blob: 89dfb61d48af9456577720f1162390d095b5e8c7 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- AffineCanonicalizationUtils.cpp - Affine Canonicalization in SCF ---===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Utility functions to canonicalize affine ops within SCF op regions.
#include <utility>
#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/Analysis/AffineStructures.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/Analysis/Utils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Affine/IR/AffineValueMap.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/IR/SCF.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/SCF/Utils/AffineCanonicalizationUtils.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Utils/StaticValueUtils.h"
#include "mlir/IR/AffineMap.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Matchers.h"
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#define DEBUG_TYPE "mlir-scf-affine-utils"
using namespace mlir;
using namespace affine;
using namespace presburger;
LogicalResult scf::matchForLikeLoop(Value iv, OpFoldResult &lb,
OpFoldResult &ub, OpFoldResult &step) {
if (scf::ForOp forOp = scf::getForInductionVarOwner(iv)) {
lb = forOp.getLowerBound();
ub = forOp.getUpperBound();
step = forOp.getStep();
return success();
if (scf::ParallelOp parOp = scf::getParallelForInductionVarOwner(iv)) {
for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < parOp.getNumLoops(); ++idx) {
if (parOp.getInductionVars()[idx] == iv) {
lb = parOp.getLowerBound()[idx];
ub = parOp.getUpperBound()[idx];
step = parOp.getStep()[idx];
return success();
return failure();
if (scf::ForallOp forallOp = scf::getForallOpThreadIndexOwner(iv)) {
for (int64_t idx = 0; idx < forallOp.getRank(); ++idx) {
if (forallOp.getInductionVar(idx) == iv) {
lb = forallOp.getMixedLowerBound()[idx];
ub = forallOp.getMixedUpperBound()[idx];
step = forallOp.getMixedStep()[idx];
return success();
return failure();
return failure();
static FailureOr<AffineApplyOp>
canonicalizeMinMaxOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op,
FlatAffineValueConstraints constraints) {
RewriterBase::InsertionGuard guard(rewriter);
FailureOr<AffineValueMap> simplified =
affine::simplifyConstrainedMinMaxOp(op, std::move(constraints));
if (failed(simplified))
return failure();
return rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<AffineApplyOp>(
op, simplified->getAffineMap(), simplified->getOperands());
LogicalResult scf::addLoopRangeConstraints(FlatAffineValueConstraints &cstr,
Value iv, OpFoldResult lb,
OpFoldResult ub, OpFoldResult step) {
Builder b(iv.getContext());
// IntegerPolyhedron does not support semi-affine expressions.
// Therefore, only constant step values are supported.
auto stepInt = getConstantIntValue(step);
if (!stepInt)
return failure();
unsigned dimIv = cstr.appendDimVar(iv);
auto lbv = llvm::dyn_cast_if_present<Value>(lb);
unsigned symLb =
lbv ? cstr.appendSymbolVar(lbv) : cstr.appendSymbolVar(/*num=*/1);
auto ubv = llvm::dyn_cast_if_present<Value>(ub);
unsigned symUb =
ubv ? cstr.appendSymbolVar(ubv) : cstr.appendSymbolVar(/*num=*/1);
// If loop lower/upper bounds are constant: Add EQ constraint.
std::optional<int64_t> lbInt = getConstantIntValue(lb);
std::optional<int64_t> ubInt = getConstantIntValue(ub);
if (lbInt)
cstr.addBound(BoundType::EQ, symLb, *lbInt);
if (ubInt)
cstr.addBound(BoundType::EQ, symUb, *ubInt);
// Lower bound: iv >= lb (equiv.: iv - lb >= 0)
SmallVector<int64_t> ineqLb(cstr.getNumCols(), 0);
ineqLb[dimIv] = 1;
ineqLb[symLb] = -1;
// Upper bound
AffineExpr ivUb;
if (lbInt && ubInt && (*lbInt + *stepInt >= *ubInt)) {
// The loop has at most one iteration.
// iv < lb + 1
// TODO: Try to derive this constraint by simplifying the expression in
// the else-branch.
ivUb = b.getAffineSymbolExpr(symLb - cstr.getNumDimVars()) + 1;
} else {
// The loop may have more than one iteration.
