blob: 66286ed7a4c8985eaad7a9ca81d4abf47a54282e [file] [log] [blame]
//===- PDLPatternMatch.h - PDLPatternMatcher classes -------==---*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "mlir/Config/mlir-config.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Builders.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinOps.h"
namespace mlir {
// PDL Patterns
// PDLValue
/// Storage type of byte-code interpreter values. These are passed to constraint
/// functions as arguments.
class PDLValue {
/// The underlying kind of a PDL value.
enum class Kind { Attribute, Operation, Type, TypeRange, Value, ValueRange };
/// Construct a new PDL value.
PDLValue(const PDLValue &other) = default;
PDLValue(std::nullptr_t = nullptr) {}
PDLValue(Attribute value)
: value(value.getAsOpaquePointer()), kind(Kind::Attribute) {}
PDLValue(Operation *value) : value(value), kind(Kind::Operation) {}
PDLValue(Type value) : value(value.getAsOpaquePointer()), kind(Kind::Type) {}
PDLValue(TypeRange *value) : value(value), kind(Kind::TypeRange) {}
PDLValue(Value value)
: value(value.getAsOpaquePointer()), kind(Kind::Value) {}
PDLValue(ValueRange *value) : value(value), kind(Kind::ValueRange) {}
/// Returns true if the type of the held value is `T`.
template <typename T>
bool isa() const {
assert(value && "isa<> used on a null value");
return kind == getKindOf<T>();
/// Attempt to dynamically cast this value to type `T`, returns null if this
/// value is not an instance of `T`.
template <typename T,
typename ResultT = std::conditional_t<
std::is_convertible<T, bool>::value, T, std::optional<T>>>
ResultT dyn_cast() const {
return isa<T>() ? castImpl<T>() : ResultT();
/// Cast this value to type `T`, asserts if this value is not an instance of
/// `T`.
template <typename T>
T cast() const {
assert(isa<T>() && "expected value to be of type `T`");
return castImpl<T>();
/// Get an opaque pointer to the value.
const void *getAsOpaquePointer() const { return value; }
/// Return if this value is null or not.
explicit operator bool() const { return value; }
/// Return the kind of this value.
Kind getKind() const { return kind; }
/// Print this value to the provided output stream.
void print(raw_ostream &os) const;
/// Print the specified value kind to an output stream.
static void print(raw_ostream &os, Kind kind);
/// Find the index of a given type in a range of other types.
template <typename...>
struct index_of_t;
template <typename T, typename... R>
struct index_of_t<T, T, R...> : std::integral_constant<size_t, 0> {};
template <typename T, typename F, typename... R>
struct index_of_t<T, F, R...>
: std::integral_constant<size_t, 1 + index_of_t<T, R...>::value> {};
/// Return the kind used for the given T.
template <typename T>
static Kind getKindOf() {
return static_cast<Kind>(index_of_t<T, Attribute, Operation *, Type,
TypeRange, Value, ValueRange>::value);
/// The internal implementation of `cast`, that returns the underlying value
/// as the given type `T`.
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<llvm::is_one_of<T, Attribute, Type, Value>::value, T>
castImpl() const {
return T::getFromOpaquePointer(value);
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<llvm::is_one_of<T, TypeRange, ValueRange>::value, T>
castImpl() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<T *>(const_cast<void *>(value));
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<T>::value, T> castImpl() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T>(const_cast<void *>(value));
/// The internal opaque representation of a PDLValue.
const void *value{nullptr};
/// The kind of the opaque value.
Kind kind{Kind::Attribute};
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, PDLValue value) {
return os;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, PDLValue::Kind kind) {
PDLValue::print(os, kind);
return os;
// PDLResultList
/// The class represents a list of PDL results, returned by a native rewrite
/// method. It provides the mechanism with which to pass PDLValues back to the
/// PDL bytecode.
class PDLResultList {
/// Push a new Attribute value onto the result list.
void push_back(Attribute value) { results.push_back(value); }
/// Push a new Operation onto the result list.
void push_back(Operation *value) { results.push_back(value); }
/// Push a new Type onto the result list.
void push_back(Type value) { results.push_back(value); }
/// Push a new TypeRange onto the result list.
