blob: 502d7e197a6f6bb5bfeeeb4e2eb30f84f9868ff1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- Utils.cpp ---- Misc utilities for loop transformation ----------===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file implements miscellaneous loop transformation routines.
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/Utils/Utils.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/SliceAnalysis.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Arith/IR/Arith.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/IR/SCF.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/IRMapping.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Interfaces/SideEffectInterfaces.h"
#include "mlir/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/RegionUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
using namespace mlir;
namespace {
// This structure is to pass and return sets of loop parameters without
// confusing the order.
struct LoopParams {
Value lowerBound;
Value upperBound;
Value step;
} // namespace
SmallVector<scf::ForOp> mlir::replaceLoopNestWithNewYields(
RewriterBase &rewriter, MutableArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loopNest,
ValueRange newIterOperands, const NewYieldValuesFn &newYieldValuesFn,
bool replaceIterOperandsUsesInLoop) {
if (loopNest.empty())
return {};
// This method is recursive (to make it more readable). Adding an
// assertion here to limit the recursion. (See
assert(loopNest.size() <= 10 &&
"exceeded recursion limit when yielding value from loop nest");
// To yield a value from a perfectly nested loop nest, the following
// pattern needs to be created, i.e. starting with
// ```mlir
// scf.for .. {
// scf.for .. {
// scf.for .. {
// %value = ...
// }
// }
// }
// ```
// needs to be modified to
// ```mlir
// %0 = scf.for .. iter_args(%arg0 = %init) {
// %1 = scf.for .. iter_args(%arg1 = %arg0) {
// %2 = scf.for .. iter_args(%arg2 = %arg1) {
// %value = ...
// scf.yield %value
// }
// scf.yield %2
// }
// scf.yield %1
// }
// ```
// The inner most loop is handled using the `replaceWithAdditionalYields`
// that works on a single loop.
if (loopNest.size() == 1) {
auto innerMostLoop =
rewriter, newIterOperands, replaceIterOperandsUsesInLoop,
return {innerMostLoop};
// The outer loops are modified by calling this method recursively
// - The return value of the inner loop is the value yielded by this loop.
// - The region iter args of this loop are the init_args for the inner loop.
SmallVector<scf::ForOp> newLoopNest;
NewYieldValuesFn fn =
[&](OpBuilder &innerBuilder, Location loc,
ArrayRef<BlockArgument> innerNewBBArgs) -> SmallVector<Value> {
newLoopNest = replaceLoopNestWithNewYields(rewriter, loopNest.drop_front(),
innerNewBBArgs, newYieldValuesFn,
return llvm::to_vector(llvm::map_range(
[](OpResult r) -> Value { return r; }));
scf::ForOp outerMostLoop =
rewriter, newIterOperands, replaceIterOperandsUsesInLoop, fn));
newLoopNest.insert(newLoopNest.begin(), outerMostLoop);
return newLoopNest;
/// Outline a region with a single block into a new FuncOp.
/// Assumes the FuncOp result types is the type of the yielded operands of the
/// single block. This constraint makes it easy to determine the result.
/// This method also clones the `arith::ConstantIndexOp` at the start of
/// `outlinedFuncBody` to alloc simple canonicalizations. If `callOp` is
/// provided, it will be set to point to the operation that calls the outlined
/// function.
// TODO: support more than single-block regions.
// TODO: more flexible constant handling.
FailureOr<func::FuncOp> mlir::outlineSingleBlockRegion(RewriterBase &rewriter,
Location loc,
Region &region,
StringRef funcName,
func::CallOp *callOp) {
assert(!funcName.empty() && "funcName cannot be empty");
if (!region.hasOneBlock())
return failure();
Block *originalBlock = &region.front();
Operation *originalTerminator = originalBlock->getTerminator();
// Outline before current function.
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(rewriter);
SetVector<Value> captures;
getUsedValuesDefinedAbove(region, captures);
ValueRange outlinedValues(captures.getArrayRef());
SmallVector<Type> outlinedFuncArgTypes;
SmallVector<Location> outlinedFuncArgLocs;
// Region's arguments are exactly the first block's arguments as per
// Region::getArguments().
