blob: 3a1c97fc52c95dfc00a325c849fd620044433c23 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- PluginManager.h - Plugin loading and communication API --*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Declarations for managing devices that are handled by RTL plugins.
#include "Shared/APITypes.h"
#include "Shared/PluginAPI.h"
#include "device.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/DynamicLibrary.h"
#include <list>
#include <mutex>
struct PluginAdaptorTy {
int32_t Idx = -1; // RTL index, index is the number of devices
// of other RTLs that were registered before,
// i.e. the OpenMP index of the first device
// to be registered with this RTL.
int32_t NumberOfDevices = -1; // Number of devices this RTL deals with.
std::unique_ptr<llvm::sys::DynamicLibrary> LibraryHandler;
std::string RTLName;
using NAME##_ty = decltype(__tgt_rtl_##NAME); \
NAME##_ty *NAME = nullptr;
#include "Shared/"
// Are there images associated with this RTL.
bool IsUsed = false;
llvm::DenseSet<const __tgt_device_image *> UsedImages;
// Mutex for thread-safety when calling RTL interface functions.
// It is easier to enforce thread-safety at the libomptarget level,
// so that developers of new RTLs do not have to worry about it.
std::mutex Mtx;
/// RTLs identified in the system.
struct PluginAdaptorManagerTy {
// List of the detected runtime libraries.
std::list<PluginAdaptorTy> AllRTLs;
// Array of pointers to the detected runtime libraries that have compatible
// binaries.
llvm::SmallVector<PluginAdaptorTy *> UsedRTLs;
int64_t RequiresFlags = OMP_REQ_UNDEFINED;
explicit PluginAdaptorManagerTy() = default;
// Register the clauses of the requires directive.
void registerRequires(int64_t Flags);
// Initialize RTL if it has not been initialized
void initRTLonce(PluginAdaptorTy &RTL);
// Initialize all RTLs
void initAllRTLs();
// Register a shared library with all (compatible) RTLs.
void registerLib(__tgt_bin_desc *Desc);
// Unregister a shared library from all RTLs.
void unregisterLib(__tgt_bin_desc *Desc);
// not thread-safe, called from global constructor (i.e. once)
void loadRTLs();
static bool attemptLoadRTL(const std::string &RTLName, PluginAdaptorTy &RTL);
/// Struct for the data required to handle plugins
struct PluginManager {
PluginManager(bool UseEventsForAtomicTransfers)
: UseEventsForAtomicTransfers(UseEventsForAtomicTransfers) {}
/// RTLs identified on the host
PluginAdaptorManagerTy RTLs;
/// Executable images and information extracted from the input images passed
/// to the runtime.
std::list<std::pair<__tgt_device_image, __tgt_image_info>> Images;
/// Devices associated with RTLs
llvm::SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<DeviceTy>> Devices;
std::mutex RTLsMtx; ///< For RTLs and Devices
/// Translation table retreived from the binary
HostEntriesBeginToTransTableTy HostEntriesBeginToTransTable;
std::mutex TrlTblMtx; ///< For Translation Table
/// Host offload entries in order of image registration
llvm::SmallVector<__tgt_offload_entry *> HostEntriesBeginRegistrationOrder;
/// Map from ptrs on the host to an entry in the Translation Table
HostPtrToTableMapTy HostPtrToTableMap;
std::mutex TblMapMtx; ///< For HostPtrToTableMap
// Store target policy (disabled, mandatory, default)
kmp_target_offload_kind_t TargetOffloadPolicy = tgt_default;
std::mutex TargetOffloadMtx; ///< For TargetOffloadPolicy
/// Flag to indicate if we use events to ensure the atomicity of
/// map clauses or not. Can be modified with an environment variable.
const bool UseEventsForAtomicTransfers;
// Work around for plugins that call dlopen on shared libraries that call
// tgt_register_lib during their initialisation. Stash the pointers in a
// vector until the plugins are all initialised and then register them.
bool delayRegisterLib(__tgt_bin_desc *Desc) {
if (RTLsLoaded)
return false;
return true;
void registerDelayedLibraries() {
// Only called by libomptarget constructor
RTLsLoaded = true;
for (auto *Desc : DelayedBinDesc)
bool RTLsLoaded = false;
llvm::SmallVector<__tgt_bin_desc *> DelayedBinDesc;
extern PluginManager *PM;