void push_back(TypeRange value) {
// The lifetime of a TypeRange can't be guaranteed, so we'll need to
// allocate a storage for it.
llvm::OwningArrayRef<Type> storage(value.size());
llvm::copy(value, storage.begin());
void push_back(ValueTypeRange<OperandRange> value) {
void push_back(ValueTypeRange<ResultRange> value) {
/// Push a new Value onto the result list.
void push_back(Value value) { results.push_back(value); }
/// Push a new ValueRange onto the result list.
void push_back(ValueRange value) {
// The lifetime of a ValueRange can't be guaranteed, so we'll need to
// allocate a storage for it.
llvm::OwningArrayRef<Value> storage(value.size());
llvm::copy(value, storage.begin());
void push_back(OperandRange value) {
void push_back(ResultRange value) {
/// Create a new result list with the expected number of results.
PDLResultList(unsigned maxNumResults) {
// For now just reserve enough space for all of the results. We could do
// separate counts per range type, but it isn't really worth it unless there
// are a "large" number of results.
/// The PDL results held by this list.
SmallVector<PDLValue> results;
/// Memory used to store ranges held by the list.
SmallVector<TypeRange> typeRanges;
SmallVector<ValueRange> valueRanges;
/// Memory allocated to store ranges in the result list whose lifetime was
/// generated in the native function.
SmallVector<llvm::OwningArrayRef<Type>> allocatedTypeRanges;
SmallVector<llvm::OwningArrayRef<Value>> allocatedValueRanges;
// PDLPatternConfig
/// An individual configuration for a pattern, which can be accessed by native
/// functions via the PDLPatternConfigSet. This allows for injecting additional
/// configuration into PDL patterns that is specific to certain compilation
/// flows.
class PDLPatternConfig {
virtual ~PDLPatternConfig() = default;
/// Hooks that are invoked at the beginning and end of a rewrite of a matched
/// pattern. These can be used to setup any specific state necessary for the
/// rewrite.
virtual void notifyRewriteBegin(PatternRewriter &rewriter) {}
virtual void notifyRewriteEnd(PatternRewriter &rewriter) {}
/// Return the TypeID that represents this configuration.
TypeID getTypeID() const { return id; }
PDLPatternConfig(TypeID id) : id(id) {}
TypeID id;
/// This class provides a base class for users implementing a type of pattern
/// configuration.
template <typename T>
class PDLPatternConfigBase : public PDLPatternConfig {
/// Support LLVM style casting.
static bool classof(const PDLPatternConfig *config) {
return config->getTypeID() == getConfigID();
/// Return the type id used for this configuration.
static TypeID getConfigID() { return TypeID::get<T>(); }
PDLPatternConfigBase() : PDLPatternConfig(getConfigID()) {}
/// This class contains a set of configurations for a specific pattern.
/// Configurations are uniqued by TypeID, meaning that only one configuration of
/// each type is allowed.
class PDLPatternConfigSet {
PDLPatternConfigSet() = default;
/// Construct a set with the given configurations.
template <typename... ConfigsT>
PDLPatternConfigSet(ConfigsT &&...configs) {
(addConfig(std::forward<ConfigsT>(configs)), ...);
/// Get the configuration defined by the given type. Asserts that the
/// configuration of the provided type exists.
template <typename T>
const T &get() const {
const T *config = tryGet<T>();
assert(config && "configuration not found");
return *config;
/// Get the configuration defined by the given type, returns nullptr if the
/// configuration does not exist.
template <typename T>
const T *tryGet() const {
for (const auto &configIt : configs)
if (const T *config = dyn_cast<T>(configIt.get()))
return config;
return nullptr;
/// Notify the configurations within this set at the beginning or end of a
/// rewrite of a matched pattern.
void notifyRewriteBegin(PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
for (const auto &config : configs)
void notifyRewriteEnd(PatternRewriter &rewriter) {
for (const auto &config : configs)
/// Add a configuration to the set.
template <typename T>
void addConfig(T &&config) {
assert(!tryGet<std::decay_t<T>>() && "configuration already exists");
/// The set of configurations for this pattern. This uses a vector instead of
/// a map with the expectation that the number of configurations per set is
/// small (<= 1).
