blob: 4f7f83cdb47376466ccef48c88aa6b6a7cdee2fb [file] [log] [blame]
//===- MlirOptMain.h - MLIR Optimizer Driver main ---------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Main entry function for mlir-opt for when built as standalone binary.
#include "mlir/Debug/CLOptionsSetup.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "mlir/Support/ToolUtilities.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
class MemoryBuffer;
} // namespace llvm
namespace mlir {
class DialectRegistry;
class PassPipelineCLParser;
class PassManager;
/// Configuration options for the mlir-opt tool.
/// This is intended to help building tools like mlir-opt by collecting the
/// supported options.
/// The API is fluent, and the options are sorted in alphabetical order below.
/// The options can be exposed to the LLVM command line by registering them
/// with `MlirOptMainConfig::registerCLOptions(DialectRegistry &);` and creating
/// a config using `auto config = MlirOptMainConfig::createFromCLOptions();`.
class MlirOptMainConfig {
/// Register the options as global LLVM command line options.
static void registerCLOptions(DialectRegistry &dialectRegistry);
/// Create a new config with the default set from the CL options.
static MlirOptMainConfig createFromCLOptions();
/// Options.
/// Allow operation with no registered dialects.
/// This option is for convenience during testing only and discouraged in
/// general.
MlirOptMainConfig &allowUnregisteredDialects(bool allow) {
allowUnregisteredDialectsFlag = allow;
return *this;
bool shouldAllowUnregisteredDialects() const {
return allowUnregisteredDialectsFlag;
/// Set the debug configuration to use.
MlirOptMainConfig &setDebugConfig(tracing::DebugConfig config) {
debugConfig = std::move(config);
return *this;
tracing::DebugConfig &getDebugConfig() { return debugConfig; }
const tracing::DebugConfig &getDebugConfig() const { return debugConfig; }
/// Print the pass-pipeline as text before executing.
MlirOptMainConfig &dumpPassPipeline(bool dump) {
dumpPassPipelineFlag = dump;
return *this;
bool shouldDumpPassPipeline() const { return dumpPassPipelineFlag; }
/// Set the output format to bytecode instead of textual IR.
MlirOptMainConfig &emitBytecode(bool emit) {
emitBytecodeFlag = emit;
return *this;
bool shouldEmitBytecode() const { return emitBytecodeFlag; }
bool shouldElideResourceDataFromBytecode() const {
return elideResourceDataFromBytecodeFlag;
/// Set the IRDL file to load before processing the input.
MlirOptMainConfig &setIrdlFile(StringRef file) {
irdlFileFlag = file;
return *this;
StringRef getIrdlFile() const { return irdlFileFlag; }
/// Set the bytecode version to emit.
MlirOptMainConfig &setEmitBytecodeVersion(int64_t version) {
emitBytecodeVersion = version;
return *this;
std::optional<int64_t> bytecodeVersionToEmit() const {
return emitBytecodeVersion;
/// Set the callback to populate the pass manager.
MlirOptMainConfig &
setPassPipelineSetupFn(std::function<LogicalResult(PassManager &)> callback) {
passPipelineCallback = std::move(callback);
return *this;
/// Set the parser to use to populate the pass manager.
MlirOptMainConfig &setPassPipelineParser(const PassPipelineCLParser &parser);
/// Populate the passmanager, if any callback was set.
LogicalResult setupPassPipeline(PassManager &pm) const {
if (passPipelineCallback)
return passPipelineCallback(pm);
return success();
/// Enable running the reproducer information stored in resources (if
/// present).
MlirOptMainConfig &runReproducer(bool enableReproducer) {
runReproducerFlag = enableReproducer;
return *this;
/// Return true if the reproducer should be run.
bool shouldRunReproducer() const { return runReproducerFlag; }
/// Show the registered dialects before trying to load the input file.
MlirOptMainConfig &showDialects(bool show) {
showDialectsFlag = show;
return *this;
bool shouldShowDialects() const { return showDialectsFlag; }
/// Set the marker on which to split the input into chunks and process each
/// chunk independently. Input is not split if empty.
MlirOptMainConfig &
splitInputFile(std::string splitMarker = kDefaultSplitMarker) {
splitInputFileFlag = std::move(splitMarker);
return *this;
StringRef inputSplitMarker() const { return splitInputFileFlag; }
/// Set whether to merge the output chunks into one file using the given
/// marker.
MlirOptMainConfig &
outputSplitMarker(std::string splitMarker = kDefaultSplitMarker) {
outputSplitMarkerFlag = std::move(splitMarker);
return *this;
StringRef outputSplitMarker() const { return outputSplitMarkerFlag; }
/// Disable implicit addition of a top-level module op during parsing.
MlirOptMainConfig &useExplicitModule(bool useExplicitModule) {
useExplicitModuleFlag = useExplicitModule;
return *this;
bool shouldUseExplicitModule() const { return useExplicitModuleFlag; }
/// Set whether to check that emitted diagnostics match `expected-*` lines on
/// the corresponding line. This is meant for implementing diagnostic tests.
