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//===- Operation.h - MLIR Operation Class -----------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the Operation class.
#include "mlir/IR/Block.h"
#include "mlir/IR/BuiltinAttributes.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Diagnostics.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Region.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include <optional>
namespace mlir {
namespace detail {
/// This is a "tag" used for mapping the properties storage in
/// llvm::TrailingObjects.
enum class OpProperties : char {};
} // namespace detail
/// Operation is the basic unit of execution within MLIR.
/// The following documentation are recommended to understand this class:
/// -
/// -
/// An Operation is defined first by its name, which is a unique string. The
/// name is interpreted so that if it contains a '.' character, the part before
/// is the dialect name this operation belongs to, and everything that follows
/// is this operation name within the dialect.
/// An Operation defines zero or more SSA `Value` that we refer to as the
/// Operation results. This array of Value is actually stored in memory before
/// the Operation itself in reverse order. That is for an Operation with 3
/// results we allocate the following memory layout:
/// [Result2, Result1, Result0, Operation]
/// ^ this is where `Operation*` pointer points to.
/// A consequence of this is that this class must be heap allocated, which is
/// handled by the various `create` methods. Each result contains:
/// - one pointer to the first use (see `OpOperand`)
/// - the type of the SSA Value this result defines.
/// - the index for this result in the array.
/// The results are defined as subclass of `ValueImpl`, and more precisely as
/// the only two subclasses of `OpResultImpl`: `InlineOpResult` and
/// `OutOfLineOpResult`. The former is used for the first 5 results and the
/// latter for the subsequent ones. They differ in how they store their index:
/// the first 5 results only need 3 bits and thus are packed with the Type
/// pointer, while the subsequent one have an extra `unsigned` value and thus
/// need more space.
/// An Operation also has zero or more operands: these are uses of SSA Value,
/// which can be the results of other operations or Block arguments. Each of
/// these uses is an instance of `OpOperand`. This optional array is initially
/// tail allocated with the operation class itself, but can be dynamically moved
/// out-of-line in a dynamic allocation as needed.
/// An Operation may contain optionally one or multiple Regions, stored in a
/// tail allocated array. Each `Region` is a list of Blocks. Each `Block` is
/// itself a list of Operations. This structure is effectively forming a tree.
/// Some operations like branches also refer to other Block, in which case they
/// would have an array of `BlockOperand`.
/// An Operation may contain optionally a "Properties" object: this is a
/// pre-defined C++ object with a fixed size. This object is owned by the
/// operation and deleted with the operation. It can be converted to an
/// Attribute on demand, or loaded from an Attribute.
/// Finally an Operation also contain an optional `DictionaryAttr`, a Location,
/// and a pointer to its parent Block (if any).
class alignas(8) Operation final
: public llvm::ilist_node_with_parent<Operation, Block>,
private llvm::TrailingObjects<Operation, detail::OperandStorage,
detail::OpProperties, BlockOperand, Region,
OpOperand> {
/// Create a new Operation with the specific fields. This constructor
/// populates the provided attribute list with default attributes if
/// necessary.
static Operation *create(Location location, OperationName name,
TypeRange resultTypes, ValueRange operands,
NamedAttrList &&attributes,
OpaqueProperties properties, BlockRange successors,
unsigned numRegions);
/// Create a new Operation with the specific fields. This constructor uses an
/// existing attribute dictionary to avoid uniquing a list of attributes.
static Operation *create(Location location, OperationName name,
TypeRange resultTypes, ValueRange operands,
DictionaryAttr attributes,
OpaqueProperties properties, BlockRange successors,
unsigned numRegions);
/// Create a new Operation from the fields stored in `state`.
static Operation *create(const OperationState &state);
/// Create a new Operation with the specific fields.
static Operation *create(Location location, OperationName name,
TypeRange resultTypes, ValueRange operands,
NamedAttrList &&attributes,
OpaqueProperties properties,
BlockRange successors = {},
RegionRange regions = {});
/// The name of an operation is the key identifier for it.
OperationName getName() { return name; }
/// If this operation has a registered operation description, return it.
/// Otherwise return std::nullopt.
std::optional<RegisteredOperationName> getRegisteredInfo() {
return getName().getRegisteredInfo();
/// Returns true if this operation has a registered operation description,
/// otherwise false.
bool isRegistered() { return getName().isRegistered(); }
/// Remove this operation from its parent block and delete it.
void erase();
/// Remove the operation from its parent block, but don't delete it.
void remove();
/// Class encompassing various options related to cloning an operation. Users
/// of this class should pass it to Operation's 'clone' methods.
/// Current options include:
/// * Whether cloning should recursively traverse into the regions of the
/// operation or not.
/// * Whether cloning should also clone the operands of the operation.
class CloneOptions {
/// Default constructs an option with all flags set to false. That means all
/// parts of an operation that may optionally not be cloned, are not cloned.
