blob: 4a2a6d9a563e8a8f010f654eb6442c33ce1c97e6 [file] [log] [blame]
//===----------- rtl.cpp - Target independent OpenMP target RTL -----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Functionality for handling RTL plugins.
#include "device.h"
#include "private.h"
#include "rtl.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
// List of all plugins that can support offloading.
static const char *RTLNames[] = {
/* PowerPC target */ "",
/* x86_64 target */ "",
/* CUDA target */ "",
/* AArch64 target */ "",
/* SX-Aurora VE target */ "",
/* AMDGPU target */ "",
PluginManager *PM;
static char *ProfileTraceFile = nullptr;
__attribute__((constructor(101))) void init() {
DP("Init target library!\n");
PM = new PluginManager();
ProfileTraceFile = getenv("LIBOMPTARGET_PROFILE");
// TODO: add a configuration option for time granularity
if (ProfileTraceFile)
llvm::timeTraceProfilerInitialize(500 /* us */, "libomptarget");
__attribute__((destructor(101))) void deinit() {
DP("Deinit target library!\n");
delete PM;
if (ProfileTraceFile) {
// TODO: add env var for file output
if (auto E = llvm::timeTraceProfilerWrite(ProfileTraceFile, "-"))
fprintf(stderr, "Error writing out the time trace\n");
void RTLsTy::LoadRTLs() {
// Parse environment variable OMP_TARGET_OFFLOAD (if set)
PM->TargetOffloadPolicy =
if (PM->TargetOffloadPolicy == tgt_disabled) {
DP("Loading RTLs...\n");
// Attempt to open all the plugins and, if they exist, check if the interface
// is correct and if they are supporting any devices.
for (auto *Name : RTLNames) {
DP("Loading library '%s'...\n", Name);
void *dynlib_handle = dlopen(Name, RTLD_NOW);
if (!dynlib_handle) {
// Library does not exist or cannot be found.
DP("Unable to load library '%s': %s!\n", Name, dlerror());
DP("Successfully loaded library '%s'!\n", Name);
// Retrieve the RTL information from the runtime library.
RTLInfoTy &R = AllRTLs.back();
bool ValidPlugin = true;
if (!(*((void **)&R.is_valid_binary) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_is_valid_binary")))
ValidPlugin = false;
if (!(*((void **)&R.number_of_devices) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_number_of_devices")))
ValidPlugin = false;
if (!(*((void **)&R.init_device) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_init_device")))
ValidPlugin = false;
if (!(*((void **)&R.load_binary) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_load_binary")))
ValidPlugin = false;
if (!(*((void **)&R.data_alloc) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_data_alloc")))
ValidPlugin = false;
if (!(*((void **)&R.data_submit) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_data_submit")))
ValidPlugin = false;
if (!(*((void **)&R.data_retrieve) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_data_retrieve")))
ValidPlugin = false;
if (!(*((void **)&R.data_delete) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_data_delete")))
ValidPlugin = false;
if (!(*((void **)&R.run_region) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_run_target_region")))
ValidPlugin = false;
if (!(*((void **)&R.run_team_region) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_run_target_team_region")))
ValidPlugin = false;
// Invalid plugin
if (!ValidPlugin) {
DP("Invalid plugin as necessary interface is not found.\n");
// No devices are supported by this RTL?
if (!(R.NumberOfDevices = R.number_of_devices())) {
// The RTL is invalid! Will pop the object from the RTLs list.
DP("No devices supported in this RTL\n");
R.LibraryHandler = dynlib_handle;
R.RTLName = Name;
DP("Registering RTL %s supporting %d devices!\n", R.RTLName.c_str(),
// Optional functions
*((void **)&R.init_requires) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_init_requires");
*((void **)&R.data_submit_async) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_data_submit_async");
*((void **)&R.data_retrieve_async) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_data_retrieve_async");
*((void **)&R.run_region_async) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_run_target_region_async");
*((void **)&R.run_team_region_async) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_run_target_team_region_async");
*((void **)&R.synchronize) = dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_synchronize");
*((void **)&R.data_exchange) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_data_exchange");
*((void **)&R.data_exchange_async) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_data_exchange_async");
*((void **)&R.is_data_exchangable) =
dlsym(dynlib_handle, "__tgt_rtl_is_data_exchangable");
DP("RTLs loaded!\n");
// Functionality for registering libs
static void RegisterImageIntoTranslationTable(TranslationTable &TT,
RTLInfoTy &RTL, __tgt_device_image *image) {
// same size, as when we increase one, we also increase the other.
