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//===-- OneToNTypeConversion.h - Utils for 1:N type conversion --*- C++ -*-===//
// Licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file provides utils for implementing (poor-man's) dialect conversion
// passes with 1:N type conversions.
// The main function, `applyPartialOneToNConversion`, first applies a set of
// `RewritePattern`s, which produce unrealized casts to convert the operands and
// results from and to the source types, and then replaces all newly added
// unrealized casts by user-provided materializations. For this to work, the
// main function requires a special `TypeConverter`, a special
// `PatternRewriter`, and special RewritePattern`s, which extend their
// respective base classes for 1:N type converions.
// Note that this is much more simple-minded than the "real" dialect conversion,
// which checks for legality before applying patterns and does probably many
// other additional things. Ideally, some of the extensions here could be
// integrated there.
#include "mlir/IR/PatternMatch.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
namespace mlir {
/// Extends `TypeConverter` with 1:N target materializations. Such
/// materializations have to provide the "reverse" of 1:N type conversions,
/// i.e., they need to materialize N values with target types into one value
/// with a source type (which isn't possible in the base class currently).
class OneToNTypeConverter : public TypeConverter {
/// Callback that expresses user-provided materialization logic from the given
/// value to N values of the given types. This is useful for expressing target
/// materializations for 1:N type conversions, which materialize one value in
/// a source type as N values in target types.
using OneToNMaterializationCallbackFn =
std::function<std::optional<SmallVector<Value>>(OpBuilder &, TypeRange,
Value, Location)>;
/// Creates the mapping of the given range of original types to target types
/// of the conversion and stores that mapping in the given (signature)
/// conversion. This function simply calls
/// `TypeConverter::convertSignatureArgs` and exists here with a different
/// name to reflect the broader semantic.
LogicalResult computeTypeMapping(TypeRange types,
SignatureConversion &result) {
return convertSignatureArgs(types, result);
/// Applies one of the user-provided 1:N target materializations. If several
/// exists, they are tried out in the reverse order in which they have been
/// added until the first one succeeds. If none succeeds, the functions
/// returns `std::nullopt`.
materializeTargetConversion(OpBuilder &builder, Location loc,
TypeRange resultTypes, Value input) const;
/// Adds a 1:N target materialization to the converter. Such materializations
/// build IR that converts N values with target types into 1 value of the
/// source type.
void addTargetMaterialization(OneToNMaterializationCallbackFn &&callback) {
SmallVector<OneToNMaterializationCallbackFn> oneToNTargetMaterializations;
/// Stores a 1:N mapping of types and provides several useful accessors. This
/// class extends `SignatureConversion`, which already supports 1:N type
/// mappings but lacks some accessors into the mapping as well as access to the
/// original types.
class OneToNTypeMapping : public TypeConverter::SignatureConversion {
OneToNTypeMapping(TypeRange originalTypes)
: TypeConverter::SignatureConversion(originalTypes.size()),
originalTypes(originalTypes) {}
using TypeConverter::SignatureConversion::getConvertedTypes;
/// Returns the list of types that corresponds to the original type at the
/// given index.
TypeRange getConvertedTypes(unsigned originalTypeNo) const;
/// Returns the list of original types.
TypeRange getOriginalTypes() const { return originalTypes; }
/// Returns the slice of converted values that corresponds the original value
/// at the given index.
ValueRange getConvertedValues(ValueRange convertedValues,
unsigned originalValueNo) const;
/// Fills the given result vector with as many copies of the location of the
/// original value as the number of values it is converted to.
void convertLocation(Value originalValue, unsigned originalValueNo,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Location> &result) const;
/// Fills the given result vector with as many copies of the lociation of each
/// original value as the number of values they are respectively converted to.
void convertLocations(ValueRange originalValues,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Location> &result) const;
/// Returns true iff at least one type conversion maps an input type to a type
/// that is different from itself.
bool hasNonIdentityConversion() const;
llvm::SmallVector<Type> originalTypes;
/// Extends the basic `RewritePattern` class with a type converter member and
/// some accessors to it. This is useful for patterns that are not
/// `ConversionPattern`s but still require access to a type converter.
class RewritePatternWithConverter : public mlir::RewritePattern {
/// Construct a conversion pattern with the given converter, and forward the
/// remaining arguments to RewritePattern.
template <typename... Args>
RewritePatternWithConverter(TypeConverter &typeConverter, Args &&...args)
: RewritePattern(std::forward<Args>(args)...),
typeConverter(&typeConverter) {}
/// Return the type converter held by this pattern, or nullptr if the pattern
/// does not require type conversion.
TypeConverter *getTypeConverter() const { return typeConverter; }
template <typename ConverterTy>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<TypeConverter, ConverterTy>::value,
ConverterTy *>
getTypeConverter() const {
return static_cast<ConverterTy *>(typeConverter);
/// A type converter for use by this pattern.
TypeConverter *const typeConverter;
/// Specialization of `PatternRewriter` that `OneToNConversionPattern`s use. The
/// class provides additional rewrite methods that are specific to 1:N type
/// conversions.
class OneToNPatternRewriter : public PatternRewriter {
OneToNPatternRewriter(MLIRContext *context,
OpBuilder::Listener *listener = nullptr)
: PatternRewriter(context, listener) {}
/// Replaces the results of the operation with the specified list of values
/// mapped back to the original types as specified in the provided type
/// mapping. That type mapping must match the replaced op (i.e., the original
/// types must be the same as the result types of the op) and the new values
/// (i.e., the converted types must be the same as the types of the new
/// values).
void replaceOp(Operation *op, ValueRange newValues,
const OneToNTypeMapping &resultMapping);
using PatternRewriter::replaceOp;
/// Applies the given argument conversion to the given block. This consists of
/// replacing each original argument with N arguments as specified in the
/// argument conversion and inserting unrealized casts from the converted
/// values to the original types, which are then used in lieu of the original
/// ones. (Eventually, `applyPartialOneToNConversion` replaces these casts
/// with a user-provided argument materialization if necessary.) This is
/// similar to `ArgConverter::applySignatureConversion` but (1) handles 1:N
/// type conversion properly and probably (2) doesn't handle many other edge
/// cases.
