blob: be49e0e4597b0e201442d30c8fddd70f16670b3c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: mlir-opt %s -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics
// -----
func.func @a_is_2d(%a : vector<2x2xi32>, %b : vector<4x4xi8>) -> vector<2x2xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{operand `a` should be 1-dimensional}}
%0 = arm_neon.2d.sdot %a, %b, %b : vector<4x4xi8>, vector<4x4xi8> to vector<2x2xi32>
return %0 : vector<2x2xi32>
// -----
func.func @b_is_3d(%a : vector<4xi32>, %b : vector<1x4x4xi8>) -> vector<4xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{operand `b` should be 2-dimensional}}
%0 = arm_neon.2d.sdot %a, %b, %b : vector<1x4x4xi8>, vector<1x4x4xi8> to vector<4xi32>
return %0 : vector<4xi32>
// -----
func.func @b_has_2_columns(%a : vector<4xi32>, %b : vector<4x2xi8>) -> vector<4xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{operand `b` should have 4 columns}}
%0 = arm_neon.2d.sdot %a, %b, %b : vector<4x2xi8>, vector<4x2xi8> to vector<4xi32>
return %0 : vector<4xi32>
// -----
func.func @b_has_2_rows_but_a_has_length_4(%a : vector<4xi32>, %b : vector<2x4xi8>) -> vector<4xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{operand `b` should have as many rows as the size of operand `a`}}
%0 = arm_neon.2d.sdot %a, %b, %b : vector<2x4xi8>, vector<2x4xi8> to vector<4xi32>
return %0 : vector<4xi32>
// -----
func.func @smmla_invalid_input_types(%a: vector<4xi32>,
%b: vector<16xi4>,
%c: vector<16xi4>) -> vector<4xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{op operand #1 must be a vector with length 16 of 8-bit signless integer values, but got 'vector<16xi4>'}}
%0 = arm_neon.intr.smmla %a, %b, %c : vector<16xi4> to vector<4xi32>
return %0 : vector<4xi32>
// -----
func.func @smmla_invalid_dimensions(%a: vector<8xi32>,
%b: vector<32xi8>,
%c: vector<32xi8>) -> vector<8xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{op operand #0 must be a vector with length 4 of 32-bit signless integer values, but got 'vector<8xi32>'}}
%0 = arm_neon.intr.smmla %a, %b, %c : vector<32xi8> to vector<8xi32>
return %0 : vector<8xi32>
// -----
func.func @ummla_invalid_input_types(%a: vector<4xi32>,
%b: vector<16xi4>,
%c: vector<16xi4>) -> vector<4xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{op operand #1 must be a vector with length 16 of 8-bit signless integer values, but got 'vector<16xi4>'}}
%0 = arm_neon.intr.ummla %a, %b, %c : vector<16xi4> to vector<4xi32>
return %0 : vector<4xi32>
// -----
func.func @ummla_invalid_dimensions(%a: vector<8xi32>,
%b: vector<32xi8>,
%c: vector<32xi8>) -> vector<8xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{op operand #0 must be a vector with length 4 of 32-bit signless integer values, but got 'vector<8xi32>'}}
%0 = arm_neon.intr.ummla %a, %b, %c : vector<32xi8> to vector<8xi32>
return %0 : vector<8xi32>
// -----
func.func @usmmla_invalid_input_types(%a: vector<4xi32>,
%b: vector<16xi4>,
%c: vector<16xi4>) -> vector<4xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{op operand #1 must be a vector with length 16 of 8-bit signless integer values, but got 'vector<16xi4>'}}
%0 = arm_neon.intr.usmmla %a, %b, %c : vector<16xi4> to vector<4xi32>
return %0 : vector<4xi32>
// -----
func.func @usmmla_invalid_dimensions(%a: vector<8xi32>,
%b: vector<32xi8>,
%c: vector<32xi8>) -> vector<8xi32> {
// expected-error@+1 {{op operand #0 must be a vector with length 4 of 32-bit signless integer values, but got 'vector<8xi32>'}}
%0 = arm_neon.intr.usmmla %a, %b, %c : vector<32xi8> to vector<8xi32>
return %0 : vector<8xi32>