blob: 66a3750d7c82662700d71771ca6fa356818f59ae [file] [log] [blame]
//===- BytecodeDialectGen.cpp - Dialect bytecode read/writer gen ---------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Support/IndentedOstream.h"
#include "mlir/TableGen/GenInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/MapVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
#include "llvm/TableGen/Record.h"
#include <regex>
using namespace llvm;
static llvm::cl::OptionCategory dialectGenCat("Options for -gen-bytecode");
static llvm::cl::opt<std::string>
llvm::cl::desc("The dialect to gen for"),
llvm::cl::cat(dialectGenCat), llvm::cl::CommaSeparated);
namespace {
/// Helper class to generate C++ bytecode parser helpers.
class Generator {
Generator(raw_ostream &output) : output(output) {}
/// Returns whether successfully emitted attribute/type parsers.
void emitParse(StringRef kind, Record &x);
/// Returns whether successfully emitted attribute/type printers.
void emitPrint(StringRef kind, StringRef type,
ArrayRef<std::pair<int64_t, Record *>> vec);
/// Emits parse dispatch table.
void emitParseDispatch(StringRef kind, ArrayRef<Record *> vec);
/// Emits print dispatch table.
void emitPrintDispatch(StringRef kind, ArrayRef<std::string> vec);
/// Emits parse calls to construct given kind.
void emitParseHelper(StringRef kind, StringRef returnType, StringRef builder,
ArrayRef<Init *> args, ArrayRef<std::string> argNames,
StringRef failure, mlir::raw_indented_ostream &ios);
/// Emits print instructions.
void emitPrintHelper(Record *memberRec, StringRef kind, StringRef parent,
StringRef name, mlir::raw_indented_ostream &ios);
raw_ostream &output;
} // namespace
/// Helper to replace set of from strings to target in `s`.
/// Assumed: non-overlapping replacements.
static std::string format(StringRef templ,
std::map<std::string, std::string> &&map) {
std::string s = templ.str();
for (const auto &[from, to] : map)
// All replacements start with $, don't treat as anchor.
s = std::regex_replace(s, std::regex("\\" + from), to);
return s;
/// Return string with first character capitalized.
static std::string capitalize(StringRef str) {
return ((Twine)toUpper(str[0]) + str.drop_front()).str();
/// Return the C++ type for the given record.
static std::string getCType(Record *def) {
std::string format = "{0}";
if (def->isSubClassOf("Array")) {
def = def->getValueAsDef("elemT");
format = "SmallVector<{0}>";
StringRef cType = def->getValueAsString("cType");
if (cType.empty()) {
if (def->isAnonymous())
PrintFatalError(def->getLoc(), "Unable to determine cType");
return formatv(format.c_str(), def->getName().str());
return formatv(format.c_str(), cType.str());
void Generator::emitParseDispatch(StringRef kind, ArrayRef<Record *> vec) {
mlir::raw_indented_ostream os(output);
char const *head =
R"(static {0} read{0}(MLIRContext* context, DialectBytecodeReader &reader))";
os << formatv(head, capitalize(kind));
auto funScope = os.scope(" {\n", "}\n\n");
if (vec.empty()) {
os << "return reader.emitError() << \"unknown attribute\", "
<< capitalize(kind) << "();\n";
os << "uint64_t kind;\n";
os << "if (failed(reader.readVarInt(kind)))\n"
<< " return " << capitalize(kind) << "();\n";
os << "switch (kind) ";
auto switchScope = os.scope("{\n", "}\n");
for (const auto &it : llvm::enumerate(vec)) {
if (it.value()->getName() == "ReservedOrDead")
os << formatv("case {1}:\n return read{0}(context, reader);\n",
it.value()->getName(), it.index());
os << "default:\n"