// Func's arguments are cat(regions's arguments, captures arguments).
for (BlockArgument arg : region.getArguments()) {
for (Value value : outlinedValues) {
FunctionType outlinedFuncType =
FunctionType::get(rewriter.getContext(), outlinedFuncArgTypes,
auto outlinedFunc =
rewriter.create<func::FuncOp>(loc, funcName, outlinedFuncType);
Block *outlinedFuncBody = outlinedFunc.addEntryBlock();
// Merge blocks while replacing the original block operands.
// Warning: `mergeBlocks` erases the original block, reconstruct it later.
int64_t numOriginalBlockArguments = originalBlock->getNumArguments();
auto outlinedFuncBlockArgs = outlinedFuncBody->getArguments();
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(rewriter);
originalBlock, outlinedFuncBody,
// Explicitly set up a new ReturnOp terminator.
rewriter.create<func::ReturnOp>(loc, originalTerminator->getResultTypes(),
// Reconstruct the block that was deleted and add a
// terminator(call_results).
Block *newBlock = rewriter.createBlock(
&region, region.begin(),
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(rewriter);
SmallVector<Value> callValues;
llvm::append_range(callValues, newBlock->getArguments());
llvm::append_range(callValues, outlinedValues);
auto call = rewriter.create<func::CallOp>(loc, outlinedFunc, callValues);
if (callOp)
*callOp = call;
// `originalTerminator` was moved to `outlinedFuncBody` and is still valid.
// Clone `originalTerminator` to take the callOp results then erase it from
// `outlinedFuncBody`.
IRMapping bvm;>getOperands(), call->getResults());
rewriter.clone(*originalTerminator, bvm);
// Lastly, explicit RAUW outlinedValues, only for uses within `outlinedFunc`.
// Clone the `arith::ConstantIndexOp` at the start of `outlinedFuncBody`.
for (auto it : llvm::zip(outlinedValues, outlinedFuncBlockArgs.take_back(
outlinedValues.size()))) {
Value orig = std::get<0>(it);
Value repl = std::get<1>(it);
OpBuilder::InsertionGuard g(rewriter);
if (Operation *cst = orig.getDefiningOp<arith::ConstantIndexOp>()) {
IRMapping bvm;
repl = rewriter.clone(*cst, bvm)->getResult(0);
orig.replaceUsesWithIf(repl, [&](OpOperand &opOperand) {
return outlinedFunc->isProperAncestor(opOperand.getOwner());
return outlinedFunc;
LogicalResult mlir::outlineIfOp(RewriterBase &b, scf::IfOp ifOp,
func::FuncOp *thenFn, StringRef thenFnName,
func::FuncOp *elseFn, StringRef elseFnName) {
IRRewriter rewriter(b);
Location loc = ifOp.getLoc();
FailureOr<func::FuncOp> outlinedFuncOpOrFailure;
if (thenFn && !ifOp.getThenRegion().empty()) {
outlinedFuncOpOrFailure = outlineSingleBlockRegion(
rewriter, loc, ifOp.getThenRegion(), thenFnName);
if (failed(outlinedFuncOpOrFailure))
return failure();
*thenFn = *outlinedFuncOpOrFailure;
if (elseFn && !ifOp.getElseRegion().empty()) {
outlinedFuncOpOrFailure = outlineSingleBlockRegion(
rewriter, loc, ifOp.getElseRegion(), elseFnName);
if (failed(outlinedFuncOpOrFailure))
return failure();
*elseFn = *outlinedFuncOpOrFailure;
return success();
bool mlir::getInnermostParallelLoops(Operation *rootOp,
SmallVectorImpl<scf::ParallelOp> &result) {
assert(rootOp != nullptr && "Root operation must not be a nullptr.");
bool rootEnclosesPloops = false;
for (Region &region : rootOp->getRegions()) {
for (Block &block : region.getBlocks()) {
for (Operation &op : block) {
bool enclosesPloops = getInnermostParallelLoops(&op, result);
rootEnclosesPloops |= enclosesPloops;
if (auto ploop = dyn_cast<scf::ParallelOp>(op)) {
rootEnclosesPloops = true;
// Collect parallel loop if it is an innermost one.
if (!enclosesPloops)
return rootEnclosesPloops;
// Build the IR that performs ceil division of a positive value by a constant:
// ceildiv(a, B) = divis(a + (B-1), B)
// where divis is rounding-to-zero division.
