[NFC][Py Reformat] Reformat python files in the rest of the dirs

This is an ongoing series of commits that are reformatting our
Python code. This catches the last of the python files to
reformat. Since they where so few I bunched them together.

Reformatting is done with `black`.

If you end up having problems merging this commit because you
have made changes to a python file, the best way to handle that
is to run git checkout --ours <yourfile> and then reformat it
with black.

If you run into any problems, post to discourse about it and
we will try to help.

RFC Thread below:


Reviewed By: jhenderson, #libc, Mordante, sivachandra

Differential Revision: https://reviews.llvm.org/D150784

GitOrigin-RevId: f98ee40f4b5d7474fc67e82824bf6abbaedb7b1c
diff --git a/docs/conf.py b/docs/conf.py
index 058cfcf..a11814c 100644
--- a/docs/conf.py
+++ b/docs/conf.py
@@ -17,32 +17,32 @@
 # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
 # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
 # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
+# sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
 # -- General configuration -----------------------------------------------------
 # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
-#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
+# needs_sphinx = '1.0'
 # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
 # coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
-extensions = ['sphinx.ext.todo', 'sphinx.ext.mathjax', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx']
+extensions = ["sphinx.ext.todo", "sphinx.ext.mathjax", "sphinx.ext.intersphinx"]
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-templates_path = ['_templates']
+templates_path = ["_templates"]
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-source_suffix = '.rst'
+source_suffix = ".rst"
 # The encoding of source files.
-#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
+# source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
 # The master toctree document.
-master_doc = 'index'
+master_doc = "index"
 # General information about the project.
-project = u'LLVM/OpenMP'
-copyright = u'2013-%d, LLVM/OpenMP' % date.today().year
+project = "LLVM/OpenMP"
+copyright = "2013-%d, LLVM/OpenMP" % date.today().year
 # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
 # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
@@ -51,50 +51,50 @@
 # everytime a new release comes out.
 # The short version.
-#version = '0'
+# version = '0'
 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-#release = '0'
+# release = '0'
 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
 # for a list of supported languages.
-#language = None
+# language = None
 # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
 # non-false value, then it is used:
-#today = ''
+# today = ''
 # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
-#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
+# today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
 # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
 # directories to ignore when looking for source files.
-exclude_patterns = ['_build', 'analyzer']
+exclude_patterns = ["_build", "analyzer"]
 # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
-#default_role = None
+# default_role = None
 # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
-#add_function_parentheses = True
+# add_function_parentheses = True
 # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
 # unit titles (such as .. function::).
-#add_module_names = True
+# add_module_names = True
 # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
 # output. They are ignored by default.
 show_authors = True
 # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
-pygments_style = 'friendly'
+pygments_style = "friendly"
 # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
-#modindex_common_prefix = []
+# modindex_common_prefix = []
 # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------------
 # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
 # a list of builtin themes.
-html_theme = 'llvm-openmp-theme'
+html_theme = "llvm-openmp-theme"
 # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
 # further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
@@ -109,65 +109,65 @@
 # html_title = 'OpenMP Parallel Programming API'
 # A shorter title for the navigation bar.  Default is the same as html_title.
-#html_short_title = None
+# html_short_title = None
 # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
 # of the sidebar.
-#html_logo = None
+# html_logo = None
 # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
 # docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
 # pixels large.
-#html_favicon = None
+# html_favicon = None
 # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
 # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
 # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ['_static']
+html_static_path = ["_static"]
 # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
 # using the given strftime format.
-html_last_updated_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
+html_last_updated_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d"
 # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
 # typographically correct entities.
-#html_use_smartypants = True
+# html_use_smartypants = True
 # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
-#html_sidebars = {}
+# html_sidebars = {}
 # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
 # template names.
-#html_additional_pages = {}
+# html_additional_pages = {}
 # If false, no module index is generated.
-#html_domain_indices = True
+# html_domain_indices = True
 # If false, no index is generated.
-#html_use_index = True
+# html_use_index = True
 # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
-#html_split_index = False
+# html_split_index = False
 # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
-#html_show_sourcelink = True
+# html_show_sourcelink = True
 # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_sphinx = True
+# html_show_sphinx = True
 # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_copyright = True
+# html_show_copyright = True
 # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
 # contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
 # base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
-#html_use_opensearch = ''
+# html_use_opensearch = ''
 # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
-#html_file_suffix = None
+# html_file_suffix = None
 # Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'OpenMPdoc'
+htmlhelp_basename = "OpenMPdoc"
 # If true, the reST sources are included in the HTML build as
 # _sources/name. The default is True.
@@ -176,42 +176,39 @@
 # -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------------
 latex_elements = {
-# The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
-#'papersize': 'letterpaper',
-# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
-#'pointsize': '10pt',
-# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
-#'preamble': '',
+    # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
+    #'papersize': 'letterpaper',
+    # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
+    #'pointsize': '10pt',
+    # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
+    #'preamble': '',
 # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
 # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
 latex_documents = [
-  ('index', 'OpenMP.tex', u'LLVM/OpenMP Documentation',
-   u'LLVM/OpenMP', 'manual'),
+    ("index", "OpenMP.tex", "LLVM/OpenMP Documentation", "LLVM/OpenMP", "manual"),
 # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
 # the title page.
-#latex_logo = None
+# latex_logo = None
 # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
 # not chapters.
-#latex_use_parts = False
+# latex_use_parts = False
 # If true, show page references after internal links.
-#latex_show_pagerefs = False
+# latex_show_pagerefs = False
 # If true, show URL addresses after external links.
-#latex_show_urls = False
+# latex_show_urls = False
 # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#latex_appendices = []
+# latex_appendices = []
 # If false, no module index is generated.
-#latex_domain_indices = True
+# latex_domain_indices = True
 # -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------------
@@ -221,7 +218,7 @@
 # man_pages = [('man/lldb', 'lldb', u'LLDB Documentation', [u'LLVM project'], 1)]
 # If true, show URL addresses after external links.
-#man_show_urls = False
+# man_show_urls = False
 # -- Options for Texinfo output ------------------------------------------------
@@ -230,16 +227,22 @@
 # (source start file, target name, title, author,
 #  dir menu entry, description, category)
 texinfo_documents = [
-  ('index', 'LLVM/OpenMP', u'LLVM/OpenMP Documentation',
-   u'LLVM/OpenMP', 'LLVM/OpenMP', 'One line description of project.',
-   'Miscellaneous'),
+    (
+        "index",
+        "LLVM/OpenMP",
+        "LLVM/OpenMP Documentation",
+        "LLVM/OpenMP",
+        "LLVM/OpenMP",
+        "One line description of project.",
+        "Miscellaneous",
+    ),
 # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#texinfo_appendices = []
+# texinfo_appendices = []
 # If false, no module index is generated.
-#texinfo_domain_indices = True
+# texinfo_domain_indices = True
 # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
-#texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
+# texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
diff --git a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/__init__.py b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/__init__.py
index c2a12f5..b9f572d 100644
--- a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/__init__.py
+++ b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/__init__.py
@@ -3,13 +3,14 @@
 import traceback
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	try:
-		sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))
-		import ompd
-		ompd.main()
-		print('OMPD GDB support loaded')
-		print('Run \'ompd init\' to start debugging')
-	except Exception as e:
-		traceback.print_exc()
-		print('Error: OMPD support could not be loaded', e)
+    try:
+        sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+        import ompd
+        ompd.main()
+        print("OMPD GDB support loaded")
+        print("Run 'ompd init' to start debugging")
+    except Exception as e:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+        print("Error: OMPD support could not be loaded", e)
diff --git a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/frame_filter.py b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/frame_filter.py
index 9f6b914..0b049bd 100644
--- a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/frame_filter.py
+++ b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/frame_filter.py
@@ -9,248 +9,303 @@
 class OmpdFrameDecorator(FrameDecorator):
-	def __init__(self, fobj, curr_task_handle):
-		"""Initializes a FrameDecorator with the given GDB Frame object. The global OMPD address space defined in 
-		ompd.py is set as well.
-		"""
-		super(OmpdFrameDecorator, self).__init__(fobj)
-		self.addr_space = ompd.addr_space
-		self.fobj = None
-		if isinstance(fobj, gdb.Frame):
-			self.fobj = fobj
-		elif isinstance(fobj, FrameDecorator):
-			self.fobj = fobj.inferior_frame()
-		self.curr_task_handle = curr_task_handle
-	def function(self):
-		"""This appends the name of a frame that is printed with the information whether the task started in the frame 
-		is implicit or explicit. The ICVs are evaluated to determine that.
-		"""
-		name = str(self.fobj.name())
-		if self.curr_task_handle is None:
-			return name
-		icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(self.curr_task_handle, ompd.icv_map['implicit-task-var'][1], ompd.icv_map['implicit-task-var'][0])
-		if icv_value == 0:
-			name = '@thread %i: %s "#pragma omp task"' % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name)
-		elif icv_value == 1:
-			name = '@thread %i: %s "#pragma omp parallel"' % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name)
-		else:
-			name = '@thread %i: %s' % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name)
-		return name
+    def __init__(self, fobj, curr_task_handle):
+        """Initializes a FrameDecorator with the given GDB Frame object. The global OMPD address space defined in
+        ompd.py is set as well.
+        """
+        super(OmpdFrameDecorator, self).__init__(fobj)
+        self.addr_space = ompd.addr_space
+        self.fobj = None
+        if isinstance(fobj, gdb.Frame):
+            self.fobj = fobj
+        elif isinstance(fobj, FrameDecorator):
+            self.fobj = fobj.inferior_frame()
+        self.curr_task_handle = curr_task_handle
+    def function(self):
+        """This appends the name of a frame that is printed with the information whether the task started in the frame
+        is implicit or explicit. The ICVs are evaluated to determine that.
+        """
+        name = str(self.fobj.name())
+        if self.curr_task_handle is None:
+            return name
+        icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+            self.curr_task_handle,
+            ompd.icv_map["implicit-task-var"][1],
+            ompd.icv_map["implicit-task-var"][0],
+        )
+        if icv_value == 0:
+            name = '@thread %i: %s "#pragma omp task"' % (
+                gdb.selected_thread().num,
+                name,
+            )
+        elif icv_value == 1:
+            name = '@thread %i: %s "#pragma omp parallel"' % (
+                gdb.selected_thread().num,
+                name,
+            )
+        else:
+            name = "@thread %i: %s" % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name)
+        return name
 class OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(FrameDecorator):
-	def __init__(self, fobj):
-		"""Initializes a FrameDecorator with the given GDB Frame object."""
-		super(OmpdFrameDecoratorThread, self).__init__(fobj)
-		if isinstance(fobj, gdb.Frame):
-			self.fobj = fobj
-		elif isinstance(fobj, FrameDecorator):
-			self.fobj = fobj.inferior_frame()
-	def function(self):
-		name = str(self.fobj.name())
-		return '@thread %i: %s' % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name)
+    def __init__(self, fobj):
+        """Initializes a FrameDecorator with the given GDB Frame object."""
+        super(OmpdFrameDecoratorThread, self).__init__(fobj)
+        if isinstance(fobj, gdb.Frame):
+            self.fobj = fobj
+        elif isinstance(fobj, FrameDecorator):
+            self.fobj = fobj.inferior_frame()
-class FrameFilter():
-	def __init__(self, addr_space):
-		"""Initializes the FrameFilter, registers is in the GDB runtime and saves the given OMPD address space capsule.
-		"""
-		self.addr_space = addr_space
-		self.name = "Filter"
-		self.priority = 100
-		self.enabled = True
-		gdb.frame_filters[self.name] = self
-		self.switched_on = False
-		self.continue_to_master = False
-	def set_switch(self, on_off):
-		"""Prints output when executing 'ompd bt on' or 'ompd bt off'.
-		"""
-		self.switched_on = on_off
-		if self.switched_on:
-			print('Enabled filter for "bt" output successfully.')
-		else:
-			print('Disabled filter for "bt" output successfully.')
-	def set_switch_continue(self, on_off):
-		"""Prints output when executing 'ompd bt on continued'."
-		"""
-		self.continue_to_master = on_off
-		if self.continue_to_master:
-			print('Enabled "bt" mode that continues backtrace on to master thread for worker threads.')
-		else:
-			print('Disabled "bt" mode that continues onto master thread.')
-	def get_master_frames_for_worker(self, past_thread_num, latest_sp):
-		"""Prints master frames for worker thread with id past_thread_num.
-		"""
-		gdb.execute('t 1')
-		gdb.execute('ompd bt on')
-		gdb.execute('bt')
-		frame = gdb.newest_frame()
-		while frame.older() is not None:
-			print('master frame sp:', str(frame.read_register('sp')))
-			yield OmpdFrameDecorator(frame)
-			frame = frame.older()
-		print('latest sp:', str(latest_sp))
-		gdb.execute('ompd bt on continued')
-		gdb.execute('t %d' % int(past_thread_num))
-	def filter_frames(self, frame_iter):
-		"""Iterates through frames and only returns those that are relevant to the application
-		being debugged. The OmpdFrameDecorator is applied automatically.