/// Constructs an instance with the clone regions and clone operands flags
/// set accordingly.
CloneOptions(bool cloneRegions, bool cloneOperands);
/// Returns an instance with all flags set to true. This is the default
/// when using the clone method and clones all parts of the operation.
static CloneOptions all();
/// Configures whether cloning should traverse into any of the regions of
/// the operation. If set to true, the operation's regions are recursively
/// cloned. If set to false, cloned operations will have the same number of
/// regions, but they will be empty.
/// Cloning of nested operations in the operation's regions are currently
/// unaffected by other flags.
CloneOptions &cloneRegions(bool enable = true);
/// Returns whether regions of the operation should be cloned as well.
bool shouldCloneRegions() const { return cloneRegionsFlag; }
/// Configures whether operation' operands should be cloned. Otherwise the
/// resulting clones will simply have zero operands.
CloneOptions &cloneOperands(bool enable = true);
/// Returns whether operands should be cloned as well.
bool shouldCloneOperands() const { return cloneOperandsFlag; }
/// Whether regions should be cloned.
bool cloneRegionsFlag : 1;
/// Whether operands should be cloned.
bool cloneOperandsFlag : 1;
/// Create a deep copy of this operation, remapping any operands that use
/// values outside of the operation using the map that is provided (leaving
/// them alone if no entry is present). Replaces references to cloned
/// sub-operations to the corresponding operation that is copied, and adds
/// those mappings to the map.
/// Optionally, one may configure what parts of the operation to clone using
/// the options parameter.
/// Calling this method from multiple threads is generally safe if through the
/// process of cloning no new uses of 'Value's from outside the operation are
/// created. Cloning an isolated-from-above operation with no operands, such
/// as top level function operations, is therefore always safe. Using the
/// mapper, it is possible to avoid adding uses to outside operands by
/// remapping them to 'Value's owned by the caller thread.
Operation *clone(IRMapping &mapper,
CloneOptions options = CloneOptions::all());
Operation *clone(CloneOptions options = CloneOptions::all());
/// Create a partial copy of this operation without traversing into attached
/// regions. The new operation will have the same number of regions as the
/// original one, but they will be left empty.
/// Operands are remapped using `mapper` (if present), and `mapper` is updated
/// to contain the results.
Operation *cloneWithoutRegions(IRMapping &mapper);
/// Create a partial copy of this operation without traversing into attached
/// regions. The new operation will have the same number of regions as the
/// original one, but they will be left empty.
Operation *cloneWithoutRegions();
/// Returns the operation block that contains this operation.
Block *getBlock() { return block; }
/// Return the context this operation is associated with.
MLIRContext *getContext() { return location->getContext(); }
/// Return the dialect this operation is associated with, or nullptr if the
/// associated dialect is not loaded.
Dialect *getDialect() { return getName().getDialect(); }
/// The source location the operation was defined or derived from.
Location getLoc() { return location; }
/// Set the source location the operation was defined or derived from.
void setLoc(Location loc) { location = loc; }
/// Returns the region to which the instruction belongs. Returns nullptr if
/// the instruction is unlinked.
Region *getParentRegion() { return block ? block->getParent() : nullptr; }
/// Returns the closest surrounding operation that contains this operation
/// or nullptr if this is a top-level operation.
Operation *getParentOp() { return block ? block->getParentOp() : nullptr; }
/// Return the closest surrounding parent operation that is of type 'OpTy'.
template <typename OpTy>
OpTy getParentOfType() {
auto *op = this;
while ((op = op->getParentOp()))
if (auto parentOp = dyn_cast<OpTy>(op))
return parentOp;
return OpTy();
/// Returns the closest surrounding parent operation with trait `Trait`.
template <template <typename T> class Trait>
Operation *getParentWithTrait() {
Operation *op = this;
while ((op = op->getParentOp()))
if (op->hasTrait<Trait>())
return op;
return nullptr;
/// Return true if this operation is a proper ancestor of the `other`
/// operation.
bool isProperAncestor(Operation *other);
/// Return true if this operation is an ancestor of the `other` operation. An
/// operation is considered as its own ancestor, use `isProperAncestor` to
/// avoid this.
bool isAncestor(Operation *other) {
return this == other || isProperAncestor(other);
/// Replace any uses of 'from' with 'to' within this operation.
void replaceUsesOfWith(Value from, Value to);
/// Replace all uses of results of this operation with the provided 'values'.
template <typename ValuesT>
void replaceAllUsesWith(ValuesT &&values) {
/// Replace uses of results of this operation with the provided `values` if
/// the given callback returns true.
template <typename ValuesT>
void replaceUsesWithIf(ValuesT &&values,
function_ref<bool(OpOperand &)> shouldReplace) {
/// Destroys this operation and its subclass data.
