blob: b03282517c07a5b02c08c7f8ec8c940a7ca2ad8a [file] [log] [blame]
This directory contains a random test generator for the gmp
compatibility layer of imath. The tests cases are randomly generated
and run with both gmp and imath. The results are compared and any
mismatching results are flagged as failures.
You should not see any failures when running these tests.
These tests use the python ffi to run the imath and gmp functions. To
run these tests you will need the following items
* python 3
* gmp library and header files
All the tests cases will be generated and run automatically by the
makefile. First, make sure you have built in the top level
imath directory.
Use the following command to generate and run the tests
$ make TESTS=random.tests
This should generate all the needed wrapper files along with the
randomized unit tests. By default the unit tests are output to the
random.tests file. The tests can be run by hand using the following
command line
$ ./runtest random.tests
You can also write your own unit tests and run them by passing the
file name to the runtest script.
Testing Methodology
The goal of our testing is to ensure that we are compatible with the
gmp api. To test our compatibility layer we generate inputs for each
gmp api that we wrap and then call the gmp version of the api and
compare the results to the imath version. The results should be
identical. Any output mismatch is considered an error.
Testcase Generation
The test data generation is inspired by the QuickCheck testing
methodolgy. We want to test both random data and important values such
as 0,1,-1, etc. We generate input data based on the type of the input
parameter. Most apis take either an mpz_t or a signed/unsigned long.
For each parameter of the given type we generate the following values:
mpz_t: 0,1,-1, all min/max values, all min/max values +/- 1
small numbers: 1-4 digits
medium numbers: 5-20 digits
large numbers: 20-100 digits
long : 0,1,-1 short,int,long min/max values
random long values
unsigned long: 0,1,-1, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned long min/max values
random unsigned long values
The generated data for each paramater is combined to produce a series
of inputs to the function. The input data format looks like:
Which represents the call mpz_add(0, 1, 2). Additional test cases can be written by hand.
Test Structure
The tests are run using the python ffi (the ctypes module). We have a
single description of each api that is used to generate the following:
* intput data
* c function wrapper to call the libgmp or libimath function
* python wrapper to call both libgmp and libimath wrappers and compare results
The and libraries are loaded at runtime by
the python runner scrip and used to run each test input and compare
the results.
The code generation pattern looks something like this: ~~generates~~> gmp_test.c <--includes-- gmp_custom_test.c
gmp_test.c ~~generates~~> <--links-- ~~generates~~> <--calls-- --loads--> <--includes--
| ~~generates~~> random.tests
Adding tests for new APIs
New apis can be tested by modifying the file. This file
contains a list of all apis that will be tested. Adding an api to the
apis list will cause code and input data to be generated for that api.
Rerunning make will generate the test data and code to run the test.