static Value ceilDivPositive(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value dividend,
int64_t divisor) {
assert(divisor > 0 && "expected positive divisor");
assert(dividend.getType().isIndex() && "expected index-typed value");
Value divisorMinusOneCst =
builder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, divisor - 1);
Value divisorCst = builder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, divisor);
Value sum = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, dividend, divisorMinusOneCst);
return builder.create<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, sum, divisorCst);
// Build the IR that performs ceil division of a positive value by another
// positive value:
// ceildiv(a, b) = divis(a + (b - 1), b)
// where divis is rounding-to-zero division.
static Value ceilDivPositive(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc, Value dividend,
Value divisor) {
assert(dividend.getType().isIndex() && "expected index-typed value");
Value cstOne = builder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1);
Value divisorMinusOne = builder.create<arith::SubIOp>(loc, divisor, cstOne);
Value sum = builder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, dividend, divisorMinusOne);
return builder.create<arith::DivUIOp>(loc, sum, divisor);
/// Generates unrolled copies of scf::ForOp 'loopBodyBlock', with
/// associated 'forOpIV' by 'unrollFactor', calling 'ivRemapFn' to remap
/// 'forOpIV' for each unrolled body. If specified, annotates the Ops in each
/// unrolled iteration using annotateFn.
static void generateUnrolledLoop(
Block *loopBodyBlock, Value forOpIV, uint64_t unrollFactor,
function_ref<Value(unsigned, Value, OpBuilder)> ivRemapFn,
function_ref<void(unsigned, Operation *, OpBuilder)> annotateFn,
ValueRange iterArgs, ValueRange yieldedValues) {
// Builder to insert unrolled bodies just before the terminator of the body of
// 'forOp'.
auto builder = OpBuilder::atBlockTerminator(loopBodyBlock);
if (!annotateFn)
annotateFn = [](unsigned, Operation *, OpBuilder) {};
// Keep a pointer to the last non-terminator operation in the original block
// so that we know what to clone (since we are doing this in-place).
Block::iterator srcBlockEnd = std::prev(loopBodyBlock->end(), 2);
// Unroll the contents of 'forOp' (append unrollFactor - 1 additional copies).
SmallVector<Value, 4> lastYielded(yieldedValues);
for (unsigned i = 1; i < unrollFactor; i++) {
IRMapping operandMap;
// Prepare operand map., lastYielded);
// If the induction variable is used, create a remapping to the value for
// this unrolled instance.
if (!forOpIV.use_empty()) {
Value ivUnroll = ivRemapFn(i, forOpIV, builder);, ivUnroll);
// Clone the original body of 'forOp'.
for (auto it = loopBodyBlock->begin(); it != std::next(srcBlockEnd); it++) {
Operation *clonedOp = builder.clone(*it, operandMap);
annotateFn(i, clonedOp, builder);
// Update yielded values.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = lastYielded.size(); i < e; i++)
lastYielded[i] = operandMap.lookup(yieldedValues[i]);
// Make sure we annotate the Ops in the original body. We do this last so that
// any annotations are not copied into the cloned Ops above.
for (auto it = loopBodyBlock->begin(); it != std::next(srcBlockEnd); it++)
annotateFn(0, &*it, builder);
// Update operands of the yield statement.
/// Unrolls 'forOp' by 'unrollFactor', returns success if the loop is unrolled.
LogicalResult mlir::loopUnrollByFactor(
scf::ForOp forOp, uint64_t unrollFactor,
function_ref<void(unsigned, Operation *, OpBuilder)> annotateFn) {
assert(unrollFactor > 0 && "expected positive unroll factor");
// Return if the loop body is empty.
if (llvm::hasSingleElement(forOp.getBody()->getOperations()))
return success();
// Compute tripCount = ceilDiv((upperBound - lowerBound), step) and populate
// 'upperBoundUnrolled' and 'stepUnrolled' for static and dynamic cases.
