blob: 5ae1e9ab537af9d1da251bbee2a455d3203872db [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ExtensibleDialect.h - Extensible dialect -----------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This file is licensed under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// This file defines the DynamicOpDefinition class, the DynamicTypeDefinition
// class, and the DynamicAttrDefinition class, which represent respectively
// operations, types, and attributes that can be defined at runtime. They can
// be registered at runtime to an extensible dialect, using the
// ExtensibleDialect class defined in this file.
// For a more complete documentation, see
// .
#include "mlir/IR/Dialect.h"
#include "mlir/IR/DialectInterface.h"
#include "mlir/IR/MLIRContext.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OpDefinition.h"
#include "mlir/IR/OperationSupport.h"
#include "mlir/Support/TypeID.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include <optional>
namespace mlir {
class AsmParser;
class AsmPrinter;
class DynamicAttr;
class DynamicType;
class ExtensibleDialect;
class MLIRContext;
class OptionalParseResult;
class ParseResult;
namespace detail {
struct DynamicAttrStorage;
struct DynamicTypeStorage;
} // namespace detail
// Dynamic attribute
/// The definition of a dynamic attribute. A dynamic attribute is an attribute
/// that is defined at runtime, and that can be registered at runtime by an
/// extensible dialect (a dialect inheriting ExtensibleDialect). This class
/// stores the parser, the printer, and the verifier of the attribute. Each
/// dynamic attribute definition refers to one instance of this class.
class DynamicAttrDefinition : public SelfOwningTypeID {
using VerifierFn = llvm::unique_function<LogicalResult(
function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()>, ArrayRef<Attribute>) const>;
using ParserFn = llvm::unique_function<ParseResult(
AsmParser &parser, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Attribute> &parsedAttributes)
using PrinterFn = llvm::unique_function<void(
AsmPrinter &printer, ArrayRef<Attribute> params) const>;
/// Create a new attribute definition at runtime. The attribute is registered
/// only after passing it to the dialect using registerDynamicAttr.
static std::unique_ptr<DynamicAttrDefinition>
get(StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect, VerifierFn &&verifier);
static std::unique_ptr<DynamicAttrDefinition>
get(StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect, VerifierFn &&verifier,
ParserFn &&parser, PrinterFn &&printer);
/// Sets the verifier function for this attribute. It should emits an error
/// message and returns failure if a problem is detected, or returns success
/// if everything is ok.
void setVerifyFn(VerifierFn &&verify) { verifier = std::move(verify); }
/// Sets the static hook for parsing this attribute assembly.
void setParseFn(ParserFn &&parse) { parser = std::move(parse); }
/// Sets the static hook for printing this attribute assembly.
void setPrintFn(PrinterFn &&print) { printer = std::move(print); }
/// Check that the attribute parameters are valid.
LogicalResult verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
ArrayRef<Attribute> params) const {
return verifier(emitError, params);
/// Return the MLIRContext in which the dynamic attributes are uniqued.
MLIRContext &getContext() const { return *ctx; }
/// Return the name of the attribute, in the format 'attrname' and
/// not 'dialectname.attrname'.
StringRef getName() const { return name; }
/// Return the dialect defining the attribute.
ExtensibleDialect *getDialect() const { return dialect; }
DynamicAttrDefinition(StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect,
VerifierFn &&verifier, ParserFn &&parser,
PrinterFn &&printer);
/// This constructor should only be used when we need a pointer to
/// the DynamicAttrDefinition in the verifier, the parser, or the printer.
/// The verifier, parser, and printer need thus to be initialized after the
/// constructor.
DynamicAttrDefinition(ExtensibleDialect *dialect, StringRef name);
/// Register the concrete attribute in the attribute Uniquer.
void registerInAttrUniquer();
/// The name should be prefixed with the dialect name followed by '.'.
std::string name;
/// Dialect in which this attribute is defined.
ExtensibleDialect *dialect;
/// The attribute verifier. It checks that the attribute parameters satisfy
/// the invariants.
VerifierFn verifier;
/// The attribute parameters parser. It parses only the parameters, and
/// expects the attribute name to have already been parsed.