<< " reader.emitError() << \"unknown attribute code: \" "
<< "<< kind;\n"
<< " return " << capitalize(kind) << "();\n";
os << "return " << capitalize(kind) << "();\n";
void Generator::emitParse(StringRef kind, Record &x) {
if (x.getNameInitAsString() == "ReservedOrDead")
char const *head =
R"(static {0} read{1}(MLIRContext* context, DialectBytecodeReader &reader) )";
mlir::raw_indented_ostream os(output);
std::string returnType = getCType(&x);
os << formatv(head, kind == "attribute" ? "::mlir::Attribute" : "::mlir::Type", x.getName());
DagInit *members = x.getValueAsDag("members");
SmallVector<std::string> argNames =
llvm::to_vector(map_range(members->getArgNames(), [](StringInit *init) {
return init->getAsUnquotedString();
StringRef builder = x.getValueAsString("cBuilder").trim();
emitParseHelper(kind, returnType, builder, members->getArgs(), argNames,
returnType + "()", os);
os << "\n\n";
void printParseConditional(mlir::raw_indented_ostream &ios,
ArrayRef<Init *> args,
ArrayRef<std::string> argNames) {
ios << "if ";
auto parenScope = ios.scope("(", ") {");
auto listHelperName = [](StringRef name) {
return formatv("read{0}", capitalize(name));
auto parsedArgs =
llvm::to_vector(make_filter_range(args, [](Init *const attr) {
Record *def = cast<DefInit>(attr)->getDef();
if (def->isSubClassOf("Array"))
return true;
return !def->getValueAsString("cParser").empty();
zip(parsedArgs, argNames),
[&](std::tuple<llvm::Init *&, const std::string &> it) {
Record *attr = cast<DefInit>(std::get<0>(it))->getDef();
std::string parser;
if (auto optParser = attr->getValueAsOptionalString("cParser")) {
parser = *optParser;
} else if (attr->isSubClassOf("Array")) {
Record *def = attr->getValueAsDef("elemT");
bool composite = def->isSubClassOf("CompositeBytecode");
if (!composite && def->isSubClassOf("AttributeKind"))
parser = "succeeded($_reader.readAttributes($_var))";
else if (!composite && def->isSubClassOf("TypeKind"))
parser = "succeeded($_reader.readTypes($_var))";
parser = ("succeeded($_reader.readList($_var, " +
listHelperName(std::get<1>(it)) + "))")
} else {
PrintFatalError(attr->getLoc(), "No parser specified");
std::string type = getCType(attr);
ios << format(parser, {{"$_reader", "reader"},
{"$_resultType", type},
{"$_var", std::get<1>(it)}});
[&]() { ios << " &&\n"; });
void Generator::emitParseHelper(StringRef kind, StringRef returnType,
StringRef builder, ArrayRef<Init *> args,
ArrayRef<std::string> argNames,
StringRef failure,
mlir::raw_indented_ostream &ios) {
auto funScope = ios.scope("{\n", "}");
if (args.empty()) {
ios << formatv("return get<{0}>(context);\n", returnType);
// Print decls.
std::string lastCType = "";
for (auto [arg, name] : zip(args, argNames)) {
DefInit *first = dyn_cast<DefInit>(arg);
if (!first)
PrintFatalError("Unexpected type for " + name);
Record *def = first->getDef();
// Create variable decls, if there are a block of same type then create
// comma separated list of them.
std::string cType = getCType(def);
if (lastCType == cType) {
ios << ", ";
} else {
if (!lastCType.empty())
ios << ";\n";
ios << cType << " ";
ios << name;
lastCType = cType;
ios << ";\n";
// Returns the name of the helper used in list parsing. E.g., the name of the
// lambda passed to array parsing.
auto listHelperName = [](StringRef name) {
return formatv("read{0}", capitalize(name));
// Emit list helper functions.
for (auto [arg, name] : zip(args, argNames)) {
Record *attr = cast<DefInit>(arg)->getDef();
if (!attr->isSubClassOf("Array"))
// TODO: Dedupe readers.
Record *def = attr->getValueAsDef("elemT");
if (!def->isSubClassOf("CompositeBytecode") &&
(def->isSubClassOf("AttributeKind") || def->isSubClassOf("TypeKind")))
std::string returnType = getCType(def);
ios << "auto " << listHelperName(name) << " = [&]() -> FailureOr<"
<< returnType << "> ";
SmallVector<Init *> args;
SmallVector<std::string> argNames;
if (def->isSubClassOf("CompositeBytecode")) {
DagInit *members = def->getValueAsDag("members");
args = llvm::to_vector(members->getArgs());
argNames = llvm::to_vector(
map_range(members->getArgNames(), [](StringInit *init) {
return init->getAsUnquotedString();
} else {
args = {def->getDefInit()};
argNames = {"temp"};
StringRef builder = def->getValueAsString("cBuilder");
emitParseHelper(kind, returnType, builder, args, argNames, "failure()",
ios << ";\n";
// Print parse conditional.
printParseConditional(ios, args, argNames);
// Compute args to pass to create method.
auto passedArgs = llvm::to_vector(make_filter_range(
argNames, [](StringRef str) { return !str.starts_with("_"); }));
std::string argStr;
raw_string_ostream argStream(argStr);
interleaveComma(passedArgs, argStream,
[&](const std::string &str) { argStream << str; });
// Return the invoked constructor.
ios << "\nreturn "
<< format(builder, {{"$_resultType", returnType.str()},
{"$_args", argStream.str()}})
<< ";\n";
// TODO: Emit error in debug.
// This assumes the result types in error case can always be empty
// constructed.
ios << "}\nreturn " << failure << ";\n";
void Generator::emitPrint(StringRef kind, StringRef type,
ArrayRef<std::pair<int64_t, Record *>> vec) {
if (type == "ReservedOrDead")
char const *head =
R"(static void write({0} {1}, DialectBytecodeWriter &writer) )";
mlir::raw_indented_ostream os(output);
os << formatv(head, type, kind);
auto funScope = os.scope("{\n", "}\n\n");
// Check that predicates specified if multiple bytecode instances.
for (llvm::Record *rec : make_second_range(vec)) {
StringRef pred = rec->getValueAsString("printerPredicate");
if (vec.size() > 1 && pred.empty()) {
for (auto [index, rec] : vec) {
StringRef pred = rec->getValueAsString("printerPredicate");
if (vec.size() > 1 && pred.empty())
"Requires parsing predicate given common cType");
PrintFatalError("Unspecified for shared cType " + type);
for (auto [index, rec] : vec) {
StringRef pred = rec->getValueAsString("printerPredicate");
if (!pred.empty()) {
os << "if (" << format(pred, {{"$_val", kind.str()}}) << ") {\n";
os << "writer.writeVarInt(/* " << rec->getName() << " */ " << index
<< ");\n";
auto *members = rec->getValueAsDag("members");
for (auto [arg, name] :
llvm::zip(members->getArgs(), members->getArgNames())) {
DefInit *def = dyn_cast<DefInit>(arg);
Record *memberRec = def->getDef();
emitPrintHelper(memberRec, kind, kind, name->getAsUnquotedString(), os);
if (!pred.empty()) {
os << "}\n";
void Generator::emitPrintHelper(Record *memberRec, StringRef kind,
StringRef parent, StringRef name,
mlir::raw_indented_ostream &ios) {
std::string getter;
if (auto cGetter = memberRec->getValueAsOptionalString("cGetter");
cGetter && !cGetter->empty()) {
getter = format(
{{"$_attrType", parent.str()},
{"$_member", name.str()},
{"$_getMember", "get" + convertToCamelFromSnakeCase(name, true)}});
} else {
getter =
formatv("{0}.get{1}()", parent, convertToCamelFromSnakeCase(name, true))
if (memberRec->isSubClassOf("Array")) {
Record *def = memberRec->getValueAsDef("elemT");
if (!def->isSubClassOf("CompositeBytecode")) {
if (def->isSubClassOf("AttributeKind")) {
ios << "writer.writeAttributes(" << getter << ");\n";
if (def->isSubClassOf("TypeKind")) {
ios << "writer.writeTypes(" << getter << ");\n";
std::string returnType = getCType(def);
std::string nestedName = kind.str();
ios << "writer.writeList(" << getter << ", [&](" << returnType << " "
<< nestedName << ") ";
auto lambdaScope = ios.scope("{\n", "});\n");
return emitPrintHelper(def, kind, nestedName, nestedName, ios);
if (memberRec->isSubClassOf("CompositeBytecode")) {
auto *members = memberRec->getValueAsDag("members");
for (auto [arg, argName] :
zip(members->getArgs(), members->getArgNames())) {
DefInit *def = dyn_cast<DefInit>(arg);
emitPrintHelper(def->getDef(), kind, parent,
argName->getAsUnquotedString(), ios);
if (std::string printer = memberRec->getValueAsString("cPrinter").str();
ios << format(printer, {{"$_writer", "writer"},
{"$_name", kind.str()},
{"$_getter", getter}})
<< ";\n";
void Generator::emitPrintDispatch(StringRef kind, ArrayRef<std::string> vec) {
mlir::raw_indented_ostream os(output);
char const *head = R"(static LogicalResult write{0}({0} {1},
DialectBytecodeWriter &writer))";
os << formatv(head, capitalize(kind), kind);
auto funScope = os.scope(" {\n", "}\n\n");
os << "return TypeSwitch<" << capitalize(kind) << ", LogicalResult>(" << kind
<< ")";
auto switchScope = os.scope("", "");
for (StringRef type : vec) {
if (type == "ReservedOrDead")
os << "\n.Case([&](" << type << " t)";
auto caseScope = os.scope(" {\n", "})");
os << "return write(t, writer), success();\n";
os << "\n.Default([&](" << capitalize(kind) << ") { return failure(); });\n";
namespace {
/// Container of Attribute or Type for Dialect.
struct AttrOrType {
std::vector<Record *> attr, type;
} // namespace
static bool emitBCRW(const RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
MapVector<StringRef, AttrOrType> dialectAttrOrType;
for (auto &it : records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("DialectAttributes")) {
if (!selectedBcDialect.empty() &&
it->getValueAsString("dialect") != selectedBcDialect)
dialectAttrOrType[it->getValueAsString("dialect")].attr =
for (auto &it : records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("DialectTypes")) {
if (!selectedBcDialect.empty() &&
it->getValueAsString("dialect") != selectedBcDialect)
dialectAttrOrType[it->getValueAsString("dialect")].type =
if (dialectAttrOrType.size() != 1)
PrintFatalError("Single dialect per invocation required (either only "
"one in input file or specified via dialect option)");
auto it = dialectAttrOrType.front();
Generator gen(os);
SmallVector<std::vector<Record *> *, 2> vecs;
SmallVector<std::string, 2> kinds;
for (auto [vec, kind] : zip(vecs, kinds)) {
// Handle Attribute/Type emission.
std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, Record *>>> perType;
for (auto kt : llvm::enumerate(*vec))
perType[getCType(kt.value())].emplace_back(kt.index(), kt.value());
for (const auto &jt : perType) {
for (auto kt : jt.second)
gen.emitParse(kind, *std::get<1>(kt));
gen.emitPrint(kind, jt.first, jt.second);
gen.emitParseDispatch(kind, *vec);
SmallVector<std::string> types;
for (const auto &it : perType) {
gen.emitPrintDispatch(kind, types);
return false;
static mlir::GenRegistration
genBCRW("gen-bytecode", "Generate dialect bytecode readers/writers",
[](const RecordKeeper &records, raw_ostream &os) {
return emitBCRW(records, os);