {
printf("\n%3s: Parallel timings\n\n",device_string);
if (device_type == MESH_DEVICE_GPU) {
mesh->parallel_output("GPU: Write to device time was", get_gpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_WRITE), 0, "s");
mesh->parallel_output("GPU: Read from device time was", get_gpu_timer(STATE_TIMER_READ), 0, "s");
const char *device_compute_string[2] = {
"CPU: Device compute time was",
"GPU: Device compute time was"
mesh->parallel_output(device_compute_string[device_type], compute_time, 0, "s");
timer_output(STATE_TIMER_SET_TIMESTEP, device_type, 1);
timer_output(STATE_TIMER_FINITE_DIFFERENCE, device_type, 1);
timer_output(STATE_TIMER_REFINE_POTENTIAL, device_type, 1);
timer_output(STATE_TIMER_CALC_MPOT, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_REFINE_SMOOTH, device_type, 2);
timer_output(STATE_TIMER_REZONE_ALL, device_type, 1);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_PARTITION, device_type, 1);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_CALC_NEIGHBORS, device_type, 1);
if (mesh->get_calc_neighbor_type() == HASH_TABLE) {
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_HASH_SETUP, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_HASH_QUERY, device_type, 2);
if (parallel) {
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_FIND_BOUNDARY, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_PUSH_SETUP, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_PUSH_BOUNDARY, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_LOCAL_LIST, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_LAYER1, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_LAYER2, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_LAYER_LIST, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_COPY_MESH_DATA, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_FILL_MESH_GHOST, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_FILL_NEIGH_GHOST, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_SET_CORNER_NEIGH, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_NEIGH_ADJUST, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_SETUP_COMM, device_type, 2);
} else {
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_KDTREE_SETUP, device_type, 2);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_KDTREE_QUERY, device_type, 2);
timer_output(STATE_TIMER_MASS_SUM, device_type, 1);
if (parallel) {
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_LOAD_BALANCE, device_type, 1);
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_CALC_SPATIAL_COORDINATES, device_type, 1);
if (! mesh->have_boundary) {
mesh->timer_output(MESH_TIMER_COUNT_BCS, device_type, 1);
if (rank == 0) printf("=============================================================\n");
const char *profile_string[2] = {
"Profiling: Total CPU time was",
"Profiling: Total GPU time was"
mesh->parallel_output(profile_string[device_type], elapsed_time, 0, "s");
if (elapsed_time > 600.0){
mesh->parallel_output(" or ", elapsed_time/60.0, 0, "min");
if (rank == 0) printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
mesh->parallel_output("Mesh Ops (Neigh+rezone+smooth+balance) ",mesh_time, 0, "s");
mesh->parallel_output("Mesh Ops Percentage ",mesh_time/elapsed_time*100.0, 0, "percent");
if (rank == 0) printf("=============================================================\n");
mesh->parallel_output("Profiling: Total time was",total_elapsed_time, 0, "s");
if (elapsed_time > 600.0){
mesh->parallel_output(" or ",total_elapsed_time/60.0, 0, "min");
if (speedup_ratio > 0.0) {
mesh->parallel_output("Parallel Speed-up: ",speedup_ratio, 0, "Reference Serial CPU");
if (rank == 0) printf("=============================================================\n");
void State::timer_output(state_timer_category category, mesh_device_types device_type, int timer_level)
int mype = mesh->mype;
double local_time = 0.0;
if (device_type == MESH_DEVICE_CPU){
local_time = get_cpu_timer(category);
} else {
local_time = get_gpu_timer(category);
char string[80] = "/0";
if (mype == 0) {
const char *blank=" ";
const char *device_string[2] = {
sprintf(string,"%3s: %.*s%-30.30s\t", device_string[device_type],
2*timer_level, blank, state_timer_descriptor[category]);
mesh->parallel_output(string, local_time, timer_level, "s");
void State::compare_state_gpu_global_to_cpu_global(const char* string, int cycle, uint ncells)
cl_command_queue command_queue = ezcl_get_command_queue();
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_H, CL_FALSE, 0, ncells*sizeof(cl_state_t), &H_check[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_U, CL_FALSE, 0, ncells*sizeof(cl_state_t), &U_check[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_V, CL_TRUE, 0, ncells*sizeof(cl_state_t), &V_check[0], NULL);