ParserFn parser;
/// The attribute parameters printer. It prints only the parameters, and
/// expects the attribute name to have already been printed.
PrinterFn printer;
/// Context in which the concrete attributes are uniqued.
MLIRContext *ctx;
friend ExtensibleDialect;
friend DynamicAttr;
/// This trait is used to determine if an attribute is a dynamic attribute or
/// not; it should only be implemented by dynamic attributes.
/// Note: This is only required because dynamic attributes do not have a
/// static/single TypeID.
namespace AttributeTrait {
template <typename ConcreteType>
class IsDynamicAttr : public TraitBase<ConcreteType, IsDynamicAttr> {};
} // namespace AttributeTrait
/// A dynamic attribute instance. This is an attribute whose definition is
/// defined at runtime.
/// It is possible to check if an attribute is a dynamic attribute using
/// `my_attr.isa<DynamicAttr>()`, and getting the attribute definition of a
/// dynamic attribute using the `DynamicAttr::getAttrDef` method.
/// All dynamic attributes have the same storage, which is an array of
/// attributes.
class DynamicAttr : public Attribute::AttrBase<DynamicAttr, Attribute,
AttributeTrait::IsDynamicAttr> {
// Inherit Base constructors.
using Base::Base;
/// Return an instance of a dynamic attribute given a dynamic attribute
/// definition and attribute parameters.
/// This asserts that the attribute verifier succeeded.
static DynamicAttr get(DynamicAttrDefinition *attrDef,
ArrayRef<Attribute> params = {});
/// Return an instance of a dynamic attribute given a dynamic attribute
/// definition and attribute parameters. If the parameters provided are
/// invalid, errors are emitted using the provided location and a null object
/// is returned.
static DynamicAttr getChecked(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
DynamicAttrDefinition *attrDef,
ArrayRef<Attribute> params = {});
/// Return the attribute definition of the concrete attribute.
DynamicAttrDefinition *getAttrDef();
/// Return the attribute parameters.
ArrayRef<Attribute> getParams();
/// Check if an attribute is a specific dynamic attribute.
static bool isa(Attribute attr, DynamicAttrDefinition *attrDef) {
return attr.getTypeID() == attrDef->getTypeID();
/// Check if an attribute is a dynamic attribute.
static bool classof(Attribute attr);
/// Parse the dynamic attribute parameters and construct the attribute.
/// The parameters are either empty, and nothing is parsed,
/// or they are in the format '<>' or '<attr (,attr)*>'.
static ParseResult parse(AsmParser &parser, DynamicAttrDefinition *attrDef,
DynamicAttr &parsedAttr);
/// Print the dynamic attribute with the format 'attrname' if there is no
/// parameters, or 'attrname<attr (,attr)*>'.
void print(AsmPrinter &printer);
// Dynamic type
/// The definition of a dynamic type. A dynamic type is a type that is
/// defined at runtime, and that can be registered at runtime by an
/// extensible dialect (a dialect inheriting ExtensibleDialect). This class
/// stores the parser, the printer, and the verifier of the type. Each dynamic
/// type definition refers to one instance of this class.
class DynamicTypeDefinition : public SelfOwningTypeID {
using VerifierFn = llvm::unique_function<LogicalResult(
function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()>, ArrayRef<Attribute>) const>;
using ParserFn = llvm::unique_function<ParseResult(
AsmParser &parser, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<Attribute> &parsedAttributes)
using PrinterFn = llvm::unique_function<void(
AsmPrinter &printer, ArrayRef<Attribute> params) const>;
/// Create a new dynamic type definition. The type is registered only after
/// passing it to the dialect using registerDynamicType.
static std::unique_ptr<DynamicTypeDefinition>
get(StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect, VerifierFn &&verifier);
static std::unique_ptr<DynamicTypeDefinition>
get(StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect, VerifierFn &&verifier,
ParserFn &&parser, PrinterFn &&printer);
/// Sets the verifier function for this type. It should emits an error
/// message and returns failure if a problem is detected, or returns success
/// if everything is ok.
void setVerifyFn(VerifierFn &&verify) { verifier = std::move(verify); }
/// Sets the static hook for parsing this type assembly.
void setParseFn(ParserFn &&parse) { parser = std::move(parse); }
/// Sets the static hook for printing this type assembly.
void setPrintFn(PrinterFn &&print) { printer = std::move(print); }
/// Check that the type parameters are valid.