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<PDLPatternConfig>> configs;
// PDLPatternModule
/// A generic PDL pattern constraint function. This function applies a
/// constraint to a given set of opaque PDLValue entities. Returns success if
/// the constraint successfully held, failure otherwise.
using PDLConstraintFunction = std::function<LogicalResult(
PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &, ArrayRef<PDLValue>)>;
/// A native PDL rewrite function. This function performs a rewrite on the
/// given set of values. Any results from this rewrite that should be passed
/// back to PDL should be added to the provided result list. This method is only
/// invoked when the corresponding match was successful. Returns failure if an
/// invariant of the rewrite was broken (certain rewriters may recover from
/// partial pattern application).
using PDLRewriteFunction = std::function<LogicalResult(
PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &, ArrayRef<PDLValue>)>;
namespace detail {
namespace pdl_function_builder {
/// A utility variable that always resolves to false. This is useful for static
/// asserts that are always false, but only should fire in certain templated
/// constructs. For example, if a templated function should never be called, the
/// function could be defined as:
/// template <typename T>
/// void foo() {
/// static_assert(always_false<T>, "This function should never be called");
/// }
template <class... T>
constexpr bool always_false = false;
// PDL Function Builder: Type Processing
/// This struct provides a convenient way to determine how to process a given
/// type as either a PDL parameter, or a result value. This allows for
/// supporting complex types in constraint and rewrite functions, without
/// requiring the user to hand-write the necessary glue code themselves.
/// Specializations of this class should implement the following methods to
/// enable support as a PDL argument or result type:
/// static LogicalResult verifyAsArg(
/// function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorFn, PDLValue pdlValue,
/// size_t argIdx);
/// * This method verifies that the given PDLValue is valid for use as a
/// value of `T`.
/// static T processAsArg(PDLValue pdlValue);
/// * This method processes the given PDLValue as a value of `T`.
/// static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &results,
/// const T &value);
/// * This method processes the given value of `T` as the result of a
/// function invocation. The method should package the value into an
/// appropriate form and append it to the given result list.
/// If the type `T` is based on a higher order value, consider using
/// `ProcessPDLValueBasedOn` as a base class of the specialization to simplify
/// the implementation.
template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct ProcessPDLValue;
/// This struct provides a simplified model for processing types that are based
/// on another type, e.g. APInt is based on the handling for IntegerAttr. This
/// allows for building the necessary processing functions on top of the base
/// value instead of a PDLValue. Derived users should implement the following
/// (which subsume the ProcessPDLValue variants):
/// static LogicalResult verifyAsArg(
/// function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorFn,
/// const BaseT &baseValue, size_t argIdx);
/// * This method verifies that the given PDLValue is valid for use as a
/// value of `T`.
/// static T processAsArg(BaseT baseValue);
/// * This method processes the given base value as a value of `T`.
template <typename T, typename BaseT>
struct ProcessPDLValueBasedOn {
static LogicalResult
verifyAsArg(function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorFn,
PDLValue pdlValue, size_t argIdx) {
// Verify the base class before continuing.
if (failed(ProcessPDLValue<BaseT>::verifyAsArg(errorFn, pdlValue, argIdx)))
return failure();
return ProcessPDLValue<T>::verifyAsArg(
errorFn, ProcessPDLValue<BaseT>::processAsArg(pdlValue), argIdx);
static T processAsArg(PDLValue pdlValue) {
return ProcessPDLValue<T>::processAsArg(
/// Explicitly add the expected parent API to ensure the parent class
/// implements the necessary API (and doesn't implicitly inherit it from
/// somewhere else).
static LogicalResult
verifyAsArg(function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorFn, BaseT value,
size_t argIdx) {
return success();
static T processAsArg(BaseT baseValue);
/// This struct provides a simplified model for processing types that have
/// "builtin" PDLValue support:
/// * Attribute, Operation *, Type, TypeRange, ValueRange
template <typename T>
struct ProcessBuiltinPDLValue {
static LogicalResult
verifyAsArg(function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorFn,
PDLValue pdlValue, size_t argIdx) {
if (pdlValue)
return success();
return errorFn("expected a non-null value for argument " + Twine(argIdx) +
" of type: " + llvm::getTypeName<T>());
static T processAsArg(PDLValue pdlValue) { return pdlValue.cast<T>(); }
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &results,
T value) {
/// This struct provides a simplified model for processing types that inherit
/// from builtin PDLValue types. For example, derived attributes like
/// IntegerAttr, derived types like IntegerType, derived operations like
/// ModuleOp, Interfaces, etc.