for (uint ic = 0; ic < ncells; ic++){
if (fabs(H[ic]-H_check[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("DEBUG %s at cycle %d H & H_check %d %lf %lf\n",string,cycle,ic,H[ic],H_check[ic]);
if (fabs(U[ic]-U_check[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("DEBUG %s at cycle %d U & U_check %d %lf %lf\n",string,cycle,ic,U[ic],U_check[ic]);
if (fabs(V[ic]-V_check[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("DEBUG %s at cycle %d V & V_check %d %lf %lf\n",string,cycle,ic,V[ic],V_check[ic]);
void State::compare_state_cpu_local_to_cpu_global(State *state_global, const char* string, int cycle, uint ncells, uint ncells_global, int *nsizes, int *ndispl)
state_t *H_global = state_global->H;
state_t *U_global = state_global->U;
state_t *V_global = state_global->V;
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
MPI_Allgatherv(&H[0], ncells, MPI_STATE_T, &H_check[0], &nsizes[0], &ndispl[0], MPI_STATE_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allgatherv(&U[0], ncells, MPI_STATE_T, &U_check[0], &nsizes[0], &ndispl[0], MPI_STATE_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allgatherv(&V[0], ncells, MPI_STATE_T, &V_check[0], &nsizes[0], &ndispl[0], MPI_STATE_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Just to block compiler warnings
if (1 == 2) printf("DEBUG -- ncells %u nsizes %d ndispl %d\n",ncells, nsizes[0],ndispl[0]);
for (uint ic = 0; ic < ncells_global; ic++){
if (fabs(H_global[ic]-H_check[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("DEBUG %s at cycle %d H & H_check %d %lf %lf\n",string,cycle,ic,H_global[ic],H_check[ic]);
if (fabs(U_global[ic]-U_check[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("DEBUG %s at cycle %d U & U_check %d %lf %lf\n",string,cycle,ic,U_global[ic],U_check[ic]);
if (fabs(V_global[ic]-V_check[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("DEBUG %s at cycle %d V & V_check %d %lf %lf\n",string,cycle,ic,V_global[ic],V_check[ic]);
void State::compare_state_all_to_gpu_local(State *state_global, uint ncells, uint ncells_global, int mype, int ncycle, int *nsizes, int *ndispl)
#ifdef HAVE_MPI
cl_command_queue command_queue = ezcl_get_command_queue();
state_t *H_global = state_global->H;
state_t *U_global = state_global->U;
state_t *V_global = state_global->V;
cl_mem &dev_H_global = state_global->dev_H;
cl_mem &dev_U_global = state_global->dev_U;
cl_mem &dev_V_global = state_global->dev_V;
// Need to compare dev_H to H, etc
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_H, CL_FALSE, 0, ncells*sizeof(cl_state_t), &H_save[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_U, CL_FALSE, 0, ncells*sizeof(cl_state_t), &U_save[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_V, CL_TRUE, 0, ncells*sizeof(cl_state_t), &V_save[0], NULL);
for (uint ic = 0; ic < ncells; ic++){
if (fabs(H[ic]-H_save[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("%d: DEBUG finite_difference 1 at cycle %d H & H_save %d %lf %lf \n",mype,ncycle,ic,H[ic],H_save[ic]);
if (fabs(U[ic]-U_save[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("%d: DEBUG finite_difference 1 at cycle %d U & U_save %d %lf %lf \n",mype,ncycle,ic,U[ic],U_save[ic]);
if (fabs(V[ic]-V_save[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("%d: DEBUG finite_difference 1 at cycle %d V & V_save %d %lf %lf \n",mype,ncycle,ic,V[ic],V_save[ic]);
// And compare dev_H gathered to H_global, etc
MPI_Allgatherv(&H_save[0], nsizes[mype], MPI_STATE_T, &H_save_global[0], &nsizes[0], &ndispl[0], MPI_STATE_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allgatherv(&U_save[0], nsizes[mype], MPI_STATE_T, &U_save_global[0], &nsizes[0], &ndispl[0], MPI_STATE_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allgatherv(&V_save[0], nsizes[mype], MPI_STATE_T, &V_save_global[0], &nsizes[0], &ndispl[0], MPI_STATE_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (mype == 0) {
for (uint ic = 0; ic < ncells_global; ic++){
if (fabs(H_global[ic]-H_save_global[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("%d: DEBUG finite_difference 2 at cycle %d H_global & H_save_global %d %lf %lf \n",mype,ncycle,ic,H_global[ic],H_save_global[ic]);
if (fabs(U_global[ic]-U_save_global[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("%d: DEBUG finite_difference 2 at cycle %d U_global & U_save_global %d %lf %lf \n",mype,ncycle,ic,U_global[ic],U_save_global[ic]);
if (fabs(V_global[ic]-V_save_global[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("%d: DEBUG finite_difference 2 at cycle %d V_global & V_save_global %d %lf %lf \n",mype,ncycle,ic,V_global[ic],V_save_global[ic]);
// And compare H gathered to H_global, etc