void destroy();
/// This drops all operand uses from this operation, which is an essential
/// step in breaking cyclic dependences between references when they are to
/// be deleted.
void dropAllReferences();
/// Drop uses of all values defined by this operation or its nested regions.
void dropAllDefinedValueUses();
/// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right before
/// `existingOp` which may be in the same or another block in the same
/// function.
void moveBefore(Operation *existingOp);
/// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right before
/// `iterator` in the specified block.
void moveBefore(Block *block, llvm::iplist<Operation>::iterator iterator);
/// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right after
/// `existingOp` which may be in the same or another block in the same
/// function.
void moveAfter(Operation *existingOp);
/// Unlink this operation from its current block and insert it right after
/// `iterator` in the specified block.
void moveAfter(Block *block, llvm::iplist<Operation>::iterator iterator);
/// Given an operation 'other' that is within the same parent block, return
/// whether the current operation is before 'other' in the operation list
/// of the parent block.
/// Note: This function has an average complexity of O(1), but worst case may
/// take O(N) where N is the number of operations within the parent block.
bool isBeforeInBlock(Operation *other);
void print(raw_ostream &os, const OpPrintingFlags &flags = std::nullopt);
void print(raw_ostream &os, AsmState &state);
void dump();
// Operands
/// Replace the current operands of this operation with the ones provided in
/// 'operands'.
void setOperands(ValueRange operands);
/// Replace the operands beginning at 'start' and ending at 'start' + 'length'
/// with the ones provided in 'operands'. 'operands' may be smaller or larger
/// than the range pointed to by 'start'+'length'.
void setOperands(unsigned start, unsigned length, ValueRange operands);
/// Insert the given operands into the operand list at the given 'index'.
void insertOperands(unsigned index, ValueRange operands);
unsigned getNumOperands() {
return LLVM_LIKELY(hasOperandStorage) ? getOperandStorage().size() : 0;
Value getOperand(unsigned idx) { return getOpOperand(idx).get(); }
void setOperand(unsigned idx, Value value) {
return getOpOperand(idx).set(value);
/// Erase the operand at position `idx`.
void eraseOperand(unsigned idx) { eraseOperands(idx); }
/// Erase the operands starting at position `idx` and ending at position
/// 'idx'+'length'.
void eraseOperands(unsigned idx, unsigned length = 1) {
getOperandStorage().eraseOperands(idx, length);
/// Erases the operands that have their corresponding bit set in
/// `eraseIndices` and removes them from the operand list.
void eraseOperands(const BitVector &eraseIndices) {
// Support operand iteration.
using operand_range = OperandRange;
using operand_iterator = operand_range::iterator;
operand_iterator operand_begin() { return getOperands().begin(); }
operand_iterator operand_end() { return getOperands().end(); }
/// Returns an iterator on the underlying Value's.
operand_range getOperands() {
MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> operands = getOpOperands();
return OperandRange(, operands.size());
MutableArrayRef<OpOperand> getOpOperands() {
return LLVM_LIKELY(hasOperandStorage) ? getOperandStorage().getOperands()
: MutableArrayRef<OpOperand>();
OpOperand &getOpOperand(unsigned idx) {
return getOperandStorage().getOperands()[idx];
// Support operand type iteration.
using operand_type_iterator = operand_range::type_iterator;
using operand_type_range = operand_range::type_range;
operand_type_iterator operand_type_begin() { return operand_begin(); }
operand_type_iterator operand_type_end() { return operand_end(); }
operand_type_range getOperandTypes() { return getOperands().getTypes(); }
// Results
/// Return the number of results held by this operation.
unsigned getNumResults() { return numResults; }
/// Get the 'idx'th result of this operation.
OpResult getResult(unsigned idx) { return OpResult(getOpResultImpl(idx)); }
/// Support result iteration.
using result_range = ResultRange;
using result_iterator = result_range::iterator;
result_iterator result_begin() { return getResults().begin(); }
result_iterator result_end() { return getResults().end(); }
result_range getResults() {
return numResults == 0 ? result_range(nullptr, 0)
: result_range(getInlineOpResult(0), numResults);
result_range getOpResults() { return getResults(); }
OpResult getOpResult(unsigned idx) { return getResult(idx); }
/// Support result type iteration.
using result_type_iterator = result_range::type_iterator;
using result_type_range = result_range::type_range;
result_type_iterator result_type_begin() { return getResultTypes().begin(); }
result_type_iterator result_type_end() { return getResultTypes().end(); }
result_type_range getResultTypes() { return getResults().getTypes(); }
// Attributes
// Operations may optionally carry a list of attributes that associate
// constants to names. Attributes may be dynamically added and removed over
// the lifetime of an operation.
/// Access an inherent attribute by name: returns an empty optional if there
/// is no inherent attribute with this name.
