blob: 7495e703f6303ba3e45fd27cf62b9d70b55f8b3f [file] [log] [blame]
//===---- Query.cpp - -----------------------------------------------------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Query/Query.h"
#include "QueryParser.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/IRMapping.h"
#include "mlir/Query/Matcher/MatchFinder.h"
#include "mlir/Query/QuerySession.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "llvm/Support/SourceMgr.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace mlir::query {
QueryRef parse(llvm::StringRef line, const QuerySession &qs) {
return QueryParser::parse(line, qs);
complete(llvm::StringRef line, size_t pos, const QuerySession &qs) {
return QueryParser::complete(line, pos, qs);
static void printMatch(llvm::raw_ostream &os, QuerySession &qs, Operation *op,
const std::string &binding) {
auto fileLoc = op->getLoc()->findInstanceOf<FileLineColLoc>();
auto smloc = qs.getSourceManager().FindLocForLineAndColumn(
qs.getBufferId(), fileLoc.getLine(), fileLoc.getColumn());
qs.getSourceManager().PrintMessage(os, smloc, llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Note,
"\"" + binding + "\" binds here");
// TODO: Extract into a helper function that can be reused outside query
// context.
static Operation *extractFunction(std::vector<Operation *> &ops,
MLIRContext *context,
llvm::StringRef functionName) {
OpBuilder builder(context);
// Collect data for function creation
std::vector<Operation *> slice;
std::vector<Value> values;
std::vector<Type> outputTypes;
for (auto *op : ops) {
// Return op's operands are propagated, but the op itself isn't needed.
if (!isa<func::ReturnOp>(op))
// All results are returned by the extracted function.
outputTypes.insert(outputTypes.end(), op->getResults().getTypes().begin(),
// Track all values that need to be taken as input to function.
values.insert(values.end(), op->getOperands().begin(),
// Create the function
FunctionType funcType =
builder.getFunctionType(TypeRange(ValueRange(values)), outputTypes);
auto loc = builder.getUnknownLoc();
func::FuncOp funcOp = func::FuncOp::create(loc, functionName, funcType);
// Map original values to function arguments
IRMapping mapper;
for (const auto &arg : llvm::enumerate(values)), funcOp.getArgument(arg.index()));
// Clone operations and build function body
std::vector<Operation *> clonedOps;
std::vector<Value> clonedVals;
for (Operation *slicedOp : slice) {
Operation *clonedOp =
clonedOps.emplace_back(builder.clone(*slicedOp, mapper));
clonedVals.insert(clonedVals.end(), clonedOp->result_begin(),
// Add return operation
builder.create<func::ReturnOp>(loc, clonedVals);
// Remove unused function arguments
size_t currentIndex = 0;
while (currentIndex < funcOp.getNumArguments()) {
if (funcOp.getArgument(currentIndex).use_empty())
return funcOp;
Query::~Query() = default;
mlir::LogicalResult InvalidQuery::run(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
QuerySession &qs) const {
os << errStr << "\n";
return mlir::failure();
mlir::LogicalResult NoOpQuery::run(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
QuerySession &qs) const {
return mlir::success();
mlir::LogicalResult HelpQuery::run(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
QuerySession &qs) const {
os << "Available commands:\n\n"
" match MATCHER, m MATCHER "
"Match the mlir against the given matcher.\n"
" quit "
"Terminates the query session.\n\n";
return mlir::success();
mlir::LogicalResult QuitQuery::run(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
QuerySession &qs) const {
qs.terminate = true;
return mlir::success();
mlir::LogicalResult MatchQuery::run(llvm::raw_ostream &os,
QuerySession &qs) const {
Operation *rootOp = qs.getRootOp();
int matchCount = 0;
std::vector<Operation *> matches =
matcher::MatchFinder().getMatches(rootOp, matcher);
// An extract call is recognized by considering if the matcher has a name.
// TODO: Consider making the extract more explicit.
if (matcher.hasFunctionName()) {
auto functionName = matcher.getFunctionName();
Operation *function =
extractFunction(matches, rootOp->getContext(), functionName);
os << "\n" << *function << "\n\n";
return mlir::success();
os << "\n";
for (Operation *op : matches) {
os << "Match #" << ++matchCount << ":\n\n";
// Placeholder "root" binding for the initial draft.
printMatch(os, qs, op, "root");
os << matchCount << (matchCount == 1 ? " match.\n\n" : " matches.\n\n");
return mlir::success();
} // namespace mlir::query