MPI_Allgatherv(&H[0], nsizes[mype], MPI_STATE_T, &H_save_global[0], &nsizes[0], &ndispl[0], MPI_STATE_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allgatherv(&U[0], nsizes[mype], MPI_STATE_T, &U_save_global[0], &nsizes[0], &ndispl[0], MPI_STATE_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
MPI_Allgatherv(&V[0], nsizes[mype], MPI_STATE_T, &V_save_global[0], &nsizes[0], &ndispl[0], MPI_STATE_T, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
if (mype == 0) {
for (uint ic = 0; ic < ncells_global; ic++){
if (fabs(H_global[ic]-H_save_global[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("DEBUG finite_difference 3 at cycle %d H_global & H_save_global %d %lf %lf \n",ncycle,ic,H_global[ic],H_save_global[ic]);
if (fabs(U_global[ic]-U_save_global[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("DEBUG finite_difference 3 at cycle %d U_global & U_save_global %d %lf %lf \n",ncycle,ic,U_global[ic],U_save_global[ic]);
if (fabs(V_global[ic]-V_save_global[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("DEBUG finite_difference 3 at cycle %d V_global & V_save_global %d %lf %lf \n",ncycle,ic,V_global[ic],V_save_global[ic]);
// Now the global dev_H_global to H_global, etc
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_H_global, CL_FALSE, 0, ncells_global*sizeof(cl_state_t), &H_save_global[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_U_global, CL_FALSE, 0, ncells_global*sizeof(cl_state_t), &U_save_global[0], NULL);
ezcl_enqueue_read_buffer(command_queue, dev_V_global, CL_TRUE, 0, ncells_global*sizeof(cl_state_t), &V_save_global[0], NULL);
if (mype == 0) {
for (uint ic = 0; ic < ncells_global; ic++){
if (fabs(H_global[ic]-H_save_global[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("%d: DEBUG finite_difference 4 at cycle %d H_global & H_save_global %d %lf %lf \n",mype,ncycle,ic,H_global[ic],H_save_global[ic]);
if (fabs(U_global[ic]-U_save_global[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("%d: DEBUG finite_difference 4 at cycle %d U_global & U_save_global %d %lf %lf \n",mype,ncycle,ic,U_global[ic],U_save_global[ic]);
if (fabs(V_global[ic]-V_save_global[ic]) > STATE_EPS) printf("%d: DEBUG finite_difference 4 at cycle %d V_global & V_save_global %d %lf %lf \n",mype,ncycle,ic,V_global[ic],V_save_global[ic]);
// Just to get rid of compiler warnings
if (1 == 2) printf("%d: DEBUG -- ncells %d ncells_global %d ncycle %d nsizes[0] %d ndispl %d state_global %p\n",
void State::print_object_info(void)
printf(" ---- State object info -----\n");
int num_elements, elsize;
num_elements = ezcl_get_device_mem_nelements(dev_H);
elsize = ezcl_get_device_mem_elsize(dev_H);
printf("dev_H ptr : %p nelements %d elsize %d\n",dev_H,num_elements,elsize);
num_elements = ezcl_get_device_mem_nelements(dev_U);
elsize = ezcl_get_device_mem_elsize(dev_U);
printf("dev_U ptr : %p nelements %d elsize %d\n",dev_U,num_elements,elsize);
num_elements = ezcl_get_device_mem_nelements(dev_V);
elsize = ezcl_get_device_mem_elsize(dev_V);
printf("dev_V ptr : %p nelements %d elsize %d\n",dev_V,num_elements,elsize);
num_elements = ezcl_get_device_mem_nelements(dev_mpot);
elsize = ezcl_get_device_mem_elsize(dev_mpot);
printf("dev_mpot ptr : %p nelements %d elsize %d\n",dev_mpot,num_elements,elsize);
//num_elements = ezcl_get_device_mem_nelements(dev_ioffset);
//elsize = ezcl_get_device_mem_elsize(dev_ioffset);
//printf("dev_ioffset ptr : %p nelements %d elsize %d\n",dev_ioffset,num_elements,elsize);
//printf("vector H ptr : %p nelements %ld elsize %ld\n",&H[0],H.size(),sizeof(H[0]));
//printf("vector U ptr : %p nelements %ld elsize %ld\n",&U[0],U.size(),sizeof(U[0]));
//printf("vector V ptr : %p nelements %ld elsize %ld\n",&V[0],V.size(),sizeof(V[0]));
void State::print(void)
{ //printf("size is %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu\n",index.size(), i.size(), level.size(), nlft.size(), x.size());
if (mesh->fp == NULL) {
char filename[10];
if (mesh->mesh_memory.get_memory_size(mesh->nlft) >= mesh->ncells_ghost){
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index global i j lev nlft nrht nbot ntop \n",mesh->mype);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, ic+mesh->noffset,mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
for (uint ic=mesh->ncells; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, ic+mesh->noffset,mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
} else {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index H U V i j lev\n",mesh->mype);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %lf %lf %lf %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, H[ic], U[ic], V[ic], mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic]);
