blob: 6cbc308281e22f15076c50096e9ea685396c5b8d [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ComprehensiveBufferize.cpp - Single pass bufferization -------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Perform inplace bufferization within function boundaries.
// This is a specialized pass that supports inplace analysis for a fixed subset
// of ops that have well-defined inplace semantics.
// This pass caters to high-performance codegen where buffer reuse is deemed
// critical: the pass should fail if the bufferized form of the function needs
// to return any buffer.
// Generic control-flow and branching are unsupported.
// Composability with extensible set of ops is not a first-class concern.
// Bufferization occurs by:
// a. performing an inPlace analysis `inPlaceAnalysisFuncOpBody`
// which marks each operation within the function with the
// `kInPlaceResultsAttrName` attribute.
// b. traversing each operation in the function and rewriting it in
// buffer form and keeping a BlockAndValueMapping mapping of the
// rewrites. New allocations are introduced during this step.
// TODO: Allocation + depending op hoisting to outermost enclosing
// sequential scope.
// c. at the end of this bufferization, 3 cases may occur:
// i. inplaceable function arguments may be reused in place after the
// function itself has been bufferized. This is encoded by IR resembling:
// ```
// #map = affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (d0 * s1 + s0)>
// func @foo(%A: tensor<?xf32> {linalg.inplaceable = true})
// -> tensor<?xf32> {
// %0 = bufferization.to_memref %A : memref<?xf32, #map>
// // ... uses of %0
// %res = bufferization.to_tensor %0 : memref<?xf32, #map>
// return %res : tensor<?xf32>
// }
// ```
// this is the cue for the bufferization of the function foo (and calls
// to it) may bufferize to `func @foo(%A: memref<?xf32, some_layout>)`.
// To fully achieve bufferization, an additional analysis is needed to
// determine whether function argument/operand pairs bufferize to a
// single inplace buffer argument (i.e. functions may return tensors in
// arbitrary order that may not match argument numbers).
// ii. results that don't map to an inplaceable function argument are
// generally allocated. Since memref semantics wrt ownership of the
// underlying memory region are not well-defined, comprehensive
// bufferization chooses to perform allocations in a scoped fashion:
// returning memrefs is always considered illegal.
// Such scenarios are encoded by IR resembling:
// ```
// #map = affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (d0 * s1 + s0)>
// func @foo(%A: tensor<?xf32> {linalg.inplaceable = true})
// -> tensor<?xf32> {
// %0 = bufferization.to_memref %A : memref<?xf32, #map>
// %1 = memref.dim %0, %c0 : memref<?xf32, #map>
// %2 = memref.alloc(%1) : memref<?xf32>
// %3 = memref.cast %2 : memref<?xf32> to memref<?xf32, #map>
// // ... uses of %3
// memref.dealloc %2 : memref<?xf32, #map>
// %res = bufferization.to_tensor %3 : memref<?xf32, #map>
// return %res : tensor<?xf32>
// }
// ```
// this is the cue for the bufferization of the function foo (and calls
// to it) that it must bufferize to `func @foo(%A: memref<?xf32,
// some_layout>,
// %B: memref<?xf32, some_layout>)` (i.e. make a cloned
// allocation of the result tensor)
// To fully achieve bufferization, the alloc/dealloc pair must be lifted
// out of the function at each call site.
// iii. as an optimization over ii., it may be possible to reuse an argument
// and only want to return a slice.
// This may forego allocation by letting *all* callers decide whether to
// pass a new *aliasing* memref function argument (i.e. a subview).
// Without loss of generality, callers may agree to allocate a new buffer
// to avoid this aliasing. Such scenarios are encoded by IR resembling:
// ```
// #map = affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (d0 * s1 + s0)>
// func @foo(%arg0: tensor<?xf32> {linalg.inplaceable = true})
// -> tensor<4xf32> {
// %0 = bufferization.to_memref %arg0 : memref<?xf32, #map>
// %1 = memref.subview %0[0] [4] [1] : memref<?xf32, #map> to
// memref<4xf32, #map>
// // ... inplace computes into %1
// %3 = bufferization.to_tensor %1 : memref<4xf32, #map>
// return %3 : tensor<4xf32>
// }
// ```
// Note: In the future, it may be worthwhile to design special bufferization
// ops to encode the desired semantics at function boundaries for i., ii. and
// iii.