template <typename T, typename BaseT>
struct ProcessDerivedPDLValue : public ProcessPDLValueBasedOn<T, BaseT> {
static LogicalResult
verifyAsArg(function_ref<LogicalResult(const Twine &)> errorFn,
BaseT baseValue, size_t argIdx) {
return TypeSwitch<BaseT, LogicalResult>(baseValue)
.Case([&](T) { return success(); })
.Default([&](BaseT) {
return errorFn("expected argument " + Twine(argIdx) +
" to be of type: " + llvm::getTypeName<T>());
using ProcessPDLValueBasedOn<T, BaseT>::verifyAsArg;
static T processAsArg(BaseT baseValue) {
return baseValue.template cast<T>();
using ProcessPDLValueBasedOn<T, BaseT>::processAsArg;
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &results,
T value) {
// Attribute
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<Attribute> : public ProcessBuiltinPDLValue<Attribute> {};
template <typename T>
struct ProcessPDLValue<T,
std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Attribute, T>::value>>
: public ProcessDerivedPDLValue<T, Attribute> {};
/// Handling for various Attribute value types.
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<StringRef>
: public ProcessPDLValueBasedOn<StringRef, StringAttr> {
static StringRef processAsArg(StringAttr value) { return value.getValue(); }
using ProcessPDLValueBasedOn<StringRef, StringAttr>::processAsArg;
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &rewriter, PDLResultList &results,
StringRef value) {
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<std::string>
: public ProcessPDLValueBasedOn<std::string, StringAttr> {
template <typename T>
static std::string processAsArg(T value) {
"`std::string` arguments require a string copy, use "
"`StringRef` for string-like arguments instead");
return {};
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &rewriter, PDLResultList &results,
StringRef value) {
// Operation
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<Operation *>
: public ProcessBuiltinPDLValue<Operation *> {};
template <typename T>
struct ProcessPDLValue<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<OpState, T>::value>>
: public ProcessDerivedPDLValue<T, Operation *> {
static T processAsArg(Operation *value) { return cast<T>(value); }
// Type
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<Type> : public ProcessBuiltinPDLValue<Type> {};
template <typename T>
struct ProcessPDLValue<T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<Type, T>::value>>
: public ProcessDerivedPDLValue<T, Type> {};
// TypeRange
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<TypeRange> : public ProcessBuiltinPDLValue<TypeRange> {};
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<ValueTypeRange<OperandRange>> {
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &results,
ValueTypeRange<OperandRange> types) {
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<ValueTypeRange<ResultRange>> {
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &results,
ValueTypeRange<ResultRange> types) {
template <unsigned N>
struct ProcessPDLValue<SmallVector<Type, N>> {
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &results,
SmallVector<Type, N> values) {
// Value
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<Value> : public ProcessBuiltinPDLValue<Value> {};
// ValueRange
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<ValueRange> : public ProcessBuiltinPDLValue<ValueRange> {
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<OperandRange> {
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &results,
OperandRange values) {
template <>
struct ProcessPDLValue<ResultRange> {
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &results,
ResultRange values) {
template <unsigned N>
struct ProcessPDLValue<SmallVector<Value, N>> {
static void processAsResult(PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &results,
SmallVector<Value, N> values) {
// PDL Function Builder: Argument Handling
/// Validate the given PDLValues match the constraints defined by the argument
/// types of the given function. In the case of failure, a match failure
/// diagnostic is emitted.
