blob: ecd3aefe31ca04ac5eeaf6ed4715cf2f39ccb41b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 Cerebras Systems
* Use of this software is governed by the MIT license
* Written by Sven Verdoolaege,
* Cerebras Systems, 175 S San Antonio Rd, Los Altos, CA, USA
#include <isl_pw_macro.h>
/* isl_pw_*_every_piece callback that checks whether "set" and "el"
* are free of local variables.
static isl_bool FN(PW,piece_no_local)(__isl_keep isl_set *set,
__isl_keep EL *el, void *user)
isl_bool involves;
involves = isl_set_involves_locals(set);
if (involves >= 0 && !involves)
involves = FN(EL,involves_locals)(el);
return isl_bool_not(involves);
/* Does "pw" involve any local variables, i.e., integer divisions?
isl_bool FN(PW,involves_locals)(__isl_keep PW *pw)
isl_bool no_locals;
no_locals = FN(PW,every_piece)(pw, &FN(PW,piece_no_local), NULL);
return isl_bool_not(no_locals);