blob: 88fc033a6ab7be551aede4b808852b9b33b2311a [file] [log] [blame]
//===- InliningUtils.h - Inliner utilities ----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This header file defines interfaces for various inlining utility methods.
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectInterface.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Location.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Region.h"
#include "mlir/IR/ValueRange.h"
#include <optional>
namespace mlir {
class Block;
class IRMapping;
class CallableOpInterface;
class CallOpInterface;
class OpBuilder;
class Operation;
class Region;
class TypeRange;
class Value;
class ValueRange;
// InlinerInterface
/// This is the interface that must be implemented by the dialects of operations
/// to be inlined. This interface should only handle the operations of the
/// given dialect.
class DialectInlinerInterface
: public DialectInterface::Base<DialectInlinerInterface> {
DialectInlinerInterface(Dialect *dialect) : Base(dialect) {}
// Analysis Hooks
/// Returns true if the given operation 'callable', that implements the
/// 'CallableOpInterface', can be inlined into the position given call
/// operation 'call', that is registered to the current dialect and implements
/// the `CallOpInterface`. 'wouldBeCloned' is set to true if the region of the
/// given 'callable' is set to be cloned during the inlining process, or false
/// if the region is set to be moved in-place(i.e. no duplicates would be
/// created).
virtual bool isLegalToInline(Operation *call, Operation *callable,
bool wouldBeCloned) const {
return false;
/// Returns true if the given region 'src' can be inlined into the region
/// 'dest' that is attached to an operation registered to the current dialect.
/// 'wouldBeCloned' is set to true if the given 'src' region is set to be
/// cloned during the inlining process, or false if the region is set to be
/// moved in-place(i.e. no duplicates would be created). 'valueMapping'
/// contains any remapped values from within the 'src' region. This can be
/// used to examine what values will replace entry arguments into the 'src'
/// region for example.
virtual bool isLegalToInline(Region *dest, Region *src, bool wouldBeCloned,
IRMapping &valueMapping) const {
return false;
/// Returns true if the given operation 'op', that is registered to this
/// dialect, can be inlined into the given region, false otherwise.
/// 'wouldBeCloned' is set to true if the given 'op' is set to be cloned
/// during the inlining process, or false if the operation is set to be moved
/// in-place(i.e. no duplicates would be created). 'valueMapping' contains any
/// remapped values from within the 'src' region. This can be used to examine
/// what values may potentially replace the operands to 'op'.
virtual bool isLegalToInline(Operation *op, Region *dest, bool wouldBeCloned,
IRMapping &valueMapping) const {
return false;
/// This hook is invoked on an operation that contains regions. It should
/// return true if the analyzer should recurse within the regions of this
/// operation when computing legality and cost, false otherwise. The default
/// implementation returns true.
virtual bool shouldAnalyzeRecursively(Operation *op) const { return true; }
// Transformation Hooks
/// Handle the given inlined terminator by replacing it with a new operation
/// as necessary. This overload is called when the inlined region has more
/// than one block. The 'newDest' block represents the new final branching
/// destination of blocks within this region, i.e. operations that release
/// control to the parent operation will likely now branch to this block.
/// Its block arguments correspond to any values that need to be replaced by
/// terminators within the inlined region.
virtual void handleTerminator(Operation *op, Block *newDest) const {
llvm_unreachable("must implement handleTerminator in the case of multiple "
"inlined blocks");
/// Handle the given inlined terminator by replacing it with a new operation
/// as necessary. This overload is called when the inlined region only
/// contains one block. 'valuesToReplace' contains the previously returned
/// values of the call site before inlining. These values must be replaced by
/// this callback if they had any users (for example for traditional function
/// calls, these are directly replaced with the operands of the `return`
/// operation). The given 'op' will be removed by the caller, after this
/// function has been called.
virtual void handleTerminator(Operation *op,
ValueRange valuesToReplace) const {
"must implement handleTerminator in the case of one inlined block");
/// Attempt to materialize a conversion for a type mismatch between a call
/// from this dialect, and a callable region. This method should generate an
/// operation that takes 'input' as the only operand, and produces a single
/// result of 'resultType'. If a conversion can not be generated, nullptr
/// should be returned. For example, this hook may be invoked in the following
/// scenarios:
/// func @foo(i32) -> i32 { ... }
/// // Mismatched input operand
/// ... = @foo(%input : i16) -> i32
/// // Mismatched result type.
/// ... = @foo(%input : i32) -> i16
/// NOTE: This hook may be invoked before the 'isLegal' checks above.
virtual Operation *materializeCallConversion(OpBuilder &builder, Value input,
Type resultType,
Location conversionLoc) const {
return nullptr;
/// Hook to transform the call arguments before using them to replace the
/// callee arguments. Returns a value of the same type or the `argument`
/// itself if nothing changed. The `argumentAttrs` dictionary is non-null even
/// if no attribute is present. The hook is called after converting the
/// callsite argument types using the materializeCallConversion callback, and
/// right before inlining the callee region. Any operations created using the
/// provided `builder` are inserted right before the inlined callee region. An
/// example use case is the insertion of copies for by value arguments.