-		"""
-		curr_thread_num = gdb.selected_thread().num
-		is_no_omp_thread = False
-		if curr_thread_num in self.addr_space.threads:
-			curr_thread_obj = self.addr_space.threads[curr_thread_num]
-			self.curr_task = curr_thread_obj.get_current_task()
-			self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
-		else:
-			is_no_omp_thread = True
-			print('Thread %d is no OpenMP thread, printing all frames:' % curr_thread_num)
-		stop_iter = False
-		for x in frame_iter:
-			if is_no_omp_thread:
-				yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(x)
-				continue
-			if x.inferior_frame().older() is None:
-				continue
-			if self.curr_task.task_handle is None:
-				continue
-			gdb_sp = int(str(x.inferior_frame().read_register('sp')), 16)
-			gdb_sp_next_new = int(str(x.inferior_frame()).split(",")[0].split("=")[1], 16)
-			if x.inferior_frame().older():
-				gdb_sp_next = int(str(x.inferior_frame().older().read_register('sp')), 16)
-			else:
-				gdb_sp_next = int(str(x.inferior_frame().read_register('sp')), 16)
-			while(1):
-				(ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = self.frames
-				if (ompd_enter_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_enter_frame):
-					break
-				if (ompd_exit_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_exit_frame):
-					if x.inferior_frame().older().older() and int(str(x.inferior_frame().older().older().read_register('sp')), 16) < ompd_exit_frame:
-						if self.continue_to_master:
-							yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(x)
-						else:
-							yield OmpdFrameDecorator(x, self.curr_task.task_handle)
-					else:
-						yield OmpdFrameDecorator(x, self.curr_task.task_handle)
-					break
-				sched_task_handle = self.curr_task.get_scheduling_task_handle()
-				if(sched_task_handle is None):
-					stop_iter = True
-					break
-				self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_scheduling_task()
-				self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
-			if stop_iter:
-				break
-		# implementation of "ompd bt continued"
-		if self.continue_to_master:
-			orig_thread = gdb.selected_thread().num
-			gdb_threads = dict([(t.num, t) for t in gdb.selected_inferior().threads()])
-			# iterate through generating tasks until outermost task is reached
-			while(1):
-				# get OMPD thread id for master thread (systag in GDB output)
-				try:
-					master_num = self.curr_task.get_task_parallel().get_thread_in_parallel(0).get_thread_id()
-				except:
-					break
-				# search for thread id without the "l" for long via "thread find" and get GDB thread num from output
-				hex_str = str(hex(master_num))
-				thread_output = gdb.execute('thread find %s' % hex_str[0:len(hex_str)-1], to_string=True).split(" ")
-				if thread_output[0] == "No":
-					raise ValueError('Master thread num could not be found!')
-				gdb_master_num = int(thread_output[1])
-				# get task that generated last task of worker thread
-				try:
-					self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_task_parallel().get_task_in_parallel(0).get_generating_task()
-				except:
-					break;
-				self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
-				(enter_frame, exit_frame) = self.frames
-				if exit_frame == 0:
-					print('outermost generating task was reached')
-					break
-				# save GDB num for worker thread to change back to it later
-				worker_thread = gdb.selected_thread().num
-				# use InferiorThread.switch()
-				gdb_threads = dict([(t.num, t) for t in gdb.selected_inferior().threads()])
-				gdb_threads[gdb_master_num].switch()
-				print('#### switching to thread %i ####' % gdb_master_num)
-				frame = gdb.newest_frame()
-				stop_iter = False
-				while(not stop_iter):
-					if self.curr_task.task_handle is None:
-						break
-					self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
-					while frame:
-						if self.curr_task.task_handle is None:
-							break
-						gdb_sp_next_new = int(str(frame).split(",")[0].split("=")[1], 16)
-						if frame.older():
-							gdb_sp_next = int(str(frame.older().read_register('sp')), 16)
-						else:
-							gdb_sp_next = int(str(frame.read_register('sp')), 16)
-						while(1):
-							(ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = self.frames
-							if (ompd_enter_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_enter_frame):
-								break
-							if (ompd_exit_frame == 0 or gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_exit_frame):
-								if ompd_exit_frame == 0 or frame.older() and frame.older().older() and int(str(frame.older().older().read_register('sp')), 16) < ompd_exit_frame:
-									yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(frame)
-								else:
-									yield OmpdFrameDecorator(frame, self.curr_task.task_handle)
-								break
-							sched_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(self.curr_task.task_handle)
-							if(sched_task_handle is None):
-								stop_iter = True
-								break
-							self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_generating_task()
-							self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
-						frame = frame.older()
-					break
-				gdb_threads[worker_thread].switch()
-			gdb_threads[orig_thread].switch()
-	def filter(self, frame_iter):
-		"""Function is called automatically with every 'bt' executed. If switched on, this will only let revelant frames be printed 
-		or all frames otherwise. If switched on, a FrameDecorator will be applied to state whether '.ompd_task_entry.' refers to an 
-		explicit or implicit task.
-		"""
-		if self.switched_on:
-			return self.filter_frames(frame_iter)
-		else:
-			return frame_iter
+    def function(self):
+        name = str(self.fobj.name())
+        return "@thread %i: %s" % (gdb.selected_thread().num, name)
+class FrameFilter:
+    def __init__(self, addr_space):
+        """Initializes the FrameFilter, registers is in the GDB runtime and saves the given OMPD address space capsule."""
+        self.addr_space = addr_space
+        self.name = "Filter"
+        self.priority = 100
+        self.enabled = True
+        gdb.frame_filters[self.name] = self
+        self.switched_on = False
+        self.continue_to_master = False
+    def set_switch(self, on_off):
+        """Prints output when executing 'ompd bt on' or 'ompd bt off'."""
+        self.switched_on = on_off
+        if self.switched_on:
+            print('Enabled filter for "bt" output successfully.')
+        else:
+            print('Disabled filter for "bt" output successfully.')
+    def set_switch_continue(self, on_off):
+        """Prints output when executing 'ompd bt on continued'." """
+        self.continue_to_master = on_off
+        if self.continue_to_master:
+            print(
+                'Enabled "bt" mode that continues backtrace on to master thread for worker threads.'
+            )
+        else:
+            print('Disabled "bt" mode that continues onto master thread.')
+    def get_master_frames_for_worker(self, past_thread_num, latest_sp):
+        """Prints master frames for worker thread with id past_thread_num."""
+        gdb.execute("t 1")
+        gdb.execute("ompd bt on")
+        gdb.execute("bt")
+        frame = gdb.newest_frame()
+        while frame.older() is not None:
+            print("master frame sp:", str(frame.read_register("sp")))
+            yield OmpdFrameDecorator(frame)
+            frame = frame.older()
+        print("latest sp:", str(latest_sp))
+        gdb.execute("ompd bt on continued")
+        gdb.execute("t %d" % int(past_thread_num))
+    def filter_frames(self, frame_iter):
+        """Iterates through frames and only returns those that are relevant to the application
+        being debugged. The OmpdFrameDecorator is applied automatically.
+        """
+        curr_thread_num = gdb.selected_thread().num
+        is_no_omp_thread = False
+        if curr_thread_num in self.addr_space.threads:
+            curr_thread_obj = self.addr_space.threads[curr_thread_num]
+            self.curr_task = curr_thread_obj.get_current_task()
+            self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
+        else:
+            is_no_omp_thread = True
+            print(
+                "Thread %d is no OpenMP thread, printing all frames:" % curr_thread_num
+            )
+        stop_iter = False
+        for x in frame_iter:
+            if is_no_omp_thread:
+                yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(x)
+                continue
+            if x.inferior_frame().older() is None:
+                continue
+            if self.curr_task.task_handle is None:
+                continue
+            gdb_sp = int(str(x.inferior_frame().read_register("sp")), 16)
+            gdb_sp_next_new = int(
+                str(x.inferior_frame()).split(",")[0].split("=")[1], 16
+            )
+            if x.inferior_frame().older():
+                gdb_sp_next = int(
+                    str(x.inferior_frame().older().read_register("sp")), 16
+                )
+            else:
+                gdb_sp_next = int(str(x.inferior_frame().read_register("sp")), 16)
+            while 1:
+                (ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = self.frames
+                if ompd_enter_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_enter_frame:
+                    break
+                if ompd_exit_frame != 0 and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_exit_frame:
+                    if (
+                        x.inferior_frame().older().older()
+                        and int(
+                            str(x.inferior_frame().older().older().read_register("sp")),
+                            16,
+                        )
+                        < ompd_exit_frame
+                    ):
+                        if self.continue_to_master:
+                            yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(x)
+                        else:
+                            yield OmpdFrameDecorator(x, self.curr_task.task_handle)
+                    else:
+                        yield OmpdFrameDecorator(x, self.curr_task.task_handle)
+                    break
+                sched_task_handle = self.curr_task.get_scheduling_task_handle()
+                if sched_task_handle is None:
+                    stop_iter = True
+                    break
+                self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_scheduling_task()
+                self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
+            if stop_iter:
+                break
+        # implementation of "ompd bt continued"
+        if self.continue_to_master:
+            orig_thread = gdb.selected_thread().num
+            gdb_threads = dict([(t.num, t) for t in gdb.selected_inferior().threads()])
+            # iterate through generating tasks until outermost task is reached
+            while 1:
+                # get OMPD thread id for master thread (systag in GDB output)
+                try:
+                    master_num = (
+                        self.curr_task.get_task_parallel()
+                        .get_thread_in_parallel(0)
+                        .get_thread_id()
+                    )
+                except:
+                    break
+                # search for thread id without the "l" for long via "thread find" and get GDB thread num from output
+                hex_str = str(hex(master_num))
+                thread_output = gdb.execute(
+                    "thread find %s" % hex_str[0 : len(hex_str) - 1], to_string=True
+                ).split(" ")
+                if thread_output[0] == "No":
+                    raise ValueError("Master thread num could not be found!")
+                gdb_master_num = int(thread_output[1])
+                # get task that generated last task of worker thread
+                try:
+                    self.curr_task = (
+                        self.curr_task.get_task_parallel()
+                        .get_task_in_parallel(0)
+                        .get_generating_task()
+                    )
+                except:
+                    break
+                self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
+                (enter_frame, exit_frame) = self.frames
+                if exit_frame == 0:
+                    print("outermost generating task was reached")
+                    break
+                # save GDB num for worker thread to change back to it later
+                worker_thread = gdb.selected_thread().num
+                # use InferiorThread.switch()
+                gdb_threads = dict(
+                    [(t.num, t) for t in gdb.selected_inferior().threads()]
+                )
+                gdb_threads[gdb_master_num].switch()
+                print("#### switching to thread %i ####" % gdb_master_num)
+                frame = gdb.newest_frame()
+                stop_iter = False
+                while not stop_iter:
+                    if self.curr_task.task_handle is None:
+                        break
+                    self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
+                    while frame:
+                        if self.curr_task.task_handle is None:
+                            break
+                        gdb_sp_next_new = int(
+                            str(frame).split(",")[0].split("=")[1], 16
+                        )
+                        if frame.older():
+                            gdb_sp_next = int(
+                                str(frame.older().read_register("sp")), 16
+                            )
+                        else:
+                            gdb_sp_next = int(str(frame.read_register("sp")), 16)
+                        while 1:
+                            (ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = self.frames
+                            if (
+                                ompd_enter_frame != 0
+                                and gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_enter_frame
+                            ):
+                                break
+                            if (
+                                ompd_exit_frame == 0
+                                or gdb_sp_next_new < ompd_exit_frame
+                            ):
+                                if (
+                                    ompd_exit_frame == 0
+                                    or frame.older()
+                                    and frame.older().older()
+                                    and int(
+                                        str(frame.older().older().read_register("sp")),
+                                        16,
+                                    )
+                                    < ompd_exit_frame
+                                ):
+                                    yield OmpdFrameDecoratorThread(frame)
+                                else:
+                                    yield OmpdFrameDecorator(
+                                        frame, self.curr_task.task_handle
+                                    )
+                                break
+                            sched_task_handle = (
+                                ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(
+                                    self.curr_task.task_handle
+                                )
+                            )
+                            if sched_task_handle is None:
+                                stop_iter = True
+                                break
+                            self.curr_task = self.curr_task.get_generating_task()
+                            self.frames = self.curr_task.get_task_frame()
+                        frame = frame.older()
+                    break
+                gdb_threads[worker_thread].switch()
+            gdb_threads[orig_thread].switch()
+    def filter(self, frame_iter):
+        """Function is called automatically with every 'bt' executed. If switched on, this will only let revelant frames be printed
+        or all frames otherwise. If switched on, a FrameDecorator will be applied to state whether '.ompd_task_entry.' refers to an
+        explicit or implicit task.
+        """
+        if self.switched_on:
+            return self.filter_frames(frame_iter)
+        else:
+            return frame_iter
diff --git a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd.py b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd.py
index 3259f98..a404e62 100644
--- a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd.py
+++ b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd.py
@@ -11,559 +11,675 @@
 addr_space = None
 ff = None
 icv_map = None
-ompd_scope_map = {1:'global', 2:'address_space', 3:'thread', 4:'parallel', 5:'implicit_task', 6:'task'}
+ompd_scope_map = {
+    1: "global",
+    2: "address_space",
+    3: "thread",
+    4: "parallel",
+    5: "implicit_task",
+    6: "task",
 in_task_function = False
 class ompd(gdb.Command):
-	def __init__(self):
-		super(ompd, self).__init__('ompd',
-			True)
+    def __init__(self):
+        super(ompd, self).__init__("ompd", gdb.COMMAND_STATUS, gdb.COMPLETE_NONE, True)
 class ompd_init(gdb.Command):
-	"""Find and initialize ompd library"""
+    """Find and initialize ompd library"""
-	# first parameter is command-line input, second parameter is gdb-specific data
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.__doc__ = 'Find and initialize OMPD library\n usage: ompd init'
-		super(ompd_init, self).__init__('ompd init',
-						gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
+    # first parameter is command-line input, second parameter is gdb-specific data
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__doc__ = "Find and initialize OMPD library\n usage: ompd init"
+        super(ompd_init, self).__init__("ompd init", gdb.COMMAND_DATA)
-	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
-		global addr_space
-		global ff
-		try:
-			try:
-				print(gdb.newest_frame())
-			except:
-				gdb.execute("start")
-			try:
-				lib_list = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations")
-			except gdb.error:
-				raise ValueError("No ompd_dll_locations symbol in execution, make sure to have an OMPD enabled OpenMP runtime");
-			while(gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations") == False):
-				gdb.execute("tbreak ompd_dll_locations_valid")
-				gdb.execute("continue")
-			lib_list = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations")
-			i = 0
-			while(lib_list[i]):
-				ret = ompdModule.ompd_open(lib_list[i].string())
-				if ret == -1:
-					raise ValueError("Handle of OMPD library is not a valid string!")
