blob: 7cd2690ea815577eee71abe1d2ccfb4bbb1ad9ea [file] [log] [blame]
//===- OpDocGen.cpp - MLIR operation documentation generator --------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// OpDocGen uses the description of operations to generate documentation for the
// operations.
#include "DialectGenUtilities.h"
#include "DocGenUtilities.h"
#include "OpGenHelpers.h"
#include "mlir/Support/IndentedOstream.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/AttrOrTypeDef.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/GenInfo.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Operator.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Regex.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Signals.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/TableGenBackend.h"
#include <set>
#include <string>
// Commandline Options
static llvm::cl::OptionCategory
docCat("Options for -gen-(attrdef|typedef|op|dialect)-doc");
llvm::cl::desc("Strip prefix of the fully qualified names"),
llvm::cl::init("::mlir::"), llvm::cl::cat(docCat));
llvm::cl::opt<bool> allowHugoSpecificFeatures(
llvm::cl::desc("Allows using features specific to Hugo"),
llvm::cl::init(false), llvm::cl::cat(docCat));
using namespace llvm;
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::tblgen;
using mlir::tblgen::Operator;
void mlir::tblgen::emitSummary(StringRef summary, raw_ostream &os) {
if (!summary.empty()) {
llvm::StringRef trimmed = summary.trim();
char first = std::toupper(trimmed.front());
llvm::StringRef rest = trimmed.drop_front();
os << "\n_" << first << rest << "_\n\n";
// Emit the description by aligning the text to the left per line (e.g.,
// removing the minimum indentation across the block).
// This expects that the description in the tablegen file is already formatted
// in a way the user wanted but has some additional indenting due to being
// nested in the op definition.
void mlir::tblgen::emitDescription(StringRef description, raw_ostream &os) {
raw_indented_ostream ros(os);
ros.printReindented(description.rtrim(" \t"));
void mlir::tblgen::emitDescriptionComment(StringRef description,
raw_ostream &os, StringRef prefix) {
if (description.empty())
raw_indented_ostream ros(os);
StringRef trimmed = description.rtrim(" \t");
ros.printReindented(trimmed, (Twine(prefix) + "/// ").str());
if (!trimmed.ends_with("\n"))
ros << "\n";
// Emits `str` with trailing newline if not empty.
static void emitIfNotEmpty(StringRef str, raw_ostream &os) {
if (!str.empty()) {
emitDescription(str, os);
os << "\n";
/// Emit the given named constraint.
template <typename T>
static void emitNamedConstraint(const T &it, raw_ostream &os) {
if (!
os << "| `" << << "`";
os << "&laquo;unnamed&raquo;";
os << " | " << it.constraint.getSummary() << "\n";
// Operation Documentation
/// Emit the assembly format of an operation.
static void emitAssemblyFormat(StringRef opName, StringRef format,
raw_ostream &os) {
os << "\nSyntax:\n\n```\noperation ::= `" << opName << "` ";
// Print the assembly format aligned.
unsigned indent = strlen("operation ::= ");
std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> split = format.split('\n');
os << split.first.trim() << "\n";
do {
split = split.second.split('\n');
StringRef formatChunk = split.first.trim();
if (!formatChunk.empty())
os.indent(indent) << formatChunk << "\n";
} while (!split.second.empty());
os << "```\n\n";
/// Place `text` between backticks so that the Markdown processor renders it as
/// inline code.
static std::string backticks(const std::string &text) {
return '`' + text + '`';
static void emitOpTraitsDoc(const Operator &op, raw_ostream &os) {
// TODO: We should link to the trait/documentation of it. That also means we
// should add descriptions to traits that can be queried.
// Collect using set to sort effects, interfaces & traits.
