blob: e62ad70f26ce804ef2a9a56a2d9e9b20d8c697a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %libomp-compile-and-run | %sort-threads | FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: ompt
// taskwait with depend clause was introduced with gcc-9
// UNSUPPORTED: gcc-4, gcc-5, gcc-6, gcc-7, gcc-8
// clang does not yet support taskwait with depend clause
// clang-12 introduced parsing, but no codegen
// update expected result when codegen in clang was added
// XFAIL: clang
#include "callback.h"
#include <omp.h>
int main() {
int x = 0;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
#pragma omp master
printf("%" PRIu64 ": address of x: %p\n", ompt_get_thread_data()->value,
#pragma omp task depend(out : x)
{ x++; }
#pragma omp taskwait depend(in: x)
return 0;
// Check if libomp supports the callbacks for this test.
// CHECK-NOT: {{^}}0: Could not register callback 'ompt_callback_task_create'
// CHECK-NOT: {{^}}0: Could not register callback 'ompt_callback_dependences'
// CHECK-NOT: {{^}}0: Could not register callback 'ompt_callback_task_depende
// CHECK: {{^}}0: NULL_POINTER=[[NULL:.*$]]
// make sure initial data pointers are null
// CHECK-NOT: 0: new_task_data initially not null
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID:[0-9]+]]: ompt_event_implicit_task_begin:
// CHECK-SAME: parallel_id=[[PARALLEL_ID:[0-9]+]],
// CHECK-SAME: task_id=[[IMPLICIT_TASK_ID:[0-9]+]]
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID]]: task level 0: parallel_id=[[PARALLEL_ID]],
// CHECK-SAME: task_id=[[IMPLICIT_TASK_ID]], exit_frame=[[EXIT:0x[0-f]+]],
// CHECK-SAME: reenter_frame=[[NULL]]
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID]]: address of x: [[ADDRX:0x[0-f]+]]
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID]]: ompt_event_task_create:
// CHECK-SAME: parent_task_id={{[0-9]+}}, parent_task_frame.exit=[[EXIT]],
// CHECK-SAME: parent_task_frame.reenter={{0x[0-f]+}},
// CHECK-SAME: new_task_id=[[FIRST_TASK:[0-f]+]],
// CHECK-SAME: codeptr_ra=[[RETURN_ADDRESS:0x[0-f]+]]{{[0-f][0-f]}},
// CHECK-SAME: task_type=ompt_task_explicit=4, has_dependences=yes
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID]]: ompt_event_dependences:
// CHECK-SAME: task_id=[[FIRST_TASK]], deps=[([[ADDRX]],
// CHECK-SAME: ompt_dependence_type_inout)], ndeps=1
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID]]: fuzzy_address={{.*}}[[RETURN_ADDRESS]]
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID]]: ompt_event_task_create:
// CHECK-SAME: parent_task_id={{[0-9]+}}, parent_task_frame.exit=[[EXIT]],
// CHECK-SAME: parent_task_frame.reenter={{0x[0-f]+}},
// CHECK-SAME: new_task_id=[[SECOND_TASK:[0-f]+]],
// CHECK-SAME: codeptr_ra=[[RETURN_ADDRESS:0x[0-f]+]]{{[0-f][0-f]}},
// CHECK-SAME: task_type=ompt_task_explicit|ompt_task_undeferred|
// CHECK-SAME: ompt_task_mergeable=1207959556, has_dependences=yes
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID]]: ompt_event_dependences:
// CHECK-SAME: task_id=[[SECOND_TASK]], deps=[([[ADDRX]],
// CHECK-SAME: ompt_dependence_type_in)], ndeps=1
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID]]: ompt_event_task_end: task_id=[[SECOND_TASK]]
// CHECK: {{^}}[[MASTER_ID]]: fuzzy_address={{.*}}[[RETURN_ADDRESS]]