blob: 85031c66f442bdaa4c1c2e546eefb10dae373673 [file] [log] [blame]
.. _openmp_runtimes:
LLVM/OpenMP Runtimes
There are four distinct types of LLVM/OpenMP runtimes
LLVM/OpenMP Host Runtime (``libomp``)
An `early (2015) design document <>`_ for
the LLVM/OpenMP host runtime, aka. ``, is available as a `pdf
LLVM/OpenMP Target Host Runtime (``libomptarget``)
.. _libopenmptarget_environment_vars:
Environment Variables
``libomptarget`` uses environment variables to control different features of the
library at runtime. This allows the user to obtain useful runtime information as
well as enable or disable certain features. A full list of supported environment
variables is defined below.
``LIBOMPTARGET_DEBUG`` controls whether or not debugging information will be
displayed. This feature is only availible if ``libomptarget`` was built with
``-DOMPTARGET_DEBUG``. The debugging output provided is intended for use by
``libomptarget`` developers. More user-friendly output is presented when using
``LIBOMPTARGET_PROFILE`` allows ``libomptarget`` to generate time profile output
similar to Clang's ``-ftime-trace`` option. This generates a JSON file based on
`Chrome Tracing`_ that can be viewed with ``chrome://tracing`` or the
`Speedscope App`_. Building this feature depends on the `LLVM Support Library`_
for time trace output. Using this library is enabled by default when building
using the CMake option ``OPENMP_ENABLE_LIBOMPTARGET_PROFILING``. The output will
be saved to the filename specified by the environment variable.
.. _`Chrome Tracing`:
.. _`Speedscope App`:
.. _`LLVM Support Library`:
``LIBOMPTARGET_MEMORY_MANAGER_THRESHOLD`` sets the threshold size for which the
``libomptarget`` memory manager will handle the allocation. Any allocations
larger than this threshold will not use the memory manager and be freed after
the device kernel exits. The default threshold value is ``8KB``. If
``LIBOMPTARGET_MEMORY_MANAGER_THRESHOLD`` is set to ``0`` the memory manager
will be completely disabled.
``LIBOMPTARGET_INFO`` allows the user to request different types of runtime
information from ``libomptarget``. ``LIBOMPTARGET_INFO`` uses a 32-bit field to
enable or disable different types of information. This includes information
about data-mappings and kernel execution. It is recommended to build your
application with debugging information enabled, this will enable filenames and
variable declarations in the information messages. OpenMP Debugging information
is enabled at any level of debugging so a full debug runtime is not required.
For minimal debugging information compile with `-gline-tables-only`, or compile
with `-g` for full debug information. A full list of flags supported by
``LIBOMPTARGET_INFO`` is given below.
* Print all data arguments upon entering an OpenMP device kernel: ``0x01``
* Indicate when a mapped address already exists in the device mapping table:
* Dump the contents of the device pointer map at kernel exit: ``0x04``
* Print OpenMP kernel information from device plugins: ``0x10``
Any combination of these flags can be used by setting the appropriate bits. For
example, to enable printing all data active in an OpenMP target region along
with ``CUDA`` information, run the following ``bash`` command.
.. code-block:: console
$ env LIBOMPTARGET_INFO=$((1 << 0x1 | 1 << 0x10)) ./your-application
Or, to enable every flag run with every bit set.
.. code-block:: console
$ env LIBOMPTARGET_INFO=-1 ./your-application
For example, given a small application implementing the ``ZAXPY`` BLAS routine,
``Libomptarget`` can provide useful information about data mappings and thread
.. code-block:: c++
#include <complex>
using complex = std::complex<double>;
void zaxpy(complex *X, complex *Y, complex D, std::size_t N) {
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < N; ++i)
Y[i] = D * X[i] + Y[i];
int main() {
const std::size_t N = 1024;
complex X[N], Y[N], D;
#pragma omp target data map(to:X[0 : N]) map(tofrom:Y[0 : N])
zaxpy(X, Y, D, N);
Compiling this code targeting ``nvptx64`` with all information enabled will
provide the following output from the runtime library.