OpBuilder boundsBuilder(forOp);
IRRewriter rewriter(forOp.getContext());
auto loc = forOp.getLoc();
Value step = forOp.getStep();
Value upperBoundUnrolled;
Value stepUnrolled;
bool generateEpilogueLoop = true;
std::optional<int64_t> lbCstOp = getConstantIntValue(forOp.getLowerBound());
std::optional<int64_t> ubCstOp = getConstantIntValue(forOp.getUpperBound());
std::optional<int64_t> stepCstOp = getConstantIntValue(forOp.getStep());
if (lbCstOp && ubCstOp && stepCstOp) {
// Constant loop bounds computation.
int64_t lbCst = lbCstOp.value();
int64_t ubCst = ubCstOp.value();
int64_t stepCst = stepCstOp.value();
assert(lbCst >= 0 && ubCst >= 0 && stepCst >= 0 &&
"expected positive loop bounds and step");
int64_t tripCount = mlir::ceilDiv(ubCst - lbCst, stepCst);
if (unrollFactor == 1) {
if (tripCount == 1 && failed(forOp.promoteIfSingleIteration(rewriter)))
return failure();
return success();
int64_t tripCountEvenMultiple = tripCount - (tripCount % unrollFactor);
int64_t upperBoundUnrolledCst = lbCst + tripCountEvenMultiple * stepCst;
int64_t stepUnrolledCst = stepCst * unrollFactor;
// Create constant for 'upperBoundUnrolled' and set epilogue loop flag.
generateEpilogueLoop = upperBoundUnrolledCst < ubCst;
if (generateEpilogueLoop)
upperBoundUnrolled = boundsBuilder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(
loc, upperBoundUnrolledCst);
upperBoundUnrolled = forOp.getUpperBound();
// Create constant for 'stepUnrolled'.
stepUnrolled = stepCst == stepUnrolledCst
? step
: boundsBuilder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(
loc, stepUnrolledCst);
} else {
// Dynamic loop bounds computation.
// TODO: Add dynamic asserts for negative lb/ub/step, or
// consider using ceilDiv from AffineApplyExpander.
auto lowerBound = forOp.getLowerBound();
auto upperBound = forOp.getUpperBound();
Value diff =
boundsBuilder.create<arith::SubIOp>(loc, upperBound, lowerBound);
Value tripCount = ceilDivPositive(boundsBuilder, loc, diff, step);
Value unrollFactorCst =
boundsBuilder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, unrollFactor);
Value tripCountRem =
boundsBuilder.create<arith::RemSIOp>(loc, tripCount, unrollFactorCst);
// Compute tripCountEvenMultiple = tripCount - (tripCount % unrollFactor)
Value tripCountEvenMultiple =
boundsBuilder.create<arith::SubIOp>(loc, tripCount, tripCountRem);
// Compute upperBoundUnrolled = lowerBound + tripCountEvenMultiple * step
upperBoundUnrolled = boundsBuilder.create<arith::AddIOp>(
loc, lowerBound,
boundsBuilder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, tripCountEvenMultiple, step));
// Scale 'step' by 'unrollFactor'.
stepUnrolled =
boundsBuilder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, step, unrollFactorCst);
// Create epilogue clean up loop starting at 'upperBoundUnrolled'.
if (generateEpilogueLoop) {
OpBuilder epilogueBuilder(forOp->getContext());
auto epilogueForOp = cast<scf::ForOp>(epilogueBuilder.clone(*forOp));
// Update uses of loop results.
auto results = forOp.getResults();
auto epilogueResults = epilogueForOp.getResults();
for (auto e : llvm::zip(results, epilogueResults)) {
epilogueForOp.getInitArgs().size(), results);
// Create unrolled loop.
auto iterArgs = ValueRange(forOp.getRegionIterArgs());
auto yieldedValues = forOp.getBody()->getTerminator()->getOperands();
forOp.getBody(), forOp.getInductionVar(), unrollFactor,
[&](unsigned i, Value iv, OpBuilder b) {
// iv' = iv + step * i;
auto stride = b.create<arith::MulIOp>(
loc, step, b.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, i));
return b.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, iv, stride);
annotateFn, iterArgs, yieldedValues);
// Promote the loop body up if this has turned into a single iteration loop.
return success();
/// Return the new lower bound, upper bound, and step in that order. Insert any
/// additional bounds calculations before the given builder and any additional
/// conversion back to the original loop induction value inside the given Block.
static LoopParams normalizeLoop(OpBuilder &boundsBuilder,
OpBuilder &insideLoopBuilder, Location loc,
Value lowerBound, Value upperBound, Value step,
Value inductionVar) {
// Check if the loop is already known to have a constant zero lower bound or
// a constant one step.