/// This method is available as a transient facility in the migration process
/// to use Properties instead.
std::optional<Attribute> getInherentAttr(StringRef name);
/// Set an inherent attribute by name.
/// This method is available as a transient facility in the migration process
/// to use Properties instead.
void setInherentAttr(StringAttr name, Attribute value);
/// Access a discardable attribute by name, returns an null Attribute if the
/// discardable attribute does not exist.
Attribute getDiscardableAttr(StringRef name) { return attrs.get(name); }
/// Access a discardable attribute by name, returns an null Attribute if the
/// discardable attribute does not exist.
Attribute getDiscardableAttr(StringAttr name) { return attrs.get(name); }
/// Set a discardable attribute by name.
void setDiscardableAttr(StringAttr name, Attribute value) {
NamedAttrList attributes(attrs);
if (attributes.set(name, value) != value)
attrs = attributes.getDictionary(getContext());
void setDiscardableAttr(StringRef name, Attribute value) {
setDiscardableAttr(StringAttr::get(getContext(), name), value);
/// Remove the discardable attribute with the specified name if it exists.
/// Return the attribute that was erased, or nullptr if there was no attribute
/// with such name.
Attribute removeDiscardableAttr(StringAttr name) {
NamedAttrList attributes(attrs);
Attribute removedAttr = attributes.erase(name);
if (removedAttr)
attrs = attributes.getDictionary(getContext());
return removedAttr;
Attribute removeDiscardableAttr(StringRef name) {
return removeDiscardableAttr(StringAttr::get(getContext(), name));
/// Return a range of all of discardable attributes on this operation. Note
/// that for unregistered operations that are not storing inherent attributes
/// as properties, all attributes are considered discardable.
auto getDiscardableAttrs() {
std::optional<RegisteredOperationName> opName = getRegisteredInfo();
ArrayRef<StringAttr> attributeNames =
opName ? getRegisteredInfo()->getAttributeNames()
: ArrayRef<StringAttr>();
return llvm::make_filter_range(
[this, attributeNames](const NamedAttribute attribute) {
return getPropertiesStorage() ||
!llvm::is_contained(attributeNames, attribute.getName());
/// Return all of the discardable attributes on this operation as a
/// DictionaryAttr.
DictionaryAttr getDiscardableAttrDictionary() {
if (getPropertiesStorage())
return attrs;
return DictionaryAttr::get(getContext(),
/// Return all attributes that are not stored as properties.
DictionaryAttr getRawDictionaryAttrs() { return attrs; }
/// Return all of the attributes on this operation.
ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> getAttrs() { return getAttrDictionary().getValue(); }
/// Return all of the attributes on this operation as a DictionaryAttr.
DictionaryAttr getAttrDictionary();
/// Set the attributes from a dictionary on this operation.
/// These methods are expensive: if the dictionnary only contains discardable
/// attributes, `setDiscardableAttrs` is more efficient.
void setAttrs(DictionaryAttr newAttrs);
void setAttrs(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> newAttrs);
/// Set the discardable attribute dictionary on this operation.
void setDiscardableAttrs(DictionaryAttr newAttrs) {
assert(newAttrs && "expected valid attribute dictionary");
attrs = newAttrs;
void setDiscardableAttrs(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute> newAttrs) {
setDiscardableAttrs(DictionaryAttr::get(getContext(), newAttrs));
/// Return the specified attribute if present, null otherwise.
/// These methods are expensive: if the dictionnary only contains discardable
/// attributes, `getDiscardableAttr` is more efficient.
Attribute getAttr(StringAttr name) {
if (getPropertiesStorageSize()) {
if (std::optional<Attribute> inherentAttr = getInherentAttr(name))
return *inherentAttr;
return attrs.get(name);
Attribute getAttr(StringRef name) {
if (getPropertiesStorageSize()) {
if (std::optional<Attribute> inherentAttr = getInherentAttr(name))
return *inherentAttr;
return attrs.get(name);
template <typename AttrClass>
AttrClass getAttrOfType(StringAttr name) {
return llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>(getAttr(name));
template <typename AttrClass>
AttrClass getAttrOfType(StringRef name) {
return llvm::dyn_cast_or_null<AttrClass>(getAttr(name));
/// Return true if the operation has an attribute with the provided name,
/// false otherwise.
bool hasAttr(StringAttr name) {
if (getPropertiesStorageSize()) {
if (std::optional<Attribute> inherentAttr = getInherentAttr(name))
return (bool)*inherentAttr;
return attrs.contains(name);
bool hasAttr(StringRef name) {
if (getPropertiesStorageSize()) {
if (std::optional<Attribute> inherentAttr = getInherentAttr(name))
return (bool)*inherentAttr;
return attrs.contains(name);
template <typename AttrClass, typename NameT>
bool hasAttrOfType(NameT &&name) {
return static_cast<bool>(
/// If the an attribute exists with the specified name, change it to the new
/// value. Otherwise, add a new attribute with the specified name/value.
void setAttr(StringAttr name, Attribute value) {
if (getPropertiesStorageSize()) {
if (getInherentAttr(name)) {
setInherentAttr(name, value);
NamedAttrList attributes(attrs);
if (attributes.set(name, value) != value)
attrs = attributes.getDictionary(getContext());
void setAttr(StringRef name, Attribute value) {
setAttr(StringAttr::get(getContext(), name), value);
/// Remove the attribute with the specified name if it exists. Return the
/// attribute that was erased, or nullptr if there was no attribute with such
/// name.