.. code-block:: console
$ clang++ -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64 -O3 -gline-tables-only zaxpy.cpp -o zaxpy
$ env LIBOMPTARGET_INFO=-1 ./zaxpy
.. code-block:: text
Info: Device supports up to 65536 CUDA blocks and 1024 threads with a warp size of 32
Info: Entering OpenMP data region at zaxpy.cpp:14:1 with 2 arguments:
Info: to(X[0:N])[16384]
Info: tofrom(Y[0:N])[16384]
Info: OpenMP Host-Device pointer mappings after block at zaxpy.cpp:14:1:
Info: Host Ptr Target Ptr Size (B) RefCount Declaration
Info: 0x00007fff963f4000 0x00007fd225004000 16384 1 Y[0:N] at zaxpy.cpp:13:17
Info: 0x00007fff963f8000 0x00007fd225000000 16384 1 X[0:N] at zaxpy.cpp:13:11
Info: Entering OpenMP kernel at zaxpy.cpp:6:1 with 4 arguments:
Info: firstprivate(N)[8] (implicit)
Info: use_address(Y)[0] (implicit)
Info: tofrom(D)[16] (implicit)
Info: use_address(X)[0] (implicit)
Info: Mapping exists (implicit) with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ffe37d8be80,
TgtPtrBegin=0x00007f90ff004000, Size=0, updated RefCount=2, Name=Y
Info: Mapping exists (implicit) with HstPtrBegin=0x00007ffe37d8fe80,
TgtPtrBegin=0x00007f90ff000000, Size=0, updated RefCount=2, Name=X
Info: Launching kernel __omp_offloading_fd02_c2c4ac1a__Z5daxpyPNSt3__17complexIdEES2_S1_m_l6
with 8 blocks and 128 threads in SPMD mode
Info: OpenMP Host-Device pointer mappings after block at zaxpy.cpp:6:1:
Info: Host Ptr Target Ptr Size (B) RefCount Declaration
Info: 0x00007fff963f4000 0x00007fd225004000 16384 1 Y[0:N] at zaxpy.cpp:13:17
Info: 0x00007fff963f8000 0x00007fd225000000 16384 1 X[0:N] at zaxpy.cpp:13:11
Info: Exiting OpenMP data region at zaxpy.cpp:14:1 with 2 arguments:
Info: to(X[0:N])[16384]
Info: tofrom(Y[0:N])[16384]
From this information, we can see the OpenMP kernel being launched on the CUDA
device with enough threads and blocks for all ``1024`` iterations of the loop in
simplified :doc:`SPMD Mode <Offloading>`. The information from the OpenMP data
region shows the two arrays ``X`` and ``Y`` being copied from the host to the
device. This creates an entry in the host-device mapping table associating the
host pointers to the newly created device data. The data mappings in the OpenMP
device kernel show the default mappings being used for all the variables used
implicitly on the device. Because ``X`` and ``Y`` are already mapped in the
device's table, no new entries are created. Additionally, the default mapping
shows that ``D`` will be copied back from the device once the OpenMP device
kernel region ends even though it isn't written to. Finally, at the end of the
OpenMP data region the entries for ``X`` and ``Y`` are removed from the table.
.. _libopenmptarget_errors:
``libomptarget`` provides error messages when the program fails inside the
OpenMP target region. Common causes of failure could be an invalid pointer
access, running out of device memory, or trying to offload when the device is
busy. If the application was built with debugging symbols the error messages
will additionally provide the source location of the OpenMP target region.
For example, consider the following code that implements a simple parallel
reduction on the GPU. This code has a bug that causes it to fail in the
offloading region.
.. code-block:: c++
#include <cstdio>
double sum(double *A, std::size_t N) {
double sum = 0.0;
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
sum += A[i];
return sum;
int main() {
const int N = 1024;
double A[N];
sum(A, N);
If this code is compiled and run, there will be an error message indicating what is
going wrong.
.. code-block:: console
$ clang++ -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64 -O3 -gline-tables-only sum.cpp -o sum
$ ./sum
.. code-block:: text
CUDA error: Error when copying data from device to host.
CUDA error: an illegal memory access was encountered
Libomptarget error: Copying data from device failed.
Libomptarget error: Call to targetDataEnd failed, abort target.
Libomptarget error: Failed to process data after launching the kernel.
Libomptarget error: Run with LIBOMPTARGET_INFO=4 to dump host-target pointer mappings.
sum.cpp:5:1: Libomptarget error 1: failure of target construct while offloading is mandatory
This shows that there is an illegal memory access occuring inside the OpenMP
target region once execution has moved to the CUDA device, suggesting a
segmentation fault. This then causes a chain reaction of failures in
``libomptarget``. Another message suggests using the ``LIBOMPTARGET_INFO``
environment variable as described in :ref:`libopenmptarget_environment_vars`. If
we do this it will print the sate of the host-target pointer mappings at the
time of failure.
.. code-block:: console
$ clang++ -fopenmp -fopenmp-targets=nvptx64 -O3 -gline-tables-only sum.cpp -o sum
.. code-block:: text
info: OpenMP Host-Device pointer mappings after block at sum.cpp:5:1:
info: Host Ptr Target Ptr Size (B) RefCount Declaration
info: 0x00007ffc058280f8 0x00007f4186600000 8 1 sum at sum.cpp:4:10
This tells us that the only data mapped between the host and the device is the
``sum`` variable that will be copied back from the device once the reduction has
ended. There is no entry mapping the host array ``A`` to the device. In this
situation, the compiler cannot determine the size of the array at compile time
so it will simply assume that the pointer is mapped on the device already by
default. The solution is to add an explicit map clause in the target region.
.. code-block:: c++
double sum(double *A, std::size_t N) {
double sum = 0.0;
#pragma omp target teams distribute parallel for reduction(+:sum) map(to:A[0 : N])
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
sum += A[i];
return sum;
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
LLVM/OpenMP Target Host Runtime Plugins (``libomptarget.rtl.XXXX``)
.. _device_runtime:
LLVM/OpenMP Target Device Runtime (``libomptarget-ARCH-SUBARCH.bc``)