blob: ee4ebb621e9db022fe779358a7a0c40b8388e419 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- DeviceMemory.h - Types representing device memory -------*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// This file defines types that represent device memory buffers. Two memory
/// spaces are represented here: global and shared. Host code can have a handle
/// to device global memory, and that handle can be used to copy data to and
/// from the device. Host code cannot have a handle to device shared memory
/// because that memory only exists during the execution of a kernel.
/// GlobalDeviceMemory<T> is a handle to an array of elements of type T in
/// global device memory. It is similar to a pair of a std::unique_ptr<T> and an
/// element count to tell how many elements of type T fit in the memory pointed
/// to by that T*.
/// SharedDeviceMemory<T> is just the size in elements of an array of elements
/// of type T in device shared memory. No resources are actually attached to
/// this class, it is just like a memo to the device to allocate space in shared
/// memory.
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include "streamexecutor/Error.h"
namespace streamexecutor {
class Device;
template <typename ElemT> class GlobalDeviceMemory;
/// Reference to a slice of device memory.
/// Contains a base memory handle, an element count offset into that base
/// memory, and an element count for the size of the slice.
template <typename ElemT> class GlobalDeviceMemorySlice {
using ElementTy = ElemT;
/// Intentionally implicit so GlobalDeviceMemory<T> can be passed to functions
/// expecting GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<T> arguments.
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice(const GlobalDeviceMemory<ElemT> &Memory)
: BaseMemory(Memory), ElementOffset(0),
ElementCount(Memory.getElementCount()) {}
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice(const GlobalDeviceMemory<ElemT> &BaseMemory,
size_t ElementOffset, size_t ElementCount)
: BaseMemory(BaseMemory), ElementOffset(ElementOffset),
ElementCount(ElementCount) {
assert(ElementOffset + ElementCount <= BaseMemory.getElementCount() &&
"slicing past the end of a GlobalDeviceMemory buffer");
/// Gets the GlobalDeviceMemory backing this slice.
const GlobalDeviceMemory<ElemT> &getBaseMemory() const { return BaseMemory; }
/// Gets the offset of this slice from the base memory.
/// The offset is measured in elements, not bytes.
size_t getElementOffset() const { return ElementOffset; }
/// Gets the number of elements in this slice.
size_t getElementCount() const { return ElementCount; }
/// Returns the number of bytes that can fit in this slice.
size_t getByteCount() const { return ElementCount * sizeof(ElemT); }
/// Creates a slice of the memory with the first DropCount elements removed.
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<ElemT> drop_front(size_t DropCount) const {
assert(DropCount <= ElementCount &&
"dropping more than the size of a slice");
return GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<ElemT>(BaseMemory, ElementOffset + DropCount,
ElementCount - DropCount);
/// Creates a slice of the memory with the last DropCount elements removed.
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<ElemT> drop_back(size_t DropCount) const {
assert(DropCount <= ElementCount &&
"dropping more than the size of a slice");
return GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<ElemT>(BaseMemory, ElementOffset,
ElementCount - DropCount);
/// Creates a slice of the memory that chops off the first DropCount elements
/// and keeps the next TakeCount elements.
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<ElemT> slice(size_t DropCount,
size_t TakeCount) const {
assert(DropCount + TakeCount <= ElementCount &&
"sub-slice operation overruns slice bounds");
return GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<ElemT>(BaseMemory, ElementOffset + DropCount,
const GlobalDeviceMemory<ElemT> &BaseMemory;
size_t ElementOffset;
size_t ElementCount;
/// Wrapper around a generic global device memory allocation.
/// This class represents a buffer of untyped bytes in the global memory space
/// of a device. See GlobalDeviceMemory<T> for the corresponding type that
/// includes type information for the elements in its buffer.
/// This is effectively a pair consisting of an opaque handle and a buffer size
/// in bytes. The opaque handle is a platform-dependent handle to the actual
/// memory that is allocated on the device.
/// In some cases, such as in the CUDA platform, the opaque handle may actually
/// be a pointer in the virtual address space and it may be valid to perform
/// arithmetic on it to obtain other device pointers, but this is not the case
/// in general.
/// For example, in the OpenCL platform, the handle is a pointer to a _cl_mem
/// handle object which really is completely opaque to the user.
class GlobalDeviceMemoryBase {
/// Returns an opaque handle to the underlying memory.
const void *getHandle() const { return Handle; }
// Cannot copy because the handle must be owned by a single object.
GlobalDeviceMemoryBase(const GlobalDeviceMemoryBase &) = delete;
GlobalDeviceMemoryBase &operator=(const GlobalDeviceMemoryBase &) = delete;
/// Creates a GlobalDeviceMemoryBase from a handle and a byte count.