Attribute removeAttr(StringAttr name) {
if (getPropertiesStorageSize()) {
if (std::optional<Attribute> inherentAttr = getInherentAttr(name)) {
setInherentAttr(name, {});
return *inherentAttr;
NamedAttrList attributes(attrs);
Attribute removedAttr = attributes.erase(name);
if (removedAttr)
attrs = attributes.getDictionary(getContext());
return removedAttr;
Attribute removeAttr(StringRef name) {
return removeAttr(StringAttr::get(getContext(), name));
/// A utility iterator that filters out non-dialect attributes.
class dialect_attr_iterator
: public llvm::filter_iterator<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator,
bool (*)(NamedAttribute)> {
static bool filter(NamedAttribute attr) {
// Dialect attributes are prefixed by the dialect name, like operations.
return attr.getName().strref().count('.');
explicit dialect_attr_iterator(ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator it,
ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator end)
: llvm::filter_iterator<ArrayRef<NamedAttribute>::iterator,
bool (*)(NamedAttribute)>(it, end, &filter) {}
// Allow access to the constructor.
friend Operation;
using dialect_attr_range = iterator_range<dialect_attr_iterator>;
/// Return a range corresponding to the dialect attributes for this operation.
dialect_attr_range getDialectAttrs() {
auto attrs = getAttrs();
return {dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.begin(), attrs.end()),
dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.end(), attrs.end())};
dialect_attr_iterator dialect_attr_begin() {
auto attrs = getAttrs();
return dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.begin(), attrs.end());
dialect_attr_iterator dialect_attr_end() {
auto attrs = getAttrs();
return dialect_attr_iterator(attrs.end(), attrs.end());
/// Set the dialect attributes for this operation, and preserve all inherent.
template <typename DialectAttrT>
void setDialectAttrs(DialectAttrT &&dialectAttrs) {
NamedAttrList attrs;
attrs.append(std::begin(dialectAttrs), std::end(dialectAttrs));
for (auto attr : getAttrs())
if (!attr.getName().strref().contains('.'))
/// Sets default attributes on unset attributes.
void populateDefaultAttrs() {
NamedAttrList attrs(getAttrDictionary());
// Blocks
/// Returns the number of regions held by this operation.
unsigned getNumRegions() { return numRegions; }
/// Returns the regions held by this operation.
MutableArrayRef<Region> getRegions() {
// Check the count first, as computing the trailing objects can be slow.
if (numRegions == 0)
return MutableArrayRef<Region>();
auto *regions = getTrailingObjects<Region>();
return {regions, numRegions};
/// Returns the region held by this operation at position 'index'.
Region &getRegion(unsigned index) {
assert(index < numRegions && "invalid region index");
return getRegions()[index];
// Successors
MutableArrayRef<BlockOperand> getBlockOperands() {
return {getTrailingObjects<BlockOperand>(), numSuccs};
// Successor iteration.
using succ_iterator = SuccessorRange::iterator;
succ_iterator successor_begin() { return getSuccessors().begin(); }
succ_iterator successor_end() { return getSuccessors().end(); }
SuccessorRange getSuccessors() { return SuccessorRange(this); }
bool hasSuccessors() { return numSuccs != 0; }
unsigned getNumSuccessors() { return numSuccs; }
Block *getSuccessor(unsigned index) {
assert(index < getNumSuccessors());
return getBlockOperands()[index].get();
void setSuccessor(Block *block, unsigned index);
// Accessors for various properties of operations
/// Attempt to fold this operation with the specified constant operand values
/// - the elements in "operands" will correspond directly to the operands of
/// the operation, but may be null if non-constant.
/// If folding was successful, this function returns "success".
/// * If this operation was modified in-place (but not folded away),
/// `results` is empty.
/// * Otherwise, `results` is filled with the folded results.
/// If folding was unsuccessful, this function returns "failure".
LogicalResult fold(ArrayRef<Attribute> operands,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results);
/// Attempt to fold this operation.
/// If folding was successful, this function returns "success".
/// * If this operation was modified in-place (but not folded away),
/// `results` is empty.
/// * Otherwise, `results` is filled with the folded results.
/// If folding was unsuccessful, this function returns "failure".