bool isZeroBased = false;
if (auto ubCst = getConstantIntValue(lowerBound))
isZeroBased = ubCst.value() == 0;
bool isStepOne = false;
if (auto stepCst = getConstantIntValue(step))
isStepOne = stepCst.value() == 1;
// Compute the number of iterations the loop executes: ceildiv(ub - lb, step)
// assuming the step is strictly positive. Update the bounds and the step
// of the loop to go from 0 to the number of iterations, if necessary.
if (isZeroBased && isStepOne)
return {/*lowerBound=*/lowerBound, /*upperBound=*/upperBound,
Value diff = boundsBuilder.create<arith::SubIOp>(loc, upperBound, lowerBound);
Value newUpperBound =
boundsBuilder.create<arith::CeilDivSIOp>(loc, diff, step);
Value newLowerBound =
isZeroBased ? lowerBound
: boundsBuilder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
loc, boundsBuilder.getZeroAttr(lowerBound.getType()));
Value newStep =
isStepOne ? step
: boundsBuilder.create<arith::ConstantOp>(
loc, boundsBuilder.getIntegerAttr(step.getType(), 1));
// Insert code computing the value of the original loop induction variable
// from the "normalized" one.
Value scaled =
? inductionVar
: insideLoopBuilder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, inductionVar, step);
Value shifted =
? scaled
: insideLoopBuilder.create<arith::AddIOp>(loc, scaled, lowerBound);
SmallPtrSet<Operation *, 2> preserve{scaled.getDefiningOp(),
inductionVar.replaceAllUsesExcept(shifted, preserve);
return {/*lowerBound=*/newLowerBound, /*upperBound=*/newUpperBound,
/// Transform a loop with a strictly positive step
/// for %i = %lb to %ub step %s
/// into a 0-based loop with step 1
/// for %ii = 0 to ceildiv(%ub - %lb, %s) step 1 {
/// %i = %ii * %s + %lb
/// Insert the induction variable remapping in the body of `inner`, which is
/// expected to be either `loop` or another loop perfectly nested under `loop`.
/// Insert the definition of new bounds immediate before `outer`, which is
/// expected to be either `loop` or its parent in the loop nest.
static void normalizeLoop(scf::ForOp loop, scf::ForOp outer, scf::ForOp inner) {
OpBuilder builder(outer);
OpBuilder innerBuilder = OpBuilder::atBlockBegin(inner.getBody());
auto loopPieces = normalizeLoop(builder, innerBuilder, loop.getLoc(),
loop.getLowerBound(), loop.getUpperBound(),
loop.getStep(), loop.getInductionVar());
LogicalResult mlir::coalesceLoops(MutableArrayRef<scf::ForOp> loops) {
if (loops.size() < 2)
return failure();
scf::ForOp innermost = loops.back();
scf::ForOp outermost = loops.front();
// 1. Make sure all loops iterate from 0 to upperBound with step 1. This
// allows the following code to assume upperBound is the number of iterations.
for (auto loop : loops)
normalizeLoop(loop, outermost, innermost);
// 2. Emit code computing the upper bound of the coalesced loop as product
// of the number of iterations of all loops.
OpBuilder builder(outermost);
Location loc = outermost.getLoc();
Value upperBound = outermost.getUpperBound();
for (auto loop : loops.drop_front())
upperBound =
builder.create<arith::MulIOp>(loc, upperBound, loop.getUpperBound());
// 3. Remap induction variables. For each original loop, the value of the
// induction variable can be obtained by dividing the induction variable of
// the linearized loop by the total number of iterations of the loops nested
// in it modulo the number of iterations in this loop (remove the values
// related to the outer loops):
// iv_i = floordiv(iv_linear, product-of-loop-ranges-until-i) mod range_i.
// Compute these iteratively from the innermost loop by creating a "running
// quotient" of division by the range.
Value previous = outermost.getInductionVar();
for (unsigned i = 0, e = loops.size(); i < e; ++i) {
unsigned idx = loops.size() - i - 1;
if (i != 0)
previous = builder.create<arith::DivSIOp>(loc, previous,
loops[idx + 1].getUpperBound());
Value iv = (i == e - 1) ? previous
: builder.create<arith::RemSIOp>(
loc, previous, loops[idx].getUpperBound());
replaceAllUsesInRegionWith(loops[idx].getInductionVar(), iv,
// 4. Move the operations from the innermost just above the second-outermost
// loop, delete the extra terminator and the second-outermost loop.
scf::ForOp second = loops[1];
return success();
void mlir::collapseParallelLoops(
scf::ParallelOp loops, ArrayRef<std::vector<unsigned>> combinedDimensions) {
OpBuilder outsideBuilder(loops);
Location loc = loops.getLoc();
// Presort combined dimensions.
auto sortedDimensions = llvm::to_vector<3>(combinedDimensions);
for (auto &dims : sortedDimensions)
// Normalize ParallelOp's iteration pattern.
