blob: 79b04966be6eb198128282d84a183de46b2403ea [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AttrTypeSubElements.cpp - Attr and Type SubElement Interfaces ------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/IR/Operation.h"
#include <optional>
using namespace mlir;
// AttrTypeWalker
WalkResult AttrTypeWalker::walkImpl(Attribute attr, WalkOrder order) {
return walkImpl(attr, attrWalkFns, order);
WalkResult AttrTypeWalker::walkImpl(Type type, WalkOrder order) {
return walkImpl(type, typeWalkFns, order);
template <typename T, typename WalkFns>
WalkResult AttrTypeWalker::walkImpl(T element, WalkFns &walkFns,
WalkOrder order) {
// Check if we've already walk this element before.
auto key = std::make_pair(element.getAsOpaquePointer(), (int)order);
auto it = visitedAttrTypes.find(key);
if (it != visitedAttrTypes.end())
return it->second;
visitedAttrTypes.try_emplace(key, WalkResult::advance());
// If we are walking in post order, walk the sub elements first.
if (order == WalkOrder::PostOrder) {
if (walkSubElements(element, order).wasInterrupted())
return visitedAttrTypes[key] = WalkResult::interrupt();
// Walk this element, bailing if skipped or interrupted.
for (auto &walkFn : llvm::reverse(walkFns)) {
WalkResult walkResult = walkFn(element);
if (walkResult.wasInterrupted())
return visitedAttrTypes[key] = WalkResult::interrupt();
if (walkResult.wasSkipped())
return WalkResult::advance();
// If we are walking in pre-order, walk the sub elements last.
if (order == WalkOrder::PreOrder) {
if (walkSubElements(element, order).wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
return WalkResult::advance();
template <typename T>
WalkResult AttrTypeWalker::walkSubElements(T interface, WalkOrder order) {
WalkResult result = WalkResult::advance();
auto walkFn = [&](auto element) {
if (element && !result.wasInterrupted())
result = walkImpl(element, order);
interface.walkImmediateSubElements(walkFn, walkFn);
return result.wasInterrupted() ? result : WalkResult::advance();
/// AttrTypeReplacer
void AttrTypeReplacer::addReplacement(ReplaceFn<Attribute> fn) {
void AttrTypeReplacer::addReplacement(ReplaceFn<Type> fn) {
void AttrTypeReplacer::replaceElementsIn(Operation *op, bool replaceAttrs,
bool replaceLocs, bool replaceTypes) {
// Functor that replaces the given element if the new value is different,
// otherwise returns nullptr.
auto replaceIfDifferent = [&](auto element) {
auto replacement = replace(element);
return (replacement && replacement != element) ? replacement : nullptr;
// Update the attribute dictionary.
if (replaceAttrs) {
if (auto newAttrs = replaceIfDifferent(op->getAttrDictionary()))
// If we aren't updating locations or types, we're done.
if (!replaceTypes && !replaceLocs)
// Update the location.
if (replaceLocs) {
if (Attribute newLoc = replaceIfDifferent(op->getLoc()))
// Update the result types.
if (replaceTypes) {
for (OpResult result : op->getResults())
if (Type newType = replaceIfDifferent(result.getType()))
// Update any nested block arguments.
for (Region &region : op->getRegions()) {
for (Block &block : region) {
for (BlockArgument &arg : block.getArguments()) {
if (replaceLocs) {
if (Attribute newLoc = replaceIfDifferent(arg.getLoc()))
if (replaceTypes) {
if (Type newType = replaceIfDifferent(arg.getType()))
void AttrTypeReplacer::recursivelyReplaceElementsIn(Operation *op,
bool replaceAttrs,
bool replaceLocs,
bool replaceTypes) {
op->walk([&](Operation *nestedOp) {
replaceElementsIn(nestedOp, replaceAttrs, replaceLocs, replaceTypes);
template <typename T>
static void updateSubElementImpl(T element, AttrTypeReplacer &replacer,
SmallVectorImpl<T> &newElements,
FailureOr<bool> &changed) {
// Bail early if we failed at any point.
if (failed(changed))
// Guard against potentially null inputs. We always map null to null.
if (!element) {
// Replace the element.
if (T result = replacer.replace(element)) {
if (result != element)
changed = true;
} else {
changed = failure();
template <typename T>
T AttrTypeReplacer::replaceSubElements(T interface) {
// Walk the current sub-elements, replacing them as necessary.
SmallVector<Attribute, 16> newAttrs;
SmallVector<Type, 16> newTypes;
FailureOr<bool> changed = false;
[&](Attribute element) {
updateSubElementImpl(element, *this, newAttrs, changed);
[&](Type element) {
updateSubElementImpl(element, *this, newTypes, changed);
if (failed(changed))
return nullptr;
// If any sub-elements changed, use the new elements during the replacement.
T result = interface;
if (*changed)
result = interface.replaceImmediateSubElements(newAttrs, newTypes);
return result;
/// Shared implementation of replacing a given attribute or type element.
template <typename T, typename ReplaceFns>
T AttrTypeReplacer::replaceImpl(T element, ReplaceFns &replaceFns) {
const void *opaqueElement = element.getAsOpaquePointer();
auto [it, inserted] = attrTypeMap.try_emplace(opaqueElement, opaqueElement);
if (!inserted)
return T::getFromOpaquePointer(it->second);
T result = element;
WalkResult walkResult = WalkResult::advance();
for (auto &replaceFn : llvm::reverse(replaceFns)) {
if (std::optional<std::pair<T, WalkResult>> newRes = replaceFn(element)) {
std::tie(result, walkResult) = *newRes;
// If an error occurred, return nullptr to indicate failure.
if (walkResult.wasInterrupted() || !result) {
attrTypeMap[opaqueElement] = nullptr;
return nullptr;
// Handle replacing sub-elements if this element is also a container.
if (!walkResult.wasSkipped()) {
// Replace the sub elements of this element, bailing if we fail.
if (!(result = replaceSubElements(result))) {
attrTypeMap[opaqueElement] = nullptr;
return nullptr;
attrTypeMap[opaqueElement] = result.getAsOpaquePointer();
return result;
Attribute AttrTypeReplacer::replace(Attribute attr) {
return replaceImpl(attr, attrReplacementFns);
Type AttrTypeReplacer::replace(Type type) {
return replaceImpl(type, typeReplacementFns);
// AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker
void AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker::walk(Attribute element) {
if (element)
void AttrTypeImmediateSubElementWalker::walk(Type element) {
if (element)