LogicalResult fold(SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results);
/// Returns true if `InterfaceT` has been promised by the dialect or
/// implemented.
template <typename InterfaceT>
bool hasPromiseOrImplementsInterface() const {
return name.hasPromiseOrImplementsInterface<InterfaceT>();
/// Returns true if the operation was registered with a particular trait, e.g.
/// hasTrait<OperandsAreSignlessIntegerLike>().
template <template <typename T> class Trait>
bool hasTrait() {
return name.hasTrait<Trait>();
/// Returns true if the operation *might* have the provided trait. This
/// means that either the operation is unregistered, or it was registered with
/// the provide trait.
template <template <typename T> class Trait>
bool mightHaveTrait() {
return name.mightHaveTrait<Trait>();
// Operation Walkers
/// Walk the operation by calling the callback for each nested operation
/// (including this one), block or region, depending on the callback provided.
/// The order in which regions, blocks and operations at the same nesting
/// level are visited (e.g., lexicographical or reverse lexicographical order)
/// is determined by 'Iterator'. The walk order for enclosing regions, blocks
/// and operations with respect to their nested ones is specified by 'Order'
/// (post-order by default). A callback on a block or operation is allowed to
/// erase that block or operation if either:
/// * the walk is in post-order, or
/// * the walk is in pre-order and the walk is skipped after the erasure.
/// The callback method can take any of the following forms:
/// void(Operation*) : Walk all operations opaquely.
/// * op->walk([](Operation *nestedOp) { ...});
/// void(OpT) : Walk all operations of the given derived type.
/// * op->walk([](ReturnOp returnOp) { ...});
/// WalkResult(Operation*|OpT) : Walk operations, but allow for
/// interruption/skipping.
/// * op->walk([](... op) {
/// // Skip the walk of this op based on some invariant.
/// if (some_invariant)
/// return WalkResult::skip();
/// // Interrupt, i.e cancel, the walk based on some invariant.
/// if (another_invariant)
/// return WalkResult::interrupt();
/// return WalkResult::advance();
/// });
template <WalkOrder Order = WalkOrder::PostOrder,
typename Iterator = ForwardIterator, typename FnT,
typename RetT = detail::walkResultType<FnT>>
std::enable_if_t<llvm::function_traits<std::decay_t<FnT>>::num_args == 1,
walk(FnT &&callback) {
return detail::walk<Order, Iterator>(this, std::forward<FnT>(callback));
/// Generic walker with a stage aware callback. Walk the operation by calling
/// the callback for each nested operation (including this one) N+1 times,
/// where N is the number of regions attached to that operation.
/// The callback method can take any of the following forms:
/// void(Operation *, const WalkStage &) : Walk all operation opaquely
/// * op->walk([](Operation *nestedOp, const WalkStage &stage) { ...});
/// void(OpT, const WalkStage &) : Walk all operations of the given derived
/// type.
/// * op->walk([](ReturnOp returnOp, const WalkStage &stage) { ...});
/// WalkResult(Operation*|OpT, const WalkStage &stage) : Walk operations,
/// but allow for interruption/skipping.
/// * op->walk([](... op, const WalkStage &stage) {
/// // Skip the walk of this op based on some invariant.
/// if (some_invariant)
/// return WalkResult::skip();
/// // Interrupt, i.e cancel, the walk based on some invariant.
/// if (another_invariant)
/// return WalkResult::interrupt();
/// return WalkResult::advance();
/// });
template <typename FnT, typename RetT = detail::walkResultType<FnT>>
std::enable_if_t<llvm::function_traits<std::decay_t<FnT>>::num_args == 2,
walk(FnT &&callback) {
return detail::walk(this, std::forward<FnT>(callback));
// Uses
/// Drop all uses of results of this operation.
void dropAllUses() {
for (OpResult result : getOpResults())
using use_iterator = result_range::use_iterator;
using use_range = result_range::use_range;
use_iterator use_begin() { return getResults().use_begin(); }
use_iterator use_end() { return getResults().use_end(); }
/// Returns a range of all uses, which is useful for iterating over all uses.
use_range getUses() { return getResults().getUses(); }
/// Returns true if this operation has exactly one use.
bool hasOneUse() { return llvm::hasSingleElement(getUses()); }
/// Returns true if this operation has no uses.
bool use_empty() { return getResults().use_empty(); }
/// Returns true if the results of this operation are used outside of the
/// given block.
bool isUsedOutsideOfBlock(Block *block) {
return llvm::any_of(getOpResults(), [block](OpResult result) {
return result.isUsedOutsideOfBlock(block);
// Users
using user_iterator = ValueUserIterator<use_iterator, OpOperand>;
using user_range = iterator_range<user_iterator>;
user_iterator user_begin() { return user_iterator(use_begin()); }
user_iterator user_end() { return user_iterator(use_end()); }
/// Returns a range of all users.
user_range getUsers() { return {user_begin(), user_end()}; }
// Other
/// Emit an error with the op name prefixed, like "'dim' op " which is
/// convenient for verifiers.
