blob: b83b31e30ef1f8252c38cc746a6d82b879643877 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- DialectResourceBlobManager.cpp - Dialect Blob Management -----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/DialectResourceBlobManager.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include <optional>
using namespace mlir;
// DialectResourceBlobManager
auto DialectResourceBlobManager::lookup(StringRef name) -> BlobEntry * {
llvm::sys::SmartScopedReader<true> reader(blobMapLock);
auto it = blobMap.find(name);
return it != blobMap.end() ? &it->second : nullptr;
void DialectResourceBlobManager::update(StringRef name,
AsmResourceBlob &&newBlob) {
BlobEntry *entry = lookup(name);
assert(entry && "`update` expects an existing entry for the provided name");
auto DialectResourceBlobManager::insert(StringRef name,
std::optional<AsmResourceBlob> blob)
-> BlobEntry & {
llvm::sys::SmartScopedWriter<true> writer(blobMapLock);
// Functor used to attempt insertion with a given name.
auto tryInsertion = [&](StringRef name) -> BlobEntry * {
auto it = blobMap.try_emplace(name, BlobEntry());
if (it.second) {
it.first->second.initialize(it.first->getKey(), std::move(blob));
return &it.first->second;
return nullptr;
// Try inserting with the name provided by the user.
if (BlobEntry *entry = tryInsertion(name))
return *entry;
// If an entry already exists for the user provided name, tweak the name and
// re-attempt insertion until we find one that is unique.
llvm::SmallString<32> nameStorage(name);
size_t nameCounter = 1;
do {
// Try inserting with the new name.
if (BlobEntry *entry = tryInsertion(nameStorage))
return *entry;
nameStorage.resize(name.size() + 1);
} while (true);