blob: 99da1763524fa9406e34910c0b9252ca716a8139 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- - Properties definition file ----------------*- tablegen -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This is the base properties defination file.
// Base class for defining properties.
class Property<string storageTypeParam = "", string desc = ""> {
// User-readable one line summary used in error reporting messages. If empty,
// a generic message will be used.
string summary = desc;
// The full description of this property.
string description = "";
code storageType = storageTypeParam;
code interfaceType = storageTypeParam;
// The expression to convert from the storage type to the Interface
// type. For example, an enum can be stored as an int but returned as an
// enum class.
// Format:
// - `$_storage` will contain the property in the storage type.
// - `$_ctxt` will contain an `MLIRContext *`.
code convertFromStorage = "$_storage";
// The call expression to build a property storage from the interface type.
// Format:
// - `$_storage` will contain the property in the storage type.
// - `$_value` will contain the property in the user interface type.
code assignToStorage = "$_storage = $_value";
// The call expression to convert from the storage type to an attribute.
// Format:
// - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
// - `$_ctxt` is a `MLIRContext *`.
// The expression must result in an Attribute.
code convertToAttribute = [{
convertToAttribute($_ctxt, $_storage)
// The call expression to convert from an Attribute to the storage type.
// Format:
// - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
// - `$_attr` is the attribute.
// - `$_diag` is a callback to get a Diagnostic to emit error.
// The expression must return a LogicalResult
code convertFromAttribute = [{
return convertFromAttribute($_storage, $_attr, $_diag);
// The call expression to hash the property.
// Format:
// - `$_storage` is the variable to hash.
// The expression should define a llvm::hash_code.
code hashProperty = [{
// The call expression to emit the storage type to bytecode.
// Format:
// - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
// - `$_writer` is a `DialectBytecodeWriter`.
// - `$_ctxt` is a `MLIRContext *`.
code writeToMlirBytecode = [{
writeToMlirBytecode($_writer, $_storage)
// The call expression to read the storage type from bytecode.
// Format:
// - `$_storage` is the storage type value.
// - `$_reader` is a `DialectBytecodeReader`.
// - `$_ctxt` is a `MLIRContext *`.
code readFromMlirBytecode = [{
if (::mlir::failed(readFromMlirBytecode($_reader, $_storage)))
return ::mlir::failure();
// Default value for the property.
string defaultValue = ?;
/// Implementation of the Property class's `readFromMlirBytecode` field using
/// the default `convertFromAttribute` implementation.
/// Users not wanting to implement their own `readFromMlirBytecode` and
/// `writeToMlirBytecode` implementations can opt into using this implementation
/// by writing:
/// let writeToMlirBytecode = writeMlirBytecodeWithConvertToAttribute;
/// let readFromMlirBytecode = readMlirBytecodeUsingConvertFromAttribute;
/// in their property definition.
/// Serialization and deserialization is performed using the attributes
/// returned by `convertFromAttribute` and `convertToAttribute`.
/// WARNING: This implementation creates a less than optimal encoding.
/// Users caring about optimal encoding should not use this implementation and
/// implement `readFromMlirBytecode` and `writeToMlirBytecode` themselves.
defvar readMlirBytecodeUsingConvertFromAttribute = [{
::mlir::Attribute attr;
if (::mlir::failed($_reader.readAttribute(attr)))
return ::mlir::failure();
if (::mlir::failed(convertFromAttribute($_storage, attr, nullptr)))
return ::mlir::failure();
/// Implementation of the Property class's `writeToMlirBytecode` field using
/// the default `convertToAttribute` implementation.
/// See description of `readMlirBytecodeUsingConvertFromAttribute` above for
/// details.
defvar writeMlirBytecodeWithConvertToAttribute = [{
$_writer.writeAttribute(convertToAttribute($_ctxt, $_storage))
// Primitive property kinds
// Any kind of integer stored as properties.
class IntProperty<string storageTypeParam = "", string desc = ""> :
Property<storageTypeParam, desc> {
code writeToMlirBytecode = [{
code readFromMlirBytecode = [{
uint64_t val;
if (failed($_reader.readVarInt(val)))
return ::mlir::failure();
$_storage = val;
class ArrayProperty<string storageTypeParam = "", int n, string desc = ""> :
Property<storageTypeParam # "[" # n # "]", desc> {
let interfaceType = "::llvm::ArrayRef<" # storageTypeParam # ">";
let convertFromStorage = "$_storage";
let assignToStorage = "::llvm::copy($_value, $_storage)";
#endif // PROPERTIES