InFlightDiagnostic emitOpError(const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit an error about fatal conditions with this operation, reporting up to
/// any diagnostic handlers that may be listening.
InFlightDiagnostic emitError(const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit a warning about this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic
/// handlers that may be listening.
InFlightDiagnostic emitWarning(const Twine &message = {});
/// Emit a remark about this operation, reporting up to any diagnostic
/// handlers that may be listening.
InFlightDiagnostic emitRemark(const Twine &message = {});
/// Returns the properties storage size.
int getPropertiesStorageSize() const {
return ((int)propertiesStorageSize) * 8;
/// Returns the properties storage.
OpaqueProperties getPropertiesStorage() {
if (propertiesStorageSize)
return {
reinterpret_cast<void *>(getTrailingObjects<detail::OpProperties>())};
return {nullptr};
OpaqueProperties getPropertiesStorage() const {
if (propertiesStorageSize)
return {reinterpret_cast<void *>(const_cast<detail::OpProperties *>(
return {nullptr};
/// Return the properties converted to an attribute.
/// This is expensive, and mostly useful when dealing with unregistered
/// operation. Returns an empty attribute if no properties are present.
Attribute getPropertiesAsAttribute();
/// Set the properties from the provided attribute.
/// This is an expensive operation that can fail if the attribute is not
/// matching the expectations of the properties for this operation. This is
/// mostly useful for unregistered operations or used when parsing the
/// generic format. An optional diagnostic can be passed in for richer errors.
setPropertiesFromAttribute(Attribute attr,
function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError);
/// Copy properties from an existing other properties object. The two objects
/// must be the same type.
void copyProperties(OpaqueProperties rhs);
/// Compute a hash for the op properties (if any).
llvm::hash_code hashProperties();
// Ordering
/// This value represents an invalid index ordering for an operation within a
/// block.
static constexpr unsigned kInvalidOrderIdx = -1;
/// This value represents the stride to use when computing a new order for an
/// operation.
static constexpr unsigned kOrderStride = 5;
/// Update the order index of this operation of this operation if necessary,
/// potentially recomputing the order of the parent block.
void updateOrderIfNecessary();
/// Returns true if this operation has a valid order.
bool hasValidOrder() { return orderIndex != kInvalidOrderIdx; }
Operation(Location location, OperationName name, unsigned numResults,
unsigned numSuccessors, unsigned numRegions,
int propertiesStorageSize, DictionaryAttr attributes,
OpaqueProperties properties, bool hasOperandStorage);
// Operations are deleted through the destroy() member because they are
// allocated with malloc.
/// Returns the additional size necessary for allocating the given objects
/// before an Operation in-memory.
static size_t prefixAllocSize(unsigned numOutOfLineResults,
unsigned numInlineResults) {
return sizeof(detail::OutOfLineOpResult) * numOutOfLineResults +
sizeof(detail::InlineOpResult) * numInlineResults;
/// Returns the additional size allocated before this Operation in-memory.
size_t prefixAllocSize() {
unsigned numResults = getNumResults();
unsigned numOutOfLineResults = OpResult::getNumTrailing(numResults);
unsigned numInlineResults = OpResult::getNumInline(numResults);
return prefixAllocSize(numOutOfLineResults, numInlineResults);
/// Returns the operand storage object.
detail::OperandStorage &getOperandStorage() {
assert(hasOperandStorage && "expected operation to have operand storage");
return *getTrailingObjects<detail::OperandStorage>();
/// Returns a pointer to the use list for the given out-of-line result.
detail::OutOfLineOpResult *getOutOfLineOpResult(unsigned resultNumber) {
// Out-of-line results are stored in reverse order after (before in memory)
// the inline results.
return reinterpret_cast<detail::OutOfLineOpResult *>(getInlineOpResult(
detail::OpResultImpl::getMaxInlineResults() - 1)) -
/// Returns a pointer to the use list for the given inline result.
detail::InlineOpResult *getInlineOpResult(unsigned resultNumber) {
// Inline results are stored in reverse order before the operation in
// memory.
return reinterpret_cast<detail::InlineOpResult *>(this) - ++resultNumber;
/// Returns a pointer to the use list for the given result, which may be
/// either inline or out-of-line.
detail::OpResultImpl *getOpResultImpl(unsigned resultNumber) {
assert(resultNumber < getNumResults() &&
"Result number is out of range for operation");
unsigned maxInlineResults = detail::OpResultImpl::getMaxInlineResults();
if (resultNumber < maxInlineResults)
return getInlineOpResult(resultNumber);
return getOutOfLineOpResult(resultNumber - maxInlineResults);
/// Provide a 'getParent' method for ilist_node_with_parent methods.
