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//===- Visitors.h - Utilities for visiting operations -----------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines utilities for walking and visiting operations.
#include "mlir/Support/LLVM.h"
#include "mlir/Support/LogicalResult.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
namespace mlir {
class Diagnostic;
class InFlightDiagnostic;
class Operation;
class Block;
class Region;
/// A utility result that is used to signal how to proceed with an ongoing walk:
/// * Interrupt: the walk will be interrupted and no more operations, regions
/// or blocks will be visited.
/// * Advance: the walk will continue.
/// * Skip: the walk of the current operation, region or block and their
/// nested elements that haven't been visited already will be skipped and will
/// continue with the next operation, region or block.
class WalkResult {
enum ResultEnum { Interrupt, Advance, Skip } result;
WalkResult(ResultEnum result = Advance) : result(result) {}
/// Allow LogicalResult to interrupt the walk on failure.
WalkResult(LogicalResult result)
: result(failed(result) ? Interrupt : Advance) {}
/// Allow diagnostics to interrupt the walk.
WalkResult(Diagnostic &&) : result(Interrupt) {}
WalkResult(InFlightDiagnostic &&) : result(Interrupt) {}
bool operator==(const WalkResult &rhs) const { return result == rhs.result; }
bool operator!=(const WalkResult &rhs) const { return result != rhs.result; }
static WalkResult interrupt() { return {Interrupt}; }
static WalkResult advance() { return {Advance}; }
static WalkResult skip() { return {Skip}; }
/// Returns true if the walk was interrupted.
bool wasInterrupted() const { return result == Interrupt; }
/// Returns true if the walk was skipped.
bool wasSkipped() const { return result == Skip; }
/// Traversal order for region, block and operation walk utilities.
enum class WalkOrder { PreOrder, PostOrder };
/// This iterator enumerates the elements in "forward" order.
struct ForwardIterator {
/// Make operations iterable: return the list of regions.
static MutableArrayRef<Region> makeIterable(Operation &range);
/// Regions and block are already iterable.
template <typename T>
static constexpr T &makeIterable(T &range) {
return range;
/// A utility class to encode the current walk stage for "generic" walkers.
/// When walking an operation, we can either choose a Pre/Post order walker
/// which invokes the callback on an operation before/after all its attached
/// regions have been visited, or choose a "generic" walker where the callback
/// is invoked on the operation N+1 times where N is the number of regions
/// attached to that operation. The `WalkStage` class below encodes the current
/// stage of the walk, i.e., which regions have already been visited, and the
/// callback accepts an additional argument for the current stage. Such
/// generic walkers that accept stage-aware callbacks are only applicable when
/// the callback operates on an operation (i.e., not applicable for callbacks
/// on Blocks or Regions).
class WalkStage {
explicit WalkStage(Operation *op);
/// Return true if parent operation is being visited before all regions.
bool isBeforeAllRegions() const { return nextRegion == 0; }
/// Returns true if parent operation is being visited just before visiting
/// region number `region`.
bool isBeforeRegion(int region) const { return nextRegion == region; }
/// Returns true if parent operation is being visited just after visiting
/// region number `region`.
bool isAfterRegion(int region) const { return nextRegion == region + 1; }
/// Return true if parent operation is being visited after all regions.
bool isAfterAllRegions() const { return nextRegion == numRegions; }
/// Advance the walk stage.
void advance() { nextRegion++; }
/// Returns the next region that will be visited.
int getNextRegion() const { return nextRegion; }
const int numRegions;
int nextRegion;
namespace detail {
/// Helper templates to deduce the first argument of a callback parameter.
template <typename Ret, typename Arg, typename... Rest>
Arg first_argument_type(Ret (*)(Arg, Rest...));
template <typename Ret, typename F, typename Arg, typename... Rest>
Arg first_argument_type(Ret (F::*)(Arg, Rest...));
template <typename Ret, typename F, typename Arg, typename... Rest>
Arg first_argument_type(Ret (F::*)(Arg, Rest...) const);
template <typename F>
decltype(first_argument_type(&F::operator())) first_argument_type(F);
/// Type definition of the first argument to the given callable 'T'.