LogicalResult verify(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
ArrayRef<Attribute> params) const {
return verifier(emitError, params);
/// Return the MLIRContext in which the dynamic types is uniqued.
MLIRContext &getContext() const { return *ctx; }
/// Return the name of the type, in the format 'typename' and
/// not 'dialectname.typename'.
StringRef getName() const { return name; }
/// Return the dialect defining the type.
ExtensibleDialect *getDialect() const { return dialect; }
DynamicTypeDefinition(StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect,
VerifierFn &&verifier, ParserFn &&parser,
PrinterFn &&printer);
/// This constructor should only be used when we need a pointer to
/// the DynamicTypeDefinition in the verifier, the parser, or the printer.
/// The verifier, parser, and printer need thus to be initialized after the
/// constructor.
DynamicTypeDefinition(ExtensibleDialect *dialect, StringRef name);
/// Register the concrete type in the type Uniquer.
void registerInTypeUniquer();
/// The name should be prefixed with the dialect name followed by '.'.
std::string name;
/// Dialect in which this type is defined.
ExtensibleDialect *dialect;
/// The type verifier. It checks that the type parameters satisfy the
/// invariants.
VerifierFn verifier;
/// The type parameters parser. It parses only the parameters, and expects the
/// type name to have already been parsed.
ParserFn parser;
/// The type parameters printer. It prints only the parameters, and expects
/// the type name to have already been printed.
PrinterFn printer;
/// Context in which the concrete types are uniqued.
MLIRContext *ctx;
friend ExtensibleDialect;
friend DynamicType;
/// This trait is used to determine if a type is a dynamic type or not;
/// it should only be implemented by dynamic types.
/// Note: This is only required because dynamic type do not have a
/// static/single TypeID.
namespace TypeTrait {
template <typename ConcreteType>
class IsDynamicType : public TypeTrait::TraitBase<ConcreteType, IsDynamicType> {
} // namespace TypeTrait
/// A dynamic type instance. This is a type whose definition is defined at
/// runtime.
/// It is possible to check if a type is a dynamic type using
/// `my_type.isa<DynamicType>()`, and getting the type definition of a dynamic
/// type using the `DynamicType::getTypeDef` method.
/// All dynamic types have the same storage, which is an array of attributes.
class DynamicType
: public Type::TypeBase<DynamicType, Type, detail::DynamicTypeStorage,
TypeTrait::IsDynamicType> {
// Inherit Base constructors.
using Base::Base;
/// Return an instance of a dynamic type given a dynamic type definition and
/// type parameters.
/// This asserts that the type verifier succeeded.
static DynamicType get(DynamicTypeDefinition *typeDef,
ArrayRef<Attribute> params = {});
/// Return an instance of a dynamic type given a dynamic type definition and
/// type parameters. If the parameters provided are invalid, errors are
/// emitted using the provided location and a null object is returned.
static DynamicType getChecked(function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError,
DynamicTypeDefinition *typeDef,
ArrayRef<Attribute> params = {});
/// Return the type definition of the concrete type.
DynamicTypeDefinition *getTypeDef();
/// Return the type parameters.
ArrayRef<Attribute> getParams();
/// Check if a type is a specific dynamic type.
static bool isa(Type type, DynamicTypeDefinition *typeDef) {
return type.getTypeID() == typeDef->getTypeID();
/// Check if a type is a dynamic type.
static bool classof(Type type);
/// Parse the dynamic type parameters and construct the type.