virtual Value handleArgument(OpBuilder &builder, Operation *call,
Operation *callable, Value argument,
DictionaryAttr argumentAttrs) const {
return argument;
/// Hook to transform the callee results before using them to replace the call
/// results. Returns a value of the same type or the `result` itself if
/// nothing changed. The `resultAttrs` dictionary is non-null even if no
/// attribute is present. The hook is called right before handling
/// terminators, and obtains the callee result before converting its type
/// using the `materializeCallConversion` callback. Any operations created
/// using the provided `builder` are inserted right after the inlined callee
/// region. An example use case is the insertion of copies for by value
/// results. NOTE: This hook is invoked after inlining the `callable` region.
virtual Value handleResult(OpBuilder &builder, Operation *call,
Operation *callable, Value result,
DictionaryAttr resultAttrs) const {
return result;
/// Process a set of blocks that have been inlined for a call. This callback
/// is invoked before inlined terminator operations have been processed.
virtual void processInlinedCallBlocks(
Operation *call, iterator_range<Region::iterator> inlinedBlocks) const {}
/// This interface provides the hooks into the inlining interface.
/// Note: this class automatically collects 'DialectInlinerInterface' objects
/// registered to each dialect within the given context.
class InlinerInterface
: public DialectInterfaceCollection<DialectInlinerInterface> {
using Base::Base;
/// Process a set of blocks that have been inlined. This callback is invoked
/// *before* inlined terminator operations have been processed.
virtual void
processInlinedBlocks(iterator_range<Region::iterator> inlinedBlocks) {}
/// These hooks mirror the hooks for the DialectInlinerInterface, with default
/// implementations that call the hook on the handler for the dialect 'op' is
/// registered to.
// Analysis Hooks
virtual bool isLegalToInline(Operation *call, Operation *callable,
bool wouldBeCloned) const;
virtual bool isLegalToInline(Region *dest, Region *src, bool wouldBeCloned,
IRMapping &valueMapping) const;
virtual bool isLegalToInline(Operation *op, Region *dest, bool wouldBeCloned,
IRMapping &valueMapping) const;
virtual bool shouldAnalyzeRecursively(Operation *op) const;
// Transformation Hooks
virtual void handleTerminator(Operation *op, Block *newDest) const;
virtual void handleTerminator(Operation *op, ValueRange valuesToRepl) const;
virtual Value handleArgument(OpBuilder &builder, Operation *call,
Operation *callable, Value argument,
DictionaryAttr argumentAttrs) const;
virtual Value handleResult(OpBuilder &builder, Operation *call,
Operation *callable, Value result,
DictionaryAttr resultAttrs) const;
virtual void processInlinedCallBlocks(
Operation *call, iterator_range<Region::iterator> inlinedBlocks) const;
// Inline Methods.
/// This function inlines a region, 'src', into another. This function returns
/// failure if it is not possible to inline this function. If the function
/// returned failure, then no changes to the module have been made.
/// The provided 'inlinePoint' must be within a region, and corresponds to the
/// location where the 'src' region should be inlined. 'mapping' contains any
/// remapped operands that are used within the region, and *must* include
/// remappings for the entry arguments to the region. 'resultsToReplace'
/// corresponds to any results that should be replaced by terminators within the
/// inlined region. 'regionResultTypes' specifies the expected return types of
/// the terminators in the region. 'inlineLoc' is an optional Location that, if
/// provided, will be used to update the inlined operations' location
/// information. 'shouldCloneInlinedRegion' corresponds to whether the source
/// region should be cloned into the 'inlinePoint' or spliced directly.
LogicalResult inlineRegion(InlinerInterface &interface, Region *src,
Operation *inlinePoint, IRMapping &mapper,
ValueRange resultsToReplace,
TypeRange regionResultTypes,
std::optional<Location> inlineLoc = std::nullopt,
bool shouldCloneInlinedRegion = true);
LogicalResult inlineRegion(InlinerInterface &interface, Region *src,
Block *inlineBlock, Block::iterator inlinePoint,
IRMapping &mapper, ValueRange resultsToReplace,
TypeRange regionResultTypes,
std::optional<Location> inlineLoc = std::nullopt,
bool shouldCloneInlinedRegion = true);
/// This function is an overload of the above 'inlineRegion' that allows for
/// providing the set of operands ('inlinedOperands') that should be used
/// in-favor of the region arguments when inlining.
LogicalResult inlineRegion(InlinerInterface &interface, Region *src,
Operation *inlinePoint, ValueRange inlinedOperands,
ValueRange resultsToReplace,
std::optional<Location> inlineLoc = std::nullopt,
bool shouldCloneInlinedRegion = true);
LogicalResult inlineRegion(InlinerInterface &interface, Region *src,
Block *inlineBlock, Block::iterator inlinePoint,
ValueRange inlinedOperands,
ValueRange resultsToReplace,
std::optional<Location> inlineLoc = std::nullopt,
bool shouldCloneInlinedRegion = true);
/// This function inlines a given region, 'src', of a callable operation,
/// 'callable', into the location defined by the given call operation. This
/// function returns failure if inlining is not possible, success otherwise. On
/// failure, no changes are made to the module. 'shouldCloneInlinedRegion'
/// corresponds to whether the source region should be cloned into the 'call' or
/// spliced directly.
LogicalResult inlineCall(InlinerInterface &interface, CallOpInterface call,
CallableOpInterface callable, Region *src,
bool shouldCloneInlinedRegion = true);
} // namespace mlir