assert(TT.TargetsTable.size() == TT.TargetsImages.size() &&
"We should have as many images as we have tables!");
// Resize the Targets Table and Images to accommodate the new targets if
// required
unsigned TargetsTableMinimumSize = RTL.Idx + RTL.NumberOfDevices;
if (TT.TargetsTable.size() < TargetsTableMinimumSize) {
TT.TargetsImages.resize(TargetsTableMinimumSize, 0);
TT.TargetsTable.resize(TargetsTableMinimumSize, 0);
// Register the image in all devices for this target type.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < RTL.NumberOfDevices; ++i) {
// If we are changing the image we are also invalidating the target table.
if (TT.TargetsImages[RTL.Idx + i] != image) {
TT.TargetsImages[RTL.Idx + i] = image;
TT.TargetsTable[RTL.Idx + i] = 0; // lazy initialization of target table.
// Functionality for registering Ctors/Dtors
static void RegisterGlobalCtorsDtorsForImage(__tgt_bin_desc *desc,
__tgt_device_image *img, RTLInfoTy *RTL) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < RTL->NumberOfDevices; ++i) {
DeviceTy &Device = PM->Devices[RTL->Idx + i];
Device.HasPendingGlobals = true;
for (__tgt_offload_entry *entry = img->EntriesBegin;
entry != img->EntriesEnd; ++entry) {
if (entry->flags & OMP_DECLARE_TARGET_CTOR) {
DP("Adding ctor " DPxMOD " to the pending list.\n",
} else if (entry->flags & OMP_DECLARE_TARGET_DTOR) {
// Dtors are pushed in reverse order so they are executed from end
// to beginning when unregistering the library!
DP("Adding dtor " DPxMOD " to the pending list.\n",
if (entry->flags & OMP_DECLARE_TARGET_LINK) {
DP("The \"link\" attribute is not yet supported!\n");
void RTLsTy::RegisterRequires(int64_t flags) {
// TODO: add more elaborate check.
// Minimal check: only set requires flags if previous value
// is undefined. This ensures that only the first call to this
// function will set the requires flags. All subsequent calls
// will be checked for compatibility.
assert(flags != OMP_REQ_UNDEFINED &&
"illegal undefined flag for requires directive!");
if (RequiresFlags == OMP_REQ_UNDEFINED) {
RequiresFlags = flags;
// If multiple compilation units are present enforce
// consistency across all of them for require clauses:
// - reverse_offload
// - unified_address
// - unified_shared_memory
if ((RequiresFlags & OMP_REQ_REVERSE_OFFLOAD) !=
"'#pragma omp requires reverse_offload' not used consistently!");
if ((RequiresFlags & OMP_REQ_UNIFIED_ADDRESS) !=
"'#pragma omp requires unified_address' not used consistently!");
if ((RequiresFlags & OMP_REQ_UNIFIED_SHARED_MEMORY) !=
"'#pragma omp requires unified_shared_memory' not used consistently!");
// TODO: insert any other missing checks
DP("New requires flags %" PRId64 " compatible with existing %" PRId64 "!\n",
flags, RequiresFlags);
void RTLsTy::RegisterLib(__tgt_bin_desc *desc) {
// Attempt to load all plugins available in the system.
std::call_once(initFlag, &RTLsTy::LoadRTLs, this);
// Register the images with the RTLs that understand them, if any.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < desc->NumDeviceImages; ++i) {
// Obtain the image.
__tgt_device_image *img = &desc->DeviceImages[i];
RTLInfoTy *FoundRTL = NULL;
// Scan the RTLs that have associated images until we find one that supports
// the current image.
for (auto &R : AllRTLs) {
if (!R.is_valid_binary(img)) {
DP("Image " DPxMOD " is NOT compatible with RTL %s!\n",
DPxPTR(img->ImageStart), R.RTLName.c_str());
DP("Image " DPxMOD " is compatible with RTL %s!\n",
DPxPTR(img->ImageStart), R.RTLName.c_str());
// If this RTL is not already in use, initialize it.
if (!R.isUsed) {
// Initialize the device information for the RTL we are about to use.
DeviceTy device(&R);
size_t Start = PM->Devices.size();
PM->Devices.resize(Start + R.NumberOfDevices, device);
for (int32_t device_id = 0; device_id < R.NumberOfDevices;
device_id++) {
// global device ID
PM->Devices[Start + device_id].DeviceID = Start + device_id;
// RTL local device ID
PM->Devices[Start + device_id].RTLDeviceID = device_id;
// Initialize the index of this RTL and save it in the used RTLs.