GlobalDeviceMemoryBase(Device *D, const void *Handle, size_t ByteCount)
: TheDevice(D), Handle(Handle), ByteCount(ByteCount) {}
/// Transfer ownership of the underlying handle.
GlobalDeviceMemoryBase(GlobalDeviceMemoryBase &&Other)
: TheDevice(Other.TheDevice), Handle(Other.Handle),
ByteCount(Other.ByteCount) {
Other.TheDevice = nullptr;
Other.Handle = nullptr;
Other.ByteCount = 0;
GlobalDeviceMemoryBase &operator=(GlobalDeviceMemoryBase &&Other) {
TheDevice = Other.TheDevice;
Handle = Other.Handle;
ByteCount = Other.ByteCount;
Other.TheDevice = nullptr;
Other.Handle = nullptr;
Other.ByteCount = 0;
return *this;
Device *TheDevice; // Pointer to the device on which this memory lives.
const void *Handle; // Platform-dependent value representing allocated memory.
size_t ByteCount; // Size in bytes of this allocation.
/// Typed wrapper around the "void *"-like GlobalDeviceMemoryBase class.
/// For example, GlobalDeviceMemory<int> is a simple wrapper around
/// GlobalDeviceMemoryBase that represents a buffer of integers stored in global
/// device memory.
template <typename ElemT>
class GlobalDeviceMemory : public GlobalDeviceMemoryBase {
using ElementTy = ElemT;
GlobalDeviceMemory(GlobalDeviceMemory &&Other) = default;
GlobalDeviceMemory &operator=(GlobalDeviceMemory &&Other) = default;
/// Returns the number of elements of type ElemT that constitute this
/// allocation.
size_t getElementCount() const { return ByteCount / sizeof(ElemT); }
/// Returns the number of bytes that can fit in this memory buffer.
size_t getByteCount() const { return ByteCount; }
/// Converts this memory object into a slice.
GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<ElemT> asSlice() const {
return GlobalDeviceMemorySlice<ElemT>(*this);
GlobalDeviceMemory(const GlobalDeviceMemory &) = delete;
GlobalDeviceMemory &operator=(const GlobalDeviceMemory &) = delete;
// Only a Device can create a GlobalDeviceMemory instance.
friend Device;
GlobalDeviceMemory(Device *D, const void *Handle, size_t ElementCount)
: GlobalDeviceMemoryBase(D, Handle, ElementCount * sizeof(ElemT)) {}
/// A class to represent the size of a dynamic shared memory buffer of elements
/// of type T on a device.
/// Shared memory buffers exist only on the device and cannot be manipulated
/// from the host, so instances of this class do not have an opaque handle, only
/// a size.
/// This type of memory is called "local" memory in OpenCL and "shared" memory
/// in CUDA, and both platforms follow the rule that the host code only knows
/// the size of these buffers and does not have a handle to them.
/// The treatment of shared memory in StreamExecutor matches the way it is done
/// in OpenCL, where a kernel takes any number of shared memory sizes as kernel
/// function arguments.
/// In CUDA only one shared memory size argument is allowed per kernel call.
/// StreamExecutor handles this by allowing CUDA kernel signatures that take
/// multiple SharedDeviceMemory arguments, and simply adding together all the
/// shared memory sizes to get the final shared memory size that is used to
/// launch the kernel.
template <typename ElemT> class SharedDeviceMemory {
/// Creates a typed area of shared device memory with a given number of
/// elements.
static SharedDeviceMemory<ElemT> makeFromElementCount(size_t ElementCount) {
return SharedDeviceMemory(ElementCount);
/// Copyable because it is just an array size.
SharedDeviceMemory(const SharedDeviceMemory &) = default;
/// Copy-assignable because it is just an array size.
SharedDeviceMemory &operator=(const SharedDeviceMemory &) = default;
/// Returns the number of elements of type ElemT that can fit in this memory
/// buffer.
size_t getElementCount() const { return ElementCount; }
/// Returns the number of bytes that can fit in this memory buffer.
size_t getByteCount() const { return ElementCount * sizeof(ElemT); }
/// Returns whether this is a single-element memory buffer.
bool isScalar() const { return getElementCount() == 1; }
/// Constructs a SharedDeviceMemory instance from an element count.
/// This constructor is not public because there is a potential for confusion
/// between the size of the buffer in bytes and the size of the buffer in
/// elements.
/// The static method makeFromElementCount is provided for users of this class
/// because its name makes the meaning of the size parameter clear.
explicit SharedDeviceMemory(size_t ElementCount)
: ElementCount(ElementCount) {}
size_t ElementCount;
} // namespace streamexecutor