/// The parameters are either empty, and nothing is parsed,
/// or they are in the format '<>' or '<attr (,attr)*>'.
static ParseResult parse(AsmParser &parser, DynamicTypeDefinition *typeDef,
DynamicType &parsedType);
/// Print the dynamic type with the format
/// 'type' or 'type<>' if there is no parameters, or 'type<attr (,attr)*>'.
void print(AsmPrinter &printer);
// Dynamic operation
/// The definition of a dynamic op. A dynamic op is an op that is defined at
/// runtime, and that can be registered at runtime by an extensible dialect (a
/// dialect inheriting ExtensibleDialect). This class implements the method
/// exposed by the OperationName class, and in addition defines the TypeID of
/// the op that will be defined. Each dynamic operation definition refers to one
/// instance of this class.
class DynamicOpDefinition : public OperationName::Impl {
using GetCanonicalizationPatternsFn =
llvm::unique_function<void(RewritePatternSet &, MLIRContext *) const>;
/// Create a new op at runtime. The op is registered only after passing it to
/// the dialect using registerDynamicOp.
static std::unique_ptr<DynamicOpDefinition>
get(StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect,
OperationName::VerifyInvariantsFn &&verifyFn,
OperationName::VerifyRegionInvariantsFn &&verifyRegionFn);
static std::unique_ptr<DynamicOpDefinition>
get(StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect,
OperationName::VerifyInvariantsFn &&verifyFn,
OperationName::VerifyRegionInvariantsFn &&verifyRegionFn,
OperationName::ParseAssemblyFn &&parseFn,
OperationName::PrintAssemblyFn &&printFn);
static std::unique_ptr<DynamicOpDefinition>
get(StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect,
OperationName::VerifyInvariantsFn &&verifyFn,
OperationName::VerifyRegionInvariantsFn &&verifyRegionFn,
OperationName::ParseAssemblyFn &&parseFn,
OperationName::PrintAssemblyFn &&printFn,
OperationName::FoldHookFn &&foldHookFn,
GetCanonicalizationPatternsFn &&getCanonicalizationPatternsFn,
OperationName::PopulateDefaultAttrsFn &&populateDefaultAttrsFn);
/// Returns the op typeID.
TypeID getTypeID() { return typeID; }
/// Sets the verifier function for this operation. It should emits an error
/// message and returns failure if a problem is detected, or returns success
/// if everything is ok.
void setVerifyFn(OperationName::VerifyInvariantsFn &&verify) {
verifyFn = std::move(verify);
/// Sets the region verifier function for this operation. It should emits an
/// error message and returns failure if a problem is detected, or returns
/// success if everything is ok.
void setVerifyRegionFn(OperationName::VerifyRegionInvariantsFn &&verify) {
verifyRegionFn = std::move(verify);
/// Sets the static hook for parsing this op assembly.
void setParseFn(OperationName::ParseAssemblyFn &&parse) {
parseFn = std::move(parse);
/// Sets the static hook for printing this op assembly.
void setPrintFn(OperationName::PrintAssemblyFn &&print) {
printFn = std::move(print);
/// Sets the hook implementing a generalized folder for the op. See
/// `RegisteredOperationName::foldHook` for more details
void setFoldHookFn(OperationName::FoldHookFn &&foldHook) {
foldHookFn = std::move(foldHook);
/// Set the hook returning any canonicalization pattern rewrites that the op
/// supports, for use by the canonicalization pass.
void setGetCanonicalizationPatternsFn(
GetCanonicalizationPatternsFn &&getCanonicalizationPatterns) {
getCanonicalizationPatternsFn = std::move(getCanonicalizationPatterns);
/// Set the hook populating default attributes.
void setPopulateDefaultAttrsFn(
OperationName::PopulateDefaultAttrsFn &&populateDefaultAttrs) {
populateDefaultAttrsFn = std::move(populateDefaultAttrs);
LogicalResult foldHook(Operation *op, ArrayRef<Attribute> attrs,
SmallVectorImpl<OpFoldResult> &results) final {
return foldHookFn(op, attrs, results);
void getCanonicalizationPatterns(RewritePatternSet &set,
MLIRContext *context) final {
getCanonicalizationPatternsFn(set, context);
bool hasTrait(TypeID id) final { return false; }
OperationName::ParseAssemblyFn getParseAssemblyFn() final {
return [&](OpAsmParser &parser, OperationState &state) {
return parseFn(parser, state);
void populateDefaultAttrs(const OperationName &name,
NamedAttrList &attrs) final {
populateDefaultAttrsFn(name, attrs);
void printAssembly(Operation *op, OpAsmPrinter &printer,
StringRef name) final {
printFn(op, printer, name);
LogicalResult verifyInvariants(Operation *op) final { return verifyFn(op); }
LogicalResult verifyRegionInvariants(Operation *op) final {
return verifyRegionFn(op);
/// Implementation for properties (unsupported right now here).
