blob: 47022f7f5dea3d574ff5eaa76a3f7e70695f5720 [file] [log] [blame]
* ATMI (Asynchronous Task and Memory Interface)
* This file is distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.
#include "atmi.h"
#include "hsa.h"
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef __cplusplus
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** \defgroup context_functions ATMI Context Setup and Finalize
* @{
* @brief Initialize the ATMI runtime environment.
* @detal All ATMI runtime functions will fail if this function is not called
* at least once. The user may initialize difference device types at different
* regions in the program in order for optimization purposes.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has executed successfully.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_ERROR The function encountered errors.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_UNKNOWN The function encountered errors.
atmi_status_t atmi_init();
* @brief Finalize the ATMI runtime environment.
* @detail ATMI runtime functions will fail if called after finalize.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has executed successfully.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_ERROR The function encountered errors.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_UNKNOWN The function encountered errors.
atmi_status_t atmi_finalize();
/** @} */
/** \defgroup module_functions ATMI Module
* @{
* @brief Register the ATMI code module from memory on to a specific place
* (device).
* @detail Currently, only GPU devices need explicit module registration because
* of their specific ISAs that require a separate compilation phase. On the
* other
* hand, CPU devices execute regular x86 functions that are compiled with the
* host program.
* @param[in] module_bytes A memory region that contains the GPU modules
* targeting ::AMDGCN platform types. Value cannot be NULL.
* @param[in] module_size Size of module region
* @param[in] place Denotes the execution place (device) on which the module
* should be registered and loaded.
* @param[in] on_deserialized_data Callback run on deserialized code object,
* before loading it
* @param[in] cb_state void* passed to on_deserialized_data callback
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has executed successfully.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_ERROR The function encountered errors.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_UNKNOWN The function encountered errors.
atmi_status_t atmi_module_register_from_memory_to_place(
void *module_bytes, size_t module_size, atmi_place_t place,
atmi_status_t (*on_deserialized_data)(void *data, size_t size,
void *cb_state),
void *cb_state);
/** @} */
/** \defgroup machine ATMI Machine
* @{
* @brief ATMI's device discovery function to get the current machine's
* topology.
* @detail The @p atmi_machine_t structure is a tree-based representation of the
* compute and memory elements in the current node. Once ATMI is initialized,
* this function can be called to retrieve the pointer to this global structure.
* @return Returns a pointer to a global structure of tyoe @p atmi_machine_t.
* Returns NULL if ATMI is not initialized.
atmi_machine_t *atmi_machine_get_info();
/** @} */
/** \defgroup memory_functions ATMI Data Management
* @{
* @brief Allocate memory from the specified memory place.
* @detail This function allocates memory from the specified memory place. If
* the memory
* place belongs primarily to the CPU, then the memory will be accessible by
* other GPUs and CPUs in the system. If the memory place belongs primarily to a
* GPU,
* then it cannot be accessed by other devices in the system.
* @param[in] ptr The pointer to the memory that will be allocated.
* @param[in] size The size of the allocation in bytes.
* @param[in] place The memory place in the system to perform the allocation.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has executed successfully.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_ERROR The function encountered errors.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_UNKNOWN The function encountered errors.
atmi_status_t atmi_malloc(void **ptr, size_t size, atmi_mem_place_t place);
* @brief Frees memory that was previously allocated.
* @detail This function frees memory that was previously allocated by calling
* @p atmi_malloc. It throws an error otherwise. It is illegal to access a
* pointer after a call to this function.
* @param[in] ptr The pointer to the memory that has to be freed.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_SUCCESS The function has executed successfully.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_ERROR The function encountered errors.
* @retval ::ATMI_STATUS_UNKNOWN The function encountered errors.
atmi_status_t atmi_free(void *ptr);
atmi_status_t atmi_memcpy_h2d(hsa_signal_t signal, void *deviceDest,
const void *hostSrc, size_t size,
hsa_agent_t agent);
atmi_status_t atmi_memcpy_d2h(hsa_signal_t sig, void *hostDest,
const void *deviceSrc, size_t size,
hsa_agent_t agent);
/** @} */
#ifdef __cplusplus