-				if ret == -2:
-					print("ret == -2")
-					pass # It's ok to fail on dlopen
-				if ret == -3:
-					print("ret == -3")
-					pass # It's ok to fail on dlsym
-				if ret < -10:
-					raise ValueError("OMPD error code %i!" % (-10 - ret))
-				if ret > 0:
-					print("Loaded OMPD lib successfully!")
-					try:
-						addr_space = ompd_address_space()
-						ff = FrameFilter(addr_space)
-					except:
-						traceback.print_exc()
-					return
-				i = i+1
-			raise ValueError("OMPD library could not be loaded!")
-		except:
-			traceback.print_exc()
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        global addr_space
+        global ff
+        try:
+            try:
+                print(gdb.newest_frame())
+            except:
+                gdb.execute("start")
+            try:
+                lib_list = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations")
+            except gdb.error:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "No ompd_dll_locations symbol in execution, make sure to have an OMPD enabled OpenMP runtime"
+                )
+            while gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations") == False:
+                gdb.execute("tbreak ompd_dll_locations_valid")
+                gdb.execute("continue")
+            lib_list = gdb.parse_and_eval("(char**)ompd_dll_locations")
+            i = 0
+            while lib_list[i]:
+                ret = ompdModule.ompd_open(lib_list[i].string())
+                if ret == -1:
+                    raise ValueError("Handle of OMPD library is not a valid string!")
+                if ret == -2:
+                    print("ret == -2")
+                    pass  # It's ok to fail on dlopen
+                if ret == -3:
+                    print("ret == -3")
+                    pass  # It's ok to fail on dlsym
+                if ret < -10:
+                    raise ValueError("OMPD error code %i!" % (-10 - ret))
+                if ret > 0:
+                    print("Loaded OMPD lib successfully!")
+                    try:
+                        addr_space = ompd_address_space()
+                        ff = FrameFilter(addr_space)
+                    except:
+                        traceback.print_exc()
+                    return
+                i = i + 1
+            raise ValueError("OMPD library could not be loaded!")
+        except:
+            traceback.print_exc()
 class ompd_threads(gdb.Command):
-	"""Register thread ids of current context"""
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.__doc__ = 'Provide information on threads of current context.\n usage: ompd threads'
-		super(ompd_threads, self).__init__('ompd threads',
-						gdb.COMMAND_STATUS)
-	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
-		global addr_space
-		if init_error():
-			return
-		addr_space.list_threads(True)
+    """Register thread ids of current context"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__doc__ = (
+            "Provide information on threads of current context.\n usage: ompd threads"
+        )
+        super(ompd_threads, self).__init__("ompd threads", gdb.COMMAND_STATUS)
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        global addr_space
+        if init_error():
+            return
+        addr_space.list_threads(True)
 def print_parallel_region(curr_parallel, team_size):
-	"""Helper function for ompd_parallel_region. To print out the details of the parallel region."""
-	for omp_thr in range(team_size):
-		thread = curr_parallel.get_thread_in_parallel(omp_thr)
-		ompd_state = str(addr_space.states[thread.get_state()[0]])
-		ompd_wait_id = thread.get_state()[1]
-		task = curr_parallel.get_task_in_parallel(omp_thr)
-		task_func_addr = task.get_task_function()
-		# Get the function this addr belongs to
-		sal = gdb.find_pc_line(task_func_addr)
-		block = gdb.block_for_pc(task_func_addr)
-		while block and not block.function:
-			block = block.superblock
-		if omp_thr == 0:
-			print('%6d (master) %-37s %ld    0x%lx %-25s %-17s:%d' % \
-			(omp_thr, ompd_state, ompd_wait_id, task_func_addr, \
-			 block.function.print_name, sal.symtab.filename, sal.line))
-		else:
-			print('%6d          %-37s %ld    0x%lx %-25s %-17s:%d' % \
-			(omp_thr, ompd_state, ompd_wait_id, task_func_addr, \
-			 block.function.print_name, sal.symtab.filename, sal.line))
+    """Helper function for ompd_parallel_region. To print out the details of the parallel region."""
+    for omp_thr in range(team_size):
+        thread = curr_parallel.get_thread_in_parallel(omp_thr)
+        ompd_state = str(addr_space.states[thread.get_state()[0]])
+        ompd_wait_id = thread.get_state()[1]
+        task = curr_parallel.get_task_in_parallel(omp_thr)
+        task_func_addr = task.get_task_function()
+        # Get the function this addr belongs to
+        sal = gdb.find_pc_line(task_func_addr)
+        block = gdb.block_for_pc(task_func_addr)
+        while block and not block.function:
+            block = block.superblock
+        if omp_thr == 0:
+            print(
+                "%6d (master) %-37s %ld    0x%lx %-25s %-17s:%d"
+                % (
+                    omp_thr,
+                    ompd_state,
+                    ompd_wait_id,
+                    task_func_addr,
+                    block.function.print_name,
+                    sal.symtab.filename,
+                    sal.line,
+                )
+            )
+        else:
+            print(
+                "%6d          %-37s %ld    0x%lx %-25s %-17s:%d"
+                % (
+                    omp_thr,
+                    ompd_state,
+                    ompd_wait_id,
+                    task_func_addr,
+                    block.function.print_name,
+                    sal.symtab.filename,
+                    sal.line,
+                )
+            )
 class ompd_parallel_region(gdb.Command):
-	"""Parallel Region Details"""
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.__doc__ = 'Display the details of the current and enclosing parallel regions.\n usage: ompd parallel'
-		super(ompd_parallel_region, self).__init__('ompd parallel',
-							   gdb.COMMAND_STATUS)
+    """Parallel Region Details"""
-	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
-		global addr_space
-		if init_error():
-			return
-		if addr_space.icv_map is None:
-			addr_space.get_icv_map()
-		if addr_space.states is None:
-			addr_space.enumerate_states()
-		curr_thread_handle = addr_space.get_curr_thread()
-		curr_parallel_handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_parallel_handle()
-		curr_parallel = ompd_parallel(curr_parallel_handle)
-		while curr_parallel_handle is not None and curr_parallel is not None:
-			nest_level = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_parallel_handle,\
-				     addr_space.icv_map['levels-var'][1], addr_space.icv_map['levels-var'][0])
-			if nest_level == 0:
-				break
-			team_size = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_parallel_handle, \
-				    addr_space.icv_map['team-size-var'][1], \
-				    addr_space.icv_map['team-size-var'][0])
-			print ("")
-			print ("Parallel Region: Nesting Level %d: Team Size: %d" % (nest_level, team_size))
-			print ("================================================")
-			print ("")
-			print ("OMP Thread Nbr  Thread State                     Wait Id  EntryAddr FuncName                 File:Line");
-			print ("======================================================================================================");
-			print_parallel_region(curr_parallel, team_size)
-			enclosing_parallel = curr_parallel.get_enclosing_parallel()
-			enclosing_parallel_handle = curr_parallel.get_enclosing_parallel_handle()
-			curr_parallel = enclosing_parallel
-			curr_parallel_handle = enclosing_parallel_handle
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__doc__ = "Display the details of the current and enclosing parallel regions.\n usage: ompd parallel"
+        super(ompd_parallel_region, self).__init__("ompd parallel", gdb.COMMAND_STATUS)
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        global addr_space
+        if init_error():
+            return
+        if addr_space.icv_map is None:
+            addr_space.get_icv_map()
+        if addr_space.states is None:
+            addr_space.enumerate_states()
+        curr_thread_handle = addr_space.get_curr_thread()
+        curr_parallel_handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_parallel_handle()
+        curr_parallel = ompd_parallel(curr_parallel_handle)
+        while curr_parallel_handle is not None and curr_parallel is not None:
+            nest_level = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_parallel_handle,
+                addr_space.icv_map["levels-var"][1],
+                addr_space.icv_map["levels-var"][0],
+            )
+            if nest_level == 0:
+                break
+            team_size = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_parallel_handle,
+                addr_space.icv_map["team-size-var"][1],
+                addr_space.icv_map["team-size-var"][0],
+            )
+            print("")
+            print(
+                "Parallel Region: Nesting Level %d: Team Size: %d"
+                % (nest_level, team_size)
+            )
+            print("================================================")
+            print("")
+            print(
+                "OMP Thread Nbr  Thread State                     Wait Id  EntryAddr FuncName                 File:Line"
+            )
+            print(
+                "======================================================================================================"
+            )
+            print_parallel_region(curr_parallel, team_size)
+            enclosing_parallel = curr_parallel.get_enclosing_parallel()
+            enclosing_parallel_handle = curr_parallel.get_enclosing_parallel_handle()
+            curr_parallel = enclosing_parallel
+            curr_parallel_handle = enclosing_parallel_handle
 class ompd_icvs(gdb.Command):
-	"""ICVs"""
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.__doc__ = 'Display the values of the Internal Control Variables.\n usage: ompd icvs'
-		super(ompd_icvs, self).__init__('ompd icvs',
-						 gdb.COMMAND_STATUS)
+    """ICVs"""
-	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
-		global addr_space
-		global ompd_scope_map
-		if init_error():
-			return
-		curr_thread_handle = addr_space.get_curr_thread()
-		if addr_space.icv_map is None:
-			addr_space.get_icv_map()
-		print("ICV Name                        Scope                     Value")
-		print("===============================================================")
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__doc__ = (
+            "Display the values of the Internal Control Variables.\n usage: ompd icvs"
+        )
+        super(ompd_icvs, self).__init__("ompd icvs", gdb.COMMAND_STATUS)
-		try:
-			for icv_name in addr_space.icv_map:
-				scope = addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][1]
-				#{1:'global', 2:'address_space', 3:'thread', 4:'parallel', 5:'implicit_task', 6:'task'}
-				if scope == 2:
-					handle = addr_space.addr_space
-				elif scope == 3:
-					handle = curr_thread_handle.thread_handle
-				elif scope == 4:
-					handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_parallel_handle()
-				elif scope == 6:
-					handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_task_handle()
-				else:
-					raise ValueError("Invalid scope")
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        global addr_space
+        global ompd_scope_map
+        if init_error():
+            return
+        curr_thread_handle = addr_space.get_curr_thread()
+        if addr_space.icv_map is None:
+            addr_space.get_icv_map()
+        print("ICV Name                        Scope                     Value")
+        print("===============================================================")
-				if (icv_name == "nthreads-var" or icv_name == "bind-var"):
-					icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
-						    handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0])
-					if icv_value is None:
-						icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( \
-							     handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0])
-						print('%-31s %-26s %s' % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_string))
-					else:
-						print('%-31s %-26s %d' % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_value))
+        try:
+            for icv_name in addr_space.icv_map:
+                scope = addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][1]
+                # {1:'global', 2:'address_space', 3:'thread', 4:'parallel', 5:'implicit_task', 6:'task'}
+                if scope == 2:
+                    handle = addr_space.addr_space
+                elif scope == 3:
+                    handle = curr_thread_handle.thread_handle
+                elif scope == 4:
+                    handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_parallel_handle()
+                elif scope == 6:
+                    handle = curr_thread_handle.get_current_task_handle()
+                else:
+                    raise ValueError("Invalid scope")
-				elif (icv_name == "affinity-format-var" or icv_name == "run-sched-var" or \
-                                         icv_name == "tool-libraries-var" or icv_name == "tool-verbose-init-var"):
-					icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope( \
-						     handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0])
-					print('%-31s %-26s %s' % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_string))
-				else:
-					icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(handle, \
-						    scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0])
-					print('%-31s %-26s %d' % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_value))
-		except:
-		       traceback.print_exc()
+                if icv_name == "nthreads-var" or icv_name == "bind-var":
+                    icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                        handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0]
+                    )
+                    if icv_value is None:
+                        icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(
+                            handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0]
+                        )
+                        print(
+                            "%-31s %-26s %s"
+                            % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_string)
+                        )
+                    else:
+                        print(
+                            "%-31s %-26s %d"
+                            % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_value)
+                        )
+                elif (
+                    icv_name == "affinity-format-var"
+                    or icv_name == "run-sched-var"
+                    or icv_name == "tool-libraries-var"
+                    or icv_name == "tool-verbose-init-var"
+                ):
+                    icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(
+                        handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0]
+                    )
+                    print(
+                        "%-31s %-26s %s" % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_string)
+                    )
+                else:
+                    icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                        handle, scope, addr_space.icv_map[icv_name][0]
+                    )
+                    print(
+                        "%-31s %-26s %d" % (icv_name, ompd_scope_map[scope], icv_value)
+                    )
+        except:
+            traceback.print_exc()
 def curr_thread():
-	"""Helper function for ompd_step. Returns the thread object for the current thread number."""
-	global addr_space
-	if addr_space is not None:
-		return addr_space.threads[int(gdb.selected_thread().num)]
-	return None
+    """Helper function for ompd_step. Returns the thread object for the current thread number."""