/// FIXME: This should be completely removed in favor of `assertArgs`, but PDL
/// does not currently preserve Constraint application ordering.
template <typename PDLFnT, std::size_t... I>
LogicalResult verifyAsArgs(PatternRewriter &rewriter, ArrayRef<PDLValue> values,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
using FnTraitsT = llvm::function_traits<PDLFnT>;
auto errorFn = [&](const Twine &msg) {
return rewriter.notifyMatchFailure(rewriter.getUnknownLoc(), msg);
return success(
(succeeded(ProcessPDLValue<typename FnTraitsT::template arg_t<I + 1>>::
verifyAsArg(errorFn, values[I], I)) &&
/// Assert that the given PDLValues match the constraints defined by the
/// arguments of the given function. In the case of failure, a fatal error
/// is emitted.
template <typename PDLFnT, std::size_t... I>
void assertArgs(PatternRewriter &rewriter, ArrayRef<PDLValue> values,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
// We only want to do verification in debug builds, same as with `assert`.
using FnTraitsT = llvm::function_traits<PDLFnT>;
auto errorFn = [&](const Twine &msg) -> LogicalResult {
assert((succeeded(ProcessPDLValue<typename FnTraitsT::template arg_t<I + 1>>::
verifyAsArg(errorFn, values[I], I)) &&
// PDL Function Builder: Results Handling
/// Store a single result within the result list.
template <typename T>
static LogicalResult processResults(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
PDLResultList &results, T &&value) {
ProcessPDLValue<T>::processAsResult(rewriter, results,
return success();
/// Store a std::pair<> as individual results within the result list.
template <typename T1, typename T2>
static LogicalResult processResults(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
PDLResultList &results,
std::pair<T1, T2> &&pair) {
if (failed(processResults(rewriter, results, std::move(pair.first))) ||
failed(processResults(rewriter, results, std::move(pair.second))))
return failure();
return success();
/// Store a std::tuple<> as individual results within the result list.
template <typename... Ts>
static LogicalResult processResults(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
PDLResultList &results,
std::tuple<Ts...> &&tuple) {
auto applyFn = [&](auto &&...args) {
return (succeeded(processResults(rewriter, results, std::move(args))) &&
return success(std::apply(applyFn, std::move(tuple)));
/// Handle LogicalResult propagation.
inline LogicalResult processResults(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
PDLResultList &results,
LogicalResult &&result) {
return result;
template <typename T>
static LogicalResult processResults(PatternRewriter &rewriter,
PDLResultList &results,
FailureOr<T> &&result) {
if (failed(result))
return failure();
return processResults(rewriter, results, std::move(*result));
// PDL Constraint Builder
/// Process the arguments of a native constraint and invoke it.
template <typename PDLFnT, std::size_t... I,
typename FnTraitsT = llvm::function_traits<PDLFnT>>
typename FnTraitsT::result_t
processArgsAndInvokeConstraint(PDLFnT &fn, PatternRewriter &rewriter,
ArrayRef<PDLValue> values,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
return fn(
(ProcessPDLValue<typename FnTraitsT::template arg_t<I + 1>>::processAsArg(
/// Build a constraint function from the given function `ConstraintFnT`. This
/// allows for enabling the user to define simpler, more direct constraint
/// functions without needing to handle the low-level PDL goop.
/// If the constraint function is already in the correct form, we just forward
/// it directly.
template <typename ConstraintFnT>
std::is_convertible<ConstraintFnT, PDLConstraintFunction>::value,
buildConstraintFn(ConstraintFnT &&constraintFn) {
return std::forward<ConstraintFnT>(constraintFn);
/// Otherwise, we generate a wrapper that will unpack the PDLValues in the form
/// we desire.
template <typename ConstraintFnT>
!std::is_convertible<ConstraintFnT, PDLConstraintFunction>::value,
buildConstraintFn(ConstraintFnT &&constraintFn) {
return [constraintFn = std::forward<ConstraintFnT>(constraintFn)](
PatternRewriter &rewriter, PDLResultList &,
ArrayRef<PDLValue> values) -> LogicalResult {
auto argIndices = std::make_index_sequence<
llvm::function_traits<ConstraintFnT>::num_args - 1>();
if (failed(verifyAsArgs<ConstraintFnT>(rewriter, values, argIndices)))
return failure();
return processArgsAndInvokeConstraint(constraintFn, rewriter, values,
// PDL Rewrite Builder
/// Process the arguments of a native rewrite and invoke it.