MlirOptMainConfig &verifyDiagnostics(bool verify) {
verifyDiagnosticsFlag = verify;
return *this;
bool shouldVerifyDiagnostics() const { return verifyDiagnosticsFlag; }
/// Set whether to run the verifier after each transformation pass.
MlirOptMainConfig &verifyPasses(bool verify) {
verifyPassesFlag = verify;
return *this;
bool shouldVerifyPasses() const { return verifyPassesFlag; }
/// Set whether to run the verifier after each transformation pass.
MlirOptMainConfig &verifyRoundtrip(bool verify) {
verifyRoundtripFlag = verify;
return *this;
bool shouldVerifyRoundtrip() const { return verifyRoundtripFlag; }
/// Reproducer file generation (no crash required).
StringRef getReproducerFilename() const { return generateReproducerFileFlag; }
/// Allow operation with no registered dialects.
/// This option is for convenience during testing only and discouraged in
/// general.
bool allowUnregisteredDialectsFlag = false;
/// Configuration for the debugging hooks.
tracing::DebugConfig debugConfig;
/// Print the pipeline that will be run.
bool dumpPassPipelineFlag = false;
/// Emit bytecode instead of textual assembly when generating output.
bool emitBytecodeFlag = false;
/// Elide resources when generating bytecode.
bool elideResourceDataFromBytecodeFlag = false;
/// Enable the Debugger action hook: Debugger can intercept MLIR Actions.
bool enableDebuggerActionHookFlag = false;
/// IRDL file to register before processing the input.
std::string irdlFileFlag = "";
/// Location Breakpoints to filter the action logging.
std::vector<tracing::BreakpointManager *> logActionLocationFilter;
/// Emit bytecode at given version.
std::optional<int64_t> emitBytecodeVersion = std::nullopt;
/// The callback to populate the pass manager.
std::function<LogicalResult(PassManager &)> passPipelineCallback;
/// Enable running the reproducer.
bool runReproducerFlag = false;
/// Show the registered dialects before trying to load the input file.
bool showDialectsFlag = false;
/// Split the input file based on the given marker into chunks and process
/// each chunk independently. Input is not split if empty.
std::string splitInputFileFlag = "";
/// Merge output chunks into one file using the given marker.
std::string outputSplitMarkerFlag = "";
/// Use an explicit top-level module op during parsing.
bool useExplicitModuleFlag = false;
/// Set whether to check that emitted diagnostics match `expected-*` lines on
/// the corresponding line. This is meant for implementing diagnostic tests.
bool verifyDiagnosticsFlag = false;
/// Run the verifier after each transformation pass.
bool verifyPassesFlag = true;
/// Verify that the input IR round-trips perfectly.
bool verifyRoundtripFlag = false;
/// The reproducer output filename (no crash required).
std::string generateReproducerFileFlag = "";
/// This defines the function type used to setup the pass manager. This can be
/// used to pass in a callback to setup a default pass pipeline to be applied on
/// the loaded IR.
using PassPipelineFn = llvm::function_ref<LogicalResult(PassManager &pm)>;
/// Register and parse command line options.
/// - toolName is used for the header displayed by `--help`.
/// - registry should contain all the dialects that can be parsed in the source.
/// - return std::pair<std::string, std::string> for
/// inputFilename and outputFilename command line option values.
std::pair<std::string, std::string>
registerAndParseCLIOptions(int argc, char **argv, llvm::StringRef toolName,
DialectRegistry &registry);
/// Perform the core processing behind `mlir-opt`.
/// - outputStream is the stream where the resulting IR is printed.
/// - buffer is the in-memory file to parser and process.
/// - registry should contain all the dialects that can be parsed in the source.
/// - config contains the configuration options for the tool.
LogicalResult MlirOptMain(llvm::raw_ostream &outputStream,
std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> buffer,
DialectRegistry &registry,
const MlirOptMainConfig &config);
/// Implementation for tools like `mlir-opt`.
/// - toolName is used for the header displayed by `--help`.
/// - registry should contain all the dialects that can be parsed in the source.
LogicalResult MlirOptMain(int argc, char **argv, llvm::StringRef toolName,
DialectRegistry &registry);
/// Implementation for tools like `mlir-opt`.
/// This function can be used with registrationAndParseCLIOptions so that
/// CLI options can be accessed before running MlirOptMain.
/// - inputFilename is the name of the input mlir file.
/// - outputFilename is the name of the output file.
/// - registry should contain all the dialects that can be parsed in the source.
LogicalResult MlirOptMain(int argc, char **argv, llvm::StringRef inputFilename,
llvm::StringRef outputFilename,
DialectRegistry &registry);
/// Helper wrapper to return the result of MlirOptMain directly from main.
/// Example:
/// int main(int argc, char **argv) {
/// // ...
/// return mlir::asMainReturnCode(mlir::MlirOptMain(
/// argc, argv, /* ... */);
/// }
inline int asMainReturnCode(LogicalResult r) {
return r.succeeded() ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE;
} // namespace mlir