+    global addr_space
+    if addr_space is not None:
+        return addr_space.threads[int(gdb.selected_thread().num)]
+    return None
 class ompd_test(gdb.Command):
-	"""Test area"""
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.__doc__ = 'Test functionalities for correctness\n usage: ompd test'
-		super(ompd_test, self).__init__('ompd test',
-	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
-		global addr_space
-		if init_error():
-			return
-		# get task function for current task of current thread
-		try:
-			current_thread = int(gdb.selected_thread().num)
-			current_thread_obj = addr_space.threads[current_thread]
-			task_function = current_thread_obj.get_current_task().get_task_function()
-			print("bt value:", int("0x0000000000400b6c",0))
-			print("get_task_function value:", task_function)
+    """Test area"""
-			# get task function of implicit task in current parallel region for current thread
-			current_parallel_obj = current_thread_obj.get_current_parallel()
-			task_in_parallel = current_parallel_obj.get_task_in_parallel(current_thread)
-			task_function_in_parallel = task_in_parallel.get_task_function()
-			print("task_function_in_parallel:", task_function_in_parallel)
-		except:
-			print('Task function value not found for this thread')
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__doc__ = "Test functionalities for correctness\n usage: ompd test"
+        super(ompd_test, self).__init__("ompd test", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
-class ompdtestapi (gdb.Command):
-	""" To test API's return code """
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.__doc__ = 'Test OMPD tool Interface APIs.\nUsage: ompdtestapi <api name>'
-		super (ompdtestapi, self).__init__('ompdtestapi', gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        global addr_space
+        if init_error():
+            return
+        # get task function for current task of current thread
+        try:
+            current_thread = int(gdb.selected_thread().num)
+            current_thread_obj = addr_space.threads[current_thread]
+            task_function = current_thread_obj.get_current_task().get_task_function()
+            print("bt value:", int("0x0000000000400b6c", 0))
+            print("get_task_function value:", task_function)
-	def invoke (self, arg, from_tty):
-		global addr_space
-		if init_error():
-			print ("Error in Initialization.");
-			return
-		if not arg:
-			print ("No API provided to test, eg: ompdtestapi ompd_initialize")
+            # get task function of implicit task in current parallel region for current thread
+            current_parallel_obj = current_thread_obj.get_current_parallel()
+            task_in_parallel = current_parallel_obj.get_task_in_parallel(current_thread)
+            task_function_in_parallel = task_in_parallel.get_task_function()
+            print("task_function_in_parallel:", task_function_in_parallel)
+        except:
+            print("Task function value not found for this thread")
-		if arg == "ompd_get_thread_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_handle(addr_handle, threadId)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_thread_in_parallel":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(parallel_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_thread_handle_compare":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle)
-			thread_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(parallel_handle, 1);
-			thread_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(parallel_handle, 2);
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_thread_handle_compare(thread_handle1, thread_handle1)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_thread_handle_compare(thread_handle1, thread_handle2)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_thread_id":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_id(thread_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_rel_thread_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_thread_handle(thread_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(parallel_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_parallel_handle_compare":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			parallel_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle)
-			parallel_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(parallel_handle1)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_parallel_handle_compare(parallel_handle1, parallel_handle1)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_parallel_handle_compare(parallel_handle1, parallel_handle2)
-		elif arg == "ompd_rel_parallel_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_parallel_handle(parallel_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_initialize":
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_initialize()
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_api_version":
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_api_version()
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_version_string":
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_version_string()
-		elif arg == "ompd_finalize":
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_finalize()
-		elif arg == "ompd_process_initialize":
-			ompdModule.call_ompd_initialize()
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_process_initialize()
-		elif arg == "ompd_device_initialize":
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_device_initialize()
-		elif arg == "ompd_rel_address_space_handle":
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_address_space_handle()
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_omp_version":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_omp_version(addr_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_omp_version_string":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_omp_version_string(addr_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_curr_task_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_task_parallel_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_parallel_handle(task_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_generating_task_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(task_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(task_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_task_in_parallel":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_in_parallel(parallel_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_rel_task_handle":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_task_handle(task_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_task_handle_compare":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			task_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
-			task_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(task_handle1)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_task_handle_compare(task_handle1, task_handle2)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_task_handle_compare(task_handle2, task_handle1)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_task_function":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_function(task_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_task_frame":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_frame(task_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_state":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_state(thread_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_display_control_vars":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_display_control_vars(addr_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_rel_display_control_vars":
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_display_control_vars()
-		elif arg == "ompd_enumerate_icvs":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_enumerate_icvs(addr_handle)
-		elif arg== "ompd_get_icv_from_scope":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
-			parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle)
-			task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)	
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_addr_handle(addr_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_thread_handle(thread_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_parallel_handle(parallel_handle)
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_task_handle(task_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope":
-			addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(addr_handle)
-		elif arg == "ompd_get_tool_data":
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_get_tool_data()
-		elif arg == "ompd_enumerate_states":
-			ompdModule.test_ompd_enumerate_states()
-		else:
-			print ("Invalid API.")
+class ompdtestapi(gdb.Command):
+    """To test API's return code"""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__doc__ = "Test OMPD tool Interface APIs.\nUsage: ompdtestapi <api name>"
+        super(ompdtestapi, self).__init__("ompdtestapi", gdb.COMMAND_OBSCURE)
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        global addr_space
+        if init_error():
+            print("Error in Initialization.")
+            return
+        if not arg:
+            print("No API provided to test, eg: ompdtestapi ompd_initialize")
+        if arg == "ompd_get_thread_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_handle(addr_handle, threadId)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(thread_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_thread_in_parallel":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(
+                thread_handle
+            )
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(parallel_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_thread_handle_compare":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(
+                thread_handle
+            )
+            thread_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(
+                parallel_handle, 1
+            )
+            thread_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(
+                parallel_handle, 2
+            )
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_thread_handle_compare(thread_handle1, thread_handle1)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_thread_handle_compare(thread_handle1, thread_handle2)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_thread_id":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_thread_id(thread_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_rel_thread_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_thread_handle(thread_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(
+                thread_handle
+            )
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(parallel_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_parallel_handle_compare":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            parallel_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(
+                thread_handle
+            )
+            parallel_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(
+                parallel_handle1
+            )
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_parallel_handle_compare(
+                parallel_handle1, parallel_handle1
+            )
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_parallel_handle_compare(
+                parallel_handle1, parallel_handle2
+            )
+        elif arg == "ompd_rel_parallel_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(
+                thread_handle
+            )
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_parallel_handle(parallel_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_initialize":
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_initialize()
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_api_version":
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_api_version()
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_version_string":
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_version_string()
+        elif arg == "ompd_finalize":
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_finalize()
+        elif arg == "ompd_process_initialize":
+            ompdModule.call_ompd_initialize()
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_process_initialize()
+        elif arg == "ompd_device_initialize":
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_device_initialize()
+        elif arg == "ompd_rel_address_space_handle":
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_address_space_handle()
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_omp_version":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_omp_version(addr_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_omp_version_string":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_omp_version_string(addr_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_curr_task_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_task_parallel_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_parallel_handle(task_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_generating_task_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(task_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(task_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_task_in_parallel":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(
+                thread_handle
+            )
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_in_parallel(parallel_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_rel_task_handle":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_task_handle(task_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_task_handle_compare":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            task_handle1 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
+            task_handle2 = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(task_handle1)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_task_handle_compare(task_handle1, task_handle2)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_task_handle_compare(task_handle2, task_handle1)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_task_function":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_function(task_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_task_frame":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_task_frame(task_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_state":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_state(thread_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_display_control_vars":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_display_control_vars(addr_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_rel_display_control_vars":
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_rel_display_control_vars()
+        elif arg == "ompd_enumerate_icvs":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_enumerate_icvs(addr_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_icv_from_scope":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            threadId = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(threadId, addr_handle)
+            parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(
+                thread_handle
+            )
+            task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(thread_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_addr_handle(addr_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_thread_handle(thread_handle)
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_parallel_handle(
+                parallel_handle
+            )
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_from_scope_with_task_handle(task_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope":
+            addr_handle = addr_space.addr_space
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(addr_handle)
+        elif arg == "ompd_get_tool_data":
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_get_tool_data()
+        elif arg == "ompd_enumerate_states":
+            ompdModule.test_ompd_enumerate_states()
+        else:
+            print("Invalid API.")
 class ompd_bt(gdb.Command):
-	"""Turn filter for 'bt' on/off for output to only contain frames relevant to the application or all frames."""
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.__doc__ = 'Turn filter for "bt" output on or off. Specify "on continued" option to trace worker threads back to master threads.\n usage: ompd bt on|on continued|off'
-		super(ompd_bt, self).__init__('ompd bt',
-					gdb.COMMAND_STACK)
-	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
-		global ff
-		global addr_space
-		global icv_map
-		global ompd_scope_map
-		if init_error():
-			return
-		if icv_map is None:
-			icv_map = {}
-			current = 0
-			more = 1
-			while more > 0:
-				tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_icvs(addr_space.addr_space, current)
-				(current, next_icv, next_scope, more) = tup
-				icv_map[next_icv] = (current, next_scope, ompd_scope_map[next_scope])
-			print('Initialized ICV map successfully for filtering "bt".')
-		arg_list = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
-		if len(arg_list) == 0:
-			print('When calling "ompd bt", you must either specify "on", "on continued" or "off". Check "help ompd".')
-		elif len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] == 'on':
-			addr_space.list_threads(False)
-			ff.set_switch(True)
-			ff.set_switch_continue(False)
-		elif arg_list[0] == 'on' and arg_list[1] == 'continued':
-			ff.set_switch(True)
-			ff.set_switch_continue(True)
-		elif len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] == 'off':
-			ff.set_switch(False)
-			ff.set_switch_continue(False)
-		else:
-			print('When calling "ompd bt", you must either specify "on", "on continued" or "off". Check "help ompd".')
+    """Turn filter for 'bt' on/off for output to only contain frames relevant to the application or all frames."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__doc__ = 'Turn filter for "bt" output on or off. Specify "on continued" option to trace worker threads back to master threads.\n usage: ompd bt on|on continued|off'
+        super(ompd_bt, self).__init__("ompd bt", gdb.COMMAND_STACK)
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        global ff
+        global addr_space
+        global icv_map
+        global ompd_scope_map
+        if init_error():
+            return
+        if icv_map is None:
+            icv_map = {}
+            current = 0
+            more = 1
+            while more > 0:
+                tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_icvs(
+                    addr_space.addr_space, current
+                )
+                (current, next_icv, next_scope, more) = tup
+                icv_map[next_icv] = (current, next_scope, ompd_scope_map[next_scope])
+            print('Initialized ICV map successfully for filtering "bt".')
+        arg_list = gdb.string_to_argv(arg)
+        if len(arg_list) == 0:
+            print(
+                'When calling "ompd bt", you must either specify "on", "on continued" or "off". Check "help ompd".'
+            )
+        elif len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] == "on":
+            addr_space.list_threads(False)
+            ff.set_switch(True)
+            ff.set_switch_continue(False)
+        elif arg_list[0] == "on" and arg_list[1] == "continued":
+            ff.set_switch(True)
+            ff.set_switch_continue(True)
+        elif len(arg_list) == 1 and arg_list[0] == "off":
+            ff.set_switch(False)
+            ff.set_switch_continue(False)
+        else:
+            print(
+                'When calling "ompd bt", you must either specify "on", "on continued" or "off". Check "help ompd".'
+            )
 # TODO: remove
 class ompd_taskframes(gdb.Command):
-	"""Prints task handles for relevant task frames. Meant for debugging."""
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.__doc__ = 'Prints list of tasks.\nUsage: ompd taskframes'
-		super(ompd_taskframes, self).__init__('ompd taskframes',
-					gdb.COMMAND_STACK)
-	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
-		global addr_space
-		if init_error():
-			return
-		frame = gdb.newest_frame()
-		while(frame):
-			print (frame.read_register('sp'))
-			frame = frame.older()
-		curr_task_handle = None
-		if(addr_space.threads and addr_space.threads.get(gdb.selected_thread().num)):
-			curr_thread_handle = curr_thread().thread_handle
-			curr_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(curr_thread_handle)
-		if(not curr_task_handle):
-			return None
-		prev_frames = None
-		try:
-			while(1):
-				frames_with_flags = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(curr_task_handle)
-				frames = (frames_with_flags[0], frames_with_flags[3])
-				if(prev_frames == frames):
-					break
-				if(not isinstance(frames,tuple)):
-					break
-				(ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = frames
-				print(hex(ompd_enter_frame), hex(ompd_exit_frame))
-				curr_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(curr_task_handle)
-				prev_frames = frames
-				if(not curr_task_handle):
-					break
-		except:
-			traceback.print_exc()
+    """Prints task handles for relevant task frames. Meant for debugging."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__doc__ = "Prints list of tasks.\nUsage: ompd taskframes"
+        super(ompd_taskframes, self).__init__("ompd taskframes", gdb.COMMAND_STACK)
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        global addr_space
+        if init_error():
+            return
+        frame = gdb.newest_frame()
+        while frame:
+            print(frame.read_register("sp"))
+            frame = frame.older()
+        curr_task_handle = None
+        if addr_space.threads and addr_space.threads.get(gdb.selected_thread().num):
+            curr_thread_handle = curr_thread().thread_handle
+            curr_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(
+                curr_thread_handle
+            )
+        if not curr_task_handle:
+            return None
+        prev_frames = None
+        try:
+            while 1:
+                frames_with_flags = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(
+                    curr_task_handle
+                )
+                frames = (frames_with_flags[0], frames_with_flags[3])
+                if prev_frames == frames:
+                    break
+                if not isinstance(frames, tuple):
+                    break
+                (ompd_enter_frame, ompd_exit_frame) = frames
+                print(hex(ompd_enter_frame), hex(ompd_exit_frame))
+                curr_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(
+                    curr_task_handle
+                )
+                prev_frames = frames
+                if not curr_task_handle:
+                    break
+        except:
+            traceback.print_exc()
 def print_and_exec(string):
-	"""Helper function for ompd_step. Executes the given command in GDB and prints it."""