R.Idx = (UsedRTLs.empty())
? 0
: UsedRTLs.back()->Idx + UsedRTLs.back()->NumberOfDevices;
assert((size_t) R.Idx == Start &&
"RTL index should equal the number of devices used so far.");
R.isUsed = true;
DP("RTL " DPxMOD " has index %d!\n", DPxPTR(R.LibraryHandler), R.Idx);
// Initialize (if necessary) translation table for this library.
if (!PM->HostEntriesBeginToTransTable.count(desc->HostEntriesBegin)) {
TranslationTable &TransTable =
TransTable.HostTable.EntriesBegin = desc->HostEntriesBegin;
TransTable.HostTable.EntriesEnd = desc->HostEntriesEnd;
// Retrieve translation table for this library.
TranslationTable &TransTable =
DP("Registering image " DPxMOD " with RTL %s!\n",
DPxPTR(img->ImageStart), R.RTLName.c_str());
RegisterImageIntoTranslationTable(TransTable, R, img);
FoundRTL = &R;
// Load ctors/dtors for static objects
RegisterGlobalCtorsDtorsForImage(desc, img, FoundRTL);
// if an RTL was found we are done - proceed to register the next image
if (!FoundRTL) {
DP("No RTL found for image " DPxMOD "!\n", DPxPTR(img->ImageStart));
DP("Done registering entries!\n");
void RTLsTy::UnregisterLib(__tgt_bin_desc *desc) {
DP("Unloading target library!\n");
// Find which RTL understands each image, if any.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < desc->NumDeviceImages; ++i) {
// Obtain the image.
__tgt_device_image *img = &desc->DeviceImages[i];
RTLInfoTy *FoundRTL = NULL;
// Scan the RTLs that have associated images until we find one that supports
// the current image. We only need to scan RTLs that are already being used.
for (auto *R : UsedRTLs) {
assert(R->isUsed && "Expecting used RTLs.");
if (!R->is_valid_binary(img)) {
DP("Image " DPxMOD " is NOT compatible with RTL " DPxMOD "!\n",
DPxPTR(img->ImageStart), DPxPTR(R->LibraryHandler));
DP("Image " DPxMOD " is compatible with RTL " DPxMOD "!\n",
DPxPTR(img->ImageStart), DPxPTR(R->LibraryHandler));
FoundRTL = R;
// Execute dtors for static objects if the device has been used, i.e.
// if its PendingCtors list has been emptied.
for (int32_t i = 0; i < FoundRTL->NumberOfDevices; ++i) {
DeviceTy &Device = PM->Devices[FoundRTL->Idx + i];
if (Device.PendingCtorsDtors[desc].PendingCtors.empty()) {
for (auto &dtor : Device.PendingCtorsDtors[desc].PendingDtors) {
int rc =
target(nullptr, Device.DeviceID, dtor, 0, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 1, 1, true /*team*/);
if (rc != OFFLOAD_SUCCESS) {
DP("Running destructor " DPxMOD " failed.\n", DPxPTR(dtor));
// Remove this library's entry from PendingCtorsDtors
DP("Unregistered image " DPxMOD " from RTL " DPxMOD "!\n",
DPxPTR(img->ImageStart), DPxPTR(R->LibraryHandler));
// if no RTL was found proceed to unregister the next image
if (!FoundRTL){
DP("No RTLs in use support the image " DPxMOD "!\n",
DP("Done unregistering images!\n");
// Remove entries from PM->HostPtrToTableMap
for (__tgt_offload_entry *cur = desc->HostEntriesBegin;
cur < desc->HostEntriesEnd; ++cur) {
// Remove translation table for this descriptor.
auto TransTable = PM->HostEntriesBeginToTransTable.find(desc->HostEntriesBegin);
if (TransTable != PM->HostEntriesBeginToTransTable.end()) {
DP("Removing translation table for descriptor " DPxMOD "\n",
} else {
DP("Translation table for descriptor " DPxMOD " cannot be found, probably "
"it has been already removed.\n", DPxPTR(desc->HostEntriesBegin));
// TODO: Remove RTL and the devices it manages if it's not used anymore?
// TODO: Write some RTL->unload_image(...) function?
DP("Done unregistering library!\n");