/// We mark it as a const function because ilist_node_with_parent specifically
/// requires a 'getParent() const' method. Once ilist_node removes this
/// constraint, we should drop the const to fit the rest of the MLIR const
/// model.
Block *getParent() const { return block; }
/// Expose a few methods explicitly for the debugger to call for
/// visualization.
#ifndef NDEBUG
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD operand_range debug_getOperands() { return getOperands(); }
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD result_range debug_getResults() { return getResults(); }
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD SuccessorRange debug_getSuccessors() {
return getSuccessors();
LLVM_DUMP_METHOD MutableArrayRef<Region> debug_getRegions() {
return getRegions();
/// The operation block that contains this operation.
Block *block = nullptr;
/// This holds information about the source location the operation was defined
/// or derived from.
Location location;
/// Relative order of this operation in its parent block. Used for
/// O(1) local dominance checks between operations.
mutable unsigned orderIndex = 0;
const unsigned numResults;
const unsigned numSuccs;
const unsigned numRegions : 23;
/// This bit signals whether this operation has an operand storage or not. The
/// operand storage may be elided for operations that are known to never have
/// operands.
bool hasOperandStorage : 1;
/// The size of the storage for properties (if any), divided by 8: since the
/// Properties storage will always be rounded up to the next multiple of 8 we
/// save some bits here.
unsigned char propertiesStorageSize : 8;
/// This is the maximum size we support to allocate properties inline with an
/// operation: this must match the bitwidth above.
static constexpr int64_t propertiesCapacity = 8 * 256;
/// This holds the name of the operation.
OperationName name;
/// This holds general named attributes for the operation.
DictionaryAttr attrs;
// allow ilist_traits access to 'block' field.
friend struct llvm::ilist_traits<Operation>;
// allow block to access the 'orderIndex' field.
friend class Block;
// allow value to access the 'ResultStorage' methods.
friend class Value;
// allow ilist_node_with_parent to access the 'getParent' method.
friend class llvm::ilist_node_with_parent<Operation, Block>;
// This stuff is used by the TrailingObjects template.
friend llvm::TrailingObjects<Operation, detail::OperandStorage,
detail::OpProperties, BlockOperand, Region,
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<detail::OperandStorage>) const {
return hasOperandStorage ? 1 : 0;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<BlockOperand>) const {
return numSuccs;
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<Region>) const { return numRegions; }
size_t numTrailingObjects(OverloadToken<detail::OpProperties>) const {
return getPropertiesStorageSize();
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &os, const Operation &op) {
const_cast<Operation &>(op).print(os, OpPrintingFlags().useLocalScope());
return os;
} // namespace mlir
namespace llvm {
/// Cast from an (const) Operation * to a derived operation type.
template <typename T>
struct CastInfo<T, ::mlir::Operation *>
: public ValueFromPointerCast<T, ::mlir::Operation,
CastInfo<T, ::mlir::Operation *>> {
static bool isPossible(::mlir::Operation *op) { return T::classof(op); }
template <typename T>
struct CastInfo<T, const ::mlir::Operation *>
: public ConstStrippingForwardingCast<T, const ::mlir::Operation *,
CastInfo<T, ::mlir::Operation *>> {};
/// Cast from an (const) Operation & to a derived operation type.
template <typename T>
struct CastInfo<T, ::mlir::Operation>
: public NullableValueCastFailed<T>,
public DefaultDoCastIfPossible<T, ::mlir::Operation &,
CastInfo<T, ::mlir::Operation>> {
// Provide isPossible here because here we have the const-stripping from
// ConstStrippingCast.
static bool isPossible(::mlir::Operation &val) { return T::classof(&val); }
static T doCast(::mlir::Operation &val) { return T(&val); }
template <typename T>
struct CastInfo<T, const ::mlir::Operation>
: public ConstStrippingForwardingCast<T, const ::mlir::Operation,
CastInfo<T, ::mlir::Operation>> {};
/// Cast (const) Operation * to itself. This is helpful to avoid SFINAE in
/// templated implementations that should work on both base and derived
/// operation types.
template <>
struct CastInfo<::mlir::Operation *, ::mlir::Operation *>
: public NullableValueCastFailed<::mlir::Operation *>,
public DefaultDoCastIfPossible<
::mlir::Operation *, ::mlir::Operation *,
CastInfo<::mlir::Operation *, ::mlir::Operation *>> {
static bool isPossible(::mlir::Operation *op) { return true; }
static ::mlir::Operation *doCast(::mlir::Operation *op) { return op; }
template <>
struct CastInfo<const ::mlir::Operation *, const ::mlir::Operation *>
: public ConstStrippingForwardingCast<
const ::mlir::Operation *, const ::mlir::Operation *,
CastInfo<::mlir::Operation *, ::mlir::Operation *>> {};
} // namespace llvm