/// This overload handles the case of no return values.
template <typename PDLFnT, std::size_t... I,
typename FnTraitsT = llvm::function_traits<PDLFnT>>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<typename FnTraitsT::result_t, void>::value,
processArgsAndInvokeRewrite(PDLFnT &fn, PatternRewriter &rewriter,
PDLResultList &, ArrayRef<PDLValue> values,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
(ProcessPDLValue<typename FnTraitsT::template arg_t<I + 1>>::processAsArg(
return success();
/// This overload handles the case of return values, which need to be packaged
/// into the result list.
template <typename PDLFnT, std::size_t... I,
typename FnTraitsT = llvm::function_traits<PDLFnT>>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same<typename FnTraitsT::result_t, void>::value,
processArgsAndInvokeRewrite(PDLFnT &fn, PatternRewriter &rewriter,
PDLResultList &results, ArrayRef<PDLValue> values,
std::index_sequence<I...>) {
return processResults(
rewriter, results,
fn(rewriter, (ProcessPDLValue<typename FnTraitsT::template arg_t<I + 1>>::
/// Build a rewrite function from the given function `RewriteFnT`. This
/// allows for enabling the user to define simpler, more direct rewrite
/// functions without needing to handle the low-level PDL goop.
/// If the rewrite function is already in the correct form, we just forward
/// it directly.
template <typename RewriteFnT>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<RewriteFnT, PDLRewriteFunction>::value,
buildRewriteFn(RewriteFnT &&rewriteFn) {
return std::forward<RewriteFnT>(rewriteFn);
/// Otherwise, we generate a wrapper that will unpack the PDLValues in the form
/// we desire.
template <typename RewriteFnT>
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_convertible<RewriteFnT, PDLRewriteFunction>::value,
buildRewriteFn(RewriteFnT &&rewriteFn) {
return [rewriteFn = std::forward<RewriteFnT>(rewriteFn)](
PatternRewriter &rewriter, PDLResultList &results,
ArrayRef<PDLValue> values) {
auto argIndices =
std::make_index_sequence<llvm::function_traits<RewriteFnT>::num_args -
assertArgs<RewriteFnT>(rewriter, values, argIndices);
return processArgsAndInvokeRewrite(rewriteFn, rewriter, results, values,
} // namespace pdl_function_builder
} // namespace detail
// PDLPatternModule
/// This class contains all of the necessary data for a set of PDL patterns, or
/// pattern rewrites specified in the form of the PDL dialect. This PDL module
/// contained by this pattern may contain any number of `pdl.pattern`
/// operations.
class PDLPatternModule {
PDLPatternModule() = default;
/// Construct a PDL pattern with the given module and configurations.
PDLPatternModule(OwningOpRef<ModuleOp> module)
: pdlModule(std::move(module)) {}
template <typename... ConfigsT>
PDLPatternModule(OwningOpRef<ModuleOp> module, ConfigsT &&...patternConfigs)
: PDLPatternModule(std::move(module)) {
auto configSet = std::make_unique<PDLPatternConfigSet>(
attachConfigToPatterns(*pdlModule, *configSet);
/// Merge the state in `other` into this pattern module.
void mergeIn(PDLPatternModule &&other);
/// Return the internal PDL module of this pattern.
ModuleOp getModule() { return pdlModule.get(); }
/// Return the MLIR context of this pattern.
MLIRContext *getContext() { return getModule()->getContext(); }
// Function Registry
/// Register a constraint function with PDL. A constraint function may be
/// specified in one of two ways:
/// * `LogicalResult (PatternRewriter &,
/// PDLResultList &,
/// ArrayRef<PDLValue>)`
/// In this overload the arguments of the constraint function are passed via
/// the low-level PDLValue form, and the results are manually appended to
/// the given result list.
/// * `LogicalResult (PatternRewriter &, ValueTs... values)`
/// In this form the arguments of the constraint function are passed via the
/// expected high level C++ type. In this form, the framework will
/// automatically unwrap PDLValues and convert them to the expected ValueTs.
/// For example, if the constraint function accepts a `Operation *`, the
/// framework will automatically cast the input PDLValue. In the case of a
/// `StringRef`, the framework will automatically unwrap the argument as a
/// StringAttr and pass the underlying string value. To see the full list of
/// supported types, or to see how to add handling for custom types, view
/// the definition of `ProcessPDLValue` above.
void registerConstraintFunction(StringRef name,
PDLConstraintFunction constraintFn);
template <typename ConstraintFnT>
void registerConstraintFunction(StringRef name,
ConstraintFnT &&constraintFn) {
/// Register a rewrite function with PDL. A rewrite function may be specified
/// in one of two ways:
/// * `void (PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &, ArrayRef<PDLValue>)`
/// In this overload the arguments of the constraint function are passed via
/// the low-level PDLValue form, and the results are manually appended to
/// the given result list.
