blob: 1ec3397492b4d1384ac247988947decd62bf49d1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- PlatformInterfaces.h - Interfaces to platform impls -----*- C++ -*-===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
/// \file
/// Interfaces to platform-specific implementations.
/// The general pattern is that the functions in these interfaces take raw
/// handle types as parameters. This means that these types and functions are
/// not intended for public use. Instead, corresponding methods in public types
/// like Stream, StreamExecutor, and Kernel use C++ templates to create
/// type-safe public interfaces. Those public functions do the type-unsafe work
/// of extracting raw handles from their arguments and forwarding those handles
/// to the methods defined in this file in the proper format.
#include "streamexecutor/DeviceMemory.h"
#include "streamexecutor/Kernel.h"
#include "streamexecutor/LaunchDimensions.h"
#include "streamexecutor/PackedKernelArgumentArray.h"
#include "streamexecutor/Utils/Error.h"
namespace streamexecutor {
class PlatformStreamExecutor;
/// Methods supported by device kernel function objects on all platforms.
class KernelInterface {
// TODO(jhen): Add methods.
/// Platform-specific stream handle.
class PlatformStreamHandle {
explicit PlatformStreamHandle(PlatformStreamExecutor *Executor)
: Executor(Executor) {}
virtual ~PlatformStreamHandle();
PlatformStreamExecutor *getExecutor() { return Executor; }
PlatformStreamExecutor *Executor;
/// Raw executor methods that must be implemented by each platform.
/// This class defines the platform interface that supports executing work on a
/// device.
/// The public StreamExecutor and Stream classes have the type-safe versions of
/// the functions in this interface.
class PlatformStreamExecutor {
virtual ~PlatformStreamExecutor();
virtual std::string getName() const = 0;
/// Creates a platform-specific stream.
virtual Expected<std::unique_ptr<PlatformStreamHandle>> createStream() = 0;
/// Launches a kernel on the given stream.
virtual Error launch(PlatformStreamHandle *S, BlockDimensions BlockSize,
GridDimensions GridSize, const KernelBase &Kernel,
const PackedKernelArgumentArrayBase &ArgumentArray) {
return make_error("launch not implemented for platform " + getName());
/// Copies data from the device to the host.
virtual Error memcpyD2H(PlatformStreamHandle *S,
const GlobalDeviceMemoryBase &DeviceSrc,
void *HostDst, size_t ByteCount) {
return make_error("memcpyD2H not implemented for platform " + getName());
/// Copies data from the host to the device.
virtual Error memcpyH2D(PlatformStreamHandle *S, const void *HostSrc,
GlobalDeviceMemoryBase *DeviceDst, size_t ByteCount) {
return make_error("memcpyH2D not implemented for platform " + getName());
/// Copies data from one device location to another.
virtual Error memcpyD2D(PlatformStreamHandle *S,
const GlobalDeviceMemoryBase &DeviceSrc,
GlobalDeviceMemoryBase *DeviceDst, size_t ByteCount) {
return make_error("memcpyD2D not implemented for platform " + getName());
/// Blocks the host until the given stream completes all the work enqueued up
/// to the point this function is called.
virtual Error blockHostUntilDone(PlatformStreamHandle *S) {
return make_error("blockHostUntilDone not implemented for platform " +
} // namespace streamexecutor