-	print(string)
-	gdb.execute(string)
+    """Helper function for ompd_step. Executes the given command in GDB and prints it."""
+    print(string)
+    gdb.execute(string)
 class TempFrameFunctionBp(gdb.Breakpoint):
-	"""Helper class for ompd_step. Defines stop function for breakpoint on frame function."""
-	def stop(self):
-		global in_task_function
-		in_task_function = True
-		self.enabled = False
+    """Helper class for ompd_step. Defines stop function for breakpoint on frame function."""
+    def stop(self):
+        global in_task_function
+        in_task_function = True
+        self.enabled = False
 class ompd_step(gdb.Command):
-	"""Executes 'step' and skips frames irrelevant to the application / the ones without debug information."""
-	def __init__(self):
-		self.__doc__ = 'Executes "step" and skips runtime frames as much as possible.'
-		super(ompd_step, self).__init__('ompd step', gdb.COMMAND_STACK)
-	class TaskBeginBp(gdb.Breakpoint):
-		"""Helper class. Defines stop function for breakpoint ompd_bp_task_begin."""
-		def stop(self):
-			try:
-				code_line = curr_thread().get_current_task().get_task_function()
-				frame_fct_bp = TempFrameFunctionBp(('*%i' % code_line), temporary=True, internal=True)
-				frame_fct_bp.thread = self.thread
-				return False
-			except:
-				return False
-	def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
-		global in_task_function
-		if init_error():
-			return
-		tbp = self.TaskBeginBp('ompd_bp_task_begin', temporary=True, internal=True)
-		tbp.thread = int(gdb.selected_thread().num)
-		print_and_exec('step')
-		while gdb.selected_frame().find_sal().symtab is None:
-			if not in_task_function:
-				print_and_exec('finish')
-			else:
-				print_and_exec('si')
+    """Executes 'step' and skips frames irrelevant to the application / the ones without debug information."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.__doc__ = 'Executes "step" and skips runtime frames as much as possible.'
+        super(ompd_step, self).__init__("ompd step", gdb.COMMAND_STACK)
+    class TaskBeginBp(gdb.Breakpoint):
+        """Helper class. Defines stop function for breakpoint ompd_bp_task_begin."""
+        def stop(self):
+            try:
+                code_line = curr_thread().get_current_task().get_task_function()
+                frame_fct_bp = TempFrameFunctionBp(
+                    ("*%i" % code_line), temporary=True, internal=True
+                )
+                frame_fct_bp.thread = self.thread
+                return False
+            except:
+                return False
+    def invoke(self, arg, from_tty):
+        global in_task_function
+        if init_error():
+            return
+        tbp = self.TaskBeginBp("ompd_bp_task_begin", temporary=True, internal=True)
+        tbp.thread = int(gdb.selected_thread().num)
+        print_and_exec("step")
+        while gdb.selected_frame().find_sal().symtab is None:
+            if not in_task_function:
+                print_and_exec("finish")
+            else:
+                print_and_exec("si")
 def init_error():
-	global addr_space
-	if (gdb.selected_thread() is None) or (addr_space is None) or (not addr_space):
-		print("Run 'ompd init' before running any of the ompd commands")
-		return True
-	return False
+    global addr_space
+    if (gdb.selected_thread() is None) or (addr_space is None) or (not addr_space):
+        print("Run 'ompd init' before running any of the ompd commands")
+        return True
+    return False
 def main():
-	ompd()
-	ompd_init()
-	ompd_threads()
-	ompd_icvs()
-	ompd_parallel_region()
-	ompd_test()
-	ompdtestapi()
-	ompd_taskframes()
-	ompd_bt()
-	ompd_step()
+    ompd()
+    ompd_init()
+    ompd_threads()
+    ompd_icvs()
+    ompd_parallel_region()
+    ompd_test()
+    ompdtestapi()
+    ompd_taskframes()
+    ompd_bt()
+    ompd_step()
 if __name__ == "__main__":
-	try:
-		main()
-	except:
-		traceback.print_exc()
+    try:
+        main()
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc()
 # NOTE: test code using:
 # OMP_NUM_THREADS=... gdb a.out -x ../../projects/gdb_plugin/gdb-ompd/__init__.py
diff --git a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_address_space.py b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_address_space.py
index 8b8f5bb..3c4f357 100644
--- a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_address_space.py
+++ b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_address_space.py
@@ -6,309 +6,464 @@
 import traceback
 from enum import Enum
 class ompd_scope(Enum):
-	ompd_scope_global = 1
-	ompd_scope_address_space = 2
-	ompd_scope_thread = 3
-	ompd_scope_parallel = 4
-	ompd_scope_implicit_task = 5
-	ompd_scope_task = 6
+    ompd_scope_global = 1
+    ompd_scope_address_space = 2
+    ompd_scope_thread = 3
+    ompd_scope_parallel = 4
+    ompd_scope_implicit_task = 5
+    ompd_scope_task = 6
 class ompd_address_space(object):
-	def __init__(self):
-		"""Initializes an ompd_address_space object by calling ompd_initialize
-		in ompdModule.c
-		"""
-		self.addr_space = ompdModule.call_ompd_initialize()
-		# maps thread_num (thread id given by gdb) to ompd_thread object with thread handle
-		self.threads = {}
-		self.states = None
-		self.icv_map = None
-		self.ompd_tool_test_bp = None
-		self.scope_map = {1:'global', 2:'address_space', 3:'thread', 4:'parallel', 5:'implicit_task', 6:'task'}
-		self.sched_map = {1:'static', 2:'dynamic', 3:'guided', 4:'auto'}
-		gdb.events.stop.connect(self.handle_stop_event)
-		self.new_thread_breakpoint = gdb.Breakpoint("ompd_bp_thread_begin", internal=True)
-		tool_break_symbol = gdb.lookup_global_symbol("ompd_tool_break")
-		if (tool_break_symbol is not None):
-			self.ompd_tool_test_bp = gdb.Breakpoint("ompd_tool_break", internal=True)
-	def handle_stop_event(self, event):
-		"""Sets a breakpoint at different events, e.g. when a new OpenMP 
-		thread is created.
-		"""
-		if (isinstance(event, gdb.BreakpointEvent)):
-			# check if breakpoint has already been hit
-			if (self.new_thread_breakpoint in event.breakpoints):
-				self.add_thread()
-				gdb.execute('continue')
-				return
-			elif (self.ompd_tool_test_bp is not None and self.ompd_tool_test_bp in event.breakpoints):
-				try:
-					self.compare_ompt_data()
-					gdb.execute('continue')
-				except():
-					traceback.print_exc()
-		elif (isinstance(event, gdb.SignalEvent)):
-			# TODO: what do we need to do on SIGNALS?
-			pass
-		else:
-			# TODO: probably not possible?
-			pass
-	def get_icv_map(self):
-		"""Fills ICV map.
-		"""
-		self.icv_map = {}
-		current = 0
-		more = 1
-		while more > 0:
-			tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_icvs(self.addr_space, current)
-			(current, next_icv, next_scope, more) = tup
-			self.icv_map[next_icv] = (current, next_scope, self.scope_map[next_scope])
-		print('Initialized ICV map successfully for checking OMP API values.')
-	def compare_ompt_data(self):
-		"""Compares OMPT tool data about parallel region to data returned by OMPD functions.
-		"""
-		# make sure all threads and states are set
-		self.list_threads(False)
-		thread_id = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
-		curr_thread = self.get_curr_thread()
-		# check if current thread is LWP thread; return if "ompd_rc_unavailable"
-		thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(thread_id, self.addr_space)
-		if thread_handle == -1:
-			print("Skipping OMPT-OMPD checks for non-LWP thread.")
-			return
-		print('Comparing OMPT data to OMPD data...')
-		field_names = [i.name for i in gdb.parse_and_eval('thread_data').type.fields()]
-		thread_data = gdb.parse_and_eval('thread_data')
-		if self.icv_map is None:
-			self.get_icv_map()
-		# compare state values
-		if 'ompt_state' in field_names:
-			if self.states is None:
-				self.enumerate_states()
-			ompt_state = str(thread_data['ompt_state'])
-			ompd_state = str(self.states[curr_thread.get_state()[0]])
-			if ompt_state != ompd_state:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_state (%s) does not match OMPD state (%s)!' % (ompt_state, ompd_state))
-		# compare wait_id values
-		if 'ompt_wait_id' in field_names:
-			ompt_wait_id = thread_data['ompt_wait_id']
-			ompd_wait_id = curr_thread.get_state()[1]
-			if ompt_wait_id != ompd_wait_id:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_wait_id (%d) does not match OMPD wait id (%d)!' % (ompt_wait_id, ompd_wait_id))
-		# compare thread id
-		if 'omp_thread_num' in field_names and 'thread-num-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_thread_num = thread_data['omp_thread_num']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.thread_handle, self.icv_map['thread-num-var'][1], self.icv_map['thread-num-var'][0])
-			if ompt_thread_num != icv_value:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_thread_num (%d) does not match OMPD thread num according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_thread_num, icv_value))
-		# compare thread data
-		if 'ompt_thread_data' in field_names:
-			ompt_thread_data = thread_data['ompt_thread_data'].dereference()['value']
-			ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(3, curr_thread.thread_handle)[0]
-			if ompt_thread_data != ompd_value:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_thread_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!' % (ompt_thread_data, ompd_value))
-		# compare number of threads
-		if 'omp_num_threads' in field_names and 'team-size-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_num_threads = thread_data['omp_num_threads']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), self.icv_map['team-size-var'][1], self.icv_map['team-size-var'][0])
-			if ompt_num_threads != icv_value:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_num_threads (%d) does not match OMPD num threads according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_num_threads, icv_value))
-		# compare omp level
-		if 'omp_level' in field_names and 'levels-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_levels = thread_data['omp_level']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), self.icv_map['levels-var'][1], self.icv_map['levels-var'][0])
-			if ompt_levels != icv_value:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_level (%d) does not match OMPD levels according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_levels, icv_value))
-		# compare active level
-		if 'omp_active_level' in field_names and 'active-levels-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_active_levels = thread_data['omp_active_level']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), self.icv_map['active-levels-var'][1], self.icv_map['active-levels-var'][0])
-			if ompt_active_levels != icv_value:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: active levels (%d) do not match active levels according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_active_levels, icv_value))
-		# compare parallel data
-		if 'ompt_parallel_data' in field_names:
-			ompt_parallel_data = thread_data['ompt_parallel_data'].dereference()['value']
-			current_parallel_handle = curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle()
-			ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(4, current_parallel_handle)[0]
-			if ompt_parallel_data != ompd_value:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_parallel_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!' % (ompt_parallel_data, ompd_value))
-		# compare max threads
-		if 'omp_max_threads' in field_names and 'nthreads-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_max_threads = thread_data['omp_max_threads']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.thread_handle, self.icv_map['nthreads-var'][1], self.icv_map['nthreads-var'][0])
-			if icv_value is None:
-				icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(curr_thread.thread_handle, self.icv_map['nthreads-var'][1], self.icv_map['nthreads-var'][0])
-				if icv_string is None:
-					print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (None Object)' % (ompt_max_threads))
-				else:
-					if ompt_max_threads != int(icv_string.split(',')[0]):
-						print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_max_threads, int(icv_string.split(',')[0])))
-			else:
-				if ompt_max_threads != icv_value:
-					print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_max_threads, icv_value))
-		# compare omp_parallel
-		# NOTE: omp_parallel = true if active-levels-var > 0
-		if 'omp_parallel' in field_names:
-			ompt_parallel = thread_data['omp_parallel']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(), self.icv_map['active-levels-var'][1], self.icv_map['active-levels-var'][0])
-			if ompt_parallel == 1 and icv_value <= 0 or ompt_parallel == 0 and icv_value > 0:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_parallel (%d) does not match OMPD parallel according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_parallel, icv_value))
-		# compare omp_final
-		if 'omp_final' in field_names and 'final-task-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_final = thread_data['omp_final']
-			current_task_handle = curr_thread.get_current_task_handle()
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(current_task_handle, self.icv_map['final-task-var'][1], self.icv_map['final-task-var'][0])
-			if icv_value != ompt_final:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_final (%d) does not match OMPD final according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_final, icv_value))
-		# compare omp_dynamic
-		if 'omp_dynamic' in field_names and 'dyn-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_dynamic = thread_data['omp_dynamic']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.thread_handle, self.icv_map['dyn-var'][1], self.icv_map['dyn-var'][0])
-			if icv_value != ompt_dynamic:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_dynamic (%d) does not match OMPD dynamic according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_dynamic, icv_value))
-		# compare omp_max_active_levels
-		if 'omp_max_active_levels' in field_names and 'max-active-levels-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_max_active_levels = thread_data['omp_max_active_levels']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['max-active-levels-var'][1], self.icv_map['max-active-levels-var'][0])
-			if ompt_max_active_levels != icv_value:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_active_levels (%d) does not match OMPD max active levels (%d)!' % (ompt_max_active_levels, icv_value))
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Initializes an ompd_address_space object by calling ompd_initialize
+        in ompdModule.c
+        """
+        self.addr_space = ompdModule.call_ompd_initialize()
+        # maps thread_num (thread id given by gdb) to ompd_thread object with thread handle
+        self.threads = {}
+        self.states = None
+        self.icv_map = None
+        self.ompd_tool_test_bp = None
+        self.scope_map = {
+            1: "global",
+            2: "address_space",
+            3: "thread",
+            4: "parallel",
+            5: "implicit_task",
+            6: "task",
+        }
+        self.sched_map = {1: "static", 2: "dynamic", 3: "guided", 4: "auto"}
+        gdb.events.stop.connect(self.handle_stop_event)
+        self.new_thread_breakpoint = gdb.Breakpoint(
+            "ompd_bp_thread_begin", internal=True
+        )
+        tool_break_symbol = gdb.lookup_global_symbol("ompd_tool_break")
+        if tool_break_symbol is not None:
+            self.ompd_tool_test_bp = gdb.Breakpoint("ompd_tool_break", internal=True)
+    def handle_stop_event(self, event):
+        """Sets a breakpoint at different events, e.g. when a new OpenMP
+        thread is created.