template <typename T>
using first_argument = decltype(first_argument_type(std::declval<T>()));
/// Walk all of the regions, blocks, or operations nested under (and including)
/// the given operation. The order in which regions, blocks and operations at
/// the same nesting level are visited (e.g., lexicographical or reverse
/// lexicographical order) is determined by 'Iterator'. The walk order for
/// enclosing regions, blocks and operations with respect to their nested ones
/// is specified by 'order'. These methods are invoked for void-returning
/// callbacks. A callback on a block or operation is allowed to erase that block
/// or operation only if the walk is in post-order. See non-void method for
/// pre-order erasure.
template <typename Iterator>
void walk(Operation *op, function_ref<void(Region *)> callback,
WalkOrder order) {
// We don't use early increment for regions because they can't be erased from
// a callback.
for (auto &region : Iterator::makeIterable(*op)) {
if (order == WalkOrder::PreOrder)
for (auto &block : Iterator::makeIterable(region)) {
for (auto &nestedOp : Iterator::makeIterable(block))
walk<Iterator>(&nestedOp, callback, order);
if (order == WalkOrder::PostOrder)
template <typename Iterator>
void walk(Operation *op, function_ref<void(Block *)> callback,
WalkOrder order) {
for (auto &region : Iterator::makeIterable(*op)) {
// Early increment here in the case where the block is erased.
for (auto &block :
llvm::make_early_inc_range(Iterator::makeIterable(region))) {
if (order == WalkOrder::PreOrder)
for (auto &nestedOp : Iterator::makeIterable(block))
walk<Iterator>(&nestedOp, callback, order);
if (order == WalkOrder::PostOrder)
template <typename Iterator>
void walk(Operation *op, function_ref<void(Operation *)> callback,
WalkOrder order) {
if (order == WalkOrder::PreOrder)
// TODO: This walk should be iterative over the operations.
for (auto &region : Iterator::makeIterable(*op)) {
for (auto &block : Iterator::makeIterable(region)) {
// Early increment here in the case where the operation is erased.
for (auto &nestedOp :
walk<Iterator>(&nestedOp, callback, order);
if (order == WalkOrder::PostOrder)
/// Walk all of the regions, blocks, or operations nested under (and including)
/// the given operation. The order in which regions, blocks and operations at
/// the same nesting level are visited (e.g., lexicographical or reverse
/// lexicographical order) is determined by 'Iterator'. The walk order for
/// enclosing regions, blocks and operations with respect to their nested ones
/// is specified by 'order'. This method is invoked for skippable or
/// interruptible callbacks. A callback on a block or operation is allowed to
/// erase that block or operation if either:
/// * the walk is in post-order, or
/// * the walk is in pre-order and the walk is skipped after the erasure.
template <typename Iterator>
WalkResult walk(Operation *op, function_ref<WalkResult(Region *)> callback,
WalkOrder order) {
// We don't use early increment for regions because they can't be erased from
// a callback.
for (auto &region : Iterator::makeIterable(*op)) {
if (order == WalkOrder::PreOrder) {
WalkResult result = callback(&region);
if (result.wasSkipped())
if (result.wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
for (auto &block : Iterator::makeIterable(region)) {
for (auto &nestedOp : Iterator::makeIterable(block))
if (walk<Iterator>(&nestedOp, callback, order).wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
if (order == WalkOrder::PostOrder) {
if (callback(&region).wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
// We don't check if this region was skipped because its walk already
// finished and the walk will continue with the next region.
return WalkResult::advance();
template <typename Iterator>
WalkResult walk(Operation *op, function_ref<WalkResult(Block *)> callback,
WalkOrder order) {
for (auto &region : Iterator::makeIterable(*op)) {
// Early increment here in the case where the block is erased.
for (auto &block :
llvm::make_early_inc_range(Iterator::makeIterable(region))) {
if (order == WalkOrder::PreOrder) {
WalkResult result = callback(&block);
if (result.wasSkipped())
if (result.wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
for (auto &nestedOp : Iterator::makeIterable(block))
if (walk<Iterator>(&nestedOp, callback, order).wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
if (order == WalkOrder::PostOrder) {
if (callback(&block).wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
// We don't check if this block was skipped because its walk already
// finished and the walk will continue with the next block.
return WalkResult::advance();
template <typename Iterator>
WalkResult walk(Operation *op, function_ref<WalkResult(Operation *)> callback,
WalkOrder order) {
if (order == WalkOrder::PreOrder) {
WalkResult result = callback(op);
// If skipped, caller will continue the walk on the next operation.