SmallVector<Value, 3> normalizedLowerBounds, normalizedSteps,
for (unsigned i = 0, e = loops.getNumLoops(); i < e; ++i) {
OpBuilder insideLoopBuilder = OpBuilder::atBlockBegin(loops.getBody());
auto resultBounds =
normalizeLoop(outsideBuilder, insideLoopBuilder, loc,
loops.getLowerBound()[i], loops.getUpperBound()[i],
loops.getStep()[i], loops.getBody()->getArgument(i));
// Combine iteration spaces.
SmallVector<Value, 3> lowerBounds, upperBounds, steps;
auto cst0 = outsideBuilder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 0);
auto cst1 = outsideBuilder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1);
for (auto &sortedDimension : sortedDimensions) {
Value newUpperBound = outsideBuilder.create<arith::ConstantIndexOp>(loc, 1);
for (auto idx : sortedDimension) {
newUpperBound = outsideBuilder.create<arith::MulIOp>(
loc, newUpperBound, normalizedUpperBounds[idx]);
// Create new ParallelLoop with conversions to the original induction values.
// The loop below uses divisions to get the relevant range of values in the
// new induction value that represent each range of the original induction
// value. The remainders then determine based on that range, which iteration
// of the original induction value this represents. This is a normalized value
// that is un-normalized already by the previous logic.
auto newPloop = outsideBuilder.create<scf::ParallelOp>(
loc, lowerBounds, upperBounds, steps,
[&](OpBuilder &insideBuilder, Location, ValueRange ploopIVs) {
for (unsigned i = 0, e = combinedDimensions.size(); i < e; ++i) {
Value previous = ploopIVs[i];
unsigned numberCombinedDimensions = combinedDimensions[i].size();
// Iterate over all except the last induction value.
for (unsigned j = numberCombinedDimensions - 1; j > 0; --j) {
unsigned idx = combinedDimensions[i][j];
// Determine the current induction value's current loop iteration
Value iv = insideBuilder.create<arith::RemSIOp>(
loc, previous, normalizedUpperBounds[idx]);
replaceAllUsesInRegionWith(loops.getBody()->getArgument(idx), iv,
// Remove the effect of the current induction value to prepare for
// the next value.
previous = insideBuilder.create<arith::DivSIOp>(
loc, previous, normalizedUpperBounds[idx]);
// The final induction value is just the remaining value.
unsigned idx = combinedDimensions[i][0];
previous, loops.getRegion());
// Replace the old loop with the new loop.
// Hoist the ops within `outer` that appear before `inner`.
// Such ops include the ops that have been introduced by parametric tiling.
// Ops that come from triangular loops (i.e. that belong to the program slice
// rooted at `outer`) and ops that have side effects cannot be hoisted.
// Return failure when any op fails to hoist.
static LogicalResult hoistOpsBetween(scf::ForOp outer, scf::ForOp inner) {
SetVector<Operation *> forwardSlice;
ForwardSliceOptions options;
options.filter = [&inner](Operation *op) {
return op != inner.getOperation();
getForwardSlice(outer.getInductionVar(), &forwardSlice, options);
LogicalResult status = success();
SmallVector<Operation *, 8> toHoist;
for (auto &op : outer.getBody()->without_terminator()) {
// Stop when encountering the inner loop.
if (&op == inner.getOperation())
// Skip over non-hoistable ops.
if (forwardSlice.count(&op) > 0) {
status = failure();
// Skip intermediate scf::ForOp, these are not considered a failure.
if (isa<scf::ForOp>(op))
// Skip other ops with regions.
if (op.getNumRegions() > 0) {
status = failure();
// Skip if op has side effects.
// TODO: loads to immutable memory regions are ok.
if (!isMemoryEffectFree(&op)) {
status = failure();
auto *outerForOp = outer.getOperation();
for (auto *op : toHoist)
return status;
// Traverse the interTile and intraTile loops and try to hoist ops such that
// bands of perfectly nested loops are isolated.
