blob: 0ab1b7267d95989175056c82ffad32996ae26a67 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-translate -test-to-llvmir -split-input-file %s | FileCheck %s
module {
"test.symbol"() <{sym_name = "foo"}> : () -> ()
// CHECK-NOT: @sym_from_attr
// CHECK: @foo = external global i32
// CHECK-NOT: @sym_from_attr
// -----
// Make sure that the module attribute is processed before its body, so that the
// `test.symbol` that is created as a result of the `test.discardable_mod_attr`
// attribute is later picked up and translated to LLVM IR.
module attributes {test.discardable_mod_attr = true} {}
// CHECK: @sym_from_attr = external global i32
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @dialect_attr_translation
llvm.func @dialect_attr_translation() {
// CHECK: ret void, !annotation ![[MD_ID:.+]]
llvm.return {test.add_annotation}
// CHECK: ![[MD_ID]] = !{!"annotation_from_test"}
// -----
// CHECK-LABEL: @dialect_attr_translation_multi
llvm.func @dialect_attr_translation_multi(%a: i64, %b: i64, %c: i64) -> i64 {
// CHECK: add {{.*}}, !annotation ![[MD_ID_ADD:.+]]
// CHECK: mul {{.*}}, !annotation ![[MD_ID_MUL:.+]]
// CHECK: ret {{.*}}, !annotation ![[MD_ID_RET:.+]]
%ab = llvm.add %a, %b {test.add_annotation = "add"} : i64
%r = llvm.mul %ab, %c {test.add_annotation = "mul"} : i64
llvm.return {test.add_annotation = "ret"} %r : i64
// CHECK-DAG: ![[MD_ID_ADD]] = !{!"annotation_from_test: add"}
// CHECK-DAG: ![[MD_ID_MUL]] = !{!"annotation_from_test: mul"}
// CHECK-DAG: ![[MD_ID_RET]] = !{!"annotation_from_test: ret"}