+        """
+        if isinstance(event, gdb.BreakpointEvent):
+            # check if breakpoint has already been hit
+            if self.new_thread_breakpoint in event.breakpoints:
+                self.add_thread()
+                gdb.execute("continue")
+                return
+            elif (
+                self.ompd_tool_test_bp is not None
+                and self.ompd_tool_test_bp in event.breakpoints
+            ):
+                try:
+                    self.compare_ompt_data()
+                    gdb.execute("continue")
+                except ():
+                    traceback.print_exc()
+        elif isinstance(event, gdb.SignalEvent):
+            # TODO: what do we need to do on SIGNALS?
+            pass
+        else:
+            # TODO: probably not possible?
+            pass
+    def get_icv_map(self):
+        """Fills ICV map."""
+        self.icv_map = {}
+        current = 0
+        more = 1
+        while more > 0:
+            tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_icvs(self.addr_space, current)
+            (current, next_icv, next_scope, more) = tup
+            self.icv_map[next_icv] = (current, next_scope, self.scope_map[next_scope])
+        print("Initialized ICV map successfully for checking OMP API values.")
+    def compare_ompt_data(self):
+        """Compares OMPT tool data about parallel region to data returned by OMPD functions."""
+        # make sure all threads and states are set
+        self.list_threads(False)
+        thread_id = gdb.selected_thread().ptid[1]
+        curr_thread = self.get_curr_thread()
+        # check if current thread is LWP thread; return if "ompd_rc_unavailable"
+        thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(thread_id, self.addr_space)
+        if thread_handle == -1:
+            print("Skipping OMPT-OMPD checks for non-LWP thread.")
+            return
+        print("Comparing OMPT data to OMPD data...")
+        field_names = [i.name for i in gdb.parse_and_eval("thread_data").type.fields()]
+        thread_data = gdb.parse_and_eval("thread_data")
+        if self.icv_map is None:
+            self.get_icv_map()
+        # compare state values
+        if "ompt_state" in field_names:
+            if self.states is None:
+                self.enumerate_states()
+            ompt_state = str(thread_data["ompt_state"])
+            ompd_state = str(self.states[curr_thread.get_state()[0]])
+            if ompt_state != ompd_state:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_state (%s) does not match OMPD state (%s)!"
+                    % (ompt_state, ompd_state)
+                )
+        # compare wait_id values
+        if "ompt_wait_id" in field_names:
+            ompt_wait_id = thread_data["ompt_wait_id"]
+            ompd_wait_id = curr_thread.get_state()[1]
+            if ompt_wait_id != ompd_wait_id:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_wait_id (%d) does not match OMPD wait id (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_wait_id, ompd_wait_id)
+                )
+        # compare thread id
+        if "omp_thread_num" in field_names and "thread-num-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_thread_num = thread_data["omp_thread_num"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.thread_handle,
+                self.icv_map["thread-num-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["thread-num-var"][0],
+            )
+            if ompt_thread_num != icv_value:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_thread_num (%d) does not match OMPD thread num according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_thread_num, icv_value)
+                )
+        # compare thread data
+        if "ompt_thread_data" in field_names:
+            ompt_thread_data = thread_data["ompt_thread_data"].dereference()["value"]
+            ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(
+                3, curr_thread.thread_handle
+            )[0]
+            if ompt_thread_data != ompd_value:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_thread_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_thread_data, ompd_value)
+                )
+        # compare number of threads
+        if "omp_num_threads" in field_names and "team-size-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_num_threads = thread_data["omp_num_threads"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(),
+                self.icv_map["team-size-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["team-size-var"][0],
+            )
+            if ompt_num_threads != icv_value:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_num_threads (%d) does not match OMPD num threads according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_num_threads, icv_value)
+                )
+        # compare omp level
+        if "omp_level" in field_names and "levels-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_levels = thread_data["omp_level"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(),
+                self.icv_map["levels-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["levels-var"][0],
+            )
+            if ompt_levels != icv_value:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_level (%d) does not match OMPD levels according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_levels, icv_value)
+                )
+        # compare active level
+        if "omp_active_level" in field_names and "active-levels-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_active_levels = thread_data["omp_active_level"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(),
+                self.icv_map["active-levels-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["active-levels-var"][0],
+            )
+            if ompt_active_levels != icv_value:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: active levels (%d) do not match active levels according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_active_levels, icv_value)
+                )
+        # compare parallel data
+        if "ompt_parallel_data" in field_names:
+            ompt_parallel_data = thread_data["ompt_parallel_data"].dereference()[
+                "value"
+            ]
+            current_parallel_handle = curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle()
+            ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(4, current_parallel_handle)[
+                0
+            ]
+            if ompt_parallel_data != ompd_value:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_parallel_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_parallel_data, ompd_value)
+                )
+        # compare max threads
+        if "omp_max_threads" in field_names and "nthreads-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_max_threads = thread_data["omp_max_threads"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.thread_handle,
+                self.icv_map["nthreads-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["nthreads-var"][0],
+            )
+            if icv_value is None:
+                icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(
+                    curr_thread.thread_handle,
+                    self.icv_map["nthreads-var"][1],
+                    self.icv_map["nthreads-var"][0],
+                )
+                if icv_string is None:
+                    print(
+                        "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (None Object)"
+                        % (ompt_max_threads)
+                    )
+                else:
+                    if ompt_max_threads != int(icv_string.split(",")[0]):
+                        print(
+                            "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                            % (ompt_max_threads, int(icv_string.split(",")[0]))
+                        )
+            else:
+                if ompt_max_threads != icv_value:
+                    print(
+                        "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_threads (%d) does not match OMPD thread limit according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                        % (ompt_max_threads, icv_value)
+                    )
+        # compare omp_parallel
+        # NOTE: omp_parallel = true if active-levels-var > 0
+        if "omp_parallel" in field_names:
+            ompt_parallel = thread_data["omp_parallel"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.get_current_parallel_handle(),
+                self.icv_map["active-levels-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["active-levels-var"][0],
+            )
+            if (
+                ompt_parallel == 1
+                and icv_value <= 0
+                or ompt_parallel == 0
+                and icv_value > 0
+            ):
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_parallel (%d) does not match OMPD parallel according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_parallel, icv_value)
+                )
+        # compare omp_final
+        if "omp_final" in field_names and "final-task-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_final = thread_data["omp_final"]
+            current_task_handle = curr_thread.get_current_task_handle()
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                current_task_handle,
+                self.icv_map["final-task-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["final-task-var"][0],
+            )
+            if icv_value != ompt_final:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_final (%d) does not match OMPD final according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_final, icv_value)
+                )
+        # compare omp_dynamic
+        if "omp_dynamic" in field_names and "dyn-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_dynamic = thread_data["omp_dynamic"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.thread_handle,
+                self.icv_map["dyn-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["dyn-var"][0],
+            )
+            if icv_value != ompt_dynamic:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_dynamic (%d) does not match OMPD dynamic according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_dynamic, icv_value)
+                )
+        # compare omp_max_active_levels
+        if (
+            "omp_max_active_levels" in field_names
+            and "max-active-levels-var" in self.icv_map
+        ):
+            ompt_max_active_levels = thread_data["omp_max_active_levels"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(),
+                self.icv_map["max-active-levels-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["max-active-levels-var"][0],
+            )
+            if ompt_max_active_levels != icv_value:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_max_active_levels (%d) does not match OMPD max active levels (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_max_active_levels, icv_value)
+                )
                 # compare omp_kind: TODO: Add the test for monotonic/nonmonotonic modifier
-		if 'omp_kind' in field_names and 'run-sched-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_sched_kind = thread_data['omp_kind']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['run-sched-var'][1], self.icv_map['run-sched-var'][0])
-			ompd_sched_kind = icv_value.split(',')[0]
-			if self.sched_map.get(int(ompt_sched_kind)) != ompd_sched_kind:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_kind kind (%s) does not match OMPD schedule kind according to ICVs (%s)!' % (self.sched_map.get(int(ompt_sched_kind)), ompd_sched_kind))
-		# compare omp_modifier
-		if 'omp_modifier' in field_names and 'run-sched-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_sched_mod = thread_data['omp_modifier']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['run-sched-var'][1], self.icv_map['run-sched-var'][0])
-			token = icv_value.split(',')[1]
-			if token is not None:
-				ompd_sched_mod = int(token)
-			else:
-				ompd_sched_mod = 0
-			if ompt_sched_mod != ompd_sched_mod:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_kind modifier does not match OMPD schedule modifier according to ICVs!')
-		# compare omp_proc_bind
-		if 'omp_proc_bind' in field_names and 'bind-var' in self.icv_map:
-			ompt_proc_bind = thread_data['omp_proc_bind']
-			icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['bind-var'][1], self.icv_map['bind-var'][0])
-			if icv_value is None:
-				icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(), self.icv_map['bind-var'][1], self.icv_map['bind-var'][0])
-				if icv_string is None:
-					print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (None Object)' % (ompt_proc_bind))
-				else:
-					if ompt_proc_bind != int(icv_string.split(',')[0]):
-						print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_proc_bind, int(icv_string.split(',')[0])))
-			else:
-				if ompt_proc_bind != icv_value:
-					print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (%d)!' % (ompt_proc_bind, icv_value))
-		# compare enter and exit frames
-		if 'ompt_frame_list' in field_names:
-			ompt_task_frame_dict = thread_data['ompt_frame_list'].dereference()
-			ompt_task_frames = (int(ompt_task_frame_dict['enter_frame'].cast(gdb.lookup_type('long'))), int(ompt_task_frame_dict['exit_frame'].cast(gdb.lookup_type('long'))))
-			current_task = curr_thread.get_current_task()
-			ompd_task_frames = current_task.get_task_frame()
-			if ompt_task_frames != ompd_task_frames:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_task_frames (%s) do not match OMPD task frames (%s)!' % (ompt_task_frames, ompd_task_frames))
-		# compare task data
-		if 'ompt_task_data' in field_names:
-			ompt_task_data = thread_data['ompt_task_data'].dereference()['value']
-			current_task_handle = curr_thread.get_current_task_handle()
-			ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(6, current_task_handle)[0]
-			if ompt_task_data != ompd_value:
-				print('OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_task_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!' % (ompt_task_data, ompd_value))
-	def save_thread_object(self, thread_num, thread_id, addr_space):
-		"""Saves thread object for thread_num inside threads dictionary.
-		"""
-		thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(thread_id, addr_space)
-		self.threads[int(thread_num)] = ompd_thread(thread_handle)
-	def get_thread(self, thread_num):
-		""" Get thread object from map.
-		"""
-		return self.threads[int(thread_num)]
-	def get_curr_thread(self):
-		""" Get current thread object from map or add new one to map, if missing.
-		"""
-		thread_num = int(gdb.selected_thread().num)
-		if thread_num not in self.threads:
-			self.add_thread()
-		return self.threads[thread_num]
-	def add_thread(self):
-		"""Add currently selected (*) thread to dictionary threads.
-		"""
-		inf_thread = gdb.selected_thread()
-		try:
-			self.save_thread_object(inf_thread.num, inf_thread.ptid[1], self.addr_space)
-		except:
-			traceback.print_exc()
-	def list_threads(self, verbose):
-		"""Prints OpenMP threads only that are being tracking inside the "threads" dictionary.
-		See handle_stop_event and add_thread.
-		"""
-		list_tids = []
-		curr_inferior = gdb.selected_inferior()
-		for inf_thread in curr_inferior.threads():
-			list_tids.append((inf_thread.num, inf_thread.ptid))
-		if verbose:
-			if self.states is None:
-				self.enumerate_states()
-			for (thread_num, thread_ptid) in sorted(list_tids):
-				if thread_num in self.threads:
-					try:
-						print('Thread %i (%i) is an OpenMP thread; state: %s' % (thread_num, thread_ptid[1], self.states[self.threads[thread_num].get_state()[0]]))
-					except:
-						traceback.print_exc()
-				else:
-					print('Thread %i (%i) is no OpenMP thread' % (thread_num, thread_ptid[1]))
-	def enumerate_states(self):
-		"""Helper function for list_threads: initializes map of OMPD states for output of
-		'ompd threads'.
-		"""
-		if self.states is None:
-			self.states = {}
-			current = int("0x102", 0)
-			count = 0
-			more = 1
-			while more > 0:
-				tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_states(self.addr_space, current)
-				(next_state, next_state_name, more) = tup
-				self.states[next_state] = next_state_name
-				current = next_state
+        if "omp_kind" in field_names and "run-sched-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_sched_kind = thread_data["omp_kind"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(),
+                self.icv_map["run-sched-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["run-sched-var"][0],
+            )
+            ompd_sched_kind = icv_value.split(",")[0]
+            if self.sched_map.get(int(ompt_sched_kind)) != ompd_sched_kind:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_kind kind (%s) does not match OMPD schedule kind according to ICVs (%s)!"
+                    % (self.sched_map.get(int(ompt_sched_kind)), ompd_sched_kind)
+                )
+        # compare omp_modifier
+        if "omp_modifier" in field_names and "run-sched-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_sched_mod = thread_data["omp_modifier"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(),
+                self.icv_map["run-sched-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["run-sched-var"][0],
+            )
+            token = icv_value.split(",")[1]
+            if token is not None:
+                ompd_sched_mod = int(token)
+            else:
+                ompd_sched_mod = 0
+            if ompt_sched_mod != ompd_sched_mod:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_kind modifier does not match OMPD schedule modifier according to ICVs!"