if (result.wasSkipped())
return WalkResult::advance();
if (result.wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
// TODO: This walk should be iterative over the operations.
for (auto &region : Iterator::makeIterable(*op)) {
for (auto &block : Iterator::makeIterable(region)) {
// Early increment here in the case where the operation is erased.
for (auto &nestedOp :
llvm::make_early_inc_range(Iterator::makeIterable(block))) {
if (walk<Iterator>(&nestedOp, callback, order).wasInterrupted())
return WalkResult::interrupt();
if (order == WalkOrder::PostOrder)
return callback(op);
return WalkResult::advance();
// Below are a set of functions to walk nested operations. Users should favor
// the direct `walk` methods on the IR classes(Operation/Block/etc) over these
// methods. They are also templated to allow for statically dispatching based
// upon the type of the callback function.
/// Walk all of the regions, blocks, or operations nested under (and including)
/// the given operation. The order in which regions, blocks and operations at
/// the same nesting level are visited (e.g., lexicographical or reverse
/// lexicographical order) is determined by 'Iterator'. The walk order for
/// enclosing regions, blocks and operations with respect to their nested ones
/// is specified by 'Order' (post-order by default). A callback on a block or
/// operation is allowed to erase that block or operation if either:
/// * the walk is in post-order, or
/// * the walk is in pre-order and the walk is skipped after the erasure.
/// This method is selected for callbacks that operate on Region*, Block*, and
/// Operation*.
/// Example:
/// op->walk([](Region *r) { ... });
/// op->walk([](Block *b) { ... });
/// op->walk([](Operation *op) { ... });
template <
WalkOrder Order = WalkOrder::PostOrder, typename Iterator = ForwardIterator,
typename FuncTy, typename ArgT = detail::first_argument<FuncTy>,
typename RetT = decltype(std::declval<FuncTy>()(std::declval<ArgT>()))>
std::enable_if_t<llvm::is_one_of<ArgT, Operation *, Region *, Block *>::value,
walk(Operation *op, FuncTy &&callback) {
return detail::walk<Iterator>(op, function_ref<RetT(ArgT)>(callback), Order);
/// Walk all of the operations of type 'ArgT' nested under and including the
/// given operation. The order in which regions, blocks and operations at
/// the same nesting are visited (e.g., lexicographical or reverse
/// lexicographical order) is determined by 'Iterator'. The walk order for
/// enclosing regions, blocks and operations with respect to their nested ones
/// is specified by 'order' (post-order by default). This method is selected for
/// void-returning callbacks that operate on a specific derived operation type.
/// A callback on an operation is allowed to erase that operation only if the
/// walk is in post-order. See non-void method for pre-order erasure.
/// Example:
/// op->walk([](ReturnOp op) { ... });
template <
WalkOrder Order = WalkOrder::PostOrder, typename Iterator = ForwardIterator,
typename FuncTy, typename ArgT = detail::first_argument<FuncTy>,
typename RetT = decltype(std::declval<FuncTy>()(std::declval<ArgT>()))>
!llvm::is_one_of<ArgT, Operation *, Region *, Block *>::value &&
std::is_same<RetT, void>::value,
walk(Operation *op, FuncTy &&callback) {
auto wrapperFn = [&](Operation *op) {
if (auto derivedOp = dyn_cast<ArgT>(op))
return detail::walk<Iterator>(op, function_ref<RetT(Operation *)>(wrapperFn),
/// Walk all of the operations of type 'ArgT' nested under and including the
/// given operation. The order in which regions, blocks and operations at
/// the same nesting are visited (e.g., lexicographical or reverse
/// lexicographical order) is determined by 'Iterator'. The walk order for
/// enclosing regions, blocks and operations with respect to their nested ones
/// is specified by 'Order' (post-order by default). This method is selected for
/// WalkReturn returning skippable or interruptible callbacks that operate on a
/// specific derived operation type. A callback on an operation is allowed to
/// erase that operation if either:
/// * the walk is in post-order, or
/// * the walk is in pre-order and the walk is skipped after the erasure.
