blob: f4ced0803772edbd56ae3c9da0cc5dcda6232a0e [file] [log] [blame]
//===- EnumPythonBindingGen.cpp - Generator of Python API for ODS enums ---===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// EnumPythonBindingGen uses ODS specification of MLIR enum attributes to
// generate the corresponding Python binding classes.
#include "OpGenHelpers.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/AttrOrTypeDef.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Attribute.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/GenInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace mlir::tblgen;
/// File header and includes.
constexpr const char *fileHeader = R"Py(
# Autogenerated by mlir-tblgen; don't manually edit.
from enum import IntEnum, auto, IntFlag
from ._ods_common import _cext as _ods_cext
from import register_attribute_builder
_ods_ir =
/// Makes enum case name Python-compatible, i.e. UPPER_SNAKE_CASE.
static std::string makePythonEnumCaseName(StringRef name) {
if (isPythonReserved(name.str()))
return (name + "_").str();
return name.str();
/// Emits the Python class for the given enum.
static void emitEnumClass(EnumAttr enumAttr, raw_ostream &os) {
os << llvm::formatv("class {0}({1}):\n", enumAttr.getEnumClassName(),
enumAttr.isBitEnum() ? "IntFlag" : "IntEnum");
if (!enumAttr.getSummary().empty())
os << llvm::formatv(" \"\"\"{0}\"\"\"\n", enumAttr.getSummary());
os << "\n";
for (const EnumAttrCase &enumCase : enumAttr.getAllCases()) {
os << llvm::formatv(
" {0} = {1}\n", makePythonEnumCaseName(enumCase.getSymbol()),
enumCase.getValue() >= 0 ? std::to_string(enumCase.getValue())
: "auto()");
os << "\n";
if (enumAttr.isBitEnum()) {
os << llvm::formatv(" def __iter__(self):\n"
" return iter([case for case in type(self) if "
"(self & case) is case])\n");
os << llvm::formatv(" def __len__(self):\n"
" return bin(self).count(\"1\")\n");
os << "\n";
os << llvm::formatv(" def __str__(self):\n");
if (enumAttr.isBitEnum())
os << llvm::formatv(" if len(self) > 1:\n"
" return \"{0}\".join(map(str, self))\n",
for (const EnumAttrCase &enumCase : enumAttr.getAllCases()) {
os << llvm::formatv(" if self is {0}.{1}:\n",
os << llvm::formatv(" return \"{0}\"\n", enumCase.getStr());
os << llvm::formatv(
" raise ValueError(\"Unknown {0} enum entry.\")\n\n\n",
os << "\n";
/// Attempts to extract the bitwidth B from string "uintB_t" describing the
/// type. This bitwidth information is not readily available in ODS. Returns
/// `false` on success, `true` on failure.
static bool extractUIntBitwidth(StringRef uintType, int64_t &bitwidth) {
if (!uintType.consume_front("uint"))
return true;
if (!uintType.consume_back("_t"))
return true;
return uintType.getAsInteger(/*Radix=*/10, bitwidth);
/// Emits an attribute builder for the given enum attribute to support automatic
/// conversion between enum values and attributes in Python. Returns
/// `false` on success, `true` on failure.
static bool emitAttributeBuilder(const EnumAttr &enumAttr, raw_ostream &os) {
int64_t bitwidth;
if (extractUIntBitwidth(enumAttr.getUnderlyingType(), bitwidth)) {
llvm::errs() << "failed to identify bitwidth of "
<< enumAttr.getUnderlyingType();
return true;
os << llvm::formatv("@register_attribute_builder(\"{0}\")\n",
os << llvm::formatv("def _{0}(x, context):\n",
os << llvm::formatv(
" return "
"_ods_ir.IntegerAttr.get(_ods_ir.IntegerType.get_signless({0}, "
"context=context), int(x))\n\n",
return false;
/// Emits an attribute builder for the given dialect enum attribute to support
/// automatic conversion between enum values and attributes in Python. Returns
/// `false` on success, `true` on failure.
static bool emitDialectEnumAttributeBuilder(StringRef attrDefName,
StringRef formatString,
raw_ostream &os) {
os << llvm::formatv("@register_attribute_builder(\"{0}\")\n", attrDefName);
os << llvm::formatv("def _{0}(x, context):\n", attrDefName.lower());
os << llvm::formatv(" return "
"_ods_ir.Attribute.parse(f'{0}', context=context)\n\n",
return false;
/// Emits Python bindings for all enums in the record keeper. Returns
/// `false` on success, `true` on failure.
static bool emitPythonEnums(const llvm::RecordKeeper &recordKeeper,
raw_ostream &os) {
os << fileHeader;
for (auto &it :
recordKeeper.getAllDerivedDefinitionsIfDefined("EnumAttrInfo")) {
EnumAttr enumAttr(*it);
emitEnumClass(enumAttr, os);
emitAttributeBuilder(enumAttr, os);
for (auto &it : recordKeeper.getAllDerivedDefinitionsIfDefined("EnumAttr")) {
AttrOrTypeDef attr(&*it);
if (!attr.getMnemonic()) {
llvm::errs() << "enum case " << attr
<< " needs mnemonic for python enum bindings generation";
return true;
StringRef mnemonic = attr.getMnemonic().value();
std::optional<StringRef> assemblyFormat = attr.getAssemblyFormat();
StringRef dialect = attr.getDialect().getName();
if (assemblyFormat == "`<` $value `>`") {
llvm::formatv("#{0}.{1}<{{str(x)}>", dialect, mnemonic).str(), os);
} else if (assemblyFormat == "$value") {
llvm::formatv("#{0}<{1} {{str(x)}>", dialect, mnemonic).str(), os);
} else {
<< "unsupported assembly format for python enum bindings generation";
return true;
return false;
// Registers the enum utility generator to mlir-tblgen.
static mlir::GenRegistration
"Generate Python bindings for enum attributes",