// Return failure if either perfect interTile or perfect intraTile bands cannot
// be formed.
static LogicalResult tryIsolateBands(const TileLoops &tileLoops) {
LogicalResult status = success();
const Loops &interTile = tileLoops.first;
const Loops &intraTile = tileLoops.second;
auto size = interTile.size();
assert(size == intraTile.size());
if (size <= 1)
return success();
for (unsigned s = 1; s < size; ++s)
status = succeeded(status) ? hoistOpsBetween(intraTile[0], intraTile[s])
: failure();
for (unsigned s = 1; s < size; ++s)
status = succeeded(status) ? hoistOpsBetween(interTile[0], interTile[s])
: failure();
return status;
/// Collect perfectly nested loops starting from `rootForOps`. Loops are
/// perfectly nested if each loop is the first and only non-terminator operation
/// in the parent loop. Collect at most `maxLoops` loops and append them to
/// `forOps`.
template <typename T>
static void getPerfectlyNestedLoopsImpl(
SmallVectorImpl<T> &forOps, T rootForOp,
unsigned maxLoops = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < maxLoops; ++i) {
Block &body = rootForOp.getRegion().front();
if (body.begin() != std::prev(body.end(), 2))
rootForOp = dyn_cast<T>(&body.front());
if (!rootForOp)
static Loops stripmineSink(scf::ForOp forOp, Value factor,
ArrayRef<scf::ForOp> targets) {
auto originalStep = forOp.getStep();
auto iv = forOp.getInductionVar();
OpBuilder b(forOp);
forOp.setStep(b.create<arith::MulIOp>(forOp.getLoc(), originalStep, factor));
Loops innerLoops;
for (auto t : targets) {
// Save information for splicing ops out of t when done
auto begin = t.getBody()->begin();
auto nOps = t.getBody()->getOperations().size();
// Insert newForOp before the terminator of `t`.
auto b = OpBuilder::atBlockTerminator((t.getBody()));
Value stepped = b.create<arith::AddIOp>(t.getLoc(), iv, forOp.getStep());
Value ub =
b.create<arith::MinSIOp>(t.getLoc(), forOp.getUpperBound(), stepped);
// Splice [begin, begin + nOps - 1) into `newForOp` and replace uses.
auto newForOp = b.create<scf::ForOp>(t.getLoc(), iv, ub, originalStep);
t.getBody()->getOperations(), begin, std::next(begin, nOps - 1));
replaceAllUsesInRegionWith(iv, newForOp.getInductionVar(),
return innerLoops;
// Stripmines a `forOp` by `factor` and sinks it under a single `target`.
// Returns the new for operation, nested immediately under `target`.
template <typename SizeType>
static scf::ForOp stripmineSink(scf::ForOp forOp, SizeType factor,
scf::ForOp target) {
// TODO: Use cheap structural assertions that targets are nested under
// forOp and that targets are not nested under each other when DominanceInfo
// exposes the capability. It seems overkill to construct a whole function
// dominance tree at this point.
auto res = stripmineSink(forOp, factor, ArrayRef<scf::ForOp>(target));
assert(res.size() == 1 && "Expected 1 inner forOp");
return res[0];
SmallVector<Loops, 8> mlir::tile(ArrayRef<scf::ForOp> forOps,
ArrayRef<Value> sizes,
ArrayRef<scf::ForOp> targets) {
SmallVector<SmallVector<scf::ForOp, 8>, 8> res;
SmallVector<scf::ForOp, 8> currentTargets(targets.begin(), targets.end());
for (auto it : llvm::zip(forOps, sizes)) {
auto step = stripmineSink(std::get<0>(it), std::get<1>(it), currentTargets);
currentTargets = step;
return res;
Loops mlir::tile(ArrayRef<scf::ForOp> forOps, ArrayRef<Value> sizes,
scf::ForOp target) {
SmallVector<scf::ForOp, 8> res;
for (auto loops : tile(forOps, sizes, ArrayRef<scf::ForOp>(target))) {
assert(loops.size() == 1);
return res;
Loops mlir::tilePerfectlyNested(scf::ForOp rootForOp, ArrayRef<Value> sizes) {
// Collect perfectly nested loops. If more size values provided than nested
// loops available, truncate `sizes`.
