blob: 4bdfa099953e8dd2d9992d15ffd0f3ba083f7542 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- - Sparse tensor dialect ops ------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
include "mlir/Dialect/SparseTensor/IR/"
include "mlir/Interfaces/"
include "mlir/Interfaces/"
// Base class.
class SparseTensor_Op<string mnemonic, list<OpTrait> traits = []>
: Op<SparseTensor_Dialect, mnemonic, traits> {
let printer = [{ return ::print(p, *this); }];
let verifier = [{ return ::verify(*this); }];
let parser = [{ return ::parse$cppClass(parser, result); }];
// Sparse Tensor Operations.
def SparseTensor_NewOp : SparseTensor_Op<"new", [NoSideEffect]>,
Arguments<(ins AnyType:$source)>,
Results<(outs TensorOf<[AnyType]>:$result)> {
string summary = "Materializes a new sparse tensor from given source";
string description = [{
Materializes a sparse tensor with contents taken from an opaque pointer
provided by `source`. For targets that have access to a file system,
for example, this pointer may be a filename (or file) of a sparse
tensor in a particular external storage format. The form of the operation
is kept deliberately very general to allow for alternative implementations
in the future, such as pointers to buffers or runnable initialization
code. The operation is provided as an anchor that materializes a properly
typed sparse tensor with inital contents into a computation.
```mlir %source : !Source to tensor<1024x1024xf64, #CSR>
let assemblyFormat = "$source attr-dict `:` type($source) `to` type($result)";
def SparseTensor_InitOp : SparseTensor_Op<"init", [NoSideEffect]>,
Arguments<(ins Variadic<Index>:$sizes)>,
Results<(outs AnyTensor:$result)> {
string summary = "Materializes an unitialized sparse tensor";
string description = [{
Materializes an uninitialized sparse tensor with given shape (either static
or dynamic). The operation is provided as an anchor that materializes a
properly typed but uninitialized sparse tensor into the output clause of
a subsequent operation that yields a sparse tensor as the result.
%c = sparse_tensor.init_tensor [%d1, %d2] : tensor<?x?xf32, #SparseMatrix>
%0 = linalg.matmul
ins(%a, %b: tensor<?x?xf32>, tensor<?x?xf32>)
outs(%c: tensor<?x?xf32, #SparseMatrix>) -> tensor<?x?xf32, #SparseMatrix>
let assemblyFormat = "`[` $sizes `]` attr-dict `:` type($result)";
def SparseTensor_ConvertOp : SparseTensor_Op<"convert",
[NoSideEffect, SameOperandsAndResultElementType]>,
Arguments<(ins AnyTensor:$source)>,
Results<(outs AnyTensor:$dest)> {
string summary = "Converts between different tensor types";
string description = [{
Converts one sparse or dense tensor type to another tensor type. The rank
of the source and destination types must match exactly, and the dimension
sizes must either match exactly or relax from a static to a dynamic size.
The sparse encoding of the two types can obviously be completely different.
The name `convert` was preferred over `cast`, since the operation may incur
a non-trivial cost.
When converting between two different sparse tensor types, only explicitly
stored values are moved from one underlying sparse storage format to
the other. When converting from an unannotated dense tensor type to a
sparse tensor type, an explicit test for nonzero values is used. When
converting to an unannotated dense tensor type, implicit zeroes in the
sparse storage format are made explicit. Note that the conversions can have
non-trivial costs associated with them, since they may involve elaborate
data structure transformations. Also, conversions from sparse tensor types
into dense tensor types may be infeasible in terms of storage requirements.
%0 = sparse_tensor.convert %a : tensor<32x32xf32> to tensor<32x32xf32, #CSR>
%1 = sparse_tensor.convert %a : tensor<32x32xf32> to tensor<?x?xf32, #CSR>
%2 = sparse_tensor.convert %b : tensor<8x8xi32, #CSC> to tensor<8x8xi32, #CSR>
%3 = sparse_tensor.convert %c : tensor<4x8xf64, #CSR> to tensor<4x?xf64, #CSC>
// The following conversion is not allowed (since it would require a
// runtime assertion that the source's dimension size is actually 100).
%4 = sparse_tensor.convert %d : tensor<?xf64> to tensor<100xf64, #SV>
let assemblyFormat = "$source attr-dict `:` type($source) `to` type($dest)";
let hasFolder = 1;
def SparseTensor_ToPointersOp : SparseTensor_Op<"pointers", [NoSideEffect]>,
Arguments<(ins AnyTensor:$tensor, Index:$dim)>,
Results<(outs AnyStridedMemRefOfRank<1>:$result)> {
let summary = "Extracts pointers array at given dimension from a tensor";
let description = [{
Returns the pointers array of the sparse storage format at the
given dimension for the given sparse tensor. This is similar to the
`bufferization.to_memref` operation in the sense that it provides a bridge
between a tensor world view and a bufferized world view. Unlike the
`bufferization.to_memref` operation, however, this sparse operation actually
lowers into a call into a support library to obtain access to the
pointers array.
%1 = sparse_tensor.pointers %0, %c1
: tensor<64x64xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
let assemblyFormat = "$tensor `,` $dim attr-dict `:` type($tensor)"
" `to` type($result)";
def SparseTensor_ToIndicesOp : SparseTensor_Op<"indices", [NoSideEffect]>,
Arguments<(ins AnyTensor:$tensor, Index:$dim)>,
Results<(outs AnyStridedMemRefOfRank<1>:$result)> {
let summary = "Extracts indices array at given dimension from a tensor";
let description = [{
Returns the indices array of the sparse storage format at the
given dimension for the given sparse tensor. This is similar to the
`bufferization.to_memref` operation in the sense that it provides a bridge
between a tensor world view and a bufferized world view. Unlike the
`bufferization.to_memref` operation, however, this sparse operation actually
lowers into a call into a support library to obtain access to the
indices array.
%1 = sparse_tensor.indices %0, %c1
: tensor<64x64xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xindex>
let assemblyFormat = "$tensor `,` $dim attr-dict `:` type($tensor)"
" `to` type($result)";
def SparseTensor_ToValuesOp : SparseTensor_Op<"values", [NoSideEffect]>,
Arguments<(ins AnyTensor:$tensor)>,
Results<(outs AnyStridedMemRefOfRank<1>:$result)> {
let summary = "Extracts numerical values array from a tensor";
let description = [{
Returns the values array of the sparse storage format for the given
sparse tensor, independent of the actual dimension. This is similar to
the `bufferization.to_memref` operation in the sense that it provides a bridge
between a tensor world view and a bufferized world view. Unlike the
`bufferization.to_memref` operation, however, this sparse operation actually
lowers into a call into a support library to obtain access to the
values array.
%1 = sparse_tensor.values %0 : tensor<64x64xf64, #CSR> to memref<?xf64>
let assemblyFormat = "$tensor attr-dict `:` type($tensor) `to` type($result)";
// Sparse Tensor Management Operations. These operations are "impure" in the
// sense that they do not properly operate on SSA values. Instead, the behavior
// is solely defined by side-effects. These operations provide a bridge between
// the code generator and the support library. The semantics of these operations
// may be refined over time as our sparse abstractions evolve.
def SparseTensor_LexInsertOp : SparseTensor_Op<"lex_insert", []>,
Arguments<(ins AnyTensor:$tensor,
StridedMemRefRankOf<[Index], [1]>:$indices,
AnyType:$value)> {
string summary = "Inserts a value into given sparse tensor in lexicograph index order";
string description = [{
Inserts the given value at given indices into the underlying sparse
storage format of the given tensor with the given indices. This
operation can only be applied when a tensor materializes unintialized
with an `init` operation, the insertions occur in strict lexicographic
index order, and the final tensor is constructed with a `tensor`
operation that has the `hasInserts` attribute set.
Note that this operation is "impure" in the sense that its behavior
is solely defined by side-effects and not SSA values. The semantics
may be refined over time as our sparse abstractions evolve.
sparse_tensor.lex_insert %tensor, %indices, %val
: tensor<1024x1024xf64, #CSR>, memref<?xindex>, f64
let assemblyFormat = "$tensor `,` $indices `,` $value attr-dict `:`"
" type($tensor) `,` type($indices) `,` type($value)";
def SparseTensor_LoadOp : SparseTensor_Op<"load", [SameOperandsAndResultType]>,
Arguments<(ins AnyTensor:$tensor, UnitAttr:$hasInserts)>,
Results<(outs AnyTensor:$result)> {
let summary =
"Rematerializes tensor from underlying sparse storage format";
let description = [{
Rematerializes a tensor from the underlying sparse storage format of the
given tensor. This is similar to the `bufferization.to_tensor` operation
in the sense that it provides a bridge between a bufferized world view
and a tensor world view. Unlike the `bufferization.to_tensor` operation,
however, this sparse operation is used only temporarily to maintain a
correctly typed intermediate representation during progressive
The `hasInserts` attribute denote whether insertions to the underlying
sparse storage format may have occurred, in which case the underlying
sparse storage format needs to be finalized. Otherwise, the operation
simply folds away.
Note that this operation is "impure" in the sense that its behavior
is solely defined by side-effects and not SSA values. The semantics
may be refined over time as our sparse abstractions evolve.
%1 = sparse_tensor.load %0 : tensor<8xf64, #SV>
let assemblyFormat = "$tensor (`hasInserts` $hasInserts^)? attr-dict `:` type($tensor)";
def SparseTensor_ReleaseOp : SparseTensor_Op<"release", []>,
Arguments<(ins AnyTensor:$tensor)> {
string summary = "Releases underlying sparse storage format of given tensor";
string description = [{
Releases the underlying sparse storage format for a tensor that
materialized earlier through a `new` operator, `init` operator, or a
`convert` operator with an annotated tensor type as destination (unless
that convert is folded away since the source and destination types were
identical). This operation should only be called once for any materialized
tensor. Also, after this operation, any subsequent `memref` querying
operation on the tensor returns undefined results.
Note that this operation is "impure" in the sense that its behavior
is solely defined by side-effects and not SSA values. The semantics
may be refined over time as our sparse abstractions evolve.
sparse_tensor.release %tensor : tensor<1024x1024xf64, #CSR>
let assemblyFormat = "$tensor attr-dict `:` type($tensor)";