std::optional<Attribute> getInherentAttr(Operation *op,
StringRef name) final {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Unsupported getInherentAttr on Dynamic dialects");
void setInherentAttr(Operation *op, StringAttr name, Attribute value) final {
llvm::report_fatal_error("Unsupported setInherentAttr on Dynamic dialects");
void populateInherentAttrs(Operation *op, NamedAttrList &attrs) final {}
verifyInherentAttrs(OperationName opName, NamedAttrList &attributes,
function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) final {
return success();
int getOpPropertyByteSize() final { return 0; }
void initProperties(OperationName opName, OpaqueProperties storage,
OpaqueProperties init) final {}
void deleteProperties(OpaqueProperties prop) final {}
void populateDefaultProperties(OperationName opName,
OpaqueProperties properties) final {}
setPropertiesFromAttr(OperationName opName, OpaqueProperties properties,
Attribute attr,
function_ref<InFlightDiagnostic()> emitError) final {
emitError() << "extensible Dialects don't support properties";
return failure();
Attribute getPropertiesAsAttr(Operation *op) final { return {}; }
void copyProperties(OpaqueProperties lhs, OpaqueProperties rhs) final {}
bool compareProperties(OpaqueProperties, OpaqueProperties) final { return false; }
llvm::hash_code hashProperties(OpaqueProperties prop) final { return {}; }
StringRef name, ExtensibleDialect *dialect,
OperationName::VerifyInvariantsFn &&verifyFn,
OperationName::VerifyRegionInvariantsFn &&verifyRegionFn,
OperationName::ParseAssemblyFn &&parseFn,
OperationName::PrintAssemblyFn &&printFn,
OperationName::FoldHookFn &&foldHookFn,
GetCanonicalizationPatternsFn &&getCanonicalizationPatternsFn,
OperationName::PopulateDefaultAttrsFn &&populateDefaultAttrsFn);
/// Dialect defining this operation.
ExtensibleDialect *getdialect();
OperationName::VerifyInvariantsFn verifyFn;
OperationName::VerifyRegionInvariantsFn verifyRegionFn;
OperationName::ParseAssemblyFn parseFn;
OperationName::PrintAssemblyFn printFn;
OperationName::FoldHookFn foldHookFn;
GetCanonicalizationPatternsFn getCanonicalizationPatternsFn;
OperationName::PopulateDefaultAttrsFn populateDefaultAttrsFn;
friend ExtensibleDialect;
// Extensible dialect
/// A dialect that can be extended with new operations/types/attributes at
/// runtime.
class ExtensibleDialect : public mlir::Dialect {
ExtensibleDialect(StringRef name, MLIRContext *ctx, TypeID typeID);
/// Add a new type defined at runtime to the dialect.
void registerDynamicType(std::unique_ptr<DynamicTypeDefinition> &&type);
/// Add a new attribute defined at runtime to the dialect.
void registerDynamicAttr(std::unique_ptr<DynamicAttrDefinition> &&attr);
/// Add a new operation defined at runtime to the dialect.
void registerDynamicOp(std::unique_ptr<DynamicOpDefinition> &&type);
/// Check if the dialect is an extensible dialect.
static bool classof(const Dialect *dialect);
/// Returns nullptr if the definition was not found.
DynamicTypeDefinition *lookupTypeDefinition(StringRef name) const {
return nameToDynTypes.lookup(name);
/// Returns nullptr if the definition was not found.
DynamicTypeDefinition *lookupTypeDefinition(TypeID id) const {
auto it = dynTypes.find(id);
if (it == dynTypes.end())
return nullptr;
return it->second.get();
/// Returns nullptr if the definition was not found.