SmallVector<scf::ForOp, 4> forOps;
getPerfectlyNestedLoopsImpl(forOps, rootForOp, sizes.size());
if (forOps.size() < sizes.size())
sizes = sizes.take_front(forOps.size());
return ::tile(forOps, sizes, forOps.back());
void mlir::getPerfectlyNestedLoops(SmallVectorImpl<scf::ForOp> &nestedLoops,
scf::ForOp root) {
getPerfectlyNestedLoopsImpl(nestedLoops, root);
TileLoops mlir::extractFixedOuterLoops(scf::ForOp rootForOp,
ArrayRef<int64_t> sizes) {
// Collect perfectly nested loops. If more size values provided than nested
// loops available, truncate `sizes`.
SmallVector<scf::ForOp, 4> forOps;
getPerfectlyNestedLoopsImpl(forOps, rootForOp, sizes.size());
if (forOps.size() < sizes.size())
sizes = sizes.take_front(forOps.size());
// Compute the tile sizes such that i-th outer loop executes size[i]
// iterations. Given that the loop current executes
// numIterations = ceildiv((upperBound - lowerBound), step)
// iterations, we need to tile with size ceildiv(numIterations, size[i]).
SmallVector<Value, 4> tileSizes;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = sizes.size(); i < e; ++i) {
assert(sizes[i] > 0 && "expected strictly positive size for strip-mining");
auto forOp = forOps[i];
OpBuilder builder(forOp);
auto loc = forOp.getLoc();
Value diff = builder.create<arith::SubIOp>(loc, forOp.getUpperBound(),
Value numIterations = ceilDivPositive(builder, loc, diff, forOp.getStep());
Value iterationsPerBlock =
ceilDivPositive(builder, loc, numIterations, sizes[i]);
// Call parametric tiling with the given sizes.
auto intraTile = tile(forOps, tileSizes, forOps.back());
TileLoops tileLoops = std::make_pair(forOps, intraTile);
// TODO: for now we just ignore the result of band isolation.
// In the future, mapping decisions may be impacted by the ability to
// isolate perfectly nested bands.
return tileLoops;
scf::ForallOp mlir::fuseIndependentSiblingForallLoops(scf::ForallOp target,
scf::ForallOp source,
RewriterBase &rewriter) {
unsigned numTargetOuts = target.getNumResults();
unsigned numSourceOuts = source.getNumResults();
OperandRange targetOuts = target.getOutputs();
OperandRange sourceOuts = source.getOutputs();
// Create fused shared_outs.
SmallVector<Value> fusedOuts;
fusedOuts.reserve(numTargetOuts + numSourceOuts);
fusedOuts.append(targetOuts.begin(), targetOuts.end());
fusedOuts.append(sourceOuts.begin(), sourceOuts.end());
// Create a new scf::forall op after the source loop.
scf::ForallOp fusedLoop = rewriter.create<scf::ForallOp>(
source.getLoc(), source.getMixedLowerBound(), source.getMixedUpperBound(),
source.getMixedStep(), fusedOuts, source.getMapping());
// Map control operands.
IRMapping fusedMapping;, fusedLoop.getInductionVars());, fusedLoop.getInductionVars());
// Map shared outs.,
fusedLoop.getRegionIterArgs().slice(0, numTargetOuts));
fusedLoop.getRegionIterArgs().slice(numTargetOuts, numSourceOuts));
// Append everything except the terminator into the fused operation.
for (Operation &op : target.getBody()->without_terminator())
rewriter.clone(op, fusedMapping);
for (Operation &op : source.getBody()->without_terminator())
rewriter.clone(op, fusedMapping);
// Fuse the old terminator in_parallel ops into the new one.
scf::InParallelOp targetTerm = target.getTerminator();
scf::InParallelOp sourceTerm = source.getTerminator();
scf::InParallelOp fusedTerm = fusedLoop.getTerminator();
for (Operation &op : targetTerm.getYieldingOps())
rewriter.clone(op, fusedMapping);
for (Operation &op : sourceTerm.getYieldingOps())
rewriter.clone(op, fusedMapping);
// Replace all uses of the old loops with the fused loop.
fusedLoop.getResults().slice(0, numTargetOuts));
fusedLoop.getResults().slice(numTargetOuts, numSourceOuts));
// Erase the old loops.
return fusedLoop;