+                )
+        # compare omp_proc_bind
+        if "omp_proc_bind" in field_names and "bind-var" in self.icv_map:
+            ompt_proc_bind = thread_data["omp_proc_bind"]
+            icv_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_from_scope(
+                curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(),
+                self.icv_map["bind-var"][1],
+                self.icv_map["bind-var"][0],
+            )
+            if icv_value is None:
+                icv_string = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_icv_string_from_scope(
+                    curr_thread.get_current_task_handle(),
+                    self.icv_map["bind-var"][1],
+                    self.icv_map["bind-var"][0],
+                )
+                if icv_string is None:
+                    print(
+                        "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (None Object)"
+                        % (ompt_proc_bind)
+                    )
+                else:
+                    if ompt_proc_bind != int(icv_string.split(",")[0]):
+                        print(
+                            "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                            % (ompt_proc_bind, int(icv_string.split(",")[0]))
+                        )
+            else:
+                if ompt_proc_bind != icv_value:
+                    print(
+                        "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: omp_proc_bind (%d) does not match OMPD proc bind according to ICVs (%d)!"
+                        % (ompt_proc_bind, icv_value)
+                    )
+        # compare enter and exit frames
+        if "ompt_frame_list" in field_names:
+            ompt_task_frame_dict = thread_data["ompt_frame_list"].dereference()
+            ompt_task_frames = (
+                int(ompt_task_frame_dict["enter_frame"].cast(gdb.lookup_type("long"))),
+                int(ompt_task_frame_dict["exit_frame"].cast(gdb.lookup_type("long"))),
+            )
+            current_task = curr_thread.get_current_task()
+            ompd_task_frames = current_task.get_task_frame()
+            if ompt_task_frames != ompd_task_frames:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: ompt_task_frames (%s) do not match OMPD task frames (%s)!"
+                    % (ompt_task_frames, ompd_task_frames)
+                )
+        # compare task data
+        if "ompt_task_data" in field_names:
+            ompt_task_data = thread_data["ompt_task_data"].dereference()["value"]
+            current_task_handle = curr_thread.get_current_task_handle()
+            ompd_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_tool_data(6, current_task_handle)[0]
+            if ompt_task_data != ompd_value:
+                print(
+                    "OMPT-OMPD mismatch: value of ompt_task_data (%d) does not match that of OMPD data union (%d)!"
+                    % (ompt_task_data, ompd_value)
+                )
+    def save_thread_object(self, thread_num, thread_id, addr_space):
+        """Saves thread object for thread_num inside threads dictionary."""
+        thread_handle = ompdModule.get_thread_handle(thread_id, addr_space)
+        self.threads[int(thread_num)] = ompd_thread(thread_handle)
+    def get_thread(self, thread_num):
+        """Get thread object from map."""
+        return self.threads[int(thread_num)]
+    def get_curr_thread(self):
+        """Get current thread object from map or add new one to map, if missing."""
+        thread_num = int(gdb.selected_thread().num)
+        if thread_num not in self.threads:
+            self.add_thread()
+        return self.threads[thread_num]
+    def add_thread(self):
+        """Add currently selected (*) thread to dictionary threads."""
+        inf_thread = gdb.selected_thread()
+        try:
+            self.save_thread_object(inf_thread.num, inf_thread.ptid[1], self.addr_space)
+        except:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+    def list_threads(self, verbose):
+        """Prints OpenMP threads only that are being tracking inside the "threads" dictionary.
+        See handle_stop_event and add_thread.
+        """
+        list_tids = []
+        curr_inferior = gdb.selected_inferior()
+        for inf_thread in curr_inferior.threads():
+            list_tids.append((inf_thread.num, inf_thread.ptid))
+        if verbose:
+            if self.states is None:
+                self.enumerate_states()
+            for (thread_num, thread_ptid) in sorted(list_tids):
+                if thread_num in self.threads:
+                    try:
+                        print(
+                            "Thread %i (%i) is an OpenMP thread; state: %s"
+                            % (
+                                thread_num,
+                                thread_ptid[1],
+                                self.states[self.threads[thread_num].get_state()[0]],
+                            )
+                        )
+                    except:
+                        traceback.print_exc()
+                else:
+                    print(
+                        "Thread %i (%i) is no OpenMP thread"
+                        % (thread_num, thread_ptid[1])
+                    )
+    def enumerate_states(self):
+        """Helper function for list_threads: initializes map of OMPD states for output of
+        'ompd threads'.
+        """
+        if self.states is None:
+            self.states = {}
+            current = int("0x102", 0)
+            count = 0
+            more = 1
+            while more > 0:
+                tup = ompdModule.call_ompd_enumerate_states(self.addr_space, current)
+                (next_state, next_state_name, more) = tup
+                self.states[next_state] = next_state_name
+                current = next_state
diff --git a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_callbacks.py b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_callbacks.py
index bb520e5..ada09d7 100644
--- a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_callbacks.py
+++ b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_callbacks.py
@@ -9,88 +9,104 @@
 """ Have the debugger print a string.
 def _print(*args):
-	# args is a tuple with just one string element
-	print_string = args[0]
-	gdb.execute('printf "%s\n"' % args[0])
+    # args is a tuple with just one string element
+    print_string = args[0]
+    gdb.execute('printf "%s\n"' % args[0])
 """ Look up the address of a global symbol in the target.
 def _sym_addr(*args):
-	# args is a tuple consisting of thread_id and symbol_name
-	thread_id = args[0]
-	symbol_name = args[1]
-	if(thread_id >= 0):
-		gdb.execute('thread %d\n' % thread_id, to_string=True)
-	return int(gdb.parse_and_eval("&"+symbol_name))
+    # args is a tuple consisting of thread_id and symbol_name
+    thread_id = args[0]
+    symbol_name = args[1]
+    if thread_id >= 0:
+        gdb.execute("thread %d\n" % thread_id, to_string=True)
+    return int(gdb.parse_and_eval("&" + symbol_name))
 """ Read string from the target and copy it into the provided buffer.
 def _read_string(*args):
-	# args is a tuple with just the source address
-	addr = args[0]
-	try:
-		buf = gdb.parse_and_eval('(unsigned char*)%li' % addr).string()
-	except:
-		traceback.print_exc()
-	return buf
+    # args is a tuple with just the source address
+    addr = args[0]
+    try:
+        buf = gdb.parse_and_eval("(unsigned char*)%li" % addr).string()
+    except:
+        traceback.print_exc()
+    return buf
 """ Read memory from the target and copy it into the provided buffer.
 def _read(*args):
-	# args is a tuple consisting of address and number of bytes to be read
-	addr = args[0]
-	nbytes = args[1]
-#	print("_read(%i,%i)"%(addr, nbytes))
-	ret_buf = bytearray()
-#	try:
-	buf = gdb.parse_and_eval('(unsigned char*)%li' % addr)
-	for i in range(nbytes):
-		ret_buf.append(int(buf[i]))
-#	except:
-#		traceback.print_exc()
-	return ret_buf
+    # args is a tuple consisting of address and number of bytes to be read
+    addr = args[0]
+    nbytes = args[1]
+    # 	print("_read(%i,%i)"%(addr, nbytes))
+    ret_buf = bytearray()
+    # 	try:
+    buf = gdb.parse_and_eval("(unsigned char*)%li" % addr)
+    for i in range(nbytes):
+        ret_buf.append(int(buf[i]))
+    # 	except:
+    # 		traceback.print_exc()
+    return ret_buf
 """ Get thread-specific context.
 Return -1 if no match is found.
 def _thread_context(*args):
-	# args is a tuple consisting of thread_id and the thread kind
-	thread_id = args[1]
-	pthread = False
-	lwp = False
-	if args[0] == 0:
-		pthread = True
-	else:
-		lwp = True
-	info = gdb.execute('info threads', to_string=True).splitlines()
-	for line in info:
-		if pthread:
-			m = re.search(r'(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)', line)
-		elif lwp:
-			m = re.search(r'\([^)]*?(\d+)[^)]*?\)', line)
-		if m == None:
-			continue
-		pid = int(m.group(1),0)
-		if pid == thread_id:
-			return int(line[2:6],0)
-	return -1
+    # args is a tuple consisting of thread_id and the thread kind
+    thread_id = args[1]
+    pthread = False
+    lwp = False
+    if args[0] == 0:
+        pthread = True
+    else:
+        lwp = True
+    info = gdb.execute("info threads", to_string=True).splitlines()
+    for line in info:
+        if pthread:
+            m = re.search(r"(0x[a-fA-F0-9]+)", line)
+        elif lwp:
+            m = re.search(r"\([^)]*?(\d+)[^)]*?\)", line)
+        if m == None:
+            continue
+        pid = int(m.group(1), 0)
+        if pid == thread_id:
+            return int(line[2:6], 0)
+    return -1
 """ Test info threads / list threads / how to split output to get thread id 
 and its size.
 def _test_threads(*args):
-	info = gdb.execute('info threads', to_string=True).splitlines()
-	for line in info[1:]:
-		content = line.split()
-		thread_id = None
-		# fetch pointer to id
-		if(content[0].startswith('*')):
-			thread_id = (content[3])
-		else:
-			thread_id = (content[2])
-		sizeof_tid = sys.getsizeof(thread_id)
-		print(sizeof_tid)
-	print(info)
+    info = gdb.execute("info threads", to_string=True).splitlines()
+    for line in info[1:]:
+        content = line.split()
+        thread_id = None
+        # fetch pointer to id
+        if content[0].startswith("*"):
+            thread_id = content[3]
+        else:
+            thread_id = content[2]
+        sizeof_tid = sys.getsizeof(thread_id)
+        print(sizeof_tid)
+    print(info)
diff --git a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_handles.py b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_handles.py
index 1aaccb1..1929a92 100644
--- a/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_handles.py
+++ b/libompd/gdb-plugin/ompd/ompd_handles.py
@@ -1,178 +1,200 @@
 import ompdModule
 import imp
 class ompd_parallel(object):
-	def __init__(self, parallel_handle):
-		""" Initializes an ompd_parallel object with the pointer
-		to a handle of a parallel region."""
-		self.parallel_handle = parallel_handle
-		self.threads = {}
-		self.itasks = {}
-		self.enclosing_parallel_handle = None
-		self.enclosing_parallel = False
-		self.task_handle = None
-	def get_thread_in_parallel(self, thread_num):
-		"""Obtains thread handles for the threads associated with the
-		parallel region specified by parallel_handle."""
-		if not thread_num in self.threads:
-			thread_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(self.parallel_handle, thread_num)
-			self.threads[thread_num] = ompd_thread(thread_handle)
-		return self.threads[thread_num]
-	def get_enclosing_parallel_handle(self):
-		"""Obtains a parallel handle for the parallel region enclosing
-		the parallel region specified by parallel_handle."""
-		if not self.enclosing_parallel_handle:
-			self.enclosing_parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(self.parallel_handle)
-		return self.enclosing_parallel_handle
-	def get_enclosing_parallel(self):
-		if not self.enclosing_parallel:
-			self.enclosing_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_enclosing_parallel_handle())
-		return self.enclosing_parallel
-	def get_task_in_parallel(self, thread_num):
-		"""Obtains handles for the implicit tasks associated with the
-		parallel region specified by parallel_handle."""
-		if not thread_num in self.itasks:
-			task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_in_parallel(self.parallel_handle, thread_num)
-			self.itasks[thread_num] = ompd_task(task_handle)
-		return self.itasks[thread_num]
-	def __del__(self):
-		"""Releases the parallel handle."""
-		pass # let capsule destructors do the job
+    def __init__(self, parallel_handle):
+        """Initializes an ompd_parallel object with the pointer
+        to a handle of a parallel region."""
+        self.parallel_handle = parallel_handle
+        self.threads = {}
+        self.itasks = {}
+        self.enclosing_parallel_handle = None
+        self.enclosing_parallel = False
+        self.task_handle = None
+    def get_thread_in_parallel(self, thread_num):
+        """Obtains thread handles for the threads associated with the
+        parallel region specified by parallel_handle."""
+        if not thread_num in self.threads:
+            thread_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_in_parallel(
+                self.parallel_handle, thread_num
+            )
+            self.threads[thread_num] = ompd_thread(thread_handle)
+        return self.threads[thread_num]
+    def get_enclosing_parallel_handle(self):
+        """Obtains a parallel handle for the parallel region enclosing
+        the parallel region specified by parallel_handle."""
+        if not self.enclosing_parallel_handle:
+            self.enclosing_parallel_handle = (
+                ompdModule.call_ompd_get_enclosing_parallel_handle(self.parallel_handle)
+            )
+        return self.enclosing_parallel_handle
+    def get_enclosing_parallel(self):
+        if not self.enclosing_parallel:
+            self.enclosing_parallel = ompd_parallel(
+                self.get_enclosing_parallel_handle()
+            )
+        return self.enclosing_parallel
+    def get_task_in_parallel(self, thread_num):
+        """Obtains handles for the implicit tasks associated with the
+        parallel region specified by parallel_handle."""
+        if not thread_num in self.itasks:
+            task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_in_parallel(
+                self.parallel_handle, thread_num
+            )
+            self.itasks[thread_num] = ompd_task(task_handle)
+        return self.itasks[thread_num]
+    def __del__(self):
+        """Releases the parallel handle."""
+        pass  # let capsule destructors do the job
 class ompd_task(object):
-	def __init__(self, task_handle):
-		"""Initializes a new ompd_task_handle object and sets the attribute
-		to the task handle specified."""