const int CRUX_STATE_VERSION = 102;
const int num_int_vals = 1;
size_t State::get_checkpoint_size(void)
size_t nsize = mesh->ncells*3*sizeof(double);
size_t nsize = mesh->ncells*3*sizeof(float);
nsize += num_int_vals*sizeof(int);
nsize += mesh->get_checkpoint_size();
void State::store_checkpoint(Crux *crux)
// Store mesh data first
//#ifndef HAVE_MPI
// Load up scalar values
int int_vals[num_int_vals];
int_vals[0] = CRUX_STATE_VERSION;
// Add to memory database for storing checkpoint
state_memory.memory_add(int_vals, (size_t)num_int_vals, 4, "state_int_vals", RESTART_DATA | REPLICATED_DATA);
state_memory.memory_add(cpu_timers, (size_t)STATE_TIMER_SIZE, 8, "state_cpu_timers", RESTART_DATA);
state_memory.memory_add(gpu_timers, (size_t)STATE_TIMER_SIZE, 8, "state_gpu_timers", RESTART_DATA);
// Remove from database after checkpoint is stored
void State::restore_checkpoint(Crux *crux)
int storage;
// Restore mesh data first
crux->restore_named_ints("storage", 7, &storage, 1);
// Create memory for restoring data into
int int_vals[num_int_vals];
// allocate is a state method
// Add to memory database for restoring checkpoint
state_memory.memory_add(int_vals, (size_t)num_int_vals, 4, "state_int_vals", RESTART_DATA | REPLICATED_DATA);
state_memory.memory_add(cpu_timers, (size_t)STATE_TIMER_SIZE, 8, "state_cpu_timers", RESTART_DATA);
state_memory.memory_add(gpu_timers, (size_t)STATE_TIMER_SIZE, 8, "state_gpu_timers", RESTART_DATA);
// Restore memory database
// Check version number
if (int_vals[ 0] != CRUX_STATE_VERSION) {
printf("CRUX version mismatch for state data, version on file is %d, version in code is %d\n",
int_vals[0], CRUX_STATE_VERSION);
printf(" === Restored state cpu timers ===\n");
for (int i = 0; i < STATE_TIMER_SIZE; i++){
printf(" %-30s %lg\n",state_timer_descriptor[i], cpu_timers[i]);
printf(" === Restored state cpu timers ===\n");
printf(" === Restored state gpu timers ===\n");
for (int i = 0; i < STATE_TIMER_SIZE; i++){
printf(" %-30s %lld\n",state_timer_descriptor[i], gpu_timers[i]);
printf(" === Restored state gpu_timers ===\n");
// Added overloaded print to get mesh information to print in each cycle
// Brian Atkinson (5-29-14)
void State::print(int iteration, double simTime, double initial_mass, double iteration_mass, double mass_diff_percentage)
{ //printf("size is %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu\n",index.size(), i.size(), level.size(), nlft.size(), x.size());
char filename[40];
if(iteration_mass == 0.0){
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Iteration = %d\t\tSimuation Time = %lf\n", iteration, simTime);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"mesh->ncells = %lu\t\tmesh->ncells_ghost = %lu\n", mesh->ncells, mesh->ncells_ghost);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Initial Mass: %14.12lg\t\tSimulation Time: %lf\n", initial_mass, simTime);
double mass_diff = iteration_mass - initial_mass;
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Iteration = %d\t\tSimuation Time = %lf\n", iteration, simTime);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"mesh->ncells = %lu\t\tmesh->ncells_ghost = %lu\n", mesh->ncells, mesh->ncells_ghost);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Initial Mass: %14.12lg\t\tIteration Mass: %14.12lg\n", initial_mass, iteration_mass);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Mass Difference: %12.6lg\t\tMass Difference Percentage: %12.6lg%%\n", mass_diff, mass_diff_percentage);
if (mesh->mesh_memory.get_memory_size(mesh->nlft) >= mesh->ncells_ghost){
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index global i j lev nlft nrht nbot ntop \n",mesh->mype);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, ic+mesh->noffset,mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
for (uint ic=mesh->ncells; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, ic+mesh->noffset,mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
} else {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index H U V i j lev\n",mesh->mype);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %lf %lf %lf %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, H[ic], U[ic], V[ic], mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic]);
void State::print_local(int ncycle)
{ //printf("size is %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu\n",index.size(), i.size(), level.size(), nlft.size(), x.size());
if (mesh->fp == NULL) {
char filename[10];
fprintf(mesh->fp,"DEBUG in print_local ncycle is %d\n",ncycle);
if (mesh->nlft != NULL){
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index H U V i j lev nlft nrht nbot ntop\n",mesh->mype);