DynamicAttrDefinition *lookupAttrDefinition(StringRef name) const {
return nameToDynAttrs.lookup(name);
/// Returns nullptr if the definition was not found.
DynamicAttrDefinition *lookupAttrDefinition(TypeID id) const {
auto it = dynAttrs.find(id);
if (it == dynAttrs.end())
return nullptr;
return it->second.get();
/// Parse the dynamic type 'typeName' in the dialect 'dialect'.
/// typename should not be prefixed with the dialect name.
/// If the dynamic type does not exist, return no value.
/// Otherwise, parse it, and return the parse result.
/// If the parsing succeed, put the resulting type in 'resultType'.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalDynamicType(StringRef typeName,
AsmParser &parser,
Type &resultType) const;
/// If 'type' is a dynamic type, print it.
/// Returns success if the type was printed, and failure if the type was not a
/// dynamic type.
static LogicalResult printIfDynamicType(Type type, AsmPrinter &printer);
/// Parse the dynamic attribute 'attrName' in the dialect 'dialect'.
/// attrname should not be prefixed with the dialect name.
/// If the dynamic attribute does not exist, return no value.
/// Otherwise, parse it, and return the parse result.
/// If the parsing succeed, put the resulting attribute in 'resultAttr'.
OptionalParseResult parseOptionalDynamicAttr(StringRef attrName,
AsmParser &parser,
Attribute &resultAttr) const;
/// If 'attr' is a dynamic attribute, print it.
/// Returns success if the attribute was printed, and failure if the
/// attribute was not a dynamic attribute.
static LogicalResult printIfDynamicAttr(Attribute attr, AsmPrinter &printer);
/// The set of all dynamic types registered.
DenseMap<TypeID, std::unique_ptr<DynamicTypeDefinition>> dynTypes;
/// This structure allows to get in O(1) a dynamic type given its name.
llvm::StringMap<DynamicTypeDefinition *> nameToDynTypes;
/// The set of all dynamic attributes registered.
DenseMap<TypeID, std::unique_ptr<DynamicAttrDefinition>> dynAttrs;
/// This structure allows to get in O(1) a dynamic attribute given its name.
llvm::StringMap<DynamicAttrDefinition *> nameToDynAttrs;
/// Give DynamicOpDefinition access to allocateTypeID.
friend DynamicOpDefinition;
/// Allocates a type ID to uniquify operations.
TypeID allocateTypeID() { return typeIDAllocator.allocate(); }
/// Owns the TypeID generated at runtime for operations.
TypeIDAllocator typeIDAllocator;
// Dynamic dialect
/// A dialect that can be defined at runtime. It can be extended with new
/// operations, types, and attributes at runtime.
class DynamicDialect : public SelfOwningTypeID, public ExtensibleDialect {
DynamicDialect(StringRef name, MLIRContext *ctx);
TypeID getTypeID() { return SelfOwningTypeID::getTypeID(); }
/// Check if the dialect is an extensible dialect.
static bool classof(const Dialect *dialect);
virtual Type parseType(DialectAsmParser &parser) const override;
virtual void printType(Type type, DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const override;
virtual Attribute parseAttribute(DialectAsmParser &parser,
Type type) const override;
virtual void printAttribute(Attribute attr,
DialectAsmPrinter &printer) const override;
} // namespace mlir
namespace llvm {
/// Provide isa functionality for ExtensibleDialect.
/// This is to override the isa functionality for Dialect.
template <>
struct isa_impl<mlir::ExtensibleDialect, mlir::Dialect> {
static inline bool doit(const ::mlir::Dialect &dialect) {
return mlir::ExtensibleDialect::classof(&dialect);
/// Provide isa functionality for DynamicDialect.
/// This is to override the isa functionality for Dialect.
template <>
struct isa_impl<mlir::DynamicDialect, mlir::Dialect> {
static inline bool doit(const ::mlir::Dialect &dialect) {
return mlir::DynamicDialect::classof(&dialect);
} // namespace llvm