// iv < lb + step * ((ub - lb - 1) floorDiv step) + 1
AffineExpr exprLb =
lbInt ? b.getAffineConstantExpr(*lbInt)
: b.getAffineSymbolExpr(symLb - cstr.getNumDimVars());
AffineExpr exprUb =
ubInt ? b.getAffineConstantExpr(*ubInt)
: b.getAffineSymbolExpr(symUb - cstr.getNumDimVars());
ivUb = exprLb + 1 + (*stepInt * ((exprUb - exprLb - 1).floorDiv(*stepInt)));
auto map = AffineMap::get(
/*symbolCount=*/cstr.getNumSymbolVars(), /*result=*/ivUb);
return cstr.addBound(BoundType::UB, dimIv, map);
/// Canonicalize min/max operations in the context of for loops with a known
/// range. Call `canonicalizeMinMaxOp` and add the following constraints to
/// the constraint system (along with the missing dimensions):
/// * iv >= lb
/// * iv < lb + step * ((ub - lb - 1) floorDiv step) + 1
/// Note: Due to limitations of IntegerPolyhedron, only constant step sizes
/// are currently supported.
LogicalResult scf::canonicalizeMinMaxOpInLoop(RewriterBase &rewriter,
Operation *op,
LoopMatcherFn loopMatcher) {
FlatAffineValueConstraints constraints;
DenseSet<Value> allIvs;
// Find all iteration variables among `minOp`'s operands add constrain them.
for (Value operand : op->getOperands()) {
// Skip duplicate ivs.
if (allIvs.contains(operand))
// If `operand` is an iteration variable: Find corresponding loop
// bounds and step.
Value iv = operand;
OpFoldResult lb, ub, step;
if (failed(loopMatcher(operand, lb, ub, step)))
if (failed(addLoopRangeConstraints(constraints, iv, lb, ub, step)))
return failure();
return canonicalizeMinMaxOp(rewriter, op, constraints);
/// Try to simplify the given affine.min/max operation `op` after loop peeling.
/// This function can simplify min/max operations such as (ub is the previous
/// upper bound of the unpeeled loop):
/// ```
/// #map = affine_map<(d0)[s0, s1] -> (s0, -d0 + s1)>
/// %r = affine.min #affine.min #map(%iv)[%step, %ub]
/// ```
/// and rewrites them into (in the case the peeled loop):
/// ```
/// %r = %step
/// ```
/// min/max operations inside the partial iteration are rewritten in a similar
/// way.
/// This function builds up a set of constraints, capable of proving that:
/// * Inside the peeled loop: min(step, ub - iv) == step
/// * Inside the partial iteration: min(step, ub - iv) == ub - iv
/// Returns `success` if the given operation was replaced by a new operation;
/// `failure` otherwise.
/// Note: `ub` is the previous upper bound of the loop (before peeling).
/// `insideLoop` must be true for min/max ops inside the loop and false for
/// affine.min ops inside the partial iteration. For an explanation of the other
/// parameters, see comment of `canonicalizeMinMaxOpInLoop`.
LogicalResult scf::rewritePeeledMinMaxOp(RewriterBase &rewriter, Operation *op,
Value iv, Value ub, Value step,
bool insideLoop) {
FlatAffineValueConstraints constraints;
constraints.appendSymbolVar({ub, step});
if (auto constUb = getConstantIntValue(ub))
constraints.addBound(BoundType::EQ, 1, *constUb);
if (auto constStep = getConstantIntValue(step))
constraints.addBound(BoundType::EQ, 2, *constStep);
// Add loop peeling invariant. This is the main piece of knowledge that
// enables AffineMinOp simplification.
if (insideLoop) {
// ub - iv >= step (equiv.: -iv + ub - step + 0 >= 0)
// Intuitively: Inside the peeled loop, every iteration is a "full"
// iteration, i.e., step divides the iteration space `ub - lb` evenly.
constraints.addInequality({-1, 1, -1, 0});
} else {
// ub - iv < step (equiv.: iv + -ub + step - 1 >= 0)
// Intuitively: `iv` is the split bound here, i.e., the iteration variable
// value of the very last iteration (in the unpeeled loop). At that point,
// there are less than `step` elements remaining. (Otherwise, the peeled
// loop would run for at least one more iteration.)
constraints.addInequality({1, -1, 1, -1});
return canonicalizeMinMaxOp(rewriter, op, constraints);