-		self.task_handle = task_handle
-		self.task_parallel_handle = False
-		self.generating_task_handle = False
-		self.scheduling_task_handle = False
-		self.task_parallel = False
-		self.generating_task = False
-		self.scheduling_task = False
-		self.task_frames = None
-		self.task_frame_flags = None
-	def get_task_parallel_handle(self):
-		"""Obtains a task parallel handle for the parallel region enclosing
-		the task region specified."""
-		if not self.task_parallel_handle:
-			self.task_parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_parallel_handle(self.task_handle)
-		return self.task_parallel_handle
-	def get_task_parallel(self):
-		if not self.task_parallel:
-			self.task_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_task_parallel_handle())
-		return self.task_parallel
-	def get_generating_task_handle(self):
-		"""Obtains the task handle for the task that created the task specified
-		by the task handle."""
-		if not self.generating_task_handle:
-			self.generating_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(self.task_handle)
-		return self.generating_task_handle
-	def get_generating_task(self):
-		if not self.generating_task:
-			self.generating_task = ompd_task(ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(self.task_handle))
-		return self.generating_task
-	def get_scheduling_task_handle(self):
-		"""Obtains the task handle for the task that scheduled the task specified."""
-		if not self.scheduling_task_handle:
-			self.scheduling_task_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(self.task_handle)
-		return self.scheduling_task_handle
-	def get_scheduling_task(self):
-		"""Returns ompd_task object for the task that scheduled the current task."""
-		if not self.scheduling_task:
-			self.scheduling_task = ompd_task(self.get_scheduling_task_handle())
-		return self.scheduling_task
+    def __init__(self, task_handle):
+        """Initializes a new ompd_task_handle object and sets the attribute
+        to the task handle specified."""
+        self.task_handle = task_handle
+        self.task_parallel_handle = False
+        self.generating_task_handle = False
+        self.scheduling_task_handle = False
+        self.task_parallel = False
+        self.generating_task = False
+        self.scheduling_task = False
+        self.task_frames = None
+        self.task_frame_flags = None
-	def get_task_function(self):
-		"""Returns long with address of function entry point."""
-		return ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_function(self.task_handle)
-	def get_task_frame_with_flags(self):
-		"""Returns enter frame address and flag, exit frame address and flag for current task handle."""
-		if self.task_frames is None or self.task_frame_flags is None:
-			ret_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(self.task_handle)
-			if isinstance(ret_value, tuple):
-				self.task_frames = (ret_value[0], ret_value[2])
-				self.task_frame_flags = (ret_value[1], ret_value[3])
-			else:
-				return ret_value
-		return (self.task_frames[0], self.task_frame_flags[0], self.task_frames[1], self.task_frame_flags[1])
-	def get_task_frame(self):
-		"""Returns enter and exit frame address for current task handle."""
-		if self.task_frames is None:
-			ret_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(self.task_handle)
-			if isinstance(ret_value, tuple):
-				self.task_frames = (ret_value[0], ret_value[2])
-			else:
-				return ret_value
-		return self.task_frames
-	def __del__(self):
-		"""Releases the task handle."""
-		pass # let capsule destructors do the job
+    def get_task_parallel_handle(self):
+        """Obtains a task parallel handle for the parallel region enclosing
+        the task region specified."""
+        if not self.task_parallel_handle:
+            self.task_parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_parallel_handle(
+                self.task_handle
+            )
+        return self.task_parallel_handle
+    def get_task_parallel(self):
+        if not self.task_parallel:
+            self.task_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_task_parallel_handle())
+        return self.task_parallel
+    def get_generating_task_handle(self):
+        """Obtains the task handle for the task that created the task specified
+        by the task handle."""
+        if not self.generating_task_handle:
+            self.generating_task_handle = (
+                ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(self.task_handle)
+            )
+        return self.generating_task_handle
+    def get_generating_task(self):
+        if not self.generating_task:
+            self.generating_task = ompd_task(
+                ompdModule.call_ompd_get_generating_task_handle(self.task_handle)
+            )
+        return self.generating_task
+    def get_scheduling_task_handle(self):
+        """Obtains the task handle for the task that scheduled the task specified."""
+        if not self.scheduling_task_handle:
+            self.scheduling_task_handle = (
+                ompdModule.call_ompd_get_scheduling_task_handle(self.task_handle)
+            )
+        return self.scheduling_task_handle
+    def get_scheduling_task(self):
+        """Returns ompd_task object for the task that scheduled the current task."""
+        if not self.scheduling_task:
+            self.scheduling_task = ompd_task(self.get_scheduling_task_handle())
+        return self.scheduling_task
+    def get_task_function(self):
+        """Returns long with address of function entry point."""
+        return ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_function(self.task_handle)
+    def get_task_frame_with_flags(self):
+        """Returns enter frame address and flag, exit frame address and flag for current task handle."""
+        if self.task_frames is None or self.task_frame_flags is None:
+            ret_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(self.task_handle)
+            if isinstance(ret_value, tuple):
+                self.task_frames = (ret_value[0], ret_value[2])
+                self.task_frame_flags = (ret_value[1], ret_value[3])
+            else:
+                return ret_value
+        return (
+            self.task_frames[0],
+            self.task_frame_flags[0],
+            self.task_frames[1],
+            self.task_frame_flags[1],
+        )
+    def get_task_frame(self):
+        """Returns enter and exit frame address for current task handle."""
+        if self.task_frames is None:
+            ret_value = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_task_frame(self.task_handle)
+            if isinstance(ret_value, tuple):
+                self.task_frames = (ret_value[0], ret_value[2])
+            else:
+                return ret_value
+        return self.task_frames
+    def __del__(self):
+        """Releases the task handle."""
+        pass  # let capsule destructors do the job
 class ompd_thread(object):
-	def __init__(self, thread_handle):
-		"""Initializes an ompd_thread with the data received from
-		GDB."""
-		self.thread_handle = thread_handle
-		self.parallel_handle = None
-		self.task_handle = None
-		self.current_task = False
-		self.current_parallel = False
-		self.thread_id = False
-	def get_current_parallel_handle(self):
-		"""Obtains the parallel handle for the parallel region associated with
-		the given thread handle."""
-		#TODO: invalidate thread objects based on `gdb.event.cont`. This should invalidate all internal state.
-		self.parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(self.thread_handle)
-		return self.parallel_handle
-	def get_current_parallel(self):
-		"""Returns parallel object for parallel handle of the parallel region 
-		associated with the current thread handle."""
-		if not self.current_parallel:
-			self.current_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_current_parallel_handle())
-		return self.current_parallel
-	def get_current_task_handle(self):
-		"""Obtains the task handle for the current task region of the
-		given thread."""
-		return ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(self.thread_handle)
+    def __init__(self, thread_handle):
+        """Initializes an ompd_thread with the data received from
+        GDB."""
+        self.thread_handle = thread_handle
+        self.parallel_handle = None
+        self.task_handle = None
+        self.current_task = False
+        self.current_parallel = False
+        self.thread_id = False
-	def get_thread_id(self):
-		"""Obtains the ID for the given thread."""
-		if not self.thread_id:
-			self.thread_id = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_id(self.thread_handle)
-		return self.thread_id
+    def get_current_parallel_handle(self):
+        """Obtains the parallel handle for the parallel region associated with
+        the given thread handle."""
+        # TODO: invalidate thread objects based on `gdb.event.cont`. This should invalidate all internal state.
+        self.parallel_handle = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_parallel_handle(
+            self.thread_handle
+        )
+        return self.parallel_handle
-	def get_current_task(self):
-		"""Returns task object for task handle of the current task region."""
-		return ompd_task(self.get_current_task_handle())
-	def get_state(self):
-		"""Returns tuple with OMPD state (long) and wait_id, in case the thread is in a 
-		waiting state. Helper function for 'ompd threads' command."""
-		(state, wait_id) = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_state(self.thread_handle)
-		return (state, wait_id)
-	def __del__(self):
-		"""Releases the given thread handle."""
-		pass # let capsule destructors do the job
+    def get_current_parallel(self):
+        """Returns parallel object for parallel handle of the parallel region
+        associated with the current thread handle."""
+        if not self.current_parallel:
+            self.current_parallel = ompd_parallel(self.get_current_parallel_handle())
+        return self.current_parallel
+    def get_current_task_handle(self):
+        """Obtains the task handle for the current task region of the
+        given thread."""
+        return ompdModule.call_ompd_get_curr_task_handle(self.thread_handle)
+    def get_thread_id(self):
+        """Obtains the ID for the given thread."""
+        if not self.thread_id:
+            self.thread_id = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_thread_id(self.thread_handle)
+        return self.thread_id
+    def get_current_task(self):
+        """Returns task object for task handle of the current task region."""
+        return ompd_task(self.get_current_task_handle())
+    def get_state(self):
+        """Returns tuple with OMPD state (long) and wait_id, in case the thread is in a
+        waiting state. Helper function for 'ompd threads' command."""
+        (state, wait_id) = ompdModule.call_ompd_get_state(self.thread_handle)
+        return (state, wait_id)
+    def __del__(self):
+        """Releases the given thread handle."""
+        pass  # let capsule destructors do the job
diff --git a/libomptarget/utils/generate_microtask_cases.py b/libomptarget/utils/generate_microtask_cases.py
index f162b2c..1376c3e 100755
--- a/libomptarget/utils/generate_microtask_cases.py
+++ b/libomptarget/utils/generate_microtask_cases.py
@@ -2,30 +2,37 @@
 import argparse
 def main():
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('--max_args', type=int, help='Max number of arguments to generate case statements for', required=True)
-    parser.add_argument('--output', help='Output header file to include', required=True)
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--max_args",
+        type=int,
+        help="Max number of arguments to generate case statements for",
+        required=True,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument("--output", help="Output header file to include", required=True)
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    output=''
-    for i in range(args.max_args+1):
-        output += 'case %d:\n'%(i)
-        output += '((void (*)(kmp_int32 *, kmp_int32 *\n'
+    output = ""
+    for i in range(args.max_args + 1):
+        output += "case %d:\n" % (i)
+        output += "((void (*)(kmp_int32 *, kmp_int32 *\n"
         for j in range(i):
-            output += ', void *'
-            if (j+1)%4 == 0:
-                output += '\n'
-        output += '))fn)(&global_tid, &bound_tid\n'
+            output += ", void *"
+            if (j + 1) % 4 == 0:
+                output += "\n"
+        output += "))fn)(&global_tid, &bound_tid\n"
         for j in range(i):
-            output += ', args[%d]'%(j)
-            if (j+1)%4 == 0:
-                output += '\n'
-        output += ');\n'
-        output += 'break;\n'
+            output += ", args[%d]" % (j)
+            if (j + 1) % 4 == 0:
+                output += "\n"
+        output += ");\n"
+        output += "break;\n"
-    with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
+    with open(args.output, "w") as f:
         print(output, file=f)
 if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/runtime/test/affinity/format/check.py b/runtime/test/affinity/format/check.py
index 0adddbd..76d4428 100644
--- a/runtime/test/affinity/format/check.py
+++ b/runtime/test/affinity/format/check.py
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import argparse
 import re
 class Checks(object):
     class CheckError(Exception):
@@ -13,32 +14,39 @@
         self.check_no_output = False
         self.filename = filename
         self.prefix = prefix
     def readStdin(self):
-        self.lines = [l.rstrip('\r\n') for l in sys.stdin.readlines()]
+        self.lines = [l.rstrip("\r\n") for l in sys.stdin.readlines()]
     def readChecks(self):
         with open(self.filename) as f:
             for line in f:
-                match = re.search('{}: NO_OUTPUT'.format(self.prefix), line)
+                match = re.search("{}: NO_OUTPUT".format(self.prefix), line)
                 if match is not None:
                     self.check_no_output = True
-                match = re.search('{}: num_threads=([0-9]+) (.*)$'.format(self.prefix), line)
+                match = re.search(
+                    "{}: num_threads=([0-9]+) (.*)$".format(self.prefix), line
+                )
                 if match is not None:
                     num_threads = int(match.group(1))
                     for i in range(num_threads):
     def check(self):
         # If no checks at all, then nothing to do
         if len(self.checks) == 0 and not self.check_no_output:
-            print('Nothing to check for')
+            print("Nothing to check for")
         # Check if we are expecting no output
         if self.check_no_output:
             if len(self.lines) == 0:
-                raise Checks.CheckError('{}: Output was found when expecting none.'.format(self.prefix))
+                raise Checks.CheckError(
+                    "{}: Output was found when expecting none.".format(self.prefix)
+                )
         # Run through each check line and see if it exists in the output
         # If it does, then delete the line from output and look for the
         # next check line.
@@ -53,18 +61,28 @@
                     index = idx
             if not found:
-                raise Checks.CheckError('{}: Did not find: {}'.format(self.prefix, c))
+                raise Checks.CheckError("{}: Did not find: {}".format(self.prefix, c))
                 del self.lines[index]
         if len(self.lines) != 0:
-            raise Checks.CheckError('{}: Extra output: {}'.format(self.prefix, self.lines))
+            raise Checks.CheckError(
+                "{}: Extra output: {}".format(self.prefix, self.lines)
+            )
 # Setup argument parsing
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='''This script checks output of
-    a program against "CHECK" lines in filename''')
-parser.add_argument('filename', default=None, help='filename to check against')
-parser.add_argument('-c', '--check-prefix', dest='prefix',
-                    default='CHECK', help='check prefix token default: %(default)s')
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+    description="""This script checks output of
+    a program against "CHECK" lines in filename"""
+parser.add_argument("filename", default=None, help="filename to check against")
+    "-c",
+    "--check-prefix",
+    dest="prefix",
+    default="CHECK",
+    help="check prefix token default: %(default)s",
 command_args = parser.parse_args()
 # Do the checking
 checks = Checks(command_args.filename, command_args.prefix)