Block *applySignatureConversion(Block *block,
OneToNTypeMapping &argumentConversion);
/// Base class for patterns with 1:N type conversions. Derived classes have to
/// overwrite the `matchAndRewrite` overlaod that provides additional
/// information for 1:N type conversions.
class OneToNConversionPattern : public RewritePatternWithConverter {
using RewritePatternWithConverter::RewritePatternWithConverter;
/// This function has to be implemented by derived classes and is called from
/// the usual overloads. Like in "normal" `DialectConversion`, the function is
/// provided with the converted operands (which thus have target types). Since
/// 1:N conversions are supported, there is usually no 1:1 relationship
/// between the original and the converted operands. Instead, the provided
/// `operandMapping` can be used to access the converted operands that
/// correspond to a particular original operand. Similarly, `resultMapping`
/// is provided to help with assembling the result values, which may have 1:N
/// correspondences as well. In that case, the original op should be replaced
/// with the overload of `replaceOp` that takes the provided `resultMapping`
/// in order to deal with the mapping of converted result values to their
/// usages in the original types correctly.
virtual LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(Operation *op,
OneToNPatternRewriter &rewriter,
const OneToNTypeMapping &operandMapping,
const OneToNTypeMapping &resultMapping,
ValueRange convertedOperands) const = 0;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(Operation *op,
PatternRewriter &rewriter) const final;
/// This class is a wrapper around `OneToNConversionPattern` for matching
/// against instances of a particular op class.
template <typename SourceOp>
class OneToNOpConversionPattern : public OneToNConversionPattern {
OneToNOpConversionPattern(TypeConverter &typeConverter, MLIRContext *context,
PatternBenefit benefit = 1,
ArrayRef<StringRef> generatedNames = {})
: OneToNConversionPattern(typeConverter, SourceOp::getOperationName(),
benefit, context, generatedNames) {}
/// Generic adaptor around the root op of this pattern using the converted
/// operands. Importantly, each operand is represented as a *range* of values,
/// namely the N values each original operand gets converted to. Concretely,
/// this makes the result type of the accessor functions of the adaptor class
/// be a `ValueRange`.
class OpAdaptor
: public SourceOp::template GenericAdaptor<ArrayRef<ValueRange>> {
using RangeT = ArrayRef<ValueRange>;
using BaseT = typename SourceOp::template GenericAdaptor<RangeT>;
using Properties = typename SourceOp::template InferredProperties<SourceOp>;
OpAdaptor(const OneToNTypeMapping *operandMapping,
const OneToNTypeMapping *resultMapping,
const ValueRange *convertedOperands, RangeT values, SourceOp op)
: BaseT(values, op), operandMapping(operandMapping),
resultMapping(resultMapping), convertedOperands(convertedOperands) {}
/// Get the type mapping of the original operands to the converted operands.
const OneToNTypeMapping &getOperandMapping() const {
return *operandMapping;
/// Get the type mapping of the original results to the converted results.
const OneToNTypeMapping &getResultMapping() const { return *resultMapping; }
/// Get a flat range of all converted operands. Unlike `getOperands`, which
/// returns an `ArrayRef` with one `ValueRange` for each original operand,
/// this function returns a `ValueRange` that contains all converted
/// operands irrespectively of which operand they originated from.
ValueRange getFlatOperands() const { return *convertedOperands; }
const OneToNTypeMapping *operandMapping;
const OneToNTypeMapping *resultMapping;
const ValueRange *convertedOperands;
using OneToNConversionPattern::matchAndRewrite;
/// Overload that derived classes have to override for their op type.
virtual LogicalResult
matchAndRewrite(SourceOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
OneToNPatternRewriter &rewriter) const = 0;
LogicalResult matchAndRewrite(Operation *op, OneToNPatternRewriter &rewriter,
const OneToNTypeMapping &operandMapping,
const OneToNTypeMapping &resultMapping,
ValueRange convertedOperands) const final {
// Wrap converted operands and type mappings into an adaptor.
SmallVector<ValueRange> valueRanges;
for (int64_t i = 0; i < op->getNumOperands(); i++) {
auto values = operandMapping.getConvertedValues(convertedOperands, i);
OpAdaptor adaptor(&operandMapping, &resultMapping, &convertedOperands,
valueRanges, cast<SourceOp>(op));
// Call overload implemented by the derived class.
return matchAndRewrite(cast<SourceOp>(op), adaptor, rewriter);
/// Applies the given set of patterns recursively on the given op and adds user
/// materializations where necessary. The patterns are expected to be
/// `OneToNConversionPattern`, which help converting the types of the operands
/// and results of the matched ops. The provided type converter is used to
/// convert the operands of matched ops from their original types to operands
/// with different types. Unlike in `DialectConversion`, this supports 1:N type
/// conversions. Those conversions at the "boundary" of the pattern application,
/// where converted results are not consumed by replaced ops that expect the
/// converted operands or vice versa, the function inserts user materializations
/// from the type converter. Also unlike `DialectConversion`, there are no legal
/// or illegal types; the function simply applies the given patterns and does
/// not fail if some ops or types remain unconverted (i.e., the conversion is
/// only "partial").
applyPartialOneToNConversion(Operation *op, OneToNTypeConverter &typeConverter,
const FrozenRewritePatternSet &patterns);
} // namespace mlir