/// * `ResultT (PatternRewriter &, ValueTs... values)`
/// In this form the arguments and result of the rewrite function are passed
/// via the expected high level C++ type. In this form, the framework will
/// automatically unwrap the PDLValues arguments and convert them to the
/// expected ValueTs. It will also automatically handle the processing and
/// packaging of the result value to the result list. For example, if the
/// rewrite function takes a `Operation *`, the framework will automatically
/// cast the input PDLValue. In the case of a `StringRef`, the framework
/// will automatically unwrap the argument as a StringAttr and pass the
/// underlying string value. In the reverse case, if the rewrite returns a
/// StringRef or std::string, it will automatically package this as a
/// StringAttr and append it to the result list. To see the full list of
/// supported types, or to see how to add handling for custom types, view
/// the definition of `ProcessPDLValue` above.
void registerRewriteFunction(StringRef name, PDLRewriteFunction rewriteFn);
template <typename RewriteFnT>
void registerRewriteFunction(StringRef name, RewriteFnT &&rewriteFn) {
registerRewriteFunction(name, detail::pdl_function_builder::buildRewriteFn(
/// Return the set of the registered constraint functions.
const llvm::StringMap<PDLConstraintFunction> &getConstraintFunctions() const {
return constraintFunctions;
llvm::StringMap<PDLConstraintFunction> takeConstraintFunctions() {
return constraintFunctions;
/// Return the set of the registered rewrite functions.
const llvm::StringMap<PDLRewriteFunction> &getRewriteFunctions() const {
return rewriteFunctions;
llvm::StringMap<PDLRewriteFunction> takeRewriteFunctions() {
return rewriteFunctions;
/// Return the set of the registered pattern configs.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<PDLPatternConfigSet>> takeConfigs() {
return std::move(configs);
DenseMap<Operation *, PDLPatternConfigSet *> takeConfigMap() {
return std::move(configMap);
/// Clear out the patterns and functions within this module.
void clear() {
pdlModule = nullptr;
/// Attach the given pattern config set to the patterns defined within the
/// given module.
void attachConfigToPatterns(ModuleOp module, PDLPatternConfigSet &configSet);
/// The module containing the `pdl.pattern` operations.
OwningOpRef<ModuleOp> pdlModule;
/// The set of configuration sets referenced by patterns within `pdlModule`.
SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<PDLPatternConfigSet>> configs;
DenseMap<Operation *, PDLPatternConfigSet *> configMap;
/// The external functions referenced from within the PDL module.
llvm::StringMap<PDLConstraintFunction> constraintFunctions;
llvm::StringMap<PDLRewriteFunction> rewriteFunctions;
} // namespace mlir
namespace mlir {
// Stubs for when PDL in pattern rewrites is not enabled.
class PDLValue {
template <typename T>
T dyn_cast() const {
return nullptr;
class PDLResultList {};
using PDLConstraintFunction = std::function<LogicalResult(
PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &, ArrayRef<PDLValue>)>;
using PDLRewriteFunction = std::function<LogicalResult(
PatternRewriter &, PDLResultList &, ArrayRef<PDLValue>)>;
class PDLPatternModule {
PDLPatternModule() = default;
PDLPatternModule(OwningOpRef<ModuleOp> /*module*/) {}
MLIRContext *getContext() {
llvm_unreachable("Error: PDL for rewrites when PDL is not enabled");
void mergeIn(PDLPatternModule &&other) {}
void clear() {}
template <typename ConstraintFnT>
void registerConstraintFunction(StringRef name,
ConstraintFnT &&constraintFn) {}
void registerRewriteFunction(StringRef name, PDLRewriteFunction rewriteFn) {}
template <typename RewriteFnT>
void registerRewriteFunction(StringRef name, RewriteFnT &&rewriteFn) {}
const llvm::StringMap<PDLConstraintFunction> &getConstraintFunctions() const {
return constraintFunctions;
llvm::StringMap<PDLConstraintFunction> constraintFunctions;
} // namespace mlir