std::set<std::string> effects, interfaces, traits;
for (auto &trait : op.getTraits()) {
if (isa<PredTrait>(&trait))
std::string name = trait.getDef().getName().str();
StringRef ref = name;
StringRef traitName = trait.getDef().getValueAsString("trait");
if (ref.starts_with("anonymous_"))
name = traitName.str();
if (isa<InterfaceTrait>(&trait)) {
if (trait.getDef().isSubClassOf("SideEffectsTraitBase")) {
auto effectName = trait.getDef().getValueAsString("baseEffectName");
std::string effectStr;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(effectStr);
os << effectName << "{";
auto list = trait.getDef().getValueAsListOfDefs("effects");
llvm::interleaveComma(list, os, [&](Record *rec) {
StringRef effect = rec->getValueAsString("effect");
os << effect << " on " << rec->getValueAsString("resource");
os << "}";
name.append(llvm::formatv(" ({0})", traitName).str());
if (!traits.empty()) {
llvm::interleaveComma(traits, os << "\nTraits: ");
os << "\n";
if (!interfaces.empty()) {
llvm::interleaveComma(interfaces, os << "\nInterfaces: ");
os << "\n";
if (!effects.empty()) {
llvm::interleaveComma(effects, os << "\nEffects: ");
os << "\n";
static StringRef resolveAttrDescription(const Attribute &attr) {
StringRef description = attr.getDescription();
if (description.empty())
return attr.getBaseAttr().getDescription();
return description;
static void emitOpDoc(const Operator &op, raw_ostream &os) {
std::string classNameStr = op.getQualCppClassName();
StringRef className = classNameStr;
os << llvm::formatv("### `{0}` ({1})\n", op.getOperationName(), className);
// Emit the summary, syntax, and description if present.
if (op.hasSummary())
emitSummary(op.getSummary(), os);
if (op.hasAssemblyFormat())
emitAssemblyFormat(op.getOperationName(), op.getAssemblyFormat().trim(),
if (op.hasDescription())
mlir::tblgen::emitDescription(op.getDescription(), os);
emitOpTraitsDoc(op, os);
// Emit attributes.
if (op.getNumAttributes() != 0) {
os << "\n#### Attributes:\n\n";
// Note: This table is HTML rather than markdown so the attribute's
// description can appear in an expandable region. The description may be
// multiple lines, which is not supported in a markdown table cell.
os << "<table>\n";
// Header.
os << "<tr><th>Attribute</th><th>MLIR Type</th><th>Description</th></tr>\n";
for (const auto &it : op.getAttributes()) {
StringRef storageType = it.attr.getStorageType();
// Name and storage type.
os << "<tr>";
os << "<td><code>" << << "</code></td><td>" << storageType
<< "</td><td>";
StringRef description = resolveAttrDescription(it.attr);
if (allowHugoSpecificFeatures && !description.empty()) {
// Expandable description.
// This appears as just the summary, but when clicked shows the full
// description.
os << "<details>"
<< "<summary>" << it.attr.getSummary() << "</summary>"
<< "{{% markdown %}}" << description << "{{% /markdown %}}"
<< "</details>";
} else {
// Fallback: Single-line summary.
os << it.attr.getSummary();
os << "</td></tr>\n";
os << "</table>\n";
// Emit each of the operands.
if (op.getNumOperands() != 0) {
os << "\n#### Operands:\n\n";
os << "| Operand | Description |\n"
<< "| :-----: | ----------- |\n";
for (const auto &it : op.getOperands())
emitNamedConstraint(it, os);
// Emit results.
if (op.getNumResults() != 0) {
os << "\n#### Results:\n\n";
os << "| Result | Description |\n"
<< "| :----: | ----------- |\n";
for (const auto &it : op.getResults())
emitNamedConstraint(it, os);
// Emit successors.
if (op.getNumSuccessors() != 0) {
os << "\n#### Successors:\n\n";
os << "| Successor | Description |\n"
<< "| :-------: | ----------- |\n";
for (const auto &it : op.getSuccessors())
emitNamedConstraint(it, os);
os << "\n";
static void emitSourceLink(StringRef inputFilename, raw_ostream &os) {
size_t pathBegin = inputFilename.find("mlir/include/mlir/");
if (pathBegin == StringRef::npos)
StringRef inputFromMlirInclude = inputFilename.substr(pathBegin);
os << "[source]("
<< inputFromMlirInclude << ")\n\n";
static void emitOpDoc(const RecordKeeper &recordKeeper, raw_ostream &os) {
auto opDefs = getRequestedOpDefinitions(recordKeeper);
os << "<!-- Autogenerated by mlir-tblgen; don't manually edit -->\n";
emitSourceLink(recordKeeper.getInputFilename(), os);
for (const llvm::Record *opDef : opDefs)
emitOpDoc(Operator(opDef), os);
// Attribute Documentation
static void emitAttrDoc(const Attribute &attr, raw_ostream &os) {
os << "### " << attr.getSummary() << "\n\n";
emitDescription(attr.getDescription(), os);
os << "\n\n";
// Type Documentation
static void emitTypeDoc(const Type &type, raw_ostream &os) {
os << "### " << type.getSummary() << "\n\n";
emitDescription(type.getDescription(), os);
os << "\n\n";
// TypeDef Documentation
static void emitAttrOrTypeDefAssemblyFormat(const AttrOrTypeDef &def,
raw_ostream &os) {
ArrayRef<AttrOrTypeParameter> parameters = def.getParameters();
char prefix = isa<AttrDef>(def) ? '#' : '!';
if (parameters.empty()) {
os << "\nSyntax: `" << prefix << def.getDialect().getName() << "."