/// Example:
/// op->walk([](ReturnOp op) {
/// if (some_invariant)
/// return WalkResult::skip();
/// if (another_invariant)
/// return WalkResult::interrupt();
/// return WalkResult::advance();
/// });
template <
WalkOrder Order = WalkOrder::PostOrder, typename Iterator = ForwardIterator,
typename FuncTy, typename ArgT = detail::first_argument<FuncTy>,
typename RetT = decltype(std::declval<FuncTy>()(std::declval<ArgT>()))>
!llvm::is_one_of<ArgT, Operation *, Region *, Block *>::value &&
std::is_same<RetT, WalkResult>::value,
walk(Operation *op, FuncTy &&callback) {
auto wrapperFn = [&](Operation *op) {
if (auto derivedOp = dyn_cast<ArgT>(op))
return callback(derivedOp);
return WalkResult::advance();
return detail::walk<Iterator>(op, function_ref<RetT(Operation *)>(wrapperFn),
/// Generic walkers with stage aware callbacks.
/// Walk all the operations nested under (and including) the given operation,
/// with the callback being invoked on each operation N+1 times, where N is the
/// number of regions attached to the operation. The `stage` input to the
/// callback indicates the current walk stage. This method is invoked for void
/// returning callbacks.
void walk(Operation *op,
function_ref<void(Operation *, const WalkStage &stage)> callback);
/// Walk all the operations nested under (and including) the given operation,
/// with the callback being invoked on each operation N+1 times, where N is the
/// number of regions attached to the operation. The `stage` input to the
/// callback indicates the current walk stage. This method is invoked for
/// skippable or interruptible callbacks.
walk(Operation *op,
function_ref<WalkResult(Operation *, const WalkStage &stage)> callback);
/// Walk all of the operations nested under and including the given operation.
/// This method is selected for stage-aware callbacks that operate on
/// Operation*.
/// Example:
/// op->walk([](Operation *op, const WalkStage &stage) { ... });
template <typename FuncTy, typename ArgT = detail::first_argument<FuncTy>,
typename RetT = decltype(std::declval<FuncTy>()(
std::declval<ArgT>(), std::declval<const WalkStage &>()))>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<ArgT, Operation *>::value, RetT>
walk(Operation *op, FuncTy &&callback) {
return detail::walk(op,
function_ref<RetT(ArgT, const WalkStage &)>(callback));
/// Walk all of the operations of type 'ArgT' nested under and including the
/// given operation. This method is selected for void returning callbacks that
/// operate on a specific derived operation type.
/// Example:
/// op->walk([](ReturnOp op, const WalkStage &stage) { ... });
template <typename FuncTy, typename ArgT = detail::first_argument<FuncTy>,
typename RetT = decltype(std::declval<FuncTy>()(
std::declval<ArgT>(), std::declval<const WalkStage &>()))>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<ArgT, Operation *>::value &&
std::is_same<RetT, void>::value,
walk(Operation *op, FuncTy &&callback) {
auto wrapperFn = [&](Operation *op, const WalkStage &stage) {
if (auto derivedOp = dyn_cast<ArgT>(op))
callback(derivedOp, stage);
return detail::walk(
op, function_ref<RetT(Operation *, const WalkStage &)>(wrapperFn));
/// Walk all of the operations of type 'ArgT' nested under and including the
/// given operation. This method is selected for WalkReturn returning
/// interruptible callbacks that operate on a specific derived operation type.
/// Example:
/// op->walk(op, [](ReturnOp op, const WalkStage &stage) {
/// if (some_invariant)
/// return WalkResult::interrupt();
/// return WalkResult::advance();
/// });
template <typename FuncTy, typename ArgT = detail::first_argument<FuncTy>,
typename RetT = decltype(std::declval<FuncTy>()(
std::declval<ArgT>(), std::declval<const WalkStage &>()))>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<ArgT, Operation *>::value &&
std::is_same<RetT, WalkResult>::value,
walk(Operation *op, FuncTy &&callback) {
auto wrapperFn = [&](Operation *op, const WalkStage &stage) {
if (auto derivedOp = dyn_cast<ArgT>(op))
return callback(derivedOp, stage);
return WalkResult::advance();
return detail::walk(
op, function_ref<RetT(Operation *, const WalkStage &)>(wrapperFn));
/// Utility to provide the return type of a templated walk method.
template <typename FnT>
using walkResultType = decltype(walk(nullptr, std::declval<FnT>()));
} // namespace detail
} // namespace mlir