uint state_size = state_memory.get_memory_size(H);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
if (ic >= state_size){
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d\n", mesh->mype,ic, mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
} else {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %lf %lf %lf %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d\n", mesh->mype,ic, H[ic], U[ic], V[ic], mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
} else {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index H U V i j lev\n",mesh->mype);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %lf %lf %lf %4d %4d %4d\n", mesh->mype,ic, H[ic], U[ic], V[ic], mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic]);
void State::print_failure_log(int iteration, double simTime, double initial_mass, double iteration_mass, double mass_diff_percentage, bool got_nan){
char filename[] = {"failure.log"};
double mass_diff = iteration_mass - initial_mass;
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Failed because of nan for H_sum was equal to NAN\n");
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Failed because mass difference is outside of accepted percentage\n");
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Iteration = %d\t\tSimuation Time = %lf\n", iteration, simTime);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"mesh->ncells = %lu\t\tmesh->ncells_ghost = %lu\n", mesh->ncells, mesh->ncells_ghost);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Initial Mass: %14.12lg\t\tIteration Mass: %14.12lg\n", initial_mass, iteration_mass);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Mass Difference: %12.6lg\t\tMass Difference Percentage: %12.6lg%%\n", mass_diff, mass_diff_percentage);
if (mesh->mesh_memory.get_memory_size(mesh->nlft) >= mesh->ncells_ghost){
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index global i j lev nlft nrht nbot ntop \n",mesh->mype);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, ic+mesh->noffset,mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
for (uint ic=mesh->ncells; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, ic+mesh->noffset,mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
} else {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index H U V i j lev\n",mesh->mype);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %lf %lf %lf %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, H[ic], U[ic], V[ic], mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic]);
void State::print_rollback_log(int iteration, double simTime, double initial_mass, double iteration_mass, double mass_diff_percentage, int backup_attempt, int num_of_attempts, int error_status){
char filename[40];
sprintf(filename, "rollback%d.log",backup_attempt);
double mass_diff = iteration_mass - initial_mass;
if(error_status == STATUS_NAN){
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Rolling back because of nan for H_sum was equal to NAN\n");
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Rolling back because mass difference is outside of accepted percentage\n");
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Rollback attempt %d of %d ---> Number of attempts left:%d\n", backup_attempt, num_of_attempts, num_of_attempts - backup_attempt);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Iteration = %d\t\tSimuation Time = %lf\n", iteration, simTime);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"mesh->ncells = %lu\t\tmesh->ncells_ghost = %lu\n", mesh->ncells, mesh->ncells_ghost);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Initial Mass: %14.12lg\t\tIteration Mass: %14.12lg\n", initial_mass, iteration_mass);
fprintf(mesh->fp,"Mass Difference: %12.6lg\t\tMass Difference Percentage: %12.6lg%%\n", mass_diff, mass_diff_percentage);
if (mesh->mesh_memory.get_memory_size(mesh->nlft) >= mesh->ncells_ghost){
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index global i j lev nlft nrht nbot ntop \n",mesh->mype);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, ic+mesh->noffset,mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
for (uint ic=mesh->ncells; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %6d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, ic+mesh->noffset,mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic], mesh->nlft[ic], mesh->nrht[ic], mesh->nbot[ic], mesh->ntop[ic]);
} else {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: index H U V i j lev\n",mesh->mype);
for (uint ic=0; ic<mesh->ncells_ghost; ic++) {
fprintf(mesh->fp,"%d: %6d %lf %lf %lf %4d %4d %4d \n", mesh->mype,ic, H[ic], U[ic], V[ic], mesh->i[ic], mesh->j[ic], mesh->level[ic]);