<< def.getMnemonic() << "`\n";
os << "\nSyntax:\n\n```\n"
<< prefix << def.getDialect().getName() << "." << def.getMnemonic()
<< "<\n";
for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(parameters)) {
const AttrOrTypeParameter &param = it.value();
os << " " << param.getSyntax();
if (it.index() < (parameters.size() - 1))
os << ",";
os << " # " << param.getName() << "\n";
os << ">\n```\n";
static void emitAttrOrTypeDefDoc(const AttrOrTypeDef &def, raw_ostream &os) {
os << llvm::formatv("### {0}\n", def.getCppClassName());
// Emit the summary if present.
if (def.hasSummary())
os << "\n" << def.getSummary() << "\n";
// Emit the syntax if present.
if (def.getMnemonic() && !def.hasCustomAssemblyFormat())
emitAttrOrTypeDefAssemblyFormat(def, os);
// Emit the description if present.
if (def.hasDescription()) {
os << "\n";
mlir::tblgen::emitDescription(def.getDescription(), os);
// Emit parameter documentation.
ArrayRef<AttrOrTypeParameter> parameters = def.getParameters();
if (!parameters.empty()) {
os << "\n#### Parameters:\n\n";
os << "| Parameter | C++ type | Description |\n"
<< "| :-------: | :-------: | ----------- |\n";
for (const auto &it : parameters) {
auto desc = it.getSummary();
os << "| " << it.getName() << " | `" << it.getCppType() << "` | "
<< (desc ? *desc : "") << " |\n";
os << "\n";
static void emitAttrOrTypeDefDoc(const RecordKeeper &recordKeeper,
raw_ostream &os, StringRef recordTypeName) {
std::vector<llvm::Record *> defs =
os << "<!-- Autogenerated by mlir-tblgen; don't manually edit -->\n";
for (const llvm::Record *def : defs)
emitAttrOrTypeDefDoc(AttrOrTypeDef(def), os);
// Dialect Documentation
struct OpDocGroup {
const Dialect &getDialect() const { return ops.front().getDialect(); }
// Returns the summary description of the section.
std::string summary = "";
// Returns the description of the section.
StringRef description = "";
// Instances inside the section.
std::vector<Operator> ops;
static void maybeNest(bool nest, llvm::function_ref<void(raw_ostream &os)> fn,
raw_ostream &os) {
std::string str;
llvm::raw_string_ostream ss(str);
for (StringRef x : llvm::split(ss.str(), "\n")) {
if (nest && x.starts_with("#"))
os << "#";
os << x << "\n";
static void emitBlock(ArrayRef<Attribute> attributes, StringRef inputFilename,
ArrayRef<AttrDef> attrDefs, ArrayRef<OpDocGroup> ops,
ArrayRef<Type> types, ArrayRef<TypeDef> typeDefs,
raw_ostream &os) {
if (!ops.empty()) {
os << "## Operations\n\n";
emitSourceLink(inputFilename, os);
for (const OpDocGroup &grouping : ops) {
bool nested = !grouping.summary.empty();
[&](raw_ostream &os) {
if (nested) {
os << "## " << StringRef(grouping.summary).trim() << "\n\n";
emitDescription(grouping.description, os);
os << "\n\n";
for (const Operator &op : grouping.ops) {
emitOpDoc(op, os);
if (!attributes.empty()) {
os << "## Attribute constraints\n\n";
for (const Attribute &attr : attributes)
emitAttrDoc(attr, os);
if (!attrDefs.empty()) {
os << "## Attributes\n\n";
for (const AttrDef &def : attrDefs)
emitAttrOrTypeDefDoc(def, os);
// TODO: Add link between use and def for types
if (!types.empty()) {
os << "## Type constraints\n\n";
for (const Type &type : types)
emitTypeDoc(type, os);
if (!typeDefs.empty()) {
os << "## Types\n\n";
for (const TypeDef &def : typeDefs)
emitAttrOrTypeDefDoc(def, os);
static void emitDialectDoc(const Dialect &dialect, StringRef inputFilename,
ArrayRef<Attribute> attributes,
ArrayRef<AttrDef> attrDefs, ArrayRef<OpDocGroup> ops,
ArrayRef<Type> types, ArrayRef<TypeDef> typeDefs,
raw_ostream &os) {
os << "# '" << dialect.getName() << "' Dialect\n\n";
emitIfNotEmpty(dialect.getSummary(), os);
emitIfNotEmpty(dialect.getDescription(), os);
// Generate a TOC marker except if description already contains one.
llvm::Regex r("^[[:space:]]*\\[TOC\\]$", llvm::Regex::RegexFlags::Newline);
if (!r.match(dialect.getDescription()))
os << "[TOC]\n\n";
emitBlock(attributes, inputFilename, attrDefs, ops, types, typeDefs, os);
static bool emitDialectDoc(const RecordKeeper &recordKeeper, raw_ostream &os) {
std::vector<Record *> dialectDefs =
SmallVector<Dialect> dialects(dialectDefs.begin(), dialectDefs.end());
std::optional<Dialect> dialect = findDialectToGenerate(dialects);
if (!dialect)
return true;
std::vector<Record *> opDefs = getRequestedOpDefinitions(recordKeeper);
std::vector<Record *> attrDefs =
std::vector<Record *> typeDefs =
std::vector<Record *> typeDefDefs =
std::vector<Record *> attrDefDefs =
std::vector<Attribute> dialectAttrs;
std::vector<AttrDef> dialectAttrDefs;
std::vector<OpDocGroup> dialectOps;
std::vector<Type> dialectTypes;
std::vector<TypeDef> dialectTypeDefs;
llvm::SmallDenseSet<Record *> seen;
auto addIfInDialect = [&](llvm::Record *record, const auto &def, auto &vec) {
if (seen.insert(record).second && def.getDialect() == *dialect) {
return true;
return false;
SmallDenseMap<Record *, OpDocGroup> opDocGroup;
for (Record *def : attrDefDefs)
addIfInDialect(def, AttrDef(def), dialectAttrDefs);
for (Record *def : attrDefs)
addIfInDialect(def, Attribute(def), dialectAttrs);
for (Record *def : opDefs) {
if (Record *group = def->getValueAsOptionalDef("opDocGroup")) {
OpDocGroup &op = opDocGroup[group];
addIfInDialect(def, Operator(def), op.ops);
} else {
OpDocGroup op;
addIfInDialect(def, op, dialectOps);
for (Record *rec :
recordKeeper.getAllDerivedDefinitionsIfDefined("OpDocGroup")) {
if (opDocGroup[rec].ops.empty())
opDocGroup[rec].summary = rec->getValueAsString("summary");
opDocGroup[rec].description = rec->getValueAsString("description");
for (Record *def : typeDefDefs)
addIfInDialect(def, TypeDef(def), dialectTypeDefs);
for (Record *def : typeDefs)
addIfInDialect(def, Type(def), dialectTypes);
// Sort alphabetically ignorning dialect for ops and section name for
// sections.
// TODO: The sorting order could be revised, currently attempting to sort of
// keep in alphabetical order.
std::sort(dialectOps.begin(), dialectOps.end(),
[](const OpDocGroup &lhs, const OpDocGroup &rhs) {
auto getDesc = [](const OpDocGroup &arg) -> StringRef {
if (!arg.summary.empty())
return arg.summary;
return arg.ops.front().getDef().getValueAsString("opName");
return getDesc(lhs).compare_insensitive(getDesc(rhs)) < 0;
os << "<!-- Autogenerated by mlir-tblgen; don't manually edit -->\n";
emitDialectDoc(*dialect, recordKeeper.getInputFilename(), dialectAttrs,
dialectAttrDefs, dialectOps, dialectTypes, dialectTypeDefs,
return false;
// Gen Registration
static mlir::GenRegistration
"Generate dialect attribute documentation",
[](const RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
emitAttrOrTypeDefDoc(records, os, "AttrDef");
return false;
static mlir::GenRegistration
genOpRegister("gen-op-doc", "Generate dialect documentation",
[](const RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
emitOpDoc(records, os);
return false;
static mlir::GenRegistration
genTypeRegister("gen-typedef-doc", "Generate dialect type documentation",
[](const RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
emitAttrOrTypeDefDoc(records, os, "TypeDef");
return false;
static mlir::GenRegistration
genRegister("gen-dialect-doc", "Generate dialect documentation",
[](const RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
return emitDialectDoc(records, os);