// Lastly, note that layout map chosen to bufferize is the most dynamic
// canonical strided layout of the proper rank. This ensures compatibility with
// expected layouts after transformations. Combinations of memref.cast +
// canonicalization are responsible for clean ups.
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/ComprehensiveBufferize/ComprehensiveBufferize.h"
#include <random>
#include "mlir/Dialect/Bufferization/IR/Bufferization.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Linalg/ComprehensiveBufferize/BufferizableOpInterface.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/MemRef/IR/MemRef.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AsmState.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Dominance.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include "mlir/IR/TypeUtilities.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "comprehensive-module-bufferize"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace linalg;
using namespace tensor;
using namespace comprehensive_bufferize;
#define DBGS() (llvm::dbgs() << '[' << DEBUG_TYPE << "] ")
#define LDBG(X) LLVM_DEBUG(DBGS() << X)
// Forward declarations.
#ifndef NDEBUG
static std::string printOperationInfo(Operation *, bool prefix = true);
static std::string printValueInfo(Value, bool prefix = true);
static bool isaTensor(Type t) { return t.isa<TensorType>(); }
// Bufferization-specific attribute manipulation.
// These are for testing and debugging only. Bufferization information is
// stored in BufferizationAliasInfo. When run with `testAnalysisOnly`, the IR
// is annotated with the results of the analysis (copied from
// BufferizationAliasInfo), so that they can be checked in tests.
/// Attribute marker to specify op results that can be bufferized inPlace.
constexpr StringLiteral kInPlaceResultsAttrName = "__inplace_results_attr__";
/// Mark whether OpResult can actually be bufferized inplace.
/// If `inPlace` is `true`, the use-def chain analysis has guaranteed that no
/// subsequent write would occur to the bufferized tensor value (i.e. the result
/// can be bufferized inplace).
static void setInPlaceOpResult(OpResult opResult, bool inPlace) {
if (!opResult)
Operation *op = opResult.getOwner();
auto attr =
SmallVector<StringRef> inPlaceVector =
attr ? SmallVector<StringRef>(
: SmallVector<StringRef>(op->getNumResults(), "false");
LDBG("->set inPlace=" << inPlace << " <- #" << opResult.getResultNumber()
<< ": " << printOperationInfo(op) << "\n");
inPlaceVector[opResult.getResultNumber()] = inPlace ? "true" : "false";
/// Set the attribute that triggers inplace bufferization on a FuncOp argument
/// `bbArg`.
static void setInPlaceFuncArgument(BlockArgument bbArg, bool inPlace) {
auto funcOp = cast<FuncOp>(bbArg.getOwner()->getParentOp());
BoolAttr::get(bbArg.getContext(), inPlace));
// Printing helpers.
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Helper method printing the bufferization information of a buffer / tensor.
static void printTensorOrBufferInfo(std::string prefix, Value value,
AsmState &state, llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
if (!value.getType().isa<ShapedType>())
os << prefix;
value.printAsOperand(os, state);
os << " : " << value.getType();
/// Print the operation name and bufferization information.
static std::string printOperationInfo(Operation *op, bool prefix) {
std::string result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(result);
AsmState state(op->getParentOfType<mlir::FuncOp>());
StringRef tab = prefix ? "\n[" DEBUG_TYPE "]\t" : "";
os << tab << op->getName();
SmallVector<Value> shapedOperands;
for (OpOperand &opOperand : op->getOpOperands()) {
std::string prefix =
llvm::formatv("{0} -> #{1} ", tab, opOperand.getOperandNumber());
printTensorOrBufferInfo(prefix, opOperand.get(), state, os);
for (OpResult opResult : op->getOpResults()) {
std::string prefix =
llvm::formatv("{0} <- #{1} ", tab, opResult.getResultNumber());
printTensorOrBufferInfo(prefix, opResult, state, os);
return result;
/// Print the bufferization information for the defining op or block argument.
static std::string printValueInfo(Value value, bool prefix) {
auto *op = value.getDefiningOp();
if (op)
return printOperationInfo(op, prefix);
// Print the block argument bufferization information.
std::string result;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(result);
AsmState state(value.getParentRegion()->getParentOfType<mlir::FuncOp>());
os << value;
printTensorOrBufferInfo("\n\t - ", value, state, os);
return result;
// Bufferization-specific alias analysis.
/// Return true if opOperand has been decided to bufferize in-place.
static bool isInplaceMemoryWrite(OpOperand &opOperand,
const BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
// OpOperands without an aliasing OpResult do not write.
OpResult opResult = getAliasingOpResult(opOperand);
if (!opResult)
return false;
// OpOperands that do not bufferize to a memory write do not write in-place.
if (!bufferizesToMemoryWrite(opOperand))
return false;
// Check current bufferization decisions.
return aliasInfo.isInPlace(opResult);
/// Return true if, under current bufferization decisions, the buffer of `value`
/// is not writable.
static bool aliasesNonWritableBuffer(Value value,
const BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
LDBG("WRITABILITY ANALYSIS FOR " << printValueInfo(value) << "\n");
bool foundNonWritableBuffer = false;
aliasInfo.applyOnAliases(value, [&](Value v) {
// Some values are known to be writable.
if (aliasInfo.bufferizesToWritableMemory(v))
// Query BufferizableOpInterface to see if the OpResult is writable.
// TODO: Out-of-place bufferized OpResult could be considered writable.
if (auto bufferizableOp = v.getDefiningOp<BufferizableOpInterface>())
if (bufferizableOp && bufferizableOp.isWritable(v))
// Query BufferizableOpInterface to see if the BlockArgument is writable.
if (auto bbArg = v.dyn_cast<BlockArgument>())
if (auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(
if (bufferizableOp.isWritable(bbArg))
foundNonWritableBuffer = true;
if (foundNonWritableBuffer)
return foundNonWritableBuffer;
/// Return true if the buffer to which `operand` would bufferize is equivalent
/// to some buffer write.
static bool aliasesInPlaceWrite(Value value,
const BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
LDBG("----Start aliasesInPlaceWrite\n");
LDBG("-------for : " << printValueInfo(value) << '\n');
bool foundInplaceWrite = false;
aliasInfo.applyOnAliases(value, [&](Value v) {
for (auto &use : v.getUses()) {
if (isInplaceMemoryWrite(use, aliasInfo)) {
LDBG("-----------wants to bufferize to inPlace write: "
<< printOperationInfo(use.getOwner()) << '\n');
foundInplaceWrite = true;
if (!foundInplaceWrite)
LDBG("----------->does not alias an inplace write\n");
return foundInplaceWrite;
/// Return true if `a` happens before `b`, i.e., `a` or one of its ancestors
/// properly dominates `b` and `b` is not inside `a`.
static bool happensBefore(Operation *a, Operation *b,
const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
do {
// TODO: Instead of isProperAncestor + properlyDominates, we should use
// properlyDominatesImpl(a, b, /*enclosingOpOk=*/false)
if (a->isProperAncestor(b))
return false;
if (domInfo.properlyDominates(a, b))
return true;
} while ((a = a->getParentOp()));
return false;
/// Given sets of uses and writes, return true if there is a RaW conflict under
/// the assumption that all given reads/writes alias the same buffer and that
/// all given writes bufferize inplace.
/// A conflict is: According to SSA use-def chains, a read R is supposed to read
/// the result of a write W1. But because of bufferization decisions, R actually
/// reads another write W2.
static bool
hasReadAfterWriteInterference(const DenseSet<OpOperand *> &usesRead,
const DenseSet<OpOperand *> &usesWrite,
const DominanceInfo &domInfo,
const BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
for (OpOperand *uRead : usesRead) {
Operation *readingOp = uRead->getOwner();
// Find most recent write of uRead by following the SSA use-def chain. E.g.:
// %0 = "writing_op"(%t) : tensor<?x32> -> tensor<?xf32>
// %1 = "aliasing_op"(%0) : tensor<?x32> -> tensor<?xf32>
// %2 = "reading_op"(%1) : : tensor<?x32> -> not_a_tensor_type
// In the above example, if uRead is the OpOperand of reading_op, lastWrite
// is %0. Note that operations that create an alias but do not write (such
// as ExtractSliceOp) are skipped.
Value lastWrite = findLastPrecedingWrite(uRead->get());
// Look for conflicting memory writes. Potential conflicts are writes to an
// alias that have been decided to bufferize inplace.
for (OpOperand *uConflictingWrite : usesWrite) {
// Throughout this loop, check for multiple requirements that have to be
// met for uConflictingWrite to be an actual conflict.
Operation *conflictingWritingOp = uConflictingWrite->getOwner();
// Print some debug info.
LDBG("Found potential conflict:\n");
LDBG("READ = #" << uRead->getOperandNumber() << " of "
<< printOperationInfo(readingOp) << "\n");
<< uConflictingWrite->getOperandNumber() << " of "
<< printOperationInfo(conflictingWritingOp) << "\n");
// No conflict if the readingOp dominates conflictingWritingOp, i.e., the
// write is not visible when reading.
if (happensBefore(readingOp, conflictingWritingOp, domInfo))
// No conflict if the reading use equals the use of the conflicting write.
// A use cannot conflict with itself. Note: Just being the same op is not
// enough. It has to be the same use.
if (uConflictingWrite == uRead)
// No conflict if the op interface says so.
if (auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(readingOp))
if (bufferizableOp.isNotConflicting(uRead, uConflictingWrite,
if (conflictingWritingOp != readingOp)
if (auto bufferizableOp =
if (bufferizableOp.isNotConflicting(uRead, uConflictingWrite,
// Ops are not conflicting if they are in mutually exclusive regions.
if (insideMutuallyExclusiveRegions(readingOp, conflictingWritingOp))
LDBG("WRITE = #" << printValueInfo(lastWrite) << "\n");
// No conflict if the conflicting write happens before the last
// write.
if (Operation *writingOp = lastWrite.getDefiningOp()) {
if (happensBefore(conflictingWritingOp, writingOp, domInfo))
// conflictingWritingOp happens before writingOp. No conflict.
// No conflict if conflictingWritingOp is contained in writingOp.
if (writingOp->isProperAncestor(conflictingWritingOp))
} else {
auto bbArg = lastWrite.cast<BlockArgument>();
Block *block = bbArg.getOwner();
if (!block->findAncestorOpInBlock(*conflictingWritingOp))
// conflictingWritingOp happens outside of the block. No
// conflict.
// No conflict if the conflicting write and the last write are the same
// use.
if (getAliasingOpResult(*uConflictingWrite) == lastWrite)
// All requirements are met. Conflict found!
return true;
return false;
/// Return true if bufferizing result inplace would create a conflict. A read R
/// and a write W of the same alias set is a conflict if inplace bufferization
/// of W changes the value read by R to a value different from the one that
/// would be expected by tracing back R's origin through SSA use-def chains.
/// A conflict can only be introduced by a new alias and/or an inplace
/// bufferization decision.
/// Example:
/// %0 = tensor.extract_slice %t[...][...][1, 1] {inplace?}
/// %1 = vector.transfer_write %v1, %t {inplace} : vector<5xf32>, tensor<?xf32>
/// %e = tensor.extract_slice %1
/// %2 = vector.transfer_write %v2, %0 {inplace} : vector<6xf32>, tensor<?xf32>
/// %3 = vector.transfer_read %e, %cst : tensor<?xf32>, vector<7xf32>
/// In the above example, the two TransferWriteOps have already been decided to
/// bufferize inplace. Bufferizing the ExtractSliceOp inplace would create a
/// conflict because:
/// * According to SSA use-def chains, we expect to read the result of %1.
/// * However, adding an alias {%0, %t} would mean that the second
/// TransferWriteOp overwrites the first one. Therefore, the TransferReadOp
/// would no longer be reading the result of %1.
/// If `checkConsistencyOnly` is true, this function checks if there is a
/// read-after-write conflict without bufferizing `operand` inplace. This would
/// indicate a problem with the current inplace bufferization decisions.
bool wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(
OpOperand &operand, OpResult result, const DominanceInfo &domInfo,
const BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
bool checkConsistencyOnly = false) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
SmallVector<OpOperand *> opOperands = getAliasingOpOperand(result);
assert(llvm::find(opOperands, &operand) != opOperands.end() &&
"operand and result do not match");
#endif // NDEBUG
// Helper function to iterate on aliases of `root` and capture the reads.
auto getAliasingReads = [&](DenseSet<OpOperand *> &res, Value root) {
aliasInfo.applyOnAliases(root, [&](Value alias) {
for (auto &use : alias.getUses())
// Read to a value that aliases root.
if (bufferizesToMemoryRead(use))
// Helper function to iterate on aliases of `root` and capture the writes.
auto getAliasingInplaceWrites = [&](DenseSet<OpOperand *> &res, Value root) {
aliasInfo.applyOnAliases(root, [&](Value alias) {
for (auto &use : alias.getUses())
// Inplace write to a value that aliases root.
if (isInplaceMemoryWrite(use, aliasInfo))
// Collect reads and writes of all aliases of OpOperand and OpResult.
DenseSet<OpOperand *> usesRead, usesWrite;
getAliasingReads(usesRead, operand.get());
getAliasingReads(usesRead, result);
getAliasingInplaceWrites(usesWrite, operand.get());
getAliasingInplaceWrites(usesWrite, result);
if (!checkConsistencyOnly && bufferizesToMemoryWrite(operand))
return hasReadAfterWriteInterference(usesRead, usesWrite, domInfo, aliasInfo);
/// Return true if bufferizing `opOperand` inplace with `opResult` would create
/// a write to a non-writable buffer.
static bool
wouldCreateWriteToNonWritableBuffer(OpOperand &opOperand, OpResult opResult,
const BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
SmallVector<OpOperand *> opOperands = getAliasingOpOperand(opResult);
assert(llvm::find(opOperands, &opOperand) != opOperands.end() &&
"operand and result do not match");
#endif // NDEBUG
// Certain buffers are not writeable:
// 1. A function bbArg that is not inplaceable or
// 2. A constant op.
assert(!aliasesNonWritableBuffer(opResult, aliasInfo) &&
"expected that opResult does not alias non-writable buffer");
bool nonWritable = aliasesNonWritableBuffer(opOperand.get(), aliasInfo);
if (!nonWritable)
return false;
// This is a problem only if the buffer is written to via some alias.
bool hasWrite = aliasesInPlaceWrite(opResult, aliasInfo) ||
aliasesInPlaceWrite(opOperand.get(), aliasInfo) ||
if (!hasWrite)
return false;
LDBG("->the corresponding buffer is not writeable\n");
return true;
// Bufferization as simple BlockAndValueMapping rewrites.
/// FuncOp always creates TensorToMemRef ops.
static LogicalResult bufferizeFuncOp(FuncOp funcOp, BufferizationState &state) {
// Take a guard before anything else.
OpBuilder b(funcOp->getContext());
// Create BufferCastOps for function args.
for (auto bbArg : funcOp.getArguments()) {
auto tensorType = bbArg.getType().dyn_cast<TensorType>();
if (!tensorType)
auto rankedTensorType = tensorType.dyn_cast<RankedTensorType>();
// Cast the tensor to the most dynamic buffer possible. Further
// canonicalizations will clean up.
Type memRefType = rankedTensorType
? getDynamicMemRefType(rankedTensorType)
: getContiguousOrUnrankedMemRefType(tensorType);
Value bufferCast =
b.create<bufferization::ToMemrefOp>(funcOp.getLoc(), memRefType, bbArg);
state.aliasInfo.insertNewBufferEquivalence(bufferCast, bbArg);
state.mapBuffer(bbArg, bufferCast);
// Bufferize function body.
return bufferize(&funcOp.body(), state);
// Bufferization analyses.
/// Determine if `operand` can be bufferized in-place with `result`.
static LogicalResult
bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisImpl(OpOperand &operand, OpResult result,
BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
const DominanceInfo &domInfo) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
SmallVector<OpOperand *> opOperands = getAliasingOpOperand(result);
assert(llvm::find(opOperands, &operand) != opOperands.end() &&
"operand and result do not match");
#endif // NDEBUG
int64_t resultNumber = result.getResultNumber();
LDBG("Inplace analysis for <- #" << resultNumber << " -> #"
<< operand.getOperandNumber() << " in "
<< printValueInfo(result) << '\n');
bool foundInterference =
wouldCreateWriteToNonWritableBuffer(operand, result, aliasInfo) ||
wouldCreateReadAfterWriteInterference(operand, result, domInfo,
if (foundInterference)
aliasInfo.bufferizeInPlace(result, operand);
LDBG("Done inplace analysis for result #" << resultNumber << '\n');
return success();
/// Analyze the `ops` to determine which OpResults are inplaceable. Walk ops in
/// reverse and bufferize ops greedily. This is a good starter heuristic.
/// Even if an op does not read or write, it may still create an alias when
/// bufferized in-place. An example of such ops is tensor.extract_slice.
/// Rationale for bufferizing `%1 = tensor.extract_slice %0[...]` inplace:
/// When bufferized out of place, an ExtractSliceOp lowers to alloc + copy. This
/// cannot change the flow of information for either the source or the
/// result buffers.
/// When bufferized inplace, an ExtractSliceOp does not by itself create any
/// read or write from memory. Instead, it has the effect of merging the alias
/// sets of the source and the result buffers.
/// An analysis is required to ensure inplace bufferization would not result in
/// RaW dependence violations.
static LogicalResult inPlaceAnalysis(SmallVector<Operation *> &ops,
BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
const DominanceInfo &domInfo,
unsigned analysisFuzzerSeed = 0) {
if (analysisFuzzerSeed) {
// This is a fuzzer. For testing purposes only. Randomize the order in which
// operations are analyzed. The bufferization quality is likely worse, but
// we want to make sure that no assertions are triggered anywhere.
std::mt19937 g(analysisFuzzerSeed);
llvm::shuffle(ops.begin(), ops.end(), g);
// Walk ops in reverse for better interference analysis.
for (Operation *op : reverse(ops))
for (OpOperand &opOperand : op->getOpOperands())
if (opOperand.get().getType().isa<TensorType>())
if (auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op))
if (OpResult opResult = bufferizableOp.getAliasingOpResult(opOperand))
if (failed(bufferizableInPlaceAnalysisImpl(opOperand, opResult,
aliasInfo, domInfo)))
return failure();
return success();
/// Analyze the `funcOp` body to determine which OpResults are inplaceable.
static LogicalResult
inPlaceAnalysisFuncOpBody(FuncOp funcOp, BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo,
const DominanceInfo &domInfo,
unsigned analysisFuzzerSeed = 0) {
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "\n\n");
LDBG("Begin InPlaceAnalysisFuncOpInternals:\n" << funcOp << '\n');
assert(funcOp && funcOp->getNumRegions() > 0 && !funcOp.body().empty() &&
"expected a funcOp definition with a body");
// Collect ops so we can build our own reverse traversal.
SmallVector<Operation *> ops;
funcOp.walk([&](Operation *op) {
// No tensors => no buffers.
if (none_of(op->getOperandTypes(), isaTensor) &&
none_of(op->getResultTypes(), isaTensor))
// Set the function arguments marked with inplaceable to be known as
// bufferizing to a writeable memory.
for (BlockArgument bbArg : funcOp.getArguments()) {
BoolAttr inplaceAttr = funcOp.getArgAttrOfType<BoolAttr>(
bbArg.getArgNumber(), BufferizableOpInterface::kInplaceableAttrName);
if (inplaceAttr && inplaceAttr.getValue())
LogicalResult res =
inPlaceAnalysis(ops, aliasInfo, domInfo, analysisFuzzerSeed);
LDBG("End InPlaceAnalysisFuncOpInternals:\n" << funcOp << '\n');
return res;
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Assert that the current bufferization decisions are consistent.
static void checkAliasInfoConsistency(FuncOp funcOp,
const DominanceInfo &domInfo,
const BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
funcOp.walk([&](Operation *op) {
if (auto bufferizableOp = dyn_cast<BufferizableOpInterface>(op))
for (OpOperand &opOperand : op->getOpOperands())
if (opOperand.get().getType().isa<TensorType>())
if (OpResult opResult = bufferizableOp.getAliasingOpResult(opOperand))
// If this assertion fails, there is probably an inconsistent
// combination of "mustBufferizeInPlace" decisions.
opOperand, opResult, domInfo, aliasInfo,
/*checkConsistencyOnly=*/true) &&
"found read after write conflict before running analysis");
/// Annotate the IR with the result of the analysis. For testing/debugging only.
static void
annotateOpsWithBufferizationMarkers(Operation *op,
const BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo) {
op->walk([&](Operation *op) {
for (OpResult opResult : op->getResults()) {
if (opResult.getType().isa<TensorType>())
setInPlaceOpResult(opResult, aliasInfo.isInPlace(opResult));
if (auto funcOp = dyn_cast<FuncOp>(op))
for (BlockArgument bbArg : funcOp.getArguments())
if (bbArg.getType().isa<TensorType>())
LogicalResult mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::runComprehensiveBufferize(
FuncOp funcOp, const BufferizationOptions &options,
BufferizationState &state) {
DominanceInfo domInfo(funcOp);
BufferizationAliasInfo &aliasInfo = state.aliasInfo;
if (funcOp.body().empty())
return success();
#ifndef NDEBUG
checkAliasInfoConsistency(funcOp, domInfo, aliasInfo);
#endif // NDEBUG
// If the analysis fails, just return.
if (failed(inPlaceAnalysisFuncOpBody(funcOp, aliasInfo, domInfo,
return failure();
for (const std::unique_ptr<PostAnalysisStep> &step :
options.postAnalysisSteps) {
SmallVector<Operation *> newOps;
if (failed(step->run(funcOp, state, newOps)))
return failure();
// Analyze ops that were created by the PostAnalysisStep.
if (failed(inPlaceAnalysis(newOps, aliasInfo, domInfo)))
return failure();
// Annotate operations if we only want to report the analysis.
if (options.testAnalysisOnly) {
annotateOpsWithBufferizationMarkers(funcOp, aliasInfo);
return success();
// Bufferize all ops in funcOp.
if (failed(bufferizeFuncOp(funcOp, state)))
return failure();
// Erase all obsolete ops.
return success();
/// Default allocation function that is used by the comprehensive bufferization
/// pass. The default currently creates a ranked memref using `memref.alloc`.
static Optional<Value> defaultAllocationFn(OpBuilder &b, Location loc,
MemRefType type,
ArrayRef<Value> dynShape) {
Value allocated = b.create<memref::AllocOp>(
loc, type, dynShape, b.getI64IntegerAttr(kBufferAlignments));
return allocated;
/// Default deallocation function that is used by the comprehensive
/// bufferization pass. It expects to recieve back the value called from the
/// `defaultAllocationFn`.
static void defaultDeallocationFn(OpBuilder &b, Location loc,
Value allocatedBuffer) {
b.create<memref::DeallocOp>(loc, allocatedBuffer);
/// Default memory copy function that is used by the comprehensive bufferization
/// pass. Creates a `memref.copy` op.
static void defaultMemCpyFn(OpBuilder &b, Location loc, Value from, Value to) {
b.create<memref::CopyOp>(loc, from, to);
mlir::linalg::comprehensive_bufferize::defaultAllocationCallbacks() {
return std::make_unique<AllocationCallbacks>(
defaultAllocationFn, defaultDeallocationFn, defaultMemCpyFn);
// Default constructor for BufferizationOptions that sets all allocation
// callbacks to their default functions.
: allocationFns(defaultAllocationCallbacks()) {}