blob: 9974e99402319c95c0489618b0af2d7c666d0272 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- KernelTest.cpp - Tests for Kernel objects -------------------------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// This file contains the unit tests for the code in Kernel.
#include <cassert>
#include "streamexecutor/Kernel.h"
#include "streamexecutor/KernelSpec.h"
#include "streamexecutor/PlatformInterfaces.h"
#include "streamexecutor/StreamExecutor.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
namespace {
namespace se = ::streamexecutor;
// A StreamExecutor that returns a dummy KernelInterface.
// During construction it creates a unique_ptr to a dummy KernelInterface and it
// also stores a separate copy of the raw pointer that is stored by that
// unique_ptr.
// The expectation is that the code being tested will call the
// getKernelImplementation method and will thereby take ownership of the
// unique_ptr, but the copy of the raw pointer will stay behind in this mock
// object. The raw pointer copy can then be used to identify the unique_ptr in
// its new location (by comparing the raw pointer with unique_ptr::get), to
// verify that the unique_ptr ended up where it was supposed to be.
class MockStreamExecutor : public se::StreamExecutor {
: se::StreamExecutor(nullptr),
Unique(llvm::make_unique<se::KernelInterface>()), Raw(Unique.get()) {}
// Moves the unique pointer into the returned se::Expected instance.
// Asserts that it is not called again after the unique pointer has been moved
// out.
getKernelImplementation(const se::MultiKernelLoaderSpec &) override {
assert(Unique && "MockStreamExecutor getKernelImplementation should not be "
"called more than once");
return std::move(Unique);
// Gets the copy of the raw pointer from the original unique pointer.
const se::KernelInterface *getRaw() const { return Raw; }
std::unique_ptr<se::KernelInterface> Unique;
const se::KernelInterface *Raw;
// Test fixture class for typed tests for KernelBase.getImplementation.
// The only purpose of this class is to provide a name that types can be bound
// to in the gtest infrastructure.
template <typename T> class GetImplementationTest : public ::testing::Test {};
// Types used with the GetImplementationTest fixture class.
typedef ::testing::Types<se::KernelBase, se::TypedKernel<>,
TYPED_TEST_CASE(GetImplementationTest, GetImplementationTypes);
// Tests that the kernel create functions properly fetch the implementation
// pointers for the kernel objects they construct from the passed-in
// StreamExecutor objects.
TYPED_TEST(GetImplementationTest, SetImplementationDuringCreate) {
se::MultiKernelLoaderSpec Spec;
MockStreamExecutor MockExecutor;
auto MaybeKernel = TypeParam::create(&MockExecutor, Spec);
se::KernelInterface *Implementation = MaybeKernel->getImplementation();
EXPECT_EQ(